Starting Over (24 page)

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Authors: Ryder Dane

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Action & Adventure, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #New Adult

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cheeks. “I left because I didn’t want to be a passaround when you got tired of me. I’m

not wired like that. I missed you guys so much, you have no idea, but I took care of my

unfinished business. I gave myself time to grieve for my brother and Dallas, and I finally

learned to like myself. Sometime I’l have to tel you about the past few months, but you

should know that there wasn’t a day that went by I didn’t think about the two of you.”

She fiddled with the rings and took a deep breath before tel ing them, “I love you

guys, and it’s been hel being without you, but I didn’t realize it until I’d been gone for a

few days, and by then, I knew I had to deal with my personal issues before I could get

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

involved any deeper with you.” She looked from one man to another, “I hope that

makes sense to you, because that’s the only way I know how to tel you that I love you

and I’m whole now, al of the loose ends are taken care of in my life, so I’m able to give

you my al .”

She shivered when War’s bearded cheek brushed hers and he said, “I love you too,

but you are still getting that spanking I promised you later.”

Race nuzzled the other side of her neck and said, “We bought the rings the day you

left, we stopped at the jeweler’s and picked them up because we knew you were the

one for us, and when we got here, and you were gone, it tore me up. Don’t ever do that

again. I’ve never loved a woman before, and it felt like my guts were torn out and layin’

on the floor. For the record, I love you too.”

War stood and stretched his big body, which drew her eyes, and she licked her lips,

but he shook his head. “Not right yet, Shorty, you need to soak in a hot tub of water for

a while, and we need to scare up some eats. With you around, I’m gonna need food so

I’m not too weak to satisfy you.” He dodged the pil ow she threw, and Race shook his

head at them.

“I’ll be right back and we can decide what you want for dinner.”

He headed for the bathroom, and River hugged the other pillow to her chest as she

watched War put his clothes on. Life with the two of them would be interesting, and she

couldn’t wait for later, she grabbed War by the hips and yanked him down beside her on

the bed.

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane


Bam watched Yo Yo as she walked across the floor toward the bar, and considered

asking her to bed down with him for the night. She fascinated him, and the few times

that he’d enjoyed having sex with her had been memorable. She hadn’t balked at

anything he wanted to do with her or to her, but she still refused to discuss her past.

She told him that she’d share her body with him, but her life belonged to her, and no

one was entitled to her memories but her. He didn’t push her, after al everyone had

secrets and a past, even he did. She was a beautiful woman and the more he was

around her, the more he wanted her. He stood and headed her way.

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

Books by Ryder Dane

Burning Bastards MC

Big Dog

Nomads’ Fal

Charlie’s Heart

Lucifer’s Breed MC

Sanctuary Within the Breed

Integrity Has No Bounds

Starting Over

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

Excerpt from Charlie’s Heart

Burning Bastards MC book three

By Ryder Dane

Charlie rode his scoot into the parking lot and parked the ancient machine next to

Big Dog’s bike. He wondered what the deal was tonight, Big Dog had left three

messages on his cell phone, and all of them said he was needed at the clubhouse


He saw a couple of vehicles that looked like cop cars, but many of the brothers

bought old cages at auction if the interceptor motors were still under the hood and

customized the ugly fuckers into sweet rides that sold for a pretty profit. So it didn’t

overly concern him much.

He didn’t want to be here, hell, he didn’t want to be much of anywhere lately, at

least not for a few months now. Ever since he’d let Selma fly in fact. He had always

been a lobo, free from shackles and baggage. No woman could hold him for longer

than a few months at a time. Those times were damn good ones, at least from his point

of view, but sooner than later the females started demanding permanency, and that

in his vocabulary. Until early last year, when he met Selma, she was everything he


She was an educated woman, a lawyer in fact. She was beautiful in the way a

mature woman who knew her worth was beautiful. Selma made him feel like a better

man. Like he was smarter than he actually was, and she rode his prick like it was a trick

pony any time, and just about anywhere the notion hit them. She was younger than he

was by fourteen years, but it didn’t make no never mind to either of them. She looked

damned good perched on the thick cushioned bitch seat he’d bought for her little ass to

sit behind him on while they enjoyed feeling the wind on their knees and the joy of

freedom as the wind whipped past their cheeks.

He’d been avoiding the clubhouse, and his old pastimes held no interest for him.

He had a pack of smokes in his pocket nowadays instead of his sugar packets. Why

worry about dying of lung cancer if nobody was around to care anyway. He wasn’t

ready to hang himself, but the days after letting his lady loose, well that hanging idea

hadn’t seemed like such a bad notion.

She got elected to her dream job of being a circuit court judge, and he was happy

for her, more happy than she probably would believe. She wanted to make a

difference, and he let her go so she could. Oh she started out wanting him to continue

to be part of her life, but the demands of that were too much for a man like him to

concede to.

He wasn’t a show horse, never had been, and when she asked him to wear a suit

and tie, he’d almost laughed his ass off. Next request was to cut his hair to a more

acceptable style for the image of a judge’s escort to appear. He’d flatly refused both of

her requests in a harsh and uncompromising way.

“I ain’t no tamed whipped pup, woman, you can’t rope the wind or cage a wild thing

like me. I’m a biker tramp, and I ain’t got no want to wear fancy clothes and sit down to

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

dinner holding my pinky up while I have to drink some watery fuckin’ tea or some shit

like that.”

He had regrets, but there was no way he would have missed knowing her even if he

could. She was the bright spot in his life, and he was beginning to acknowledge that

she’d taken a big ol’ chunk of him when he’d made love to her the last time. He’d put

everything he had in that last session, he wanted her to always remember him.

He walked into the club and stopped short. Big Dog was lookin’ concerned, and the

place was about as quiet as he’d seen since the funeral for Farley a couple of years

ago. Two men in funeral suits were sitting at the table with Big Dog. Fuck, this was

some kind of setup. The big man gave him a slight nod, and Charlie took a couple of

moments to center himself. He hated fuckin’ cops.

Tiny handed him a beer as he walked by, and he nodded to the man in thanks, and

kept on moving. He stood behind the suits and said, “Hey, Big D, what’s going on?”

The two men tried to crane their necks to see the man they’d come to see, but the

prez waved him into a chair on his right side. Charlie hesitated for a few heartbeats and

sat down. No one spoke. He didn’t like the way the cross-eyed fuckers were staring at

him. He drained his beer and slowly placed it on the table in front of him before folding

his hands and looking directly at the bigger of the two men.

“Okay, I’m here, there must be a reason for this unsolicited visit. Let’s get on with

you tel in’ me what you think you can accuse me of doing, and I’l deny it. Go ahead,

I’m not in a bad mood or nothin’.”

The two glanced at each other and the short one nodded. “You are Charles

Vernon?” Charlie nodded, not bothering to answer verbal y, what would be the point?

“I’m Agent Hil , and this is my partner Agent Scott. We’re here to ask you a few

questions about a woman that we believe you know.” He opened the file in front of him

and passed over a glossy eight by ten of Selma. Seeing her made his guts tighten, but

outwardly he nodded.

“Yeah, I know her, she’s a good woman and a fair judge.” Seeing the agent

fingering the file, he got a tingle up his spine. “Why dontcha just come out with it? I

need another beer, but since I don’t drink with strangers and people I don’t trust. I have

to wait til you’re done beatin’ around the fuckin’ bush. Is there a problem with me being

her friend?”

Both agents shook their heads and looked at Big Dog before continuing. He

shrugged his shoulders and folded his hands across his belly as he continued to lounge

in the chair.

Agent Hill cleared his throat and sighed. He blew out his breath and blurted it out.

“The Honorable Judge Selma Pearson has disappeared, and we have reason to believe

her life is in danger.”

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

Excerpt from Rain Falls

Lady Riders Book One

By Harley McRide

“Dammit. She’s trouble, but I gotta say even though I fucking hate to admit it, she is

the good kind of trouble. I’ve always known it. Case in point, that bul shit we just heard,

she is gonna need us at her back.” Knight went back to tattooing, his attitude worse

than normal. It pissed him off knowing Rain would never have thought to confide in him.

“Yeah. Seems to me she’s the right kind of trouble. Damn that ass…” Charro said

and Knight paused for a second, an idea was beginning to form but Charro just didn’t

know yet.

“Pain in the ass. Fuckin’ huge. We need to cut her loose before she brings this

shitstorm down on us.” Knight saw Kink walk up.

“What the fuck? She fucked up, but seriously are you going to sit there telling me

you haven’t ever fucked up? Gotta get her the fuck out, and figure out what the hel

we’re gonna do about this shit. The chick before was a selfish bitch, she admitted it, but

that isn’t who she is now. You and I both know it. The others, yeah, we may need to do

some convincing ‘cause the crap we have been dealing with is fresh,” Kink said and

looked at the ceiling. “Some of the guys don’t even want the Lady Riders to even exist,

they are just humoring them, but I have seen them in action, all of them, and they are

mean as fuck and can handle a lot of crap,” Kink said to the two men and both were

silent trying to think about what they’d just heard.

Knight wasn’t sure how the fuck he felt, Rain was a pain in the ass, but Charro was

right, he could feel it, one man wasn’t going to handle her alone. To be truthful, he

didn’t want to, he had already come to terms with the fact he liked ménages, but had

never found anyone he would be willing to share a woman with. But as he sat and

thought about it, Charro was a man he trusted, someone he knew would always have

his back, he had proved it. They just needed to see if they could deal with it, and it

wasn’t a conversation to have with him in front of Kink.

“Don’t you think that’s a little hard? You told her it wasn’t her fault,” Charro, the

pathetic bastard, spoke. Knight shook his head but continued shading in the skull on

Charro’s forearm.

“She was a spoiled rich bitch, but she kept that shit from the club, it could go either

way, man. Got herself in a bind, and instead of trusting us to help her, she kept quiet,

the guys won’t be happy with that shit. Hel , it’s a wonder Shady didn’t slit her throat

right there and then today. She’s gone from the clubhouse until we can figure this shit

out. Knight, since you are here and decided to stay, you need to know she will be here

too. If that is going to be a problem, man, tel me now. If not, I need your help.”

“Hold up, that shit goes to vote, Kink.” Knight had stopped, and for some reason

spoke up, “We are going to have to move real fast to get that stopped.”

“Yeah, I know, that is why I need your ass to step up. Jesus, do you think you can

think with your big head and not your little one for three seconds?” Kink’s pissy attitude

had Knight and Charro bowing up. Charro was pissed too about the whole situation and

Kink didn’t have the energy or time to wonder why.

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

“Fuck this, when you make up your mind let me the fuck know.” Kink took off to the

back, mumbling and cussing. He didn’t want her tossed out, shit it was gonna suck

going in by himself with this shit. The Ladies should have her back, by the sounds of it

though they didn’t. As fucked up as it was, it was a test to see how they’d handle the

hierarchy of managing a club, the guys would be watching. If they united and stood for

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