Swagger: A Stepbrother Romance (3 page)

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“I’ll have you know I’m perfectly well equipped in that department.”

Tia turned her head to look down at me, her expression turning smug. “Prove it.”

I’d admit, I wasn’t expecting or prepared for that response and wasn’t sure how to react. So I said nothing, grabbing the door and slamming it shut.

Her comment had me curious, however. Was she teasing or was it a challenge? I could feel her eyes on me, but didn’t acknowledge her as I rounded the hood and got in the driver’s side. Turning on the Jeep I backed it out of the driveway, still thinking. After five minutes of silence, my curiosity over the other day got the better of me.

“What was with you watching the cam shows yesterday?” I chanced a look over at her and watched as her cheeks grew an alluring shade of pink.

She shrugged. “Curious, I guess. As if you’ve never watched anything like that.” She turned her head to stare at me, the rose hue beginning to fade. “It’s not like you’ve never watched porn before.”

It was my turn to feel embarrassed. “Of course I have. But I don’t sit there in front of the computer taking notes.”

Her smile turned smug. “Your hands are too busy with other things, I suppose.”

Swallowing down my embarrassment, I caught her gaze a moment. “That isn’t answering my question.”

“I think what I was doing is my business. How about we chalk it up to simple curiously and leave it at that?”

My eyes narrowed at her. There was no doubt that I was being bullshitted. You know the old saying, you can’t bullshit a bullshitter? Case in point.

“So, how’s the job hunt going?” she asked changing the subject.

“It’s not.” This topic was more uncomfortable than the porn site one. It was demoralizing being without a job and, after four years of being on my own, having to run back to my father with my tail between my legs. Fucking embarrassing to the extreme.

A big part of me felt seriously emasculated.

“Have you been trying?”

“Of course I have!” She cringed at my sharp tone and I immediately felt bad. It was an honest question, brought about by nothing more than sheer curiosity. “I’m sorry. It’s a sore spot. No guy wants to have to move back home.”

“I imagine.” She smiled, a soft, sweet smile that lit up her eyes. “Must be a bitch on the sex life.”

“There’s a reason why I don’t bring women home.”

Her smile widened. “You take them to a hotel instead?”

“No, smart ass, I either go back to their place or not at all.” I sighed, this wasn’t really a topic I felt like discussing with her, “Though it’s not like it would matter anyhow. I haven’t met anyone since I moved back home.”

“Oh. Why?”

Deciding I had enough with talking about me, I decided to turn it back onto her. “Why don’t you have a guy? I don’t see a line of men beating down the door.”

“That’s a little hurtful.” A smile remained on her lips, despite her words.

“You’re so full of shit. How is an observation hurtful?”

“Because you’re implying I’m some sort of loser that can’t get a man.”

“I think you’re reaching a bit. How in the hell am I implying that? You’re hot. You can get any man you wanted. I’m curious to know why you’re taking notes of cam shows instead of getting the real thing.”

She blushed again. Damn, I loved that rosy glow, it made me want to reach across the seat, grab her, and kiss her until she was clinging to me and flush for a completely different reason. The memory of how good and how perfect her body felt under me yesterday kept me with a hard-on most of that evening and off and on all day today.

I gave my head a shake. What I was thinking was highly inappropriate.

“Are you going to go back to construction?”

I paused before answering. It was a question I’d been asking myself numerous times over the past few weeks and I didn’t know the answer – not yet, anyhow. “I really enjoy construction…”


“But, with the economy as it is I’m not sure how frequent jobs will be and I’m scared the pay will take a serious cut with so many laborers out of work.”

“So what are you thinking about doing?”

“School maybe. I always wanted to be a welder, maybe having a trade would be a good thing.”

Her smile widened and I noticed a bubble of excitement appearing on her features. “Then I think you should do it.”

The grocery store came into view and I pulled into the parking lot, found a vacant spot, and parked. “Maybe I will. Oh and since it’s your birthday and the folks aren’t here to prepare you the normal birthday supper, I was thinking I could take you out for a quick bite after we finish here.”

She hesitated a moment and then a wide smile spread across her lips. “I’d really like that.”

“Good, ‘cause having me cook you a birthday supper isn’t a present you’d want.”

Chapter 3


“I’m not too sure about this, Tia.” Andrea looked around the hotel room we’d rented for the day. It was a budget motel, all I could afford, but considering what I was interviewing for I didn’t think it really mattered.

“Why not? It’s not like I could have a bunch of strange men coming to the house for my stepbrother to see, now could I?”

