Taken By Surprise

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Authors: Nichelle Gregory

BOOK: Taken By Surprise
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A Total-E-Bound Publication




Taken by Surprise

ISBN # 978-0-85715-594-8

©Copyright Nichelle Gregory

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright July 2011

Edited by Lisa Cox

Total-E-Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.


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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.



This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated

















Nichelle Gregory









For my beautiful sister…one of the toughest, bravest chicks I know! One day soon your heart will find a love worthy of all that is you.

Special thanks to Glenn, Gracen and Bryl…you guys rock!





Chapter One




The wind whipped through Zori’s massive wings as she cut through the clouds in the dark night sky. She soared towards the magnetic pull of the moon with her long black hair fluttering against her wings and back. Soon she was past the blanket of thick clouds covering the city below. She closed her eyes and simply glided, soaking in the luminous moon rays.

It was All Hallows’ Eve, the one night of the year she could just be herself. She pulled her wings in close to her body and twisted in graceful circles through the air with a delighted laugh. Flying was her greatest love. The silence, the freedom, filled her with happiness, and she suppressed the urge to shriek with joy. She was miles above the humans but she could not chance drawing attention to herself from any other supernatural creatures enjoying the night of revelry.

Hunger pangs reminded her of how long it had been since she had eaten. It was definitely time to go home to the feast she knew her butler had waiting for her. Her mouth watered as she envisioned the sumptuous spread prepared exactly to her specifications.

But first a bit of fun.

Zori smiled as she spread her silvery wings wide and ascended in the cool air, wondering what mischief her sisters were getting up to as she opened her eyes.

You’re wasting time up here basking in the moonlight.

 With a wicked smile, she flapped her wings once more. She flew through the clouds, towards the artificial lights and obnoxious noise below. With unparalleled stealth and grace, she landed with a soft thud on the rooftop of a high-rise building. At this height, she could smell the humans. Zori wrinkled her nose in displeasure at the barrage of various scents wafting in the air. She surveyed the streets filled with rambunctious New Yorkers dressed in outrageous costumes, laughing and partying in full abandon. Zori’s heart raced as she listened to the steady stream of laughter—she couldn’t wait to join in the fun.

The best part of All Hallows’ Eve was the ability to comingle around unsuspecting people. No one would bat an eye at her tonight and those leery wouldn’t dare approach her. It was New York City, after all, and there was no place else she’d rather be tonight.

She scanned the sidewalk, waiting for the perfect moment to join the mortals undetected. A split second later, she jumped off the roof and landed in an alley. She tucked her wings in so close to her body, the skin around them burned in protest as she sauntered into the crowd of partygoers.

She blended into the nightlife, but her near nakedness drew attention. Her skin prickled and warmed in reaction to heightened senses in overdrive from the numerous pairs of eyes drinking her in, both male and female. She revelled under the frank admiration and lustful gazes, pretending not to notice while avoiding eye contact as much as possible. The last thing she wanted was for one of these lowly humans to notice the yellow gleam in her dark brown eyes.

“She’s practically naked and look at her feet!” one woman whispered to her companion.

“God, look at that body,” another man said to his group of buddies dressed as vampires. “I want some of that!”

They stood across the street, but she could hear every word. She smiled, amused by their banter. If she had more time, she’d teach the mouthy one a thing or two about respect. Her attention drifted to a popular nightclub with Halloween fanatics lined up around the block waiting to get past the purple ropes and into the exclusive party inside.

In a sea of wild bright costumes, one man dressed in an expertly tailored black suit caught her eye. She studied him as he talked to the bouncer. He was everything she liked in a one-night stand—tall, built and sexy. There was an aura of confidence and power about him that drew her in like a moth to the flame. His handsome face was visible under the streetlight, dark mahogany skin contrasting sharply against the stark white dress shirt beneath his black suit.

Zori walked forward, passing others in line as he was ushered past the purple rope. Her primary objective was now getting inside the club. She stopped right in front of the bouncer, pretending she didn’t see his hard gaze rove over her from head to toe before lingering on her talons tapping on the pavement.

“What the hell are you supposed to be?”

She flashed him a look of measured patience. “I’d like to go inside.”

“Yeah? So would half of New York.”

