That Moment (3 page)

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Authors: Emily Prior

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: That Moment
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"Meoww-oowww" was the cat's answer.


Kurt smiled and said, "I'll take that as a 'yes', Angel."


So Kurt went to the refrigerator, took out what he needed to make breakfast, and sat everything on the stove. He opened the cupboard to get 2 frying pans, putting them on the stove. He opened the package of bacon that he took from the fridge, separated the slices and put them in one pan over low heat to cook. While the bacon was cooking, he poured a cup of coffee and sat at the table, looking out the window at two horses grazing in the pasture behind Jessica's house..


He glanced toward the stairs to see if the cat was there. She wasn't, so he turned back to the window. He was so engrossed in watching the horses that he never heard Jessica until she said, "Are you going to stir the bacon or let it burn, honey?" He jumped, startled, and almost spilled his coffee. He looked at her, standing at the bottom of the stairs wearing only a thin cotton robe in a startling shade of red that brought out the fiery red highlights in her waist-length brown hair, which was tangled from sleep.


Jessica thought to herself, "Wow!!! He looks so fine sitting there in his underwear and t-shirt! It's like God made him just for me! Thank you ever so much, God!" and she smiled, her cheeks still rosy from sleep.


Kurt stood up and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her deeply before saying, "Good morning beautiful."


She said, "Good morning handsome! You better stir that bacon before it burns, honey." Then she pulled out of his arms, walked over to the coffee pot and poured herself a cup of coffee, adding sugar, creamer, and a little bit of vanilla extract to her cup. She went to the table and sat down..


He walked to the stove and stirred the bacon, then came back to the table and sat down with Jessica. He leaned over and kissed her again then sat back in his chair and said, "I was going to make you breakfast in bed, baby. But you woke up and came downstairs, spoiling my surprise."


"Angel woke me up." she said.


"Angel? Oh, the cat, right?" he asked.


"Yes, my cat, silly!" she replied. Kurt blushed slightly and Jessica said, "It's ok babe. She jumped up on the bed and started purring in my ear, and that's what woke me up."


Kurt smiled and said, "I better finish making your breakfast, honey." Then he walked to the stove, turned on the burner under the other pan and added some butter to it. He cracked 4 eggs into the pan and let them cook, flipping them after a couple minutes. Jessica made the toast, and set the table for them. She took a jug of fruit juice from the refrigerator and poured some in each glass on the table. Kurt took the bacon from the pan and drained it on some paper towels, then put the plate of bacon on the table. He carried the pan of eggs to the table and put two eggs on each plate, then put the pans in the sink. Kurt grabbed the coffee pot and the sugar, creamer, and Jessica's vanilla and put them on the table, then sat down. Jessica placed some bacon and toast on his plate, then on hers.


They sat eating in silence for a few minutes before Kurt asked, "Are those your horses out there in the pasture?"


Jessica smiled and said, "Yes they are. Their names are Cajun and Lady. Cajun is the big brown Quarter Horse gelding with the white stripe down his face. Lady is the Thoroughbred mare with the white front leg. Cajun used to be a stock pony, but he threw a shoe and came up lame. I bought him from a horse auction and now he's a good trail horse. Lady used to be a racer, but was retired two years ago when I bought her from her previous owner who was gonna destroy her. Now I use her for trail riding and horse shows."


Kurt nodded and said, "Sounds like you've made a good home for them here, baby. I'd love to go riding with you sometime if you feel up to it."


She smiled at him and nodded, "That would be lots of fun, Kurt. I know some good trails around here too. One leads to a private pond where there's a lean-to and firepit for people and a small corral for the horses. I go there sometimes to go swimming during the summer." Kurt noticed that as she nodded her head, tendrils of her hair slipped down over her shoulder to cover one breast that was trying to reveal itself from the confines of her thin, almost transparent robe.


Kurt saw her nipples harden under his gaze and he swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down rapidly. He could feel the blood pulsing through his groin, and shifted in his chair. Jessica looked at his face and saw the raw spark of desire shining there in his eyes as her heart sped up and her cheeks pinkened. Suddenly Kurt stood up, took Jessica's hand and pulled her to her feet. He kissed her so deeply and passionately that within seconds, her knees were going weak. Kurt could feel her start to sway, so he bend down and scooped her up, one hand behind her back, the other under her knees. He carried her to the couch, laid her down and untied the belt holding her robe closed.


