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Authors: Cassandra Carr

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reveled in how right this felt. He continued back up to her ear, nibbling at the sensitive lobe. Jamie trembled. He licked down her neck, taking

pleasure in the taste that was uniquely Jamie. Holding her up with a hand on her hip, he began to unbutton her blouse.

When her lacy bra was revealed, he reached under her shirt to the strap and dragged it down her arm until her breast was released. Settling his

mouth over the plump mound, he teased her with a light, feathery touch.


His name died on her lips when he sucked her nipple into his mouth and tugged hard. She arched into him, and there was nowhere else he'd

rather be than here with her, cherishing this moment. Strangely, the thought didn't scare him.

He parted her blouse and slid it off her shoulders. Reaching around, he deftly unhooked her bra, and it too was set aside. Jamie began to pant

as she watched him with heavy-lidded eyes, but he wouldn't be hurried. Instead, he continued his slow exploration of her body, pul ing both of her

legs up to circle his waist. The sight of her cocooning him, the smel of her surrounding him, nearly brought him to his knees.

She smiled at him as she crossed her legs at the ankle. “You like it when I keep my shoes on, right?” At his quick nod, she dug her heels into his

back. Drew groaned, not knowing how much more he could take before he exploded but trying like hel to prolong the sweet anguish.

Reaching between them, she fumbled with his zipper and final y yanked it down.

“Slow down.” He gasped as she took his cock in a firm hold and began furiously pumping.

“I don't want to slow down,” she responded, running her tongue down the length of his jaw.

His control snapped. Pul ing his clothes off mindlessly, he shoved her skirt to her waist and, after rol ing on a condom, plunged into her core.

Both of them cried out. Drew remained standing, but barely, as his senses were assaulted with the bliss of being inside Jamie again. He knew he

wouldn't last long but wanted to make Jamie come first. He would hold himself off, even if it kil ed him. Ruthlessly rubbing and pul ing at her clit, he

thrust into her heat only when he began to believe he'd pass out if he didn't get more of her.

Jamie fel back, writhing and shuddering as he continued his brutal torment of her clit. Her eyes were hazy with lust, transfixed on the meeting of

their groins.

“Look at me, Jamie—only at me,” he commanded. Her eyes flickered, and then she locked and held his gaze. The rest of the world fel away as

they struggled for release, final y achieving it in a flurry of pounding, sweaty flesh on flesh.

Jamie felt boneless as she came down from her orgasm. She doubted she could've moved anyway, but since Drew had col apsed on top of her

and showed no signs of moving, she simply lay there, trying desperately to catch her breath.

“Wow,” he breathed.

She couldn't agree more. “Wow,” she repeated.

He tipped his head up. “Come to my place. We can order food. I need to recover my strength before I take you again. Hmmm. Better get a lot of

food. I've got plans for you.” He grinned at her and briefly nuzzled into her neck.

“Do you cook at al ?” she asked him, laughing.

He grunted and raised his head again. “Not if I can help it. The city has so many great restaurants, and I like to support the local economy.”

She laughed again. “Get off me, you beast!”

“I wil as soon as you answer me. Come home with me.”

She studied him, trying to decipher his strange behavior. He looked real y beat, now that she got a closer look. “Drew, I hesitate to say this, but

you look like hel .”

He rose and pul ed out of her. “I had a rough time on vacation.”

Jamie shook her head as she watched him grab his pants and step into them. “You were on vacation, Drew! How could you possibly have had a

rough time?”

He shot her a quick look and then went back to dressing. “I couldn't stop thinking about you. Pissed me off.”

She raised herself up on her elbows. “It pissed you off to think about me?”

“Not the way you think,” he told her, rubbing his forehead. “It was driving me crazy the way we left things. So I sat there in that stupid boat and

thought about you and how maybe I wanted something different. Maybe I
something different. Once I got my head out of my ass, al I wanted

to do was get back here to see how you felt.” Drew looked down, shuffling his feet. “So how do you feel about us? Are we okay?”