“No, but still. It’s like we’re just asking for trouble.”

All right, I had to admit, it wasn’t ideal. But the last thing I wanted was strange men knowing where I lived. In fact, the more I thought about it the more I was becoming convinced this might be a better idea. But safety was an issue I’d have to figure out an answer to. Admittedly, maybe I hadn’t thought this through as well as I’d thought after all.

Knock, knock, knock.

“He’s here.” Andrea nervously looked over at me.

“It’ll be fine. It’s no different than meeting some guy off of an internet site for a date.”

“Yeah, but dates usually start at a coffee shop or something like that.”

Knock, knock, knock.

With a sigh, I stood and walked over to the door. Taking a moment, I paused to peer out the peephole at the person on the other side of the door. A tall, dark-haired man stood on the other side. He looked normal enough.

Though looks can be deceiving
, a voice in the back of my head chimed in.
Most serial killers look normal.

My heart began thumping wildly in my chest as I opened the door to reveal the first of five interviewees, if you could call it an interview. “Jacob?”

A lazy grin spread across his lips. “Guilty as charged. You’re Tia.” He extended his hand to me which I took with hesitation. “Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise.” Pulling my hand from his grip, I took a step back, motioning for him to enter. “Come on in.”

Jacob entered glancing around with what appeared to be only a marginal interest. I resumed my spot at the small two person table, while Jacob took a seat on the double-sized bed.

Grabbing a pen, I flipped to my interview questions already printed in my spiral notebook – the same notebook I used to take notes on the cam shows - and cleared my throat. “So, why do you want to do this?”

“Why do you?” he countered.

“Money. Why else?”

He spread his hands out to the side as if to say, enough said.

“I thought you might have a number of reasons.” I felt the need to justify the question.

“Nope. Just money.” He looked me straight in the eyes. “Though, you’re hot, getting to fuck you every day would certainly be a bonus.” Turning his head he looked over at Andrea. “Are you going to be joining in, beautiful?”

Andrea blushed and looked down at her hands, her fingers laced in front of her, not answering.

My eyes narrowed as I stared at him. Dude was a douche. A total douche. He was way too smooth.
Does it matter, as long as he could perform
? I asked myself.

“Have you done work like this before?”

He grinned. “I have experience.”

Not really answering my question, but okay
, I thought. “Cam experience? Porn in general?” I prompted, not really sure it mattered either way.

“No, but I have real experience.”


“Meaning, I’ve fucked so many women I’ve lost count.”

There was so much egotistical pride in his voice it made me grimace. There was no way I was going to let that man touch me. Nope. Never. Not going to happen.

I stood and forced a smile to my lips. “Thanks. I think we’ve talked enough. I appreciate you coming in.”

He stood, his brow creasing, but he followed my lead and stood. “Don’t you want to see my dick?” he asked.

“Thanks, but I don’t think it’s necessary.” I walked over to the door and pulled it open, waiting for applicant number one to exit.

Jacob hesitated and looked over at Andrea who hadn’t lifted her eyes. “All right.” Exiting he muttered a half-hearted good-bye and left.

As soon as the door was closed behind him, Andrea let out a loud sigh.

I put her hands out to my sides, palms up. “So the first one wasn’t a winner. Maybe the next guy.”

The next guy wasn’t a winner either.

Neither was guy number three.

“Why are all these guys assholes?” I groaned out loud as I walked to the door to open it for guy number four – Anthony Rings.

Andrea shrugged, she was becoming less shy with each new man we interviewed.

Opening the door I pasted a fake smile onto my lips. Anthony was hot – seriously hot. But then again two of the previous three had been hot, number two was so heinous looking that I’d never be able to allow him to touch me.

“Hey gorgeous, you must be Tia.” He flashed a smile at me, no doubt the very smile he lavished on all the women he was interested in. His dark eyes twinkled with amusement as he looked me up and down, not even trying to be discreet about it.

I sighed.
Not another douche


He brushed past me and into the room, raking a hand through his dark hair.

Closing the door, I went back to my seat at the table and watched as he strolled over to the bed, shedding his black leather jacket as he walked. Once at the bed, he tossed his jacket onto it and then pulled his black t-shirt over his head and tossed it on top of his jacket.

“Wait!” I stood putting her hand out. “This is just an interview.”

Anthony began undoing his jeans. “Of course. Ask whatever you want.” Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his jeans and boxer briefs, he pushed them down to display a very impressive dick which was beginning to rise. He grasped it and gave it three strokes, its ascension became more rapid, rising to fill attention. “No need for Viagra with me baby, I can perform anytime and anywhere.”