The robe slid open, revealing a pair of golden-tanned, lush perky breasts just begging for his touch upon their creamy smoothness. The dark curls below her tummy were also fully visible, since she wasn't wearing any panties. Kurt groaned as he leaned down and kissed Jessica deeply. His tongue traced the line of her full pouty lips, teasing them into opening. When her lips parted, he slid his tongue in and explored the sweetness of her mouth. His tongue caressed hers in an erotic dance of the senses. He could taste the juice and coffee she had with her breakfast, just as she could on his tongue.


As Kurt kissed her, his hands began exploring the silky smoothness of her ample breasts, cupping, caressing, kneading them gently as his thumbs brushed lightly over her nipples, causing them to harden quickly under that exquisite torture. Jessica moaned, a low sound that seemed similar to the purr of a cougar or tigress, very low and animal-like, Kurt thought. She arched her back and his hands stopped their teasing dance upon her breasts.


Suddenly, Kurt's mouth was on her left breast, sucking hungrily upon her sweet, tender nipple. He gave equal attention to the right breast and nipple as his hand caressed her tummy in slow lazy circles, moving slowly toward her secret treasure hidden beneath that patch of dark curls at the juncture of her thighs. His fingertips grazed over the soft silky curls and he heard her gasp. He smiled as his hand cupped her treasure trove of sweetness. His fingers gently opened her, then slid into her wetness, rubbing tenderly across her swollen clit.


Jessica moaned as he slid two fingers deep inside her and began moving them in and out of her hot sheath. Kurt kissed Jessica deeply as his hand and fingers worked their magic on her body. Her hands slid up and cupped his face. She looked into his eyes and said, "Kurt, please don't ever leave me. When I saw you in that store, I somehow knew that I had found my soul mate. I know that we haven't known each other long, but I feel like I've known you my whole life. I love you, Kurt, and I want to be with you always."


Kurt was not surprised at all by her confession, and he told her, "Jessica, my love, I feel exactly the same way. I won't ever leave you, darling." Then he moved between her legs and pressed his stiff member deep inside her, slowly making love to her as he suckled on her breasts. She arched her back to press closer to him and raised her hips in time with his long slow thrusts. He started picking up speed, moving faster and deeper within her sheath, feeling the muscles start to contract around his throbbing shaft as her orgasm came upon her. He stopped moving for a few moments. Jessica looked at him questioningly and he said, "Honey, I want this to last awhile. No need to make you cum yet, baby. It'll be great that way, you'll see." She smiled and nodded her head, trying to catch her breath.


After a few moments, Kurt began moving within her again, this time going faster, harder and deeper than before, wanting Jessica to soar to the heavens with her orgasm along with him. After a few minutes, he felt her body start to tremble and the muscles of her love canal began to quiver. He knew she was almost to the high point of her orgasm, so he began moving faster in her hot wet love hole. She was moaning loudly and her fingernails were digging into the skin of his back, over his shoulder blades. He could feel his release coming ever closer to the edge, and within a minute or two, he was exploding deep within her, spilling his hot sticky love juice in her wetness.


He collapsed on the couch beside her, his member still throbbing within her. He kissed her deeply and held her tight, running a strand of her hair through his fingers.


"Baby, let's go take a shower together, then saddle up the horses and go for a ride." he said to her.


She said, "Ok Kurt. I'll run upstairs and get our clothes, unless you want to dress up in my room."


He said, "Upstairs is fine, sweetheart." then he withdrew from her and helped her up from the couch. They went into the bathroom, took a shower and made love again, then dried off and went upstairs to get dressed. Jessica pulled on her black silk panties and bra, a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt with a white horse on it. Kurt pulled on a pair of blue boxers, a white t-shirt with a Harley motorcycle on it, and a pair of blue jeans. He grabbed a pair of socks from his bag, and Jessica took a pair of socks from her drawer, then they went downstairs.


