Swagger: A Stepbrother Romance

BOOK: Swagger: A Stepbrother Romance
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Table of Contents:


(A Stepbrother Romance)

Bonus Book:

Seeking Prince Charming

(A Stepbrother Romance)

Except From:

Her Stepbrother, Her Hero


(A Stepbrother Romance)


Sometimes life kicks you in the teeth.
First my dad died. Then my mom spent my college fund to support us kids.
But I’m not giving up -- I’ve got a plan to pay my way through college.
All I need to make it work is a man who’s
-and way too sexy for his own good.
In other words, I need my smoking hot playboy stepbrother Zach.
I just have to remember this is business only, and keep my heart locked away.
Far, far away.
If there’s one thing Tia’s good at, it’s crazy ideas.
This latest scheme of hers is outrageous -- but she says if I don’t help her, she’ll do it anyway.
If I can’t stop her, at least I can keep things from getting out of hand.
That’s what I told myself.
The truth is, I’d do almost anything for a taste of her.

And now things are getting complicated.
I don’t do commitment. Or feelings. Or any of that crap.
But I have this sudden need to protect her.

So if this happens, it'll be with me.
Because I don't want another guy touching her.

** Please note this is a fully re-written and re-edited story which was formally titled “Little Sister’s Webcam Show”

Seeking Prince Charming

(A Stepbrother Romance)

Chloe is falling head over heels for a man that she feels compliments her unlike any man she’s ever met. He’s kind, has a great sense of humour, they have so much in common it’s uncanny and he always knows what to say to make her feel special. He’s her Prince Charming. Problem is; she’s never met him face to face and has no idea what he looks like. When the time comes for Chloe to meet her Mr. Right she’s shocked to find out who he turns out to be.

Her Stepbrother, Her Hero (excerpt)

Available for purchase or to borrow through KU

Anthony King.
He’d always been such a jerk to Gabriella, doing everything within his power to make her life miserable, from the very day she and her mother moved into his father’s house. For years, her stepbrother chased away every guy who displayed even a remote interest in her – he even went as far as to ruin her prom night!
She hated him.
When he’d enlisted in the Marines it was a relief, no more meddling in her personal life. And for those few years, she’d felt a smidgen of relief.
But now he’s back, even sexier than she remembered and intent on picking up where he’d left off – making her personal life miserable.
This time, however, he’s taunting her in very different ways…


Swagger: A Stepbrother Romance


Copyright 2016 by Terry Towers


Cover By: Erin Dameron-Hill




All rights reserved. With the exception of brief quotes used for critical reviews and articles no part of this book may be used or reproduced without the written permission of the author Terry Towers. Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Terry Towers can be contacted via her website at www.elixaeverett.com


Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via internet or other means, electronic or print without the authors permission. Criminal copyright infringement without monetary gain is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (http://www.fbi.gov.ipr/). Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material.


This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors imagination and used fictitiously.


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“I’m sorry, sweetheart, you know what type of financial situation we were in before I married your stepfather. I could barely keep the power on, let alone put money away for your college fund.”

“But, I
a college fund.” I was sure I had. Before he passed away, my father had been adamant about having money available for me, for when the time came. I remembered him telling me on numerous occasions, unless it was complete bullshit, but I didn’t think so. My father had been a good, honest, hard-working man. He wanted nothing more than to see me go to an Ivy League school and “make something of myself.” I was going to be the first person in our family to go to college and he fully intended that I was going to do it right.

My mother’s expression grew sad, her eyes casting down to the floor. “I’m sorry. I did what I had to do. We needed to survive, honey. When your father passed we had a lot of debt and I had no choice but to take the money and hope to be able to get it back. But I was never able to.”

I looked at my mother, my heart sinking. I had dreams, big dreams. Princeton dreams. I’d worked hard to get good grades and get into a good school. Unfortunately, competition for scholarships this year was fierce – much fiercer than any other year. I’d made the conscious decision to forego taking an after-school job - not that I would make enough anyhow - or even having much of a social life for that matter, in order to achieve the straight A’s. I had hopes of graduating with high honours, nailing my SATs and receiving a scholarship, just in case what was set aside for me wasn’t enough. Big mistake.

“But what about Frank? Can’t he help?” I hated having to ask my mother to ask her husband. They’d been together for a few years, however, I still felt a distance between us. No doubt it was partially due to the fact that Frank Klein was very dedicated to his business. He worked long hours and many days came home so exhausted all he wanted to do was eat and crash for the night. Despite the amount he worked, due to an economic downturn it seemed he had to put in twice the time to make half the money he was making when he first met my mother.

