Read Swagger: A Stepbrother Romance Online
Authors: Terry Towers
“Tia?” The feel of his hand on mine on the table brought me back to reality and to Trevor. Then the realization came to me. I was being foolish. There was nothing to consider because we couldn’t be together. He’d never agree to the cam shows and I certainly couldn’t do them with Trevor while dating Zach.
It was a non-issue. I couldn’t – no, wouldn’t – sacrifice my dreams. No matter how much I desired him.
“Yes,” I gave him a smile. “I’m sorry. I’ve had a lot on my mind today.”
Despite my apology I just couldn’t get into a conversation with him. I couldn’t get into him in general. He was hot, super sweet, and had a great sense of humour. If it were any other time I’d so severely into this man, but…
He wasn’t Zach.
God, I’m so fucked up.
It was then and there that I realized something. I needed to approach Zach and try to get him on board with my cam plan. It had to be Zach, because I wasn’t sure anyone else would do. I didn’t have to have sex to know one thing: in order for it to look legit, it had to be legit to me.
I looked up from my plate of fettuccine alfredo and gave Trevor a soft smile.
He frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t think I can do this.”
“Do what?”
“The cam shows. I’m sorry.”
He didn’t say a word for a moment, his expression unreadable. Finally he nodded and returned my smile. “I understand.”
“I’m sorry. I really am.” I genuinely meant it, I felt like such an ass, I’d had him ‘audition’ for the cam show, I had him pull out his penis to let me evaluate it and now he’s buying me dinner. I felt like a ‘grade A’ ass.
“Honestly, I’m not sure if it’s something I could do anyhow.”
I didn’t know if he meant it or not, but I was grateful for his understanding.
Chapter 7
I woke to a very sensual, yet familiar smell - lavender and rose. "What do you want, Tia?" I grumbled, slowly opening my eyes. I simply wasn’t in the mood for another confrontation with her, especially in the middle of the night.
"I need to talk to you."
A growl rumbled at the back of my throat at being disturbed. I didn't need to look at the alarm clock on my night table to know it was the middle of the night; however, I looked over at it anyway – just to verify. "It’s 2am, Tia, whatever it is, couldn't it have waited?"
There was silence for the span of several seconds. "Not really. You might want to cover up though."
Tia's comment woke me up fully, quicker than if she had just doused me with a bucket of iced water. Embarrassed, I swiftly sat up, while silently cursing the fact I slept in the nude, and grabbed at the comforter, pulling it up and onto my lap to cover my semi-hard dick. "You make a habit of walking into men's bedrooms uninvited, while they sleep?"
She cocked her head to the side as if considering my question for a moment before replying, "Not usually."
Taking a deep breath in and exhaling slowly to calm myself, I looked intently at Tia for the first time since she’d woken me. She was perched on the side of my bed wearing a dark-colored t-shirt which fell high on her hip, barely covering her ass, with the word ARMY written in white block letters across the chest. Her long blonde hair fell loosely to the middle of her back. My dick went from semi-hard to rock solid in a matter of seconds.
"So, are you going to tell me why you're here or are you expecting me to guess?" I looked down at the mattress in front of her and noticed her spiral notebook. The notebook that’d had me curious for over a week now.
Fan-fucking-tastic, she’s going to explain whatever it was she was doing with that notebook – now?
Despite my annoyance over being woken, my curiosity got the better of me. The mystery was about to be solved.
"Well, I have a business proposition for you." She picked up her notebook and flipped it open. "Can I turn on the lamp?" She didn't wait for my approval, but leaned over and turned it on. The darkened room became slightly lighter.
"A business proposition," I echoed in disbelief, "at 2am, Tia?" Not meaning to, but not being able to avoid it, my eyes had caught a very nice view of her firm, round bottom covered in a pair of white lace panties as she had leaned over to turn on the light. If my cock could have done a somersault it would have. It took all my restraint not to reach over and caress her soft, tanned ass. To my relief and my cock's dismay, she straightened back up and began to flip through pages in her notebook until she came to the one she was looking for.
"Yes, a business proposition. I have a fun way for us both to make
a lot
of money. But I need you to help me."
I looked down at the lines of numbers and the graph she had sketched on the page and then back up to her. "If this some sort of pyramid scheme, Tia... then I'm not interested." I fell back down to the mattress and covered my eyes with my arm. "Turn the light off when you leave."