Zori tore her eyes away from her attractive subject, who’d disappeared into the noisy entrance to look at the beefy male in front of her. She pretended to pout, but the bouncer didn’t see it. He was too busy looking at her nipples through her shimmery translucent halter top. She pushed her breasts forward with a subtle posture change and whispered low, “I’d do
to get in.”

The bouncer’s blue eyes darkened as his gaze raked over the rest of her. “Yeah?”

Zori stepped closer and leant forward. “Yeah.” She hid a grin as the bouncer’s eyes moved up from her generous display of cleavage.

So predictable.

“Go on inside. I get off in a couple of hours.”

Sure, whatever, meathead.

Zori smiled at him and gritted her teeth when he copped a quick feel of her ass as she walked past. She pushed back the urge to whip around and clock him, knowing she’d encouraged his forwardness.

Besides, she was moments away from talking to Mr Sexy himself.

The angry protests behind her only added to her good mood as she entered the dark nightclub. Intense dance music bombarded every pore as she scanned the crowded space and irritated her sensitive ears. The throng of nubile bodies writhing on and off beat to the music thumping through the speakers momentarily distracted her. It had been so long since she’d danced. She turned away from the dancers as her stomach growled and the ensuing wave of fierce hunger quickened her step.

Next time, Zori.

She was starving. There were only two things on her mind—food and sex. She preferred to do the latter before she ate. In fact, she couldn’t have one without the other which was why she waited so long between meals. Finding a lover was easy, but holding back her incredible strength or insatiable needs in bed wasn’t. Sometimes even the strongest males wound up injured or dead and she hated doing
kind of clean-up which often required asking her sisters for help. They were always amused by the fact she could barely keep her appetites for gourmet cuisine and cock under control.

“Can I buy you a drink?”

“No, thanks.” Zori barely flicked a glance towards the handsome blond ogling her body as she walked by. Men could be so pathetic. She looked across the sunken dance floor to the bar against the back wall to see her target tilt back a bottle of beer. Her talons scrapped against the smooth floor as she waded through sweaty dancers along the wall to reach the other side of the club. As she approached, he turned around and their eyes met. A zing of anticipation raced through her blood as she moved next to him at the bar.

The thrill of the hunt always excited her.

She leaned against the counter, fully aware of his dark gaze running over her body as she pretended to inspect the bottles of alcohol on display in front of her. With a casual toss of her ebony tresses, she turned her face to see arresting brown eyes staring at her with interest. She moved a little closer to him with a practiced shy smile. “I’m Zori.”

“Greyson.” He offered a slight grin before taking another sip of his drink.

Up close, her guy was taller and bigger than she first estimated which pleased her. She felt sorry for the expensive suit straining to give way to the hard muscles concealed underneath. “Happy Halloween.”

Greyson lifted an eyebrow. “Back at you.”

The sexy smile curving his full lips tempted her to pounce on him right then and there, witnesses be damned.

“Are you here alone?”

He turned his body towards her, his deep voice carrying easily over the loud music.



His eyes moved from her folded wings down over the rest of her body.

Zori smiled, pleased, even though she’d heard enough compliments to last a lifetime. “Dance with me?” She began to move her hips to the seductive rhythmic pull of the DJ’s house mix which was tripling her desire to get him alone.

 Greyson looked down at her feathered feet. “Can you dance in those?” His gaze lingered on her sharp claws.

Zori laughed. “C’mon.” She led him to the dance area and was even more impressed to discover he was a great dancer.

He pulled her in tight as she closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his strong body moving against her own. She wrapped her arms around the thick column of his neck and drew in a tempting whiff of his sexy cologne. Dancing was nirvana. This was the one time she allowed her male partners to take the lead which Greyson did so masterfully. Their bodies swayed and dipped to the music as one and Zori enjoyed every minute of it.

“Can I buy you a drink?” Greyson asked several songs later when both of them were breathless and laughing.


She took his hand as he manoeuvred them back to the bar. He stood out with his good looks and in his fine suit and females noticed him, eyeballed him, to Zori’s annoyance. She flashed one chick who had the audacity to step in the way of his path a venomous look that clearly said:
He’s all mine, lady.

And she could hardly wait.

“What’ll you have?” Greyson asked once they were back at the bar.

“Whatever you were having earlier.” She waited for him to turn and get the bartender’s attention. His deep bass voice brought the bartender over immediately and Zori’s eyes drifted over his expensive watch and large manicured hand as he reached for her drink.

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