“Frank is having his own financial difficulties.” My mother gave me a sympathetic smile. “How about going to a cheaper school, honey? We might be able to help with a cheaper school here at home.”

“Cheaper school?” I whispered as I bucked back in the wooden chair as if I’d been slapped. I didn’t forego everything—a social life, having a boyfriend, sex for the first time—to compromise on my dreams. I was the only one of all my friends to still be a virgin… All of that missed to stay home studying in order to get into a high-quality school, just to go to some second-rate facility that anyone with a GED could get into. Fuck no! I couldn’t accept that. I wouldn’t.

This was my life and my future. I’d made a promise to my father and I refused to compromise.

“How about a student loan?” my mother suggested. I stared into my mother’s stunning sapphire-blue eyes, identical eyes to my own.

“And have to spend a good chunk of my life trying to pay off the debt?” I saw firsthand the stress and worries that came with having a huge amount of debt hanging over a person’s head. A little debt, yes; Princeton debt, no way.

“Then maybe…”

I shook my head, tears filling my eyes, my blonde ponytail whipping back and forth behind me. A part of me felt like I was a child having a temper tantrum by acting this way. Many people didn’t go to college at all, but just any college wasn’t my dream, my dad’s dream. It wasn’t what I’d worked so hard and sacrificed so much for.

My mother reached across the kitchen table and took my hands into hers. “I’m sorry, I know this was what you had your heart set on. I wanted to help, your stepfather and I both wanted to help, but we’ve been in such bad financial shape lately. Maybe go to a cheaper school this year and transfer over when things looks up?”

“No.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I shook my head a second time. “No, I’ll figure out a way to make this work. I’ll find the money.”

She gave me a look that I was all too familiar with, it was a look of sympathy and exasperation. While I knew Mom took great pride in how ‘book smart’ I was, I knew she didn’t have much faith in me being able to wrangle up the funds.

“I will, Mother. I’ll figure out a way. I’m going to the college I’ve planned on for the past five years. I guarantee it.”

“I just don’t want you to get your hopes up. You have to be a realist.”

“I will. I’ll figure out a way.”

“Of course you will, dear.” Mom’s expression changed and I knew this new look all too well. I was being humoured.
Well, fine then. I’ll show her
, I silently vowed. Problem was, I just didn’t know how.


Chapter 1


"Oh ya, baby, oh ya.
Fuck me harder! You stallion!" The slim blonde woman on the computer monitor screamed out. Positioned on her hands and knees in front of her partner - a large, rugged-looking, dark-haired man - the woman moaned and cried out as her partner pounded his monster-sized penis into her rear entrance.

I winced as I watched him relentlessly hammer into the woman.
Damn, that must hurt
, I mused. My own bottom ached just from watching. And what about the poop issue?

Wouldn’t his penis get all… Yuck!

Wincing a second time, I gagged softly.

Looking down at the ruled notepad in my lap, I jotted down a few notes on the couple. This was couple number twelve, and the last set I intended to view. All-in-all I had a few pages of notes about each couple I’d watched over the past several days stored in the little, black, spiral notebook I was writing in. Everything from positions, comments in the comment section from viewers about each position and the spike in people logging on during each position were taken note of. Even expressions and lingo. I was nothing if not thorough. Anything that was worth doing was worth doing right, right?

What I’d been watching was a live, online video-streaming website where people log on and, for a two bucks per minute, they can watch amateur couples having sex, live on webcam. Some couples even offered a feature where you could put in requests and comments, such as requests for positions or a thumbs up for a good money-shot finale etc. For each minute your browser was viewing a couple, that couple would receive a share of the two bucks.

This was what I’d decided I was going to do to get the money I needed for college - have sex on live webcam for cash. Not forever.
no, not forever. I had dreams that far surpassed this. But it was the best I could think up after Mom slammed me with the bomb that there was no college fund. No, I had bigger dreams for myself than being a cam girl, but until I was out of college - free and clear - it was the best I could come up with.

Thing is, as far as I’m concerned it’s the ideal job for me. I could choose my own hours, work from home,
make a hell of a lot more money than any other job I’d be able to get while attending school. From my calculations, as long as I maintained a decent-sized daily audience, I would have enough to pay for education costs and a tiny rat-sized apartment. Not to mention that it would be a hell of a lot more fun than working in some fast food joint, or at least I anticipate it will be – if not, there’s always the option of a ‘McJob’ and a local school. Hell, I doubted a ‘McJob’ would even cover a low cost college education.