“But…” I looked over at Andrea who was openly staring, her dark eyes going wide, at his massive erection. “It’s hard to concentrate when you’re wagging your penis around.”

He grinned. “How are you supposed to judge if I’m suitable for the position, if you don’t see the goods?”

“I guess,” I ran my fingers though my hair. “There’s more to it than that. There’s attraction. There’s chemistry. There…”

“Then by all means, let’s discover if there’s any chemistry,” he responded pulling up his pants and buckling them back up.

At a loss for words, my mouth began to get dry and I cleared my throat nervously. I couldn’t help it, my gaze dipped to the impressive bulge in his pants. “How, umm. How do you suggest that we do it?”

He walked – no strutted – across the room and to the table. Placing his hands flat on the table, he leaned forward, moving close, not stopping until his lips were an inch from mine. This was intense and slightly unsettling. I was way out of my comfort zone and severely out of my league. “There’s a bed here. Let’s give it a go.” He looked over at Andrea. “Are you joining in or the one filming?”

Andrea’s complexion paled. “I…”

“No, she’s not. She’s helping with the selection,” I butt in, regaining his attention and attempting to look more composed than I really felt.

“I see.” He shrugged. “Then tell me how you want to do this.”

Straightening myself up in the chair, I lifted my chin, pretending I had more confidence than I was feeling. I was used to the boys in high school. None of them were like the man sitting before me, or men we’d seen so far. I was feeling more and more like I was in over my head, seriously over my head.

Maybe this was a bad idea...

He cocked his head to the side and eyed me with suspicion. “How old are you?”


“How old? You look like you’re barely out of high school.” He straightened and his expression became unreadable, thought his voice took on an agitated tone. “Is this a set-up?”

“What?” I looked over at Andrea who seemed as baffled over his accusation as I was. Andrea’s complexion paled a second time, she opened her mouth to speak and then snapped it shut.

“I’m fucking out of here.” Straightening, he hurried over to the bed, pulled on his shirt and jacket. “I’m not going away again.”

Going away, again? Did he mean jail?
My heart began to thump rapidly in my chest.
Ohmygod, he’s a convict!

To my relief, he left without another word, moments later the roar of his motorcycle revving to life sounded. Another minute and he was gone.

“Holy shit!” Andrea let out a loud huff. “I told you this was a crazy idea. Fucking insane.”

I released the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding, leaned forward and let my forehead rest on the table top. This was an insane idea. What in the hell was I thinking?

Andrea placed her hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “You tried. That’s all you could do. It was a crazy idea, but you gave it a shot.”

Straightening in my chair, I looked into my friend’s concerned eyes, but didn’t say anything, my mind was racing.
There had to be a way. There had to be a solution. Fuck, fuck, fuck. This couldn’t be it, I wouldn’t let it.

“There’s nothing wrong with going to the local college, you can make enough over the summer. Princeton isn’t going anywhere.”

People didn’t understand. I had no doubt that they felt like I was being unreasonable. But that wasn’t the case, not in my mind. In my mind I had a goal and I’d do whatever it took to achieve that goal.
The only obstacle in life is your own limitations
, I loved that quote and I truly believed in it.

Squaring my shoulders, I stared at my friend. “Failure isn’t an option.”

Andrea’s expression took on a look of pity. “Don’t do this to yourself, you’re better than this.”

“What do you mean by that? Better than what?”

“A cam show. I’m sorry, I just don’t think this is the right path for you. I think this is a major mistake.”

Anger boiled up within me. Andrea didn’t have to like my choices, but I expected a little support on the matter, at the very least. I’d have supported her regardless of whether I believed it was a good idea or not. “Do you know how many times you’ve done stupid things and I’ve bit my lip even though I knew what you were doing was crazy?”

Andrea straightened, her chin tilting up. “I never sold my body.”

I was about to respond when a knock came at the door. This was the fifth and final guy we were seeing. My argument with my friend had to be put to the back burner. If this guy didn’t pan out I’d have to… Well, I didn’t know what I’d do. This last guy would have to be it.

Taking a deep breath in, I slowly released it, rose from my chair and made my way across the room to the door. Taking a deep breath in, I slowly released it. I took a quick peep over her shoulder, Andrea had pulled out her mobile phone and was playing with it, pretending to have zero interest in the next applicant. Bullshit, she was just as curious as I was.

Please, God, let this guy be the guy
, I silently prayed as I opened the door.


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