Starting Over (23 page)

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Authors: Ryder Dane

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Action & Adventure, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #New Adult

BOOK: Starting Over
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several other properties that were leased to businesses in three towns.

Her legal name had been listed with his as owner of record on all of the properties,

and she wondered if Tuck knew that his days were numbered, because she found small

notes on the list of properties she’d found in one of the tool boxes in the garage. He

explained why he bought each property and his vision for each of them. The money

from his share of their parents’ estate had seeded his investments, and she had no idea

that her brother was so smart. He’d planned on sel ing everything in a year or so and

being long gone from the town and the Breed.

Now it was time for her to talk with Race and War. It had been months since they’d

been intimate, and they probably forgot about it, but she hadn’t gone a day without

thinking about the way they looked, talked, and the fantastic way she’d felt between


After talking to Maisey, who had her information from Mambo, War and Race had

issued a standing order to find her and follow her, and report it to them immediately. It

gave her hope, so she had begun having her things sent to the winery for safekeeping.

After all, they already had most of her belongings, so what would make the difference if

she put everything in one place? If the men were still interested, she wanted to explore

the possibility of a relationship. It would be awkward at first, but they might make it

work. If they weren’t interested, then she had a nice little house right here and time to

decide what to do with her life.

She took the time to do her nails, and used the make-up kit she bought two years

before, and stood back from the mirror to assess the result of her primping. She

shrugged her shoulders and decided this was as good as she could do, so it was time to

stop dragging her feet and get it in gear.

There was yet another Prospect at the gate, and she saw he was an older guy than

the pimply faced one from the last time she’d stopped there to hand over the bag of

money. This one had his cell in hand as soon as she idled in front of the gate, and he

wasted no time opening it for her to ride through. He nodded and went back to his


She rode up to the front of the winery and parked her bike, taking the time to fluff

her hair after removing the helmet and setting it on the seat of the bike. She took a

couple deep breaths and headed for the open door.

Goody was behind the bar and her eyes widened when she saw River walk in. She

grinned and started to come around the bar to greet her, but stopped when she saw

Race coming up behind her fast. War was coming in the room from the hallway and he

grabbed her arm and stopped her from walking further into the room. Race was still

three paces behind River, and he nodded as War picked her up and tossed her over his

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

shoulder. Race turned back to the door and War followed with River hanging upside


“You can let me down, I’m not going to run.” He didn’t bother to answer, he just

kept walking. “You should know I came here to talk with you guys, to see if maybe we

could get together, you know, like communicate? I can walk you know, my legs aren’t


She got a heavy hand on the right cheek of her ass for her trouble of trying to

reason with the big oaf. She yanked his shoulder length hair and pushed herself up, but

he grunted and smacked her ass again. His gruff, “Knock it off,” made her eyes narrow.

She kept her handful of his hair and tensed to try to overbalance him, but he stopped in

his tracks in front of an old wooden door while Race reached around and opened the


She could see hardwood floors, and a few pieces of new looking furniture, but the

hands pulling her boots from her feet made her kick her legs, getting yet another slap on

her ass. War’s hands held her thighs up from his body and she thought he was going to

put her down, but she felt fingers working the fastening on her jeans and moving to the

sides of the material to peel them off, taking her French cut panties with them. Feeling

the wetness of the crotch of her underwear sliding down her thighs embarrassed her,

and she reached down to War’s side and pinched his skin to distract him when the two

men started talking about her token resistance.

Him saying, “Just stop resisting, we can see and feel how much you want this too,”

was what got him the pinch. Her retaliation is what got her several smacks on her ass

and she screamed more for their benefit than from pain.

Fingers trailing from the small of her back into the crease of her ass and down to

her clit made her squirm, but War held her steady and, when he licked the skin on her

side closest to his face, she giggled. She tried to keep it in, but his whiskers tickled her

sensitive nerves, and instead of letting her go, his lips sucked the spot as he turned his

head slightly from side to side, worrying the skin and making her squeal. She levered

herself up with both hands planted on his hips, and saw Race’s chest and, looking

down, she could see he was in no condition to be reasonable. He didn’t have a stitch of

clothing on, and her mouth watered at the sight of his bare flesh.

Her hands abandoned War’s hips and reached for the thickly muscled chest in front

of her, but he was pulling her shirt from her back and unsnapping the back of her bra so

it would fall with the shirt. He left the material around her head and upper arms, while

his fingers tortured her nipples and she groaned in frustration.

War was trailing his fingers through her slit and dipping them into her drenched

pussy, still kissing and licking the skin of her side and hip. Race was talking, but it took

more concentration than she possessed at the moment to register what he was saying

until he twisted her nipples and told her to listen up.

“You’ve been a bad girl, and we’ve been kept away from you long enough. I don’t

know why you took off like that, but the next time you decide to sneak out of here, I’ll

track you down and do more than just give you the spanking that I’m about to give you.

We’ve been worried sick, and you couldn’t be bothered to answer your damn phone, let

alone send a fuckin’ postcard.”

She could hear the hurt under the anger in his voice, and even though she thought

she had a good reason to leave at the time, she felt ashamed for sneaking out the way

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

she did. “I’m sorry,” was the only thing she got to say before she was tossed onto a big

bed and Race came down over her, kissing her lips and sliding his cock into her pussy

while she moved her hips trying to adjust to his thickness penetrating her small

entrance. Every time she tried to speak, his lips took hers and his tongue licked at hers,

sliding alongside, up, and around. She was breathless when he broke the kiss and

groaned against the tender skin of her neck.