I cringed.

Work smarter, not harder – you know. That being said, it wasn’t exactly something I planned on advertising I was doing to friends and family. I had yet to figure out what I’m going to tell people about how I’d gotten the money. I won the lottery? I sighed. I’d cross that bridge when I came to it, I supposed.

However, I still had a few roadblocks that needed to be gotten around before I could pursue a career in the adult entertainment industry. The first was an easy fix, I needed to be eighteen to perform on the website
get paid. Pfft, legalities. I turn eighteen tomorrow so
little problem would sort itself out.

The second problem was that I lived at home. Residing within the Klein household currently were my mother, stepfather,
as of last week, her older stepbrother, Zach. When our parents got married three years ago Zach was twenty and already living on his own. Because of massive layoffs at the construction company where he’d been employed, and the current slump in the economy, Zach was now in search of employment, and had been forced to move back home.

One big, happy family.

Well, not so much…

Zach seemed as enthusiastic over the decision to move in as our parents had been. I was still on the fence over it, and currently it was a non-issue. Until now, Zach never came around much, stating he was busy with work, friends, girlfriends, and so forth, so I never really got to know him.

Needless to say, I doubted Mom and dear old Stepdad would approve of my bringing a guy over to the house to screw on live cam, for the world to see. Hell, they would have a damned heart attack if they knew what I had planned. So I had to be smart and plan my little online adventures when I knew the house would be empty.
problem since it rarely was lately, not to mention the idea of doing such a thing under my parents’ roof seemed – disrespectful. I just wish I had a better place to set up...

But when I get enough money and move to New Jersey I can get my own place. Then it’ll be easy peasy

Finally, I was short a key ingredient of the puzzle. I needed someone to co-star. Someone that had that
je ne sais quoi

Hmmm, what’s the word I’m searching for…


Yes, yes, that’s the word. He has to be the kind of guy men who were watching wished they could be. And the kind of man that women went from 0-60 on the lust meter just by looking at him.

The lyrics to the Maroon 5 song,
Moves like Jagger
popped into my head for a moment. After humming a few lines, I forced the song from my mind. Can’t allow myself to be distracted.

Think, Tia. Think, think, think.

The current relationship status was non-existent and even if I had someone, I doubt I'd have asked him anyhow. How do you go about asking something like that of someone you’re in a relationship with? I just didn't know. If he wasn’t into it, it would have been an instant relationship killer.

With a sigh, I tapped the clickie end of the pen against my teeth. It was a given that the guy who performed with me had to be hung like a horse. This caused me an additional little problem. Even if I did find the perfect candidate for the job, they'd have to be well-enough endowed to put on a good show. It would be embarrassing enough asking someone to join me for some online fun, but another thing altogether to inquire about his penis length and girth, to ensure he was suitable. Yeah,
wasn't going to happen.

I groaned and flopped backwards onto my bed, my long hair fanning out around my head, as I stared up at the pure white ceiling watching the ceiling fan spin. There had to be a way to make it work. There
to be someone I could ask...

A sound of someone loudly clearing their throat came from the open doorway. Startled, I jumped up and found myself tumbling to the floor. "Damn," I muttered, getting to my feet. I'd forgotten Zach was home. I still hadn't gotten used to him living here yet, and despite his size - the man was built like linebacker - he was rather light on his feet.

As I stood and brushed myself off, my cheeks growing warm from my embarrassment, I heard the sound of faint chuckling from the doorway. Looking over in the direction of the laughter I saw Zach. He'd just come out of the shower and had a white towel tied low on his hips. His lean, muscular body gleamed as droplets of water made their way down his broad chest and flat stomach, disappearing under the towel.

My eyes travelled down, and then up the length of his body. Zach was extremely sexy. Zach
had swagger. If he wasn't my stepbrother I'd be all over him. But he
my stepbrother, so any inappropriate thoughts that ran through my head from time to time about him - he was hot, don’t judge me, I couldn't help it - got tightly sealed in the back of my mind in a vault titled:
Forbidden and Off-limits

"You know when Dad and your mother are coming home?" he asked, not bothering to find out if I was okay. Inconsiderate jerk.