They sat on the couch and put on their socks, then Jessica got her boots from the closet while Kurt put his boots on. Then he went out to the barn. Jessica brushed and braided her hair while she waited for Kurt to come back inside. She grabbed her fanny pack from the closet and tucked her little first aid kit and her cell phone in it. She packed a picnic lunch into the picnic basket and put a picnic blanket, 2 towels, and a roll of toilet paper into a backpack. After she finished packing the bag, she looked out the window to see Kurt in the pasture, 2 lead ropes in his hand. He walked up to Lady and attached her rope, then tried to get Cajun. Cajun would run away, turn around and stamp his hoof whenever Kurt got close. Jessica watched him with the horse, and laughed, realizing that she had forgotten to tell Kurt the way to catch Cajun easily.


She ran outside to the garden, picked 2 carrots, then walked to the gate. "Kurt! Come here for a second, honey! I forgot to tell you how to catch Cajun." she yelled. He led Lady over to her, handing him the leadrope. She broke a carrot in half and gave it to him. "You need to lure him close to you with a carrot, Kurt. Put half of it in your pocket and hold the other half in your hand so he can eat it while you snap on the lead." she told him.


"Ok honey. I'll try it." he said before he kissed her and walked back out to the pasture where Cajun was.


Cajun's ears swivelled forward as he slowly walked toward Kurt, who had stopped walking. As the horse approached, Kurt held his hand a little closer to himself so Cajun would come close enough to hook on the lead rope. As Cajun took the carrot, Kurt hooked the rope onto his halter. The horse jerked his head but did not try to run away. Kurt gave him the other carrot half and led him to the barn to be saddled. As he led Cajun to the barn, he saw that Jessica had Lady saddled already and was fastening a cooler sack to the back of the saddle. "What's in the cooler, baby?" Kurt asked her.


"Oh, nothing much, dear. Just some sandwiches, fruit, cheese, and soda for a picnic lunch. Can u fasten this back pack to your saddle for me, honey?" she replied, smiling at him.


"I sure can, honey. What's in here?" he asked.


"The picnic basket, four towels, the first aid kit and my cell phone, and a roll of toilet paper, just in case." she said with a wink.


"Towels, huh baby? You planning on getting wet somewhere during this ride?" he asked her.


"Well, I do know of a place where we can stop for a swim, honey. And some other fun there too, Kurt." she said. He finished saddling Cajun, tied on the backpack, and they mounted up after Jessica locked the door of the house.


"Lead the way, darling." Kurt said. They rode out, following a trail south. Along the way, they talked and laughed at funny stories each told about embarrassing dates or other things. Jessica pointed out different places along the trail and where other trails crossed it.

At one point where another trail crossed with the one they were on, they stopped to watch a white-tailed deer and her fawn walking on the trail. Kurt took that opportunity to come alongside Jessica and lean over to kiss her deeply. "I've been waiting for the chance to do that since we left the house, honey." he said huskily.


She smiled and said, "We'll turn right at the next trail crossing, honey. There's a lean-to shed there by a pond in a clearing off the trail there where we can have lunch and go for a swim. There's an old corral there too where the horses can be put." Her voice was deep and Kurt could tell that she was getting excited at the thought of making love in that lean-to or in the pond.


They rode on for about ten more minutes before turning right from the "Elm Trail" onto the "Maple Trail." Jessica explained that all the trails in the area were named after trees: Elm, Maple, Pine, Oak, Cedar, Sycamore, Poplar, Red Maple, and Willow. About a half hour later, they turned left, rode for about five minutes, and came to the clearing that Jessica told him about. They rode to the right where the corral was, and dismounted from the horses and unsaddled them. Kurt led them into the corral while Jessica untied the backpack from his saddle, and the cooler from hers, carrying them to the lean-to on the left side of the clearing.


Kurt looked around the clearing as he put the horses in the corral. The corral was on the right side of the clearing and had a pole fence. It was about 100 feet long and 50 feet wide and had a bunch of trees at one end for shade. There was an old barrel there for water and a bucket hanging on one of the posts, probably to use for hauling water from the pond for the horses. He closed the gate and picked up both saddles, carrying them to the lean-to. Jessica was bent over, rolling out the blanket onto the floor of the lean-to. Her jeans were pulled tight across her butt and Kurt had all he could do to hold back from rushing to her and ripping her pants off her and taking her then and there.

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