“If you're asking if I'm mad at you for pul ing that caveman routine, then the answer is yes.” She hesitated, not sure she should admit her true

feelings. “And no.”

“Perfect,” he muttered.

“Yes, because you real y didn't have to act like such a domineering asshole.” Drew groaned at her assessment, but she continued undaunted,

sitting up. “But also no, because no one has ever done that for me before. No one has ever made a declaration like that. Even though I yel ed at you,

I kind of like being thought of as yours. It's sort of, I don't know, sexy. It's more than that too; my brain is a little fuzzy right now.”

She smiled up at him, and he leaned down to put his forehead to hers. “You are mine, exclusively mine, no one else's, and I'm yours, al yours,”

he whispered. Then he straightened and grinned. “It's a good thing that guy wasn't here in person. You would've real y seen some caveman action

then. I would've been forced to kick the ever-lovin’ shit out of him, bad knees and al .” Drew touched his lips to hers. “What am I going to do with


Jamie grinned. “Buy me food and then make me crazy with desire?”

“Done. Let's get out of here.” He handed Jamie her shirt and bra and then cal ed Dave.

They stopped to pick up a pizza on their way to Drew's condo. He had entertained the thought of suggesting they go to her place. He wanted to

see where Jamie lived. Maybe it would give him some insight about the person she was. In the end, Manhattan won out. It was so much closer, and

he didn't want to waste time. Even though he knew Brooklyn wasn't that far away, it seemed like another world. She mentioned going home to get

clothes and toiletries, but he convinced her they could stop at a drugstore, and he'd buy her any toiletries she needed.

After she repeated the need for clothes, he offered to take her on a shopping spree before the show started tomorrow. She wouldn't have a

need for clothes if he had anything to say about it, but he would've agreed to pretty much anything she asked for at that moment. It was weird—he

was so relieved he stil had her, he was actual y wil ing to sit around al afternoon while she tried on clothes. The situation had a couple of upsides,

though. He could pick out lingerie, for one thing. And though he loved it when her legs were bare, the thought of her in thigh-highs and some sexy

little satin teddy made his dick tighten up uncomfortably.

After they took care of the clothes and lingerie, he ful y intended to take her to a shoe store, where he would gleeful y spend thousands of dol ars

to get her more of those kil er shoes he loved. He was perfectly wil ing to feed her shoe obsession. He'd never been much for pain during sex, but

feeling her heels dig into his ass had only excited him more.

They arrived at his building, and he pul ed himself back to reality when Rick opened the door for them. In his apartment, he told her to take care

of getting plates for the pizza they'd picked up while he brought her bags into the bedroom. He quickly changed the sheets and then rejoined her in

the living room.

The heavenly smel of spicy sauce and pepperoni made his mouth water, and he'd downed three slices before Jamie had finished her first. He

sat back, folded his hands over his stomach, and relaxed as he waited for her to finish. He doubted he would even have the energy to fuck for a

while. He needed to digest first. In the meantime, he looked forward to lavishing tons of foreplay on her. She caught him smiling at her.

“What's got you looking like the cat that ate the canary?”

Drew smiled even wider. “I'm thinking about everything I'm going to do to you and everything you're going to do to me. It real y doesn't take much

to make me happy, darlin'.”

Her gaze pointedly dropped to his crotch, and Drew thought his jaw would snap if he smiled any wider.

“You don't look that happy to me.”

“I'm digesting. Give me time, woman,” he shot back.

Jamie rol ed her eyes. “I've never seen someone put away so much food so quickly. It was real y an awesome sight to behold.”

“I'l give you an awesome sight to behold...”

Jamie chuckled. “I bet you wil . But until then, I think I'l go unpack al the stuff from the drugstore. Do you mind if I take a bath? For some reason,

I'm feeling a little sore.”

Drew grimaced. “Sorry about that, sweetheart. I couldn't help myself.”

“I'l get you back later. Don't you worry.” She pursed her lips, but the corners of her mouth were kicked up in a smile.

