The Alpha Men's Secret Club 4: Intrigue: A Shockingly Hot BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance (8 page)

BOOK: The Alpha Men's Secret Club 4: Intrigue: A Shockingly Hot BBW Paranormal Shifter Romance
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At three p.m., Kate showed up at the appointed spot. Finnegan’s was an Irish pub which also served sandwiches and potatoes and other similar entrees, and so it was open at three, though not to a bustling crowd.

She was nervous when she entered the dimly lighted pub. There were not many patrons around, and she did not know what to expect. Rust was still in his marathon session with the lawyer, going over possible
defenses and possible witnesses, of which she was going to be one.

She didn’t tell him she was meeting this person, if this ‘benefactor’
would even show up in the first place. She didn’t tell Connor or Moira. Only Hector knew, and she hoped he was discreet.

Kate looked around, adjusting her eyes to the relative darkness.
A bartender was cleaning beer mugs at the bar, and a couple of old geezers were talking to him and to each other. A man was nursing a shot glass of some clear liquid at a high table in a corner, but that was about it for the pub’s patrons.

Was it the man in the corner? He seemed
to be lost in his own thoughts and he was oblivious to her entrance.

Kate took a seat, feeling discomfited. She had the sense that this encounter was about to turn everything on its head,
and not in a way any of them anticipated.

A waitress came up. “Can I get you something?”

“Yes, please,” Kate said. It was too early to drink. “Do you have a mocktail?”

“This ain’t that kind of place, love. You want a beer or not?”

“OK, I’ll have a beer.”

The waitress went off.

Kate looked up as the front door opened again. A pretty redheaded woman entered. Her hair was so red that it had to come out of a bottle, and her curls were wound up tight in corkscrews. Her sharp eyes immediately roamed to Kate.

So this was the benefactor!

The redheaded woman made a beeline for Kate’s table.

“Hi,” she said, sticking out her hand. “I’m
Rita Cunningham.”

“Hi,” Kate said cautiously.

They shook hands. Rita’s flesh was cold.

The waitress returned
with Kate’s beer.

“Give me the same,” Rita said.
She studied Kate. “You’re prettier than your photos.”

“You have photos of me?” Kate was very sure her photos had been kept out of the press on both occasions.

“Of course. A good journalist gathers as many facts as she can before making her case.” Rita sat down. “I can imagine what he sees in you. You’re that all-innocent, barely legal, forbidden fruit. And you’re not the typical blonde bombshell either. I must say my respect for Rust O’Brien has just upped a few notches.”

“What is this all about?

Rita smiled.
“I think we can help each other.”

She leaned back and took
her iPad out of her purse.

This contains a video which captured a scene from that night which would absolve your boyfriend of guilt.”

Kate’s eyes went round. “Are you going to play it for the police? Why haven’t you come forward? It has been days! And Rust has been arrested for a murder he did not commit!”

“I haven’t come forward yet because I’m weighing my options.” Rita favored her with a knowing look. “I have a lot to weigh with what I know now.”

Suddenly, Kate realized that Rita knew about the shifters.

She had to be very careful about this.

“Are you going to show me the video?” she said.

“I’ll show you parts of it.”

Rita pressed ‘PLAY’. Kate watched, her dread mounting, as the footage of the tiger transforming into Rust was bared.

At the end of it, Kate said, “So you know.”

“As you have known. How long have you known, Kate? Since he first fucked you?”

This woman was not a friend, Kate decided.
No wonder Rita was mulling it over about going to the police. What she had was potentially very explosive and very damaging to the entire shifter community.

said, “This footage will not absolve Rust of the murder. Are you going to show me something else?”

“Yes. As a teaser.”

Rita pressed ‘PLAY’ again. Kate peered closely.

It was very dark, but Rita had obviously doctored the video so that it was set to the brightest intensity.
Kate could see what was going on in the scene. The video was also taken from a higher vantage, as though the cameraman was perched upon a promontory and recording the proceedings down below with a zoom lens.

It was in another part of the woods.
Teddy Mitchell was naked, in his human form, and slumped against a tree. He appeared to be in a drunken torpor. He looked up at something approaching off camera.

“Well, hello,” he said, smiling.

The captured sound was obviously magnified as well.

