Read Terror in the Balkans Online
Authors: Ben Shepherd
Tags: #History, #Europe, #Military, #World War II, #Science & Math, #Earth Sciences, #Geography, #Regional
eral months.
The brutalized, embittered way in which Geissler came to regard the
enemy is clear throughout these extracts. It is easy to imagine how such
a perspective could, in turn, brutalize a soldier’s behavior. It is also easy
to see how the behavior of the 718th’s troops could by now have been
similarly affected. Of course, the National Socialist indoctrination to
which they had already been subjected almost certainly eased the path to
barbarization. But the extreme and often perilous conditions the troops
were enduring would have profoundly hardened them nonetheless.
The third Jajce operation, which fi nally saw the Partisans properly
expelled from Jajce, was the hardest fought of all. It commenced at the
start of December.120 The Germans suffered fi fty-eight dead and ninety-
three wounded, the Croats twenty-three dead and 135 wounded. One
hundred and forty-nine Croats were also reported missing. The Parti-
sans, meanwhile, lost 431 dead and sixty wounded.121 By December 5
it was reported that the enemy had fi nally pulled out of Jajce and was
headed north.122 But the scale of Axis losses indicates just how hard-
pressed the division’s troops were by this time. Having retaken the town,
the vulnerability of the rest of its jurisdiction, particularly around Tuzla
and Zenica, thwarted the 718th’s attempt to pursue the Partisans and
complete their destruction.123 Other divisions, such as the 714th, faced a
similar situation by now.124
By the end of the year the 718th had gained no respite. Among other
things, the division’s intelligence section reported that the large Commu-
nist groups beyond its demarcation line continued to threaten its area’s
southwestern border. Their skill in propaganda, their practice of forced
recruitment, and what divisional command termed the “natural tendency
of some of the population to murder and plunder” were all aiding them.125
Even the changes to the NDH’s military structure, which had taken
place in October and November, failed to bring about a signifi cant
The Morass
change in Axis fortunes. In late November Croatia Command reported
that a reshuffl e in the NDH government had not affected internal policy,
and that Ustasha attacks continued to spawn chaos. The Partisan pres-
ence in Zone III had increased since the Italians had abandoned it.126
And Croatia Command now conceded that, compared with the mayhem
in those regions still “administered” by the NDH, the population of the
Communist-controlled areas actually enjoyed considerable stability.127
By December Croatia Command believed that 95 percent of the popula-
tion was supporting the Partisans’ communication network. It also noted
that the Partisans, by treating captured Croatian soldiers humanely, were
fueling mounting desertion from the Croatian army.128
The 718th Infantry Division’s experience during the fi nal four months
of 1942 shows that there were now ever greater limits to how far any unit
was prepared to pursue the kind of counterinsurgency campaign that
placed constructive engagement at its center. For one thing, it was no
longer just a question of whether the division should engage with the
population, but also of which groups to engage with, and how far. Con-
sidering the increasingly acute threat the Partisans now posed, and the
mayhem being dispensed not just by the Ustasha but, increasingly, by
the Muslim militias also, it might at fi rst have seemed that the obvious
partner for the 718th to woo was the Chetniks. But because the Chetniks
themselves rivaled and sometimes surpassed these other groups for bru-
tality, arming them was a course of action that, the division recognized,
was fraught with pitfalls of its own.
In such conditions, hearts and minds measures were likely to bring
tenuous benefi ts if any. The sense of frustration this was bound to fuel
was perhaps one reason why the 718th eschewed much of its earlier
restraint during the Jajce operations. Perhaps an even more immediate
reason was that the Partisans’ burgeoning fi ghting power would inevi-
tably lead to a furious engagement—a particularly daunting prospect for
an occupation division blighted by so many failings—from which mass
civilian deaths were likely to result.
By now, moreover, the effect that almost unremitting counterinsur-
gency warfare was having upon the troops was likely to barbarize their
terror in the balk ans
own behavior irrespective of any measures divisional and regimental
commands took to check it. And if divisional and regimental commands
seeking to check it, it is little wonder that the “Partisan” body
counts the Jajce operations yielded were so horribly disproportionate.
And the absence of any restraint by divisional and regimental com-
mands indicates the mounting obduracy, further fueled by directives
from higher command, which was by now coloring their own mind-set.
The 718th Infantry Division’s command had not been a model of
enlightened thinking during 1942. But for much of the year it had sought
to infuse its counterinsurgency campaign with a considerable degree of
constructive engagement. But towards the end of the year, what seems
to have hardened its attitude most decisively was not National Socialist
conviction, but the sheer intractability of the military, political, and envi-
ronmental conditions its campaign was facing. The origin of this morass
ultimately lay, as earlier in 1942, in the strategic priorities and political
mistakes of the division’s highest military and civilian masters.
In the opening months of 1943, the fortunes of the German occupation
divisions in the NDH would decline further still. How the divisions
responded would depend, again, not just upon the Wehrmacht’s central
doctrines and the orders issued by high command, but also upon the
conditions the divisions faced and the sensibilities of the men who com-
manded them. The 718th Infantry Division was by no means the worst
offender during this period. That distinction went to the German-led
“Croatian Legion” formations of the 369th and 373d Infantry Divisions.
c h a p t e r 1 0
The Devil’s Division
The 369th Infantry Division in Bosnia, 1943
The commander of the 369th infantry division was Briga-
dier General Fritz Neidholt. Neidholt had been born in 1887 in
Thuringia, central eastern Germany, to the family of a Protestant pas-
tor. He spent the majority of his Great War on the eastern front, though
he did experience both the 1914 advance and the 1918 retreat on the
western front. Throughout those four years he served variously as an
adjutant, a communications offi cer, a pioneer offi cer, and a staff offi cer.