I shrugged. "When they get here. How should I know?" Planting my hands on my hips I waited to see if he wanted anything else, while giving him an annoyed look.

"Well, since
you've been
here the past few years I thought you
have some idea." He crossed his thick arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Next week sometime. Depends on how Frank’s business meeting goes. Call them if you really want to know. Anything else you need?" I wasn't sure why I felt the need to be abrupt with him. There seemed to be a tension between us, I'd felt it the first day we’d met, and the feeling had never left. Or maybe it was just me, I don’t know. What I did know was that the feelings made me uncomfortable, so to mask my attraction for him I generally covered it up with hostility.

"That's right, fuck my asshole hard, baby! Ooooh Yaaaaa. Fuck-fuck-FUCK!"

Oh shit!
My mouth dropped as I turned to the open laptop sitting on my desk. The blonde woman and rugged man were hard at it again. I'd completely forgotten it was still playing.

"What do we have here?" Zach grinned, peeking across the room at my laptop monitor.

I lunged towards the laptop in an attempt to turn it off, but Zach was faster. He was across the room and standing between me and the computer before I’d barely had a chance to react. I made an attempt to go around him, but he cut me off, blocking me with one powerful arm.

"Turn that off," I demanded. Again reaching for the machine, but knew it was useless.

"What? And miss the best part? No way!" he joked. He glanced over at my open spiral notebook. "What's this?" He made a move to pick it up, but this time I was slightly quicker, snatching it up and holding it tight to my chest.

"It's research."

"You filthy little whore, take it all. Fucking whore. Tell me you like it!"

"Research, huh? Funny, they never taught 'taking it up the ass 101' when I was a senior in high school." He chuckled and gave me a wink, "At least not officially."

"You are such a pig, Zach." I was seething. It was no secret that Zach used to screw the substitute English teacher while in high school. He was a bit of a school legend. It was the only reason he actually passed that course. I seriously doubted he’d even picked up
during his final year.

Zach laughed louder. "That insult loses its effect when coming from the mouth of someone watching anal porn, Tia."

I tried dodging around him a third time, but once again got blocked. "It wasn't anal the entire time," I grumbled.

"You stallion! You mother-fucking-stallion! Spank my ass."
The blonde woman screamed out between assorted grunts and screams.

Zach laughed harder and stole a glance over his shoulder at the monitor.

Smack. Smack

"You like that, bitch? My little slut. You like that."

Smack. Smack

Zach's laughter intensified, but he continued to watch.

Oh God, this can't be happening. What if he says something to Mom and Ricky?
I groaned inwardly. I knew I had some sweet talking to do in order to get out of the little predicament I was in now.

First things first: turn the computer off. I eyed Zach who had stopped laughing and now appeared to be interested in the action on-screen. A smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I made a dash around him to the laptop.

Again, he was too quick for me, but I had lunged with enough force that my smaller body bounced off Zach and I went toppling backwards onto the bed, a shriek escaping
my lips as I fell. Clutching his arms as I went down, he came crashing over me, his nearly naked body settling between my spread legs.

"Fuckin' love the cock in my ass. You fucking madman!"

Zach caught himself, planting a hand on either side of my head before his entire two-hundred-and-some-odd pounds crushed my tiny frame. His groin lay over mine, and I could feel his erection between my legs, which was rapidly growing.

A wave of searing-hot desire came rushing through my body, leaving me breathless and causing my pussy to throb. I could see my own desire reflected in his eyes as my blue eyes locked onto his dark ones.

The couple in the background continued to spew obscenities mixed with a series of moans and grunts. It turned me on, but what was really driving me crazy was how good his shockingly large shaft felt settled between my legs, with just the terry cloth towel and my flannel lounge pants separating it from my heated, moist pussy.

I silently willed him to kiss me as my tongue swiped across my lower lip suggestively.

Zach's eyes lowered to my lush lips, begging to be kissed, and then back up into my eyes. I closed my eyes as he lowered his lips to mine. His lips grazed across mine ever-so-lightly, lingering there for a moment, barely touching. My heart beat rapidly in my chest and our breaths intermingled.

"Zach," I whispered, my voice hoarse and laced with lust.

I heard a frustrated growl and then the delicious feel of his body over mine was gone. My heart sank in disappointment.

I stayed where I was, spread-eagled on the bed with my eyes closed as I listened to the sound of his footsteps exiting my room. "Fuck," I muttered, opening my eyes just in time to see Rugged Guy unloading into the blonde.

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