Read The Age of Radiance Online
Authors: Craig Nelson
Tags: #Atomic Bomb, #History, #Modern, #Nonfiction, #Retail
“As long as Prof Meitner was”
: Meitner Collection.
“They are obliged to try”
“Ah, so you’re the little lady”; “was Germany’s anointed postwar scientific icon”
: Rife.
“nonsense from the first word”
“After the last 15 years which”; “perhaps one cannot be such”; “It is a difficult problem”
: Sime.
“That is indeed the misfortune”
: Office of Strategic Services: Correspondence; January 5–July 31, 1945; Moe Berg Papers, box 6; Manuscripts Division, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library.
“a bitter, disappointed woman”
: Hahn.
“Bohr at Los Alamos was marvelous”
: Rhodes, “I Am Become Death.”
“It is already evident that”
: Bird and Sherman.
“Atomic weapons have similar complementary”
: Baggott.
“The implication was that Roosevelt”
: Conant,
109 East Palace.
“The war taught us much”
: V. I. Lenin,
Polnoe sobrainie sochinenii,
vol. 26, 5th ed. (Moscow, 1958–65).
“worked harder than anyone else”
“It seemed to us that if”; “that it was necessary to promote”; “Where that influence came from”
: Rhodes,
Dark Sun.
“Many of us looked with deep”
: Conant,
109 East Palace.
“We spent several days finding”
: Bird and Sherman.
“In May, one hundred tons”
: Kelly.
“Comparison with TNT”
Oppenheimer Papers,
H. A. Bethe folder.
“Oppenheimer was really terribly worried”
“All the senior scientists who”
: “Dan Hornig.”
“I started dreaming Kistiakowsky had”
“I was told that [Oppie] came”
: Calloway.
“on whether or not the bomb”
“Now we’re all sons of bitches”
: Conant,
109 East Palace
“I think I’m the first”
“The theoretical people had calculated”
: Calloway.
“At the instant of the explosion”
“At about thirty seconds, the general”; “After a few seconds the rising”; “The column looked rather like”
: “Trinity.”
“The enormity of the light”
“Well, there must be something”
: Conant,
109 East Palace
“The whole country was lighted by”
: “Primary Resources.”
“I could see that crack”
“Then an amazing thing”
: Calloway.
“We’ve done it”
: Bernstein.
“It was like being at the”
: Jones.
“When one first looked up”
: Bird and Sherman.
“Apparently no one had told”
: Kelly.
“A tremendous cloud of smoke”
: “Trinity.”
“Practically everybody at the Trinity”
: Kelly.
“The big boom came about”
: Alice Smith, “A Peril and a Hope,”
New York Times
, September 26, 1945.
“My grandmother shoved me”
“We saw this huge, huge light”; “I went out there”
: Calloway.
“About one hour after the explosion”
: Rhodes,
Atomic Bomb.
“Feynman got his bongo drums”
: Conant,
109 East Palace
“One man I remember, Bob Wilson”
: Feynman.
“flabbergasted by the assumption”
: Richard G. Hewlett and Oscar E. Anderson,
The New World, 1939/1946
(Washington: US Atomic Energy Commission, 1972).
“general demeanor and his desire”
: James Byrnes,
All in Our Lifetime
(New York: Harper, 1958).
“If we were to offer to”
“to push ahead as fast as”; “The most desirable target”
: Bird and Sherman.
“steps should be taken to sever”
: Baggott.
“I was one of those”
: Dwight D. Eisenhower,
The White House Years, Mandate for Change, 1953–1956
(New York: Doubleday, 1963).
“Even if the Japs are savages”
: Truman’s diary, Harry S. Truman Library,
“You’ve got to kill people”
: Larrabee.
“I heard the huzzle-huzzle”
: George Martin, “Black Snow and Leaping Tigers,”
February 1946.
“scorched, boiled, and baked to death”
: Larrabee.
“I was a little fearful that”
: Calloway.
“LeMay said if we’d lost”
: Morris.
“The people from Trinity had”
“As we came in from”; “The bomb blast hit us”
: Loader, Rafferty, and Rafferty.
“There is a moment of calm”
: Langewiesche.
“My God, what have we done?”
“We heard the strange noise”
: Hersey.
“I found that there was”
“A woman who looked like”
: Matsumoto.
“Hundreds upon hundreds of the”
“I found people who, when”
: Burchett.
“What regrets I have about”
: Rhodes,
Dark Sun.
“This is the greatest thing”
: Rhodes,
Atomic Bomb.
“The force from which the sun”
: “Henry L. Stimson prepared statement for the public regarding dropping the Atomic Bomb forwarded to President Truman”: July 31, 1945, Harry S. Truman Library,
“A surprising number of the”
: Hersey.
“The people of Hiroshima, aroused”
: Ibid.
“As I peered through the dark”
: William L. Laurence, “Eyewitness Account of Atomic Bomb over Nagasaki FOR RELEASE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1945,” Bureau of Public Relations, US War Department.
“At night, the town, the”
: Dor-Ner.
“The day after Trinity”
: Orear.
“known sin”
“Sometimes, someone confesses a sin”
: Hargittai,
“Oppenheimer seemed to lose his”
: Conant,
109 East Palace.
“I have to explain about Oppie”
: Orear.
“You see now that the”
: Sayen.
“Had I known that the Germans”
: Staff, “Atom.”
“What would Harry Truman have”
“The firebombing of Tokyo was”
: Hargittai,
“completely unnecessary”
: Eisenhower.
“Japan would have surrendered”
: United States Strategic Bombing Survey.
“because of the vast sums”
: Mee.
“In March 1944, I experienced”
: Kelly.
“And Fermi said, thoughtfully”
: Rhodes,
Dark Sun.
“It was a place where”
: Hargittai,
“Just to show you what”
“At the yearly Christmas parties”; “One day my father brought”
: Orear.
“My general conclusion would be that”
: Rhodes,
Dark Sun.
“I neither can nor will”
: Teller and Brown.
“their appetites for weapons work”
: Rhodes,
Atomic Bomb.
“General Groves told me very briefly”
“The time needed [for another country]; “just like poison gases after”; “The years after Los Alamos”
: Rhodes,
Dark Sun.
“We should prefer defeat in war”
: Manhattan Engineer District Records, Harrison-Bundy file.
“And God bless General Groves!”
: Lanouette with Silard.
“it is not too much to expect”
: Lewis Strauss, “Speech to the National Association of Science Writers,” September 16, 1954.
“Russia was traditionally the enemy”
: Hargittai,
“was rather diffident in his approach”
“You don’t know Southerners”; “Stalin summoned [atomic bomb chief]”; “sparkling bluish black”; “I never forgave Truman”; “I soon realized . . . that he was”
: Rhodes,
Dark Sun.
“casually mentioned to Stalin that”
: Truman,
“I was sure that [Stalin] had no”
: Mee.
“invite the nations of the world”
: Bush and Conant.
“If the Russians have the weapon”
“In that case, we have no choice”
: Bird and Sherman.
“Weisskopf vividly described to me”
: Bernstein.
“You have to recall that in 1948”
: Rhodes,
Arsenals of Folly.
“necessary to have within the arsenal”
: Memo to GAC, January 13, 1950,
“that we had to do it”
: Eben Ayers Papers, Truman Library.
“but the third time, nobody”
: Grimberg.
“that someone (designated by the code)”
“Then, in mid-September [1949]”; “that someone in the British embassy”; “sort of a British Columbo character”; “Were you not in touch”; “reason to believe that someone”; “most logical suspect for [another]”
: Lamphere and Shachtman.
“came out of World War II”
: Barnet.
“like children lost in the woods”
: Weiner.
“After about one minute”
“hot . . . something is happening”; “I’ll never be able to read”; “Julius had money”; “The day after my wife”; “I told . . . the FBI right”
: Greenglass FBI files,
“make people realize that this”
“I believe your conduct”; “And what of our children”
: Rosenberg trial testimony,
“took all the left-wing stuff”
: Yourgrau.
“The June evening of the executions”
: Hiss.
“the attack will be swift”
“According to information coming”
: Gaddis,
George F. Kennan.
“I would cut them off”
“I would have dropped thirty”; “Our mission called for me”
: Cumings.
“Anybody who says twenty thousand”
: Rhodes,
Dark Sun.
“If you say why not bomb”
: Hargittai,
“America had a powerful air”
“When America elected General Dwight”
: Nikita Khrushchev.
“The war of the future would”
: President’s Farewell Address to the American People, January 15, 1953, Truman Library.
“every time he reported, we”
“Both Gamow and I showed”; “What Ulam did was not”; “that the President would not”; “You would swear that the”; “The United States is said to”; “deliberately precipitate war with the USSR”; “There was a look of hatred”
: Rhodes,
Dark Sun.
“The computers of [Polish mathematician]”
: Orear.
“What we are creating now”
: George Dyson.
“originally came with my friend”
“[Ulam’s] suggestion was far from original”; “Our first computer at the”; I went down into the”
: Teller.
“adding that perhaps it was”
“Engraved on my memory is”; “From then on, Teller pushed Stan”; “Teller accused the leadership”; “Lawrence believed Edward”; “Of course, we worried about”; “An absolutely insane task”; “When you see the burned birds”; “Even if you strike first”
: Grimberg.
“I was well placed to watch”
“Nobody will blame Teller”; “Before the end of the summer”; “Once Teller left Los Alamos”
: Bethe, “Comments.”
“I felt strongly that that”
: Bush and Conant.
“We called the place the Rock”
: Michael Harris.
“That’s so I don’t forget”
: Gaddis,
George F. Kennan.
“We threatened with missiles we”
: Sergei Khrushchev.
“On no one did there ever”
: Bird and Sherman.
“was a man of great talent”
: Hargittai,