It was in this latter capacity that Neidholt’s career seems to have stalled.
According to his resume, in April 1917 he was appointed an “offi cer in
the fi eld” with the army high command, but just over a year later he
was serving on the staff of a reserve division. On the inception of the
Reichswehr, Neidholt began serving with the infantry, with which he
largely remained until leaving military service in 1935. By the outbreak
of war Neidholt had returned to the Wehrmacht, briefl y commanding
an infantry regiment in Poland before ending up on the army high com-
mand’s offi cer reserve list. He was only appointed a brigadier general
in October 1942.1
Neidholt’s, then, was not an especially distinguished career. Perhaps
appropriately, the only way in which the division he commanded in
Yugoslavia distinguished itself was in the number of civilians it killed.
terror in the balk ans
Known in Croatia as the “Devil’s Division,” its nickname would prove
grimly apposite.2
Formed in 1942, the 369th arrived in Yugoslavia at the end of that
year. The 369th itself was a replacement for a forerunner unit destroyed
on the eastern front.3 Its main body of combat troops was divided into
two infantry regiments, the 370th and the 969th, each comprising three
battalions of four companies, together with an artillery regiment and
an antitank section.4 In other respects, its composition was unusual.
Together with the later-formed 373d and 392d Infantry Divisions, it was
a “legionnaire division.” Its senior offi cers, and some of its junior offi -
cers and NCOs, were German- or Austrian-born, but its rank-and-fi le
personnel consisted of former soldiers of the Croatian army. The Ger-
mans had set up a German- and Austrian-led “Croatian Legion” during
1942 because they believed that the presence of German army offi cers
and NCOs would compensate for the growing lack of suitable offi cer and
NCO personnel within the Croatian army itself.5
But for the 369th Infantry Division, the presence of German army offi -
cers and NCOs would not compensate for low morale, discipline, and
fi ghting power. These debilitating conditions would help to brutalize the
division’s conduct during this period. Yet that conduct, as with the 342d
Infantry Division’s in 1941, can also be attributed to the biography of its
commander, and in particular to his Great War experience.
By early 1943, the numerical strength of the Partisans’ regular forces,
forty-fi ve thousand by German estimates, was still less than a third of
the now hundred and fi fty thousand-strong Chetnik movement. But
the rate of growth—a ten-fold increase in twelve months—had been
dramatic.6Among other things, the Partisans were benefi ting from grow-
ing popular affront at the increasingly rapacious economic measures
to which the Axis was subjecting occupied Yugoslavia, particularly in
terms of the procurement of crops and labor.7 Against them, the Axis
was in increasing disarray. Relations between the Germans and the Ital-
ians plummeted further during winter 1942–1943; whether in Yugoslavia,
the Soviet Union, or North Africa, the Italians were increasingly blamed
for Axis failures. Only Hitler’s fellow feeling with Mussolini, and his fear
The Devil’s Division
that any further weakening of the Duce’s position might have dire politi-
cal consequences for the Axis, prevented the Germans from undermin-
ing the Italian leader. In the NDH General Roatta, refl ecting the Italians’
deteriorating position, had in November 1942 announced his intention of
initiating a further withdrawal. The purpose this time was not to con-
centrate on areas of particular interest to the Italians, but simply to better
defend Italy itself against the threat of invasion the Axis defeats in North
Africa portended.8
Fearing another power vacuum, the Germans managed to get this
withdrawal delayed. But the episode was a measure of how burden-
some German relations with the Italians now were. The Germans also
remained intensely uneasy at how far the Italians were willing to go to
accommodate the Chetniks. Any pretension that this was a cunning,
credible divide-and-rule policy, rather than a recipe for mayhem, now
looked even more threadbare than before. By now if not earlier, the Ital-
ians, as the German police attaché in Agram observed, might be good at
dividing, but did not possess the strength for ruling.9
Immensely diffi cult also were German relations with the NDH. Yet
despite the Ustasha regime’s ongoing weakness, most senior German
fi gures remained reluctant to abolish it. General Löhr was an exception.
Counterinsurgency hard-liner though he was, he had the presence of
mind to want the Ustasha regime replaced either by a government headed
by the Croatian Peasants’ Party, or by a Wehrmacht military commander.
This did not happen, partly because of Hitler’s ongoing sympathy with
the Ustasha, and partly because of lack of suffi cient support for Löhr
from Glaise and Kasche. Hitler also feared how replacing the Ustasha
regime with one headed by the Croatian Peasants’ Party might be per-
ceived externally. Elsewhere in German-occupied Europe, conservative-
authoritarian collaborationist regimes had been replaced by more radical
ones. But performing the operation in reverse might be perceived as a
humiliating failure. Furthermore, for reasons of Italo-German diplomatic
relations, overthrowing the Ustasha regime would only have been pos-
sible by granting more concessions to Mussolini. But this in turn would
have made it harder to mobilize the Croatian national forces.10
And preserving the Pavelicŕegime at least kept German options open.
As long as the Chetniks were not completely disarmed, they could be used
terror in the balk ans
as leverage against the Ustasha. And as long as the Pavelicŕegime and the
Italians remained at loggerheads the Germans could continue presenting
their own economic demands on the NDH as more reasonable. These
were scarcely inspiring motives, but they helped ensure that retaining the
Pavelicŕegime appeared marginally preferable to the alternative.11
Confronting the Partisans in the NDH were three German army infan-