Surviving Him (22 page)

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Authors: Dawn Keane

BOOK: Surviving Him
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Rose is eyeing up Lee. She is definitely hooked on him, but her eyes keep shifting to Declan. I mean, who wouldn’t be? They’re both hot, gorgeous men. Not Logan gorgeous, but gorgeous all the same. Declan has the same hair as Logan and slightly darker blue eyes, but he’s the same height as his big brother.

Rose, Katy, Mandy, Vicky, and I walked into the huge office. We all sit down together in front of the huge, dark wood desk and wait to hear our fate.

Mrs Brown is writing something down when she lifts her head to us, her eyes taking all of us in.

“This is a horrible situation to be in I know, after everything you have already been through.”

I remain silent, as do the rest of the girls. Mrs Brown continues, “I’ve been phoning around all morning, trying to find places for you all, and there isn’t anything in England at all. They all seem to be full. You have two options; the first one is to go to Ireland and the second option is to go to Scotland.”

I stare at Mrs Brown for at least a minute, not knowing what to say, as I am trying to process the information she has just shared with us.

“Does this mean we will be going together to either place?” Rose asks Mrs Brown.

“I don’t want to move to Ireland,” Katy announces. “I’ve never been to Ireland. I don’t like the sound of going across the water.”

“I’ve never been to Scotland,” Mandy declares.

“Scotland’s beautiful,” I assure them while knotting my fingers together, worried that one of my lovely friends would
think they had no option but to go back to their monster ex partners.

Vicky stays silent while looking at Mrs Brown.

“When can they have us? In Scotland I mean, and where in Scotland would we be going to?” I ask and look towards Mrs Brown.

“In the Scottish borders. They have room for all of you. You will have to be there the day after tomorrow, if that’s where you want to go.”

All us girls talk for half an hour, and decide Scotland would be our best option. Mrs Brown picks up the phone, and sets about making the necessary calls to the refuge workers in Scotland. She also contacts the police station to find out if there is any news at all about Ian.

While she makes her enquiries, we make our way downstairs to the canteen to buy some coffees, and we meet Waff, Kayleigh, Amy and Annie who have been waiting patiently to hear some news.

I take a seat at the table and tell them about our choices and that we are set on the idea of going to Scotland.

Waff decides that she likes this idea and tells us that she has always wanted to buy a house up there in the countryside. I share with her everything I know about the Scottish borders and the places I have been to.

Things are finally starting to feel a bit better than they had been the night before. We all finish our coffees and head back to the upstairs office, where Mrs Brown is waiting for us.

We sit down and anxiously await our destiny. My stomach is in knots about the possible move back to the Scottish borders. I feel sick at the thought of any news of Ian, and I wonder if the police have caught up with him yet.

I think about the families of the two policemen that had been shot dead; what are they going through right now? They would be absolutely devastated. Someone’s son killed because of a complete psychopath, that can’t let things go and move on.

“Well, ladies, the good news is you can go to Scotland, and you have until Friday to get there. I have all the details down here for you.”

She points to the various bits of paper she sitting in front of her.

“And the bad news?” I prompt her. She looks me right in the eye.

“Now, I don’t want you to worry, but the sooner you all get to Scotland the better. Ian has not been found. It’s like the guy has just disappeared from the face of the earth.”

Immediately I become insanely worried.

“But,” I ask her again, because I know there is something more to come by the tone of her voice.

“We need to get you out of here as soon as possible, but they can’t take you to
Scotland for a few days.”

With that I jump up out of my seat, and start to pace the office floor, waving my arms around and ranting like the mad woman I was turning into, while trying my best not to hyperventilate.

“Are you shitting me? This is just not happening, after all the things he’s done to me and to my beautiful, innocent kids, and not to mention what he’s now done to all of you too.” I point to all my lovely friends in the room, still waving my arms around. I’m going to have a nervous breakdown.

“Unbelievable. How can one fucking person get away with so many things all in the space of a few weeks? Not to mention all the shit he did to me before that. It doesn’t seem to matter what he does to hurt another human being, he just gets away with it every fucking time.”

Exasperated, confused, and absolutely exhausted I throw my ass down on the seat, and cry a million tears into my hands.

“Come on, babe. It’s going to be okay. We will be leaving here in a few days, and hey, we’re gonna be together, at least that’s some great news. Shit for brains Ian, or any of our ex’s for that matter are not gonna know where we have gone,” Rose says softly, while rubbing my back gently to comfort me.

“My life is shit,” I mumble into my hands.

I feel like a small child, completely helpless and not in control of anything that happens in my life.

“How did it get to this?” I ask.

Rose takes my hand and pulls me up off the chair onto my feet. She hugs me, as do the rest of the girls, who are also crying. I hug them back with everything I have in me, while I pull my shit together.



Three months later.


Ian still hasn’t been found. The police called me from Manchester to let me know what was happening. That being, nothing whatsoever.

He is still out there somewhere, prowling on the innocent. He hasn’t caught up with me and my babies yet, and things are really good. I received money from the sale of my house I had shared with Ian in Edinburgh years before. The courts granted my divorce due to my circumstances, and I received all of the money from the sale. I invested it in a new house in the Scottish borders, and the rest I put towards Rose’s new venture. I’m not
from Logan and his parents. Rose lives two doors down from me, and Mandy and Vicky live two streets away, while Katy lives three streets away.

