Swagger: A Stepbrother Romance (8 page)

BOOK: Swagger: A Stepbrother Romance
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"Oh-my-fuck, I love your cock!" I screamed out as I exploded over his dick. With a final thrust and a deep primal grunt he drove his cock hard into me, burying himself to the hilt and releasing deep within.

Panting hard, he leaned against me, his forehead touching mine. Our eyes locked, breaths intermingled as we stood in the shower, the warm spray beating against Zach’s back, both basking in the feel of each other's arms and our recent orgasms.

"Damn you're good, Zach," I finally sighed.

A smile lit his face. "And you have
to compare it with?"

Laughing, I kissed him quickly on the lips. "Many hours of online research."

"Really?" He threw back his head and laughed. When he looked at me again his dark eyes shone with amusement. "So that's really what was in that little notebook of yours?"

I nodded. I loved the feel of him still buried inside me. Despite already experiencing two orgasms, it turned me on and gave me an extra sense of closeness with him. The urge to tell him that I loved him came to mind, but I buried that idea deep. It was too soon. I didn't even know if he had feelings other than attraction for me.

He took a couple of steps back, which was my prompt to unwrap myself from him. Reluctantly, I unlocked my legs from around his waist and slid down his body to stand on the shower floor. He took a couple more steps back, taking my hands and tugging me under the spray.

I moved with him, slipping my arms around his waist and placing a series of kisses across his chest. "So when did you want to start the cam show?" I started to move down his body intend on returning the oral favour, but his strong hands gripped my upper arms and pulled me back up.

"I never said I was doing the cam show, Tia. And for that matter, neither are you." He frowned, his eyes telling me that there was no room for negotiation in the matter.

I pulled my arms out of his grasp and took a couple of steps back from him. How dare he tell me what I was or was not going to do? "Oh, I
doing the cam show, Zach."

He shook his head, the vein in his neck flexing, indicating he was fighting to keep his anger in check. "No way am I going to let a bunch of strangers watch you fuck someone."

Placing my hands on my hips, I glared at him, my blue eyes flashing with anger. "And you think because you fucked me, that gives you the right to tell me what I can or cannot do?"

He crossed his massive arms over his chest, meeting my glare with his own. "You're fucking right it does."

Anger boiled up within me. I brushed past him and stepped out of the shower. "News flash for you, Zach," I responded as I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my dripping body, my voice rising several octaves, "you don't own me." I motioned my hand between the two of us. "And we're
a couple. So I'll do as I fucking well please and with
I please."

“With that loser who picked you up last night.”

“Maybe.” I glared at him once more, and then stormed off to my room, leaving Zach fuming as he watched me go.

Chapter 9


While Tia was in her room, no doubt making arrangements for her first webcam show, I was down in the basement gym pacing. How had things gotten so fucked up that morning? I'd woken up happier than I'd been in a long time, with Tia's warm sexy body cuddled up next to me and in the span of a few hours we’d gone from... well... I wasn't sure what we had been, but now we weren't even on speaking terms, so that was certainly a step backwards.

I had tried to talk to her, but she refused to unlock her bedroom door to speak to me, refusing to even acknowledge my presence on the other side of the door. When she did come out for lunch, she
refused to speak to me, but did honour me with a number of dirty glares.

What the fuck had I done anyhow? I cared for her, and I didn't want a bunch of strangers staring at her while they jerked off. Was that such a horrible thing? Was I such a bad man for feeling that way? Shit, I imagined
men would say no to having their girlfriend performing sex acts on webcam.

But she wasn't my girlfriend. She was my sister. Well... stepsister. That made it even worse though, didn’t it? What reaction did she seriously expect from me anyhow?


I looked over at the bench press and shook my head. I couldn't work out. I had an abundance of pent-up energy, but the only thing my mind could think about was Tia fucking to strangers jacking-off on cam.

Fuck and double fuck!

My eyes landed on the crowbar sitting in the corner of the basement. If she wouldn't open her door to talk to me and sort this nonsense out, then I'd damn well remove her door and force her to talk to me. Crossing the room in a matter of a few strides, I grabbed the crowbar and headed for the stairs.

~*~ TT ~*~


Stretched out on my bed, I considered the morning’s events. I have to say, I was disappointed that Zach couldn't see that it was a good solution to both of our financial problems; I'd really had my heart set on it being him. And I really thought he was going to be on board. But something had changed between us last night, and by his reaction in the bathroom to me mentioning the cam show, I knew he felt it as well. He had feelings for me, as strong as mine were for him.

Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so mad? Maybe I should have talked it over with him, reasoned with him? He had just gotten me so damned angry with his macho alpha-male attitude. With a sigh, I made a decision and I was just about to get up and search for him when a knock came at my bedroom door.

"We need to talk, Tia," Zach yelled through the door.

I slid off the bed and walked over to the door. "Have you changed your mind?" I seriously doubted it, but asked anyhow.

Silence for the span of a couple of beats. "No."

"Then we have nothing to talk about." I wasn't sure why I felt that I needed to be stubborn about it; I had been about to go find
mere moments ago.

The door rattled as he tried the knob. "Let me in, Tia."

"Or what?" I challenged, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at the door. I could hear him heaving an exhausted sigh on the other side of the door.

"Or I make you. Either way, I'm coming in so we can discuss this face-to-face."

A fire raged up within me. Who in the fuck did he think he was, ordering me around again? How in the hell was he planning on getting in? Surely he wouldn't break the door down? And there was no way he was getting in through my second-floor window. "I'll go with option two, Zach!"

Another loud sigh, then the rattling sound of... scraping? I inched my way closer to the door until my ear was firmly planted against the wood. Several thumps came from the door, startling me, followed by more scraping. I stumbled backwards a couple of feet.
What the fuck?
More thumping and then a clang.

Less than five minutes later, I watched wide-eyed as the door came flying open and slammed against the bedroom wall, revealing Zach, shirtless and in a pair of grey sweatpants, wearing a self-satisfied smile on his face. He dropped the crowbar onto the hallway floor and stepped inside.

"Holy shit! You broke my door!" My anger intensified, ten times over. I started to walk past him to examine the broken door frame, but he stopped me, pulling me into his arms. I didn't resist, but reluctantly slid my arms around his neck.

"Will you just calm down long enough so we can talk about this, Tia?" His sexy dark eyes peered into mine, melting my resolve.

"Fine," I replied, nodding. I forced my anger to simmer. Being pissed wasn’t going to achieve anything. I had to be reasonable.

"Good." He pulled me tighter against his rigid body, turning my rage into desire in the blink of an eye.

As I stretched my body along the length of his, I remembered why I'd been avoiding him. My ability to reason seemed to fade when I was around him, and the only thing I could think about was how amazing his cock had felt in me and how much I wanted to feel it again.

Zach ran a hand through my silky strands and pulled back to look me in the eyes once more. "I can't let you do it."

Mustering up the little resolve I had left, I stepped out of the warmth of his arms and walked over to my desk, grabbing my notebook. Walking with it to my bed, I sat down and patted the space next to me. "Just hear me out, okay?"

With a light sigh, he nodded his agreement. "All right. It’s not going to make a difference, but if it gets you talking to me, then okay."

I spent the next ten minutes rattling off every detail of the website, including my projections for the type of money we could expect to make. Zach appeared to be keeping an open mind, which was a great relief to me. But then again, he could be humouring me – though I didn’t think so. The more I talked the more he seemed to actually be listening and considering what I was saying.

Laughing, Zach tapped the open page of my notebook. "You actually rated how each position looked on cam?"

I nodded, grinning. "Of course. That way we can have the best cam show on the site, generating a larger amount of hits, ultimately equalling larger revenue for us per show."

Zach stopped laughing, but continued to smile as he watched me. Okay, maybe he was humouring me…

"So..." I chewed on my bottom lip, hoping I'd convinced him. As I stared at him I knew I had about a fifty-fifty chance.

His smile fading, Zach started to shake his head, he was going to turn me down and maybe lecture me. Shit. Before he had a chance to do either, I stopped him, placing a hand on his upper thigh.

"Just once, is all I ask. Once." I could see the conviction in his eyes begin to waver. Could he possibly be considering it? “Just the once and never again. If, after that one time, you say no, there’s no more shows.”

"And after the once, if I decide no more, that means no more - period. You're not doing this with anyone else." He touched my cheek with the palm of his hand, his thumb tracing my lower lip.

I paused for a moment, and then shook my head. Excitement welled up inside of me, both from his intimate touch and the thought that he might be caving. Dare I ask? "Will you?"

He looked at me hard, his eyes taking in every inch of my body then back up to meet my eyes. "Just once and if…"

He didn't get a chance to start reciting his terms of the deal. Squealing, I pounced on him, "Oh-my-God, I love you, Zach!" Straddling his hips and pinning him to the mattress I proceeded to plant light kisses across his jaw and onto his mouth. I stopped at his mouth, my lips less than an inch from his and peered into his eyes. My face blanched as I realized what I had just said, and by his expression, he was also in a state of shock at my confession.


When I attempted to squirm off of his lap, his firm hands grasped my thighs and secured me in place. Sitting up, Zach hooked a finger under my chin and raised my eyes to his. "Do you mean that?"