Before he knew it, he had risen from the couch. “Tel you what. You go inventory your girly stuff, make sure everything's there, then come into the

bathroom. I'l have your bath al ready for you.” He couldn't believe the thought of doing something domestic didn't scare the shit out of him. Even the

thought of having al her clothes and makeup and stuff spread al over his place didn't bother him.

Jamie gave him a strange look but didn't argue. “Thanks. I'd like that. Be there in a few minutes.” She disappeared into the bedroom, and Drew

went to the bathroom, trying to remember how his fancy whirlpool tub worked.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Eighteen

Jamie went over recent events in her head. She just couldn't reconcile the Drew she knew before to the Drew she was seeing now. What had

changed on his trip? He'd said he'd figured out she was different. Wel , good for him. But where did that leave them, real y? He hadn't made any

promises or declarations to her, other than his decree he didn't want her to date anyone else. Of course, after the short time they'd been together,

what else could she expect? In truth, she didn't want to date anyone else. She couldn't help but smile a little as she remembered him charging into

her cubicle like a bul in a china shop.

She heard the water shut off and quickly undressed before padding to the bathroom. It was lit only by a smal light in the shower, which cast a

soft glow, and a couple of candles, which Drew had lit and placed around the tub. He turned from reaching into the linen closet for something, his

gaze tracking her from head to toe and back again. He gifted her with a slow, sexy smile, and Jamie felt her insides turn into a pile of steaming

hormones. Damn, but the man was potent.

“You're gorgeous.”

Jamie squirmed, feeling the flush start on her chest and spread out over her neck and face. After everything they'd done, how did this man stil

turn her inside out?

He reached out a hand and helped her into the tub. She immediately sank down, relishing the warm water on her sore muscles. Leaning back,

she closed her eyes and sighed.
This is the life
... To her left, she heard a faint rustling and cracked one eye open to see Drew divesting himself of

his clothes. He caught her looking and winked at her.

She raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing?”

“I'm going to wash your back, of course. And your front. And your sides.”

“Of course,” she replied, chuckling. Moving toward the opposite end of the tub, she curled her legs up to her chest and gave Drew room to get

in. After he'd settled himself, he grabbed her, turned her around, and pul ed her back to his chest. She snuggled in and yawned. Drew laughed and

kissed the side of her neck.

Picking up her loofah, he turned it over in his hands, obviously and adorably befuddled about how to use it. Final y, he shrugged and dumped

some shower gel onto it. He pushed her forward until her chin rested on her knees and began to massage the gel into her skin. Jamie relaxed and

closed her eyes again.

When he was finished, he rinsed her and then grabbed her hips, bringing her back into the circle of his body. Her ass bumped into his erection,

and he hissed.

“Sorry about that. I can't seem to help myself around you. Every time I'm near you, my dick gets hard. You've got me addicted, lady.”

“Good,” she replied. “I'm not done with you yet.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, it is, so you better get used to it.”

He turned her face to his. “I plan to.” The expression in his eyes was one she'd never seen before. A myriad of emotions blended together: lust,

amusement, temper, tenderness. There was also a new, hard to describe emotion.
? She scoffed. She knew Drew wasn't the happily-ever-

after type, and she needed to reconcile herself to that and enjoy what they had while it lasted. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, and she laid

her head on his shoulder. In the meantime, this was paradise.

When he ran his hands over her bel y, she jumped. He did it again. “Drew! Stop!” she protested. “I'm ticklish.”

“I know.” She could hear the grin in his voice and was about to elbow him when his hands closed over her breasts, lightly pinching her nipples.

Gasping, she arched her back and pressed her breasts closer to his touch. As the rough pads of his fingers abraded her sensitized nipples, she

moaned. He kissed up the side of her neck and bit her earlobe.

“I love your tits.”

“They love you too,” she assured him, turning in his arms to run her tongue from his chin along his jaw. He grunted and captured her lips with his,

immediately thrusting his tongue into her mouth. Groaning, he deepened the kiss even more, sliding his hands into her hair to hold her head in

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