Rose has opened up an awesome internet café in the town where we all work. Kayleigh, Amy and Annie go to the same school. Life is liveable, and even though I know Ian is out there somewhere, I still feel a sense of peace.

There’s a white blanket of thick snow outside. It’s nearly Christmas time, and Kayleigh and Amy are so excited. Logan has kept my driveway clear of the snow and ice; he salts the ground every morning before he leaves for work. Every night he does the same.

Logan, Declan and Lee fitted my house with an alarm and security cameras. The same was done to Logan’s parents and the girls’ homes, just to make sure we stayed safe.

Lee and Waff sold their million pounds worth princess castle, and bought one Scottish style in the borders with a few less bedrooms in it.

The café is where we spend most of our days. It’s an awesome little place. People can use the computers or bring their laptops and use the internet, sit and work, or simply look things up while catching up with friends.

We’ve called it The Catch Me Café. Kayleigh, Amy and Annie came up with the name, and we decided it was perfect.

Declan and Logan have been clearing the snow away from the front doors of the cafe and the pathway every morning, which I think is really sweet of them.

Seeing as they have to get to work themselves, Declan has been transferred back to Scotland and this meant he could live back home in the borders. He lives between our house and his parents and spends a lot of time with us. Declan and Rose are so into each other, in a best friend sort of way. Everyone could see it but there is also Lee.

Rose, like me, is unable let go of the past and be or feel free to be with whoever she wants.

She thinks she isn’t good enough for anyone, and that staying on her own with Annie is the better option. This way she can’t get hurt. Declan has asked her out on several dates, but Rose always refuses.

It’s our last day at work; tomorrow is officially the start of the Christmas holidays. Kayleigh, Amy and Annie finish at school today. They are very excited.

“Seven more sleeps until Santa comes, Mum,” Amy screeches in excitement.

“It’s gonna be absolutely awesome. I can’t wait,” Kayleigh tells Amy and Annie. They all run outside screaming in excitement and set about building a snowman on the green, that is now white as a sheet. They also build an igloo, and a dog Kennel for Holly, Logan’s bullmastiff.

Christmas Day arrives really quickly. Kayleigh and Amy are up with the birds before Logan and I, and I can hear their excited giggles, as the sexiest Santa ever and his assistant had been in the night and delivered their presents. I look out of my bedroom window at the snow still falling thick and fast. It looks beautiful. I unhook my robe from the back of the bathroom door and wrap it around me, then I make my way to the living room.

Logan follows behind me, and puts his strong arms around me. He kisses the back of my neck and that familiar tingling desire courses through my body. I gasp as he wishes me a happy Christmas.

“Happy Christmas my beautiful, sexy, Dana.”

I turn into his arms, reaching up to cup his cheeks in my hands, and I plant a lingering soft kiss on his lips.

“Happy Christmas.” I grin as I turn to the Christmas tree.

“Happy Christmas princesses.”

The girls dive into their presents that lay under the tree.

“Happy Christmas, Mum,” Kayleigh and Amy shout back at me, while unwrapping presents. Logan, still with his arms wrapped around me whispers into my ear, “And what’s this? I think Santa left this for you last night, baby.”

He kisses my ear and then trails kisses along my neck, sending desire and need to my nipples.

He hands me a small box with a small red ribbon wrapped around it. I look up and our eyes lock together. His are warm and enticing. His face is soft and gentle. I look down at the box. I untie the red ribbon and open it. Inside, I find an absolutely stunning, out of this world, beautiful diamond and platinum ring. I stare at the ring, totally shocked and overwhelmed. I am full of so many emotions, I don’t know what to do with them all.

I can’t form any words, I just stand there like a fool staring at it, then back up at Logan, then back down at the ring.

I’m gobsmacked beyond belief.

“I…I…” I started to speak, but Logan cuts me off and takes both my wrists in his hands. I look into his burning sea blue eyes.

“I can take it back and change it, it’s no problem at all. The jeweller said I could anytime if you don’t like it, or if it doesn’t fit—”

I instantly silence him.

“It’s beautiful, Logan. It’s the best Christmas present I’ve ever had. Thank you.”

And it is the best I’ve ever had. He is the best thing I’ve ever had. The tears pool in my eyes and roll down my cheeks.

To my surprise, Logan kneels down on one knee and asks me to marry him. Of course I accept.

“Hell yeah.”

I throw myself at him, and melt into his safe arms.

He takes my left hand in his and slides the ring on my finger, his eyes never leaving mine as they burn into my soul. He whispers with that soft smile he only has for me, “I love you, baby.” .

My heart races at a million miles per hour, and I feel like I’m going to pass out any second and collapse on the floor, but I don’t, I hold his burning gaze and smile back at his adorable face. Just then the doorbell rings.

George and Susan come by with more presents for everyone, then Mandy and Vicky show up with more gifts. Rose and Annie come too, followed by Katy. Lee and Waff arrive a bit later with a big pile presents. We exchanged gifts. Even Holly the dog had her own pile and was happy with her new toys, and a massive bone to chomp on.

George and Susan took the girls out to a little place called Harestanes to see Santa and his reindeer. They stay open every Christmas Day morning, every year, and it’s magical.

The rest of us kiss and hug each other goodbye and we all wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

We agree to catch up over dinner at George and Susan’s house later on that day. We get ready at mine after for the Christmas party that night at Lee and Waff’s. Declan calls to say that he will see us at dinner.

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