The Awakening (12 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              Holding back her anger, Raina stepped in between Nolan and the woman’s view. Even though her fingers trembled with nerves, she nonchalantly straightened his collar, and smoothed his tie. Her cheeks flushed, but she continued to fuss over his suit.

              Nolan lifted his brows with amusement. He didn't fight her off though...he rather enjoyed it. Usually he would have pulled away, but he saw her anxiety.

              "You said Susanne is blonde right?"

              He nodded.

              "Well then she's not the only she-devil I have to protect you from."

              He chuckled. "I think I'll manage Raina."

              "Don't you even notice it?"

              He shrugged. "Sometimes," he lied. He noticed all the time, and hated it. He'd learned to phase it out most of the time. Case in point...he hadn't noticed what or rather who had upset Raina.

              She frowned. "I don't like it! You are not a slab of meat!" Her voice was full of vehemence. "She should learn to keep her eyes in her head!"

              His eyes warmed on her. He captured a hand that was attempting to de lint him.

              Raina was surprised at the action. He didn't seem the touching type, but for some reason he was pleased with what she had just said.

              Gently he lifted her hand to his lips. "Thank you for that."

              She warmed all the way to her toes. She glanced over her shoulder to see if the gorgeous brunette took note. Happily, Raina saw that she did, and the look on the other woman’s face, was none too friendly.

              Nolan made no attempt to look for his admirer. He tucked Raina's arm through his possessively. "I think our table is ready."

              They were seated in the elegant dining room. Raina ordered a glass of wine, and to her surprise, Nolan joined her.

              His nearness calmed her more than the wine. She wanted to tell him that...but that would be far too intimate. She couldn't quite explain her comfort level, so it was better just to keep it to herself. They sat in easy silence, as they waited. There was no need to try to think up something to say.

              Soon an older, not unattractive Susanne showed up.

              Nolan rose to his feet like the gentleman he was.

              Raina couldn't help but catch the disappointment in the ladies eyes when she reached out a hand in greeting. She felt a little smug. She liked being his, even if it was just for pretend. It was nice to feel the envy of every woman who looked their way.

              Susanne ordered a drink, and the business talk commenced.

              Raina found herself drifting a bit, completely loss on the business-ease. She let her focus remain on Nolan, watched his lips as he spoke, enjoyed his laugh...his eyes. He really knew how to paint a picture.

              Susanne was drawn in immediately. She set her chin in her hand and just gazed at him.

              Raina wanted to roll her eyes at her, instead stifled a giggle. She bit her lip and tried to appear interested. When Susanne moved her hand closer to his, she watched him draw away to reach for his wine. He saw her motive. Again, Raina locked her lips together to keep her laugh at bay.

              His foot knocking hers gave her a start. He'd noticed her reaction! And he hadn't even been looking her way. She blushed when he gave her a wink...catching her off guard. She loved it! Susanne, not so much, and the gorgeous brunette, not so much.

              The latest discovery made Raina frown, realizing she had been seated right across the way. She no longer looked to Nolan, but to Raina herself. "No doubt assessing how frumpy I am next to him," she thought. "Wondering how much I'm paying him to escort me."

              The brown eyes narrowed, like she knew she was causing her discomfort. They dawdled over Nolan once more, and she smirked. She shook her head in disbelief, and then dismissed Raina with a lift of her chin.

              Raina cringed. She reached for her wine with trembling fingers. She nearly squeaked in surprise, when Nolan spoke her name.

              "Should I order for you?" His eyes danced in amusement.

              The waiter standing there politely smiled. She had missed his appearance, so taken by the brazen brunette. She glanced once more at the menu and asked for the fish.

              Again Nolan started spinning a web of numbers and figures that had Raina lost, but no one ever made boring digits seem so appealing. Susanne obviously thought so, she leaned nearer, and Raina wished to tell her to button the top button of her blouse to prevent from spilling out. If she only knew how ridiculous she looked!

              "I could hire you, you know...take care of my books! I'd pay you handsomely," Susanne cooed, interrupting him.

              Nolan faltered. "I'm sorry?"

              "My own private financier."

              "You couldn't afford him," Raina broke in. She softened the words with a sweet smile.

              He grinned. "She's as lovely as she is smart."

              Susanne smiled at the endearment...but the jealousy was there. "Smart? Then why are you with this sexy devil? You seem a little too sweet for the likes of him." Her eyes caressed him briefly, and then turned to Raina.

              "Because he as kind as he is handsome," Raina returned his compliment.

              "Hmm, in theory that sounds right. But I like to think he’s too gorgeous not to be a little bad."

              Raina frowned. "Looks can be deceiving, especially when people make up theories based on ones face."

              "I know a beautiful man when I see one."


              "And I know most beautiful men have a certain arrogance that lends to bad behavior."