“I owe you a spanking, but right this minute, I need to be inside you, so shut up and

pretend that your pussy isn’t soaking my cock and clamping down trying to keep it when

I back out.” On his fourth stroke, he buried his cock as far as he could go, and reached

down to slide his hand under her waist, before rolling them over with her seated

completely on his hips and his cock was kissing her cervix. “Fuck yes, this is where you

belong, so damned tight it feels like your squeezing my cock. Ride me, Shorty, you can

take over for a bit.”

She was as full as she’d ever been, even when War had been buried as deep as

Race now was. Feeling fingers sliding between the cheeks of her ass and poking gently

at her asshole made her tense up and Race groaned from her tightening, trying to keep

the intruder from the small hole War was pushing his thick finger into.

War grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back so he could kiss her

and once her mouth was opened under his, he pushed his finger deep inside the

tightest spot it had ever been inside of. He left the finger there while she moaned into

his mouth and her muscles relaxed around his sliding finger as it began fucking her ass.

Her body quivered, and he could feel the way her inner muscles began to clamp and

release as an orgasm took over her body, she began to jerk around and scream

between her teeth. He was lucky that he’d pulled his tongue back, or she’d have bitten

it in two when her jaws clenched shut like that. He slid a second finger deep, and she

jerked again while her body clamped down on his fingers. He pumped his lubed fingers

a few more times and knew that if he didn’t sink his dick in soon, he’d be shooting his

jizz over her back like some snot nosed teen that had no control.

He gave her hair another pull and held the cheek of her ass with one hand to slide

his cock to her asshole. “Race, pul back a bit if you can, I need some space for a

second.” He felt the thickness recede and slid the head of his cock past her sphincter,

feeling the heat and tightness of her asshole clamp down on his dick. “Fuck me, so

tight, so damn tight.” He had to take a few breaths to slow himself down and not slam

his cock deep in a single stroke. She was squirming as it was and he didn’t want to hurt

her, but when she backed her ass up and pushed down on him, he groaned and rested

his head between her shoulder blades.

She wasn’t thinking, al she was doing was feeling, and she wanted more of that

bite and kiss. The thickness in her ass sent nibbles of pain and pleasure at the same

time, but the cock in her pussy was pure pleasure. She reached her hand up and

grabbed War’s shoulder, but her hand slid off of his damp skin, so she grabbed a

handful of his hair with one hand and sank her nails into the lightly furred chest under

the hand she used to balance her body. She began moving on the men that enticed her

into being someone that didn’t think, only felt, and it didn’t seem that she would ever get

enough of this unrelenting need and pleasure.

“Love, oh God, this, more,” were her only words as she moved her hips, not

realizing the men were allowing her to take what she needed and enjoying the sight and

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

knowledge that she wanted them as much as they needed her. She felt her mind go

bright white and the colors burst in her brain as she screamed while her orgasm shoved

everything but pleasure from her body and brain. She was strung tight one second and

boneless the next, needing to constantly move her hips for those tiny aftershocks that

made her shiver and grab her breasts, pulling her own nipples from her body and crying

out while the pleasure continued to flow through her. She’d felt the warm liquid flowing

into her from the men, but the slickness only enhanced her pleasure and she was crying

before she col apsed onto Race’s chest. She felt War’s cock withdrawing slowly, and

Race’s cock was softening, but she couldn’t move from her claimed spot on top of

Race. She didn’t want to move, she didn’t want to talk, al she wanted was to lay there

and enjoy the small shocks of pleasured nerve endings deep inside.

War got up and went into the bathroom. On his way back, he stopped at the

dresser and opened the top drawer, withdrawing a small leather pouch. He came back

to the bed and opened the drawstring, dropping the rings that he and Race had bought

all those long months ago. Race nodded his head and War handed him one of the rings

before pulling her left hand toward him.

She turned her head to see what he was doing, never expecting him to slide a gold

band on her finger. When he raised her hand to his lips and kissed the ring and her

knuckles, she choked up, but when Race mimicked his actions with a ring of his own,

she lost it. She held both of their hands and squeezed tight as she tried without

success to tell them how much they meant to her.

She hated blubbering like a baby, but she couldn’t stop it, and Race held her tight to

his chest tel ing her, “We’l work it out, whatever we need to do to make you happy, we’ll

find a way.”

War rubbed her lower back and kissed her shoulder. “I stil owe you a spanking, but

that can wait. Race is right, we’l work it out. I’ve wanted you since I saw you strutting

around the bar with a tray full of drinks and that sassy smile on your lips. The feeling

didn’t go away, and you’ve become an obsession for me, one that I have no intention of

letting go.”

Race rolled them to their sides, and her legs didn’t want to straighten out from their

crouched position, she laughed but couldn’t believe that these two sexy assed bad boys

wanted to commit to her. She loved them, she’d known it almost from the start, but they

needed to know and they needed to hear what she needed besides amazing, mind

blowing sex. She finally sat up on her own, then patted the bed on each side of her

indicating she wanted them to sit and talk. Race groaned but complied and War shook

his head and plopped down too.

She stared at the rings on her finger, and marveled that they had the things waiting

for her. She looked at each man and smiled through her red eyes and tearstained

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