I swallowed hard at the lump that was building in my throat.
Damn, why did I let that slip?
My first instinct was to back-pedal out of my words. Pretend that I hadn’t meant them, that it was just the excitement talking - but I didn't. If he was willing to do something for me that he wasn't comfortable with, then I figured the least I could do was be honest with him.

"Yes," I finally answered.

Pulling me into a tight embrace, Zach placed a tender kiss on my temple. I wrapped my arms around his torso, relishing the feel of his warm body against mine. His mouth grazed my ear, his warm breath tickling the exposed flesh of my neck, sending shivers through me.

"I love you too, Tia."

With my heart soaring, and my body on fire, I pushed him back against the mattress again. "Then show me."

~*~ TT ~*~

One week later


How in the fuck did I end up getting myself into this
, I asked myself for a least the twentieth time today. Why had I allowed Tia to convince me to do the cam show?
Because you love her and want her to be happy
, I reminded myself. "Suckered in, pushed around," I muttered under my breath as I entered her bedroom, where Tia was busy setting everything up for our internet premier. But the truth of the matter was that I would do what I had to to keep her safe and if she was going to do it regardless, than it would be with me.

Stopping in the doorway, I watched Tia for a moment. She was wearing a skimpy pair of white cotton underwear and a little white camisole with nothing under it as she looked at herself in the monitor, attempting various poses. Watching her, I found myself both amused and aroused.

Sensing my eyes on her, Tia looked up and gave me that sweet, innocent smile that made my stomach do somersaults and turn my cock to granite. "Ready for me, I see," she teased with her eyes glued to my rapidly tenting white boxers. Crawling over to the edge of the bed, she sat up on her knees and beckoned me to her.

Closing the distance between us, my eyes wandered to her taut nipples, straining against the thin material. Stepping up to her, I slid a hand around her waist and another up her shirt, palming her soft, pert breast.

She closed her eyes and moaned softly, letting her forehead drop to my chest and placing kisses down my stomach. She whimpered as my fingers pinched her tight nub. Despite the fact that the webcam would be on us, I was suddenly anxious to get started. However, it was more in anticipation of tearing her clothes from her body and ramming my cock into her than knowing it was being broadcast.

"You can still change your mind," I reminded her, hoping she would, but knowing she wouldn't.

"Nope." She looked up at me, her eyes gleaming with excitement. She edged her way back to the center of the bed, taking hold of the waistband of my boxers and tugging them along with her. "So you remember the positions that will be the most visually appealing, right?"

Chuckling deeply, I reached out and pulled her back against my front, my thick erection rubbing against her ass. "So, is this how you want to start?" I murmured as my lips and tongue teased the back of her neck.

Moaning and laughing at the same time, Tia tried to wriggle her way out of my grasp, but I held her tight against me.

"I really think we should just play it by ear," I growled, my hand slipping below the waistband of her white cotton panties, in search of her moist heat.

"Ah, screw it." Giving in, Tia leaned over to the computer and activated the cam.

I was vaguely aware of it, but was so horny that all I really cared about was getting her out of her clothes. My hand slid deeper into her panties, my fingers slipping between her soft folds, unveiling her swollen clit.

"Oh fuck, Zach," she gasped as I stroked her clit, while my other hand slipped under her camisole and palmed her breast. Reaching behind me, she grasped the nape of my neck and pulled my lips down to hers.

Her sweet scent of lavender and rose assaulted me, making my cock ache for her. Each sweep of her tongue on mine and each time she rocked her ass against my cock, made me want to say to hell with the stupid camera and simply fuck her the way I wanted to, the way my body ached to have her.

My fingers left her clit and moved downwards, plunging deep into her already drenched pussy. She cried out, under my mouth, her body rocking harder against mine.

"Fuck, you're wet," I groaned as my mouth left hers and I licked, nipped and sucked my way down her neck to her shoulder. My stomach was turning into knots from my need for her. "Damn, I need to fuck you, Tia."

"No names," she managed to whisper to me, reminding me of my little blunder, through rounds of whimpers and moans. I didn’t bother to point out that she’d already used my name.

She protested as I pulled my hand from her panties, gripped the hem of her camisole and pulled it up over her head, tossing it to the floor. I vaguely remembered her saying something about wanting me to pull the shirt up slowly to tease the audience, but the ‘script’ seemed to be lodged far in the back of my mind.

Tia reached behind her and took hold of my cock, stroking it in firm, quick jerks. I moaned into her neck, cupping her breasts in my hands and kneading them, pinching her nipples between my fingers.

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