              "Not him."

              "Well, I'd like to find out."             

              "It’s not there...the bad side."

              "I'd sure like to find out myself."

              "Not going to happen, trust me."

              "Well now, I'm sure he'd be open to some experimenting."

              "Then you don't know him."

              "And you do?"

              Both women stared at each other, unblinking.

              Nolan cleared his throat. He didn't like the direction this was going.

              "Not nearly well enough," Raina sighed forlornly. She tilted her head and smiled sweetly again.

              The older lady burst out laughing.

              Nolan ducked his chin, hiding his smile.

              "What do you do my dear? With yourself? Can I hire you to do something?" The older woman’s eyes lit a bit. "I think I might like you!"

              Raina shrugged. "Not much of anything right now. I do some editing on the side...a bit of ghost writing. Nothing exciting."

              Nolan frowned, and then looked to Suzanne. "She's being modest! Raina here, she was a school teacher."

              "How lovely," Susanne exclaimed. "I love children! I have three..." she blushed "I'm aging myself...but I have three nearly grown. Looking forward to grandchildren of my own. Maybe one day you will teach them."

              "She's wonderful with children." He smiled proudly. "Give me financial reports any day, over wild children," he teased. "No wonder our talk is boring you." His beautiful eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled at her.

              Raina couldn't help the soft thrum of her pulse. "I'm not bored in the least," she argued. "Just a bit lost. But this dinner is about you and Susanne...I'm afraid I'm too much of a distraction," she teased back.

              His eyes widened a bit in surprise, then amusement.

              "Our dinner will be arriving soon. I have to excuse myself...don't say anything important while I'm gone!" Susanne excused herself and stepped away to the ladies room. Nolan stood, ever the gentleman, then slid back into his seat and shook his head.

              "What?" Raina protested.

              "You have a gift you know? You turned a snarling lioness into a purring kitten."

              She laughed. "I'm a master of words sir!"

              "You are sweet, and without guile," he said softly. "Thank you for coming tonight. I needed you here."

              "What are friends for?"

              His grey eyes softened. "You barely know me. You think I've earned that?"


              "Your friendship?" He tilted his head.

              Without hesitation she nodded.

              "I could be a crazy man with issues too numerous to list!"

              A giggle bubbled up in her. "I don't believe it!"

              "Remember that in the future...please." His mouth thinned into a frown. "I hate to think you may want to change your mind."

              Her breath caught a bit when he turned all his focus on her. "I promise I won't."


              They were interrupted by the appearance of dinner, and Susanne joined them again.

              Drawing in a calming breath, Raina reached for her wine. She finished the last, and the waiter was quickly at her elbow, filling it with the bottle from the chilled bucket.

              "Did you drive?" Susanne aimed the question at Nolan.

              He gave a nod, too polite to talk with food in his mouth.

              "Good! I want her home safely."

              Raina smiled. She liked the she-devil too.

              After they finished their meal, Nolan started wrapping up his presentation. Another bottle of wine was brought to the table.

              Raina knew she shouldn't, but she allowed for another refill.

              Nolan glanced over at her and lifted his eyebrows. "We won't be much longer," he promised. He leaned toward her, his lips only a breath from her ear. "You are a lovely distraction Aelan"

              She blushed prettily.

              Without missing a beat, Nolan returned to business.

              Quite flustered, Raina reached for her wine. She drew in a deep breath and sipped demurely. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him, and made the mistake of looking at "her". The dark haired woman was again giving her the eye.

              Raina rolled her eyes at her, and looked away. Not before she saw the disdain in the dark eyes. She was unnerved, and she didn't want to spend much longer around such a person. She gave off an awful vibe.

              True to his word, the meeting ended with the meal. He paid the bill, and began to say his goodbye.

              Susanne interrupted, and invited them to go get a drink. It was obvious she didn't want to lose Nolan’s audience just yet. Her eyes gentled on Raina though and she smiled sheepishly. "She does look tuckered though, the sweetheart."

              "I should get you home," Nolan said softly.

              Raina was about to protest.

              "Rain check," Susanne chuckled. "I certainly want to see you again."

              Raina felt the sincerity. It was funny, after all this time the first new friend she made was a cougar who had initially been after her faux boyfriend. "I'd like that."

              Susanne reached for Nolan’s hand. "Take care of her. And, make some time for me...I'd like to sign that contract."

              Nolan grinned thankfully. “If you come to the office next week, we'll sign those papers. Mr. Clay will have them ready."

              Susanne gave them a nod, and exited.

              Nolan turned to Raina and grinned. "Thank you, thank you. You couldn't have been more perfect tonight!"

              She laughed. "She wasn't that bad Nolan."

              He chuckled. "You have no idea how much of a difference you made...believe me! You won her over."

              "My pleasure Mr. Gregