Starting Over (11 page)

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Authors: Ryder Dane

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Action & Adventure, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #New Adult

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and she leaned over to grab his ears to bring his face where it would do her the most


“Your girl’s been bragging that no man can eat a pussy as good as you can. I want

to see if she’s right. Come on, my pussy’s been deprived while I tended bar tonight,

and she’s ready to be licked and fucked.” She laid back on her elbows with an arched

brow and taunted him. “Unless you don’t think you’re up for the chal enge. You like

pussy, don’t you?”

Race was almost laughing out loud as the men around the table with the beautiful

woman taunting the leader of the Scenic Heights chapter yelled and cat called, egging

Prowler on and telling Yo Yo that they could make her scream if he wasn’t man enough

for the job. She really got them going when she half sat up only using the obvious

muscles of her stomach, pulled her shirt down below her beautiful tits, licked her finger

and began circling a hard nipple. When she started twisting and pulling on her nipples,

he dove in.

JK Publishing, Inc.

Starting Over by Ryder Dane

Bam laughed with the rest, but he was paying more attention to the other table. All

taunting activities had stopped the minute Yo Yo sat her beautiful ass in front of

Prowler. Merc stood and dumped the whore onto the floor without apology or even

looking at her. Younger and Les stood when he did, while Pauly stayed seated with

three others. The three men started making their way to the barracks, and Bam

followed them at a distance.

Race watched the room and had to remember to tell the brothers he was proud of

them. Their numbers were still low, but it was a start, and this way the club could be

choosy when it came to bringing in members.

The three main women that belonged to the club were still young enough and pretty

enough that they kept the brothers happy. There were a few hangarounds who liked

the idea of fucking a biker a few times a month. Those women came for one thing, and

the brothers gave them what they came for. The ones that used to come to the old club

were a problem for him. Most had been so used and abused that they knew no other

lifestyle, and Race had no idea how to deal with them.

Yo Yo and Goody had threatened to cut his dick off if he followed through with his

plan to ban the older whores from being admitted into the gates.

Yo Yo had flat told him, “You-all are a bunch of selfish fuckers. Those women lost

their youth and self-respect being used by this club, and they deserve better than that

from you selfish motherfuckers. Town people call them biker trash, and they aren’t

welcome in the bars in town either. Where do you expect them to go? Wolfman and his

rules might have been bullshit, but pussy was pussy to him, and you’d better rethink

your plans if you want to enjoy a good life.”

She hadn’t been so easygoing when he reminded her that he was the president and

deserved her respect.

“Really? You want me to respect you? I’ve got news for you, asshole, you want my

respect you can fuckin’ earn it.”

Goody had said the same thing. “You stil have some old scooter tramps in the club

and they did the dirty with those women for years. Are you planning to turn them away


He’d been having a discussion with the two women on an early morning run day,

and once he told them to get rid of the old whores, was when he caught hell. When he

got back from the ride, they had another talk.

“All right, I can see your side of the problem, and I agree to a point.” He’d pointed

his finger at Yo Yo since she’d been the most vocal in defense of the older women.

“You make damn sure they get checked for STDs and keep ‘em clean when they’re

here. I won’t tolerate a bunch of worn out whores begging for a bump from anyone

willing to fuck them.”

He knew that at least four of the aging passarounds were being stashed at the club

somewhere, but he hadn’t bothered to ask or seek out their whereabouts either. As

long as they came into the club clean and smelling like they took a shower, he had no

problems with them. They’d actual y made the transition from one place to the other

easier for everyone. They did the major cleanup around the place, and even washed a

brother’s clothes and sheets if the man asked and was wil ing to pay a few dol ars for

the convenience of someone else doing the chore.

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

The slaves that Wolfman had working in the shed had been loaded up in the

support van and taken three counties away to drop them off in front of a rehab hospital.

The poor bastards were so fried that only a few of them remembered what day of the

week it was, but Race wanted nothing to tie the Breed with the five people, so they had

to go. No bleeding hearts argued with him about that, which wasn’t a surprise.

The room was emptying out, with the only real concentration of men still watching

Prowler do his damnedest to make a good showing in front of his brothers, Yo Yo

wasn’t making it easy on him either. She recruited two men to suck her nipples while

she taunted Prowler to, “Make me scream.”

Race couldn’t help himself, nor could several of the other men, when the whore

Prowler had brought to the party got up from the floor, and attacked his bent head while

he was eating Yo Yo’s pussy. He laughed until tears leaked from the corner of his eyes.

“Motherfucker, licking that slut’s cunt, what the fuck? You said I’d get anything I

wanted if I made nice with Merc and his boys, and the minute I do what you say, you’re

fucking eating another woman’s pussy. Fuck you, cocksucker, I’m gonna kil you.” How

the bony woman pulled Prowler and his chair backwards on top of her with both of them

hitting the floor, Race could only wonder at. The whore was out cold from the hard

wooden floor meeting with her head when they went down.

Prowler rolled over to get to his hands and feet. Yo Yo sat up, hopped off the table,

and walked away. Her mood had been interrupted and she went stalking other game

for the orgasm she’d been cheated out of. The small crowd wandered off since the

show was over.

Prowler’s men left the room with their leader carrying the woman over his shoulder.

He tried to leave her where she landed, but War stepped in and told him, “Take your

bag with you, we’re not responsible for her, you are.” The evil look the man shot at War

only made the big man smile. “If there’s a problem, man, we can deal with it here and

now. I’ve got no issue with tearing your head off and shoving it up Merc’s ass. Be

happy that Race might have missed the play you two were trying to make while you are

our guests. He has a serious hate for disloyalty in the Breed, no matter what corner it

comes from.”

Prowler tried to heave the prone body from the floor to his shoulder, but she was

dead weight, and her limbs kept getting in his way. His booted foot connected with her

belly, and she moaned and curled into a fetal position.

War shook his head and leaned over to heave the woman into the air at arms length

and flopped her over the smal er man’s shoulder. “There you go, all nice and stable.

By the way, you want to tell me what happened to Glimmer? As in, what did you and

those ass lickers do with the body?”

He got another scowl for his question, and he shrugged before Prowler moved away

with his woman. He stumbled a little when he heard War’s question, but kept going

once he got his balance.

War commented, “I imagine Race won’t take kindly to finding the brother’s body

after you all are gone, people might lose confidence in the leadership.”

This time there was no mistaking the grin and look of triumph on the asshole’s face,

and War had all the proof he needed to complete his own plan.

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

Race came into the freezing warehouse knowing what waited for him. Bam and

Flats, along with three of the other chapter presidents were there as well as War and


There were five men hanging by their feet from the old ropes and pulley system that

tracked the entire length of the huge building. Shingles and boards were missing in

spots, and the freezing rain could be seen and felt as it blew through the spots that were

in need of repair.

Billy was filling the buckets with water again, and lining them up for the next round

of questioning, and Race saw the ropes holding the men captive were wrapped tight

around the boot tops of the men to suspend them without creating skin damage. When

the bodies were found in a day or two, there would be no questions about how they

died. For once, the weather was working for the captors, and Race grinned as he

approached Prowler’s dangling form.

“I hear that War asked you nice to tel him what you did with Glimmer. I don’t

personal y give a fuck how you kil ed him, he’s no friend of mine any more than you are,

but I don’t like surprises.” He nodded to Bam and watched as the brother doused

Prowler with a bucket of cold water. Given that all five men were already soaked and

shivering, the water might have felt warm to his captive for a few minutes, but that would

soon change.

“So, maybe you didn’t like the way War asked you for the information. Let me see if

I can do a better job of communicating my wishes.”

Race began pummeling Prowler in the bel y. It didn’t take long for the bastard to

toss up what was in his stomach, and Race backed away just as the liquid began to

spew from Prowler’s mouth.

Turning his attention to Merc, Race could see the man wasn’t about to tel him

anything, this one was a fuckin’ psycho. “Not gonna bother with you, I don’t like

spinning my wheels, so I’ll see you in hel .” His steel-toed boot connected with the side

of Merc’s head three times, and it was over. The blank eyes held no life, and the brain

matter that decorated Race’s boot tip began to freeze.

Les pissed his pants when he saw his friend’s brains and blood trickling from the

hole in his skull. So Race turned his attention to him.

“You want to save me the trouble of dealing the same way with you? Start talking.”

Through shivering teeth, Les spilled his guts. “Prowler and Merc planned to rule

Kentucky, you know, share. Gonna have a sweet setup in the middle ground, and get

the products out from a central location. Glimmer had his own agenda.”

The men standing around them nodded in understanding and shot Prowler looks of

dislike. Grinder, the president of the Conner Arkansas group stepped up and stood next

to Race.

“I’m thinking you’re not gonna like the answer to where they stashed ol’ Glimmer,

and that’s why they seem reluctant to talk.” He pulled a tool from his front pocket, and

Race grinned.

He waved the man forward toward the prisoners. “Have at it. I’m not greedy, but

save Prowler for me if you don’t mind. If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s a

goddamned backstabber.”

It wasn’t all he wanted the bastard for. He needed to show these men that he would

take care of business with every attention to detail. Prowler would be his poster boy for

JK Publishing, Inc.

Starting Over by Ryder Dane

the rest of the men in the room. They’d realize that he would gut them, just as he

planned to do with the fucker hanging in the middle still coughing and trying to breathe.

He eyed the other two Presidents and made a decision.

“You see those two on the end? They’re fair game for you, no retaliation, no

prejudice, if you feel like showing them what happens to those that abuse the privilege

of being a member of the Breed. If not, you can walk away with no problem.”

Grinder set to work on Prowler’s vice, and from the screams the man gurgled out,

and the number of teeth that was piled on the floor under his head, they heard that

Glimmer’s body was dumped in the men’s room in the bar in town.

Race sent Billy to tell Mambo and go with him in the van to pick the body up, and

make sure there was nothing left for the women to find the next day.

Once he heard what they had done, War ripped open the shirts of Prowler, and

Grinder’s victim. He pulled his blade from the side of his boot and traced the tip from

Drake’s lower abdomen, to his neck. “You have a problem here, motherfucker. You

see both of those women at that bar in town happen to be special to me. One of them

in particular. Call me old school, but I protect what I consider mine.” He stabbed the

blade deep into the soft tissue of the fucker’s underbelly, and proceeded to saw the

blade sideways through muscle and guts. The stench was unbelievable, but it didn’t

stop the rage inside of War as he thought of River finding a dead body in the bar. The

poor woman would be hysterical, and he’d be damn lucky if she spoke to him again, or

any brother for that matter.

“You might as wel enjoy this if you can, especial y when your guts start fal ing into

your face, it’s gonna be a lot more painful before I let you die.” The fucker was silently

screaming as War cut straight down from underbelly to the bottom of his ribcage. The

intestines and organs flopped out and down his chest, but the man was unresponsive.

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