"No, seriously. It's a great idea. I just need your help," she insisted, nudging my bare shoulder with her leg.
Heaving a loud sigh, I sat back up and leaned forward, pulling my knees up so I could brace my elbows on them, covering my hardened cock. "What is the idea? Unless it involves construction or manual labour, I seriously doubt I'll be useful to you."
A bright smile crossed her lush lips; lips I was fighting a very strong urge to kiss. My eyes traveled down her long, swan-like neck to her breasts. They were a tad on the small side, but pert with tight nipples that pushed against the cotton t-shirt.
I had spent the better part of the day thinking about her perfect breasts and how much I wanted to indulge in every part of her luscious body. Add to it the jealousy I felt over that Trevor asshole picking her up today, and I spent the majority of the day in a mood. It had taken what seemed to be forever to get to sleep tonight, my mind and body was in such a state.
Tia took in a deep breath and exhaled loudly, her hands fiddling nervously in her lap. "Promise to hear me out, because this may sound a little crazy," she nibbled on her lower lip, waiting for me to respond.
"All right," I said and shrugged. "What's this big idea?" For her to be this nervous about asking me, it must be something big. That just heightened my curiosity.
"Okay, well... I
doing some research when you walked in on me last week."
A grin spread across my lips and I raised a doubtful brow at her. "Oh, I can't wait to hear what type of research you were doing watching anal porn." My grin faded and a frown replaced it. I suddenly didn't like where she might be going with this, "You're not planning on becoming an escort and want me to be your pimp, are you?" There was no way in
that was going to happen! Over my dead body. I’m not sure if that was better or worse than my stripper assumption.
To my relief Tia burst out laughing and gave my shoulder a light shove. "Oh my God, of
A wave of relief washed over me. I really didn’t know what I would have done if that had been the case. Would I have tried talking her out of it, or simply told our parents and let them deal with her insanity? I sighed. But that wasn’t the case so there was no point in even considering the possibilities. Of course she wouldn't do a thing like that. She wasn't the promiscuous type. Hell, if I was a betting sort of guy I’d bet she was still a virgin. I joined in with her laughter, but mine was short-lived.
"No, I’m thinking that you and I could set up our own webcam sex show."
My laughter stopped abruptly and mouth dropped open. There was no way I heard what I thought I’d heard. No fucking way I heard right. I pinched the bridge of my nose, hoping to fend off an impending headache. "Wh…
did you just say?"
There was no way I'd heard correctly. No way. This was a dream. No, not a dream, a fucking nightmare. Either that or she’d lost her fucking mind.
~*~ TT ~*~
Well, this isn't going too badly
, I mused as I sat looking at Zach's astonished face. Sure it was a shock to him at first, but I was confident that once I shared with him all of my facts and figures, he'd come around to seeing that it was a fantastic idea. I really wasn’t sure if the fact he was into me would help or hurt my cause.
"See, I figure that since I need money for college and you're looking for employment and/or money for school that... this could be a mutually beneficial arrangement."
"Mutually beneficial arrangement," Zach parroted. "Have you even
sex yet, Tia?"
I huffed, feeling slightly embarrassed by the question. "Well, not
sex. But I've had extensive experience in other sexual activities and..." I waved the notebook under his nose, "I've been studying."
Zach's frown deepened.
Giving him a sheepish grin, I shrugged. Not wanting to discuss my lack of experience any longer, I thrust the notebook at him, hoping to distract him with the facts. Cold, hard facts. "Here are the figures. I’m thinking we would need to perform for an hour, or maybe two a day and we'd both have enough cash to keep us going. I'd have my college money and you'd be able to go back to..." I shrugged a second time, "whatever it is that you do."
Zach sighed. "You realize you're my stepsister."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"And a minor."
"Not anymore. My eighteenth birthday already past, remember… " I reminded him. I had to admit, I was a little annoyed. Did he really see me as a minor still? The pain-in-the-ass kid sister he never actually wanted? Had I totally misread his interest in me? Maybe Trevor was full of shit and Zach had just been acting like a protective older brother, not a potential mate.
"Aside from how inappropriate it would be, I just don't think it's a good idea." He gave me an apologetic smile, started to place a hand on my shoulder, seemed to think twice about it, and pulled it away again.
I had prepared for every possible objection beforehand so his initial rejection didn't deter me. I
going to make it happen and was confident I could convince him. I had to, he was my last resort since I already ditched Trevor, regardless of being my first choice originally. Chewing at my bottom lip, I looked up into his dark eyes. "You don't find me attractive?" Sure, it was a dirty way to play it, but I needed to do what I needed to do.
Zach sighed, "No.”
I gave him my patented pouty look.
“Ugh. I mean...It's not that." He sighed and raked a hand through his hair.
"Then what is it?" I ran my index finger lightly down the length of his bare chest until it reached the edge of the blanket covering his erect cock. He sucked in a sharp breath and caught my wrist in his large hand before it could snake its way under the comforter and to his dick.
"Don't, Tia," he said, his voice sounding strained. "This is fucking crazy and I can only take so much."
I smiled inwardly, while releasing a sigh of relief. That's what I'd been hoping to hear from him. He was attracted to me. I pulled my wrist from his grasp, and repositioned myself, sitting back on my heels. Holding my breath, I silently prayed he wouldn't throw me out on my ear - or worse - for what I was about to do. I tossed my notebook to the floor and then grasped the bottom of my t-shirt and slowly began pulling it up over my head.
Once the t-shirt was off and discarded on the floor, my eyes caught his and even in the dim lighting I could see the hunger raging within them, as he drank in the sight of my naked breasts. Leaning forward, I let my lips lightly graze his ear. "Don't you want me, Zach?" I placed the palm of my hand on his chest and felt his rapid heartbeat. Trailing light kisses across his jaw, my lips brushed across his. "If you can tell me you don't want me, I'll go," I murmured against his lips.
A deep, feral growl erupted from the back of his throat. Moving so suddenly that I squealed from the surprise, he pushed me back to the mattress with his naked body covering mine, and his thick cock pulsating between my legs.
"Of course I want you, Tia," he growled, claiming my lips aggressively.
I moaned loudly under his lips as my body was set ablaze by the feel of his hard, muscular frame covering mine. His cock teased my pussy, which was rapidly soaking my panties in my juices. Zach took my moan as an invitation for his tongue to further explore my mouth. I moaned a second time when his tongue found mine.
My hands wrapped around his back and I pulled him down tighter to me, my breasts crushing under the massive expanse of his chest. Wrapping my legs around his waist I urged his cock against me, desperate to feel him filling me.
Zach slid his hand between us, cupping my lace-covered mound and halting my attempts to impale myself on his cock. "We have time for that later."
"I want you Zach,
" I bucked against his hand, my body turning into an inferno of need. I wanted the torment to end and despite my lack of experience I knew his cock was the only way to do it. My body froze and I held my breath as he pushed the thin white lace aside, exposing my moist pussy, and ran two fingers along the length of my slit.
My body bucked against his, as he ran his fingers along my opening a second time. Sliding my hand between us, I grasped his hard cock in my hand.
"Oh fuck, Tia," he gasped against my hair, as I began to stroke him. “You. This. You’re all that I’ve been able to think about this past week.”
I cried out, as he slid two fingers slowly into me. "Oh-my-god, Zach." My virgin pussy tightened around his fingers and I thrashed under him.
"Holy fuck, so tight. You have no idea how good it would feel to fuck you right now," he groaned as his lips covered mine in another heated, demanding kiss.
My hand gripped tighter to his cock, stroking it faster. He groaned over my lips, his fingers pumping deeper and quicker into me. He suddenly pulled his fingers from me, causing me to whimper in protest. My protest was short-lived, however, as he spread the lips of my pussy, exposing my quivering clit. His fingers gently stroked and pinched at my nub.
"So good!" I closed my eyes and savoured the sweet sensations rushing through me.
Zach chuckled lightly, his mouth making its way down the length of my neck, his tongue teasing the soft flesh as it went. He traced my collarbone and then dipped to my breast. I arched my back as his mouth captured one peak, which tightened as his tongue circled it. Small bolts of electric heat shot through my body, ending in my pussy as his tongue teased my tight nipple, while his hand alternated from working my clit to plunging deep into my core.
My hand left his cock as I wrapped my arms around his waist and tried to urge him down tight against my body. If I didn't get his cock filling me soon I thought I'd go insane from the need.
"You're so beautiful, Tia," he murmured as his lips moved to the other breast. His tongue circled the nipple until it stood as proud and tight as the first one. "So beautiful," he repeated. His lips moved back up to mine again, his tongue slipping past my parted lips, our tongues duelling. Removing his lips from mine, he sat up, his eyes drinking in every inch of my body as it writhed on the bed under him.