Teddy’s cock was limp, and he was still smiling as he stroked it.

“Come for a taste of this?” he said.

Rita pressed ‘PAUSE’.
As Kate stared, stunned, Rita withdrew her iPad.

“Why did you do that?” Kate demanded.

“Like I said, it was a teaser.”

“The video reveals the murderer, doesn’t it?”

“The video has footage of the entire murder. It isn’t pretty,” Rita said.

“What do you want from us? What do you want from me?”

The waitress came back with another beer for Rita, and Kate was forced to helplessly wait until she went away. Imagine that – she and possibly Rust were now being blackmailed! There was no other way to look at this.

Once the waitress was out of earshot, Rita said, “
I could give this footage to the police anonymously, but there would be nothing in it for me. They could even declare the whole thing fake.”

“I don’t think so. I think they have ways of
determining what is real or fake.”

“But this thing deserves more attention than
what the NYPD would give it. In fact, I think the NYPD would give it to the FBI, and the government would take over and shove it under some X-File or other to be studied and experimented upon. Of course that would happen anyway, but the public deserves to know.”

Kate was uneasy. “I don’t know about that. You have no way of predicting what would happen if the public knew.”

“Nor do you. It can go any way. These shapeshifters can be celebrated. Treated like gods. Or treated as curiosities.” Rita’s eyes narrowed. “Whatever the outcome, the world would be in for an interesting time.”

’ve never entertained the thought of exposing them. Not even once.”

“Of course not. You’re in love wi
th Rust O’Brien. I am not, though I can clearly see his appeal.”

There was no way out of this.

Kate said, “So why come to me? What do you want from me?”

Either way, she
knew the shifters would be exposed. Rita was right. To exonerate Rust, the shifter secret would have to come out. And Rita was going to make sure as many people in the world knew about it as possible.

God, what a quandary!

“Why come to me?” she repeated
. “Why not go to Rust directly?”

“I thought about that too.
” Rita paused. “It will be up to you, Kate Penney, to tell him of this meeting. Or not. It’s your call. You see, the footage I took of your Rust transforming from his tiger aspect into his human one is enough to send the world into shockwaves. The second one . . . involving Teddy Mitchell’s murder . . . is merely more evidence. I can or not – ” She paused significantly again “ – opt to use the second video.”

Kate swallowed. She felt like a fly being lured into a trap.

Rita went on, “Either way, I’m going to expose the first video. But you can do something for me.”

Here it comes.


“I want you to persuade Rust O’Brien to
be my informer in this world of tigers, wolves and bears. I assume there are bears, am I correct?” Rita’s cheeks dimpled.

Kate breathed. “Yes.”

“My job would be made a lot easier if he were to grant me exclusives on the details of this world. And I do want to know every detail. I want to know how they came about, what they feed upon, how often they transform, what happens if they mate with a human female – ”

Kate’s stomach turned.

“ – what Connor O’Brien was experimenting with when he killed all those inmates in Belluvue,” Rita finished.

Kate’s eyes went round.

Rita smiled. “Ah, you didn’t know about that. I see I still have the capacity to surprise you after all these revelations. In return for Rust’s lengthy cooperation and full disclosure, I will release the second video to the police. His world is about to be exposed, but he doesn’t have to spend the rest of his soon-to-be very famous life on a murder charge.”

A veil of dread
closed around Kate’s heart. She knew Rita was right.

“I’ll have to talk this over with Rust,” she said.

“You do that,” Rita said. “Then get back to me. You have forty-eight hours, starting . . . now. And Kate . . . if you or Rust or anyone else in his world should think of eliminating
in any capacity, I have left strict instructions with my lawyers and seven different people in seven different locations to let the video footage leak, along with a letter implicating your involvement in my
. So think again if anyone convinces you otherwise.”



As soon as she exited Finnegan’s, Kate had to go for a walk.
Her mind was a whirlwind. She walked briskly down the street, ignoring everything and everyone around her. The chilly wind swept her hair back along with the dried leaves and other debris scattered on the sidewalk.

The shifter world she had come to know and lo
ve would be exposed. It was only a matter of time.

How would Rust fare in this

She had to talk it over with him. She had no choice. The decision was his to make – and maybe not even his to make alone.
This thing was too monumental, too much beyond her and anyone else.

Her skin went numb with the cold.

What were they in for now?




Back at the O’Brien manor, Rust had just wrapped up with the lawyer. He was just coming out of the study when Kate walked in through the front doors.

She went to his arms, and he kissed her lightly on the forehead.

“Is it my turn now?” she asked.

“No. It’s too much even for him today.” Rust managed a wan smile.
“Where did you go?”

Derek Buchanan, Rust’s lawyer,
nodded at her. “Ms. Penney? The trial won’t go to court for a few months. I’ll call on you when I need to. You’re free to go back to college.”

What could she tell anyone here? That she didn’t plan on going b
ack to college? That was something she hadn’t told Rust yet. Hadn’t
it with him. Wasn’t that what real lovers did –

“Thank you,” she said to Derek.

“Rust,” Connor called from the study, “we need to talk.”

By ‘talk’, he meant ‘alone’, Kate knew from the pointed stare he gave her.

There was nothing Kate could do but wait for dinner to be over so that she could be alone with Rust.

Once they were alone, she ushered him to their room.

“How do you feel?” she asked.

He groaned. “
Like I’ve been blitzkrieged by an army tank.”

He had a very rough day, she knew, and probably a rougher night in prison.

“Did you sleep last night?” she said.

“No.” There were dark circles under his eyes.

“I’ll draw you a bath,” she said.

“That would be nice.”

She went into the cavernous bathroom with its sunken marble bath and turned on both the hot and cold water taps. As an afterthought, she turned on the Jacuzzi as well. Her mind was still churning with information overload. Did she want to burden this on him tonight when he had such a rough week already?

She stared at the bubbling water, swirling around in the rounded bathtub.
So much to tell, and she didn’t know where to begin.

A pair of arms
gently circled her upper body. She almost jumped.

“What are you thinking of?” came Rust’
s low voice from behind her.

“Oh . . . nothing. Just – ” She shook her head helplessly.

“Don’t worry, Kate. It will all turn all right.” He didn’t sound as confident as he should.

But it won’t,
she knew. Nothing was going to turn out all right in some way or another.

“Do you re
member more of what happened?” She turned towards him.

His face was tired, but he was as beautiful as ever. His green eyes
regarded her with complex emotions that she could not decipher.

“I’m remembering more and more about what happened up to the day I decided to take the ECT,” he replied.
“But nothing from the night of the murder, except what happened at the party.” He wrapped his arms around her again. His voice was hoarse. “But I remember that you were there for me, even when I pushed you away. I remember having dreams about you when I was in my fugue.”

Her throat constricted. “Do you remember what I said to you?”

He smiled softly.

He remembers
, she thought.

She said, “It’s OK for us to be together now, Rust. You’ve burned it out of you.”

“I don’t know that.” His face darkened again. “I don’t know how many times I would have to go through the ECT for it to be completely burned out of me.”

“You won’t hurt me. You
hurt me.” She reached for his face. “You don’t have to push me away just because you’re afraid of hurting me.”

He was silent for a long time.

Then he said, “I know that now.”

She didn’t care if what she said next would push him away. They had been through too much.

She said, locking eyes with him. “I love you, Rust. That was what I told you over and over again when you were . . . asleep. I love you.”

He said, “I know. I remember that.”

He leaned over to kiss her on the lips. Her pulse leaped.

He murmured against her lips, “And maybe I love you too.”

The pain that speared her chest was so sharp that she almost cried out.
He said it!
Her soul soared with elation.
He loves me! Please, please let this be real and not something borne out of his vulnerability.

The water i
n the bathtub was brimming. Their lips were still sealed over each other’s as they both undressed, swiftly discarding their clothes onto the cool marble floor. Once they were both naked, Rust carried her into the bathtub.

He lowered her into the bubbling water. She had s
cattered some bath salts inside and the water was very warm. They both sank into the eddies whipped up by the Jacuzzi funnels at the sides of the tub. The jets of water rocked her body, and he steadied her as he kissed her mouth again.

“You are so beautiful,” he murmured, stroking her face.

“Did you mean what you said?” Her voice trembled. “About loving me?”

“Yes.” His reply was buried in another long, deep kiss. His tongue
darted in between her lips and licked the side of her mouth. He repeated this with the other side. Then he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth and licked the insides – her tongue, her palate, her molars. One by one. Cleanly. As if he was tasting her for the first time.

She responded by
twining her tongue with his. Two tongues dancing. Exploring. His tongue went deep – as deep as it could go into her throat.

When they came up for air,
he bent his head to close his mouth around her left nipple. He sucked the protuberant teat whole and licked the tip of it with circular motions. His tongue flipped the cone of her teat and his teeth grazed against the sensitive flesh gently.

He did the same to her right nipple. Both nipples were above the water surface.
He savaged the right this time, and his teeth bit more sharply down on her flesh.

She cried out.

“Sorry,” he murmured.

She wondered whether the beast had been truly burned out of him. But her musings were drowned by his fingers probing at her pussy inside the swirling water. There was an urgency in him to make love to her. His fingers scissored her clit, which made her almost combust, and then opened the petals of her pussy. He opened and closed them, rubbing the hot, red flesh between her labia, coring deep into her grooves.

His touch mingled with that of the Jacuzzi current, and the whole experience was
a cornucopia of friction and liquidity. She closed her eyes to savor his expert touch. He knew which sections of her clit to rub and compress, which folds to iron out. He knew how she liked him to go fast and hard, and then to intersperse it with gentle strokes.

“Wait,” he said.

He adjusted her so that her pussy was on top of a particularly powerful jet of warm water. She could feel the wondrous bolt of water going inside her deepest parts. The water pummeled her clit, her G-spot, every secret recess of her pussy so that her moans and cries of pleasure were merged with the pleasurable sounds of running water.

At the same time, he attacked her breasts again, so that both her upper and lower erotic parts were
duly stimulated. Her mind was a tornado of pleasure, and the combined sensations made her soar fairly quickly. How long it was since she had an orgasm!

She closed he
r eyes and threw her head back. She surrendered herself to the pleasure, and he listened with satisfaction to her whimpers and moans as she gripped his shoulders and arms tightly.

He did it again and again, until
the water was splashing all around them and her hair and entire body were thoroughly wet. Then he lifted her until her hips were striding his.

“I know you fucked me when I was out,” he said.
“That must have been hot. Were you on top?”

“Yes,” she gasped. “I rode you and called out your name.”

“You rode me again and again?” he teased.

“I did.”

“Like a horse?”

“Something like that.”

“And you said you loved me.”

“I did. I do love you.”

His green eyes sparked. “Did you like saying it?”

“Yes,” she said. “Because I mean
t every word of it.”

He laughed softly, and then his eyes dimmed a little. “I wish I could remember it.”

“But I’m here right now.”

“Oh, yes.”

He lifted her above his groin. His cock was a hard rod of penance.

“I do love you,” he said with fervor, and his eyes shone with honesty.

Something inside her melted as he lowered her hips to his. She had waited so long for these words, but she knew them for what they were now. Words to confirm what she already had known. His actions had long betrayed his love for her before he ever said those words. But like every foolish girl, she had wanted

She understood that now.

He impaled her, and she threw back her head and cried out. He held her body steady as he grinded his hips against hers. These were hard, rapid thrusts – short bursts of intensity in which his cock struck repeatedly against her cervix and G-spot. Sharp knocks with the crown of his cock that filled her with ecstasy.

She did not have to muster any strength this time. He did all the work. He
used his strong arms to pivot her up and down, and back and forth on the axis of his cock. She felt like a rag doll being jerked on his strings – and it was a heady, helpless feeling, like she was a puppet to his strong alpha maleness. Her pulse was fluttering at a hundred-and-sixty beats a minute, and she was still intoxicated by his love declaration.

I love you

He loves me! Her soul rang with elation as her mind exploded once again
in orgasm.

She fell onto him as he let his sperm
gush into her amid the balm of warm water caressing their bare bodies. He held her as she clung to him. His seed combated the onrush of water into her. He kissed her again – her cheeks, her lips, her eyelids, her nose. Then he slowly pulled out his softening cock from her pussy.

“Let’s dry up and go to bed,” he said.

She nodded.

She had so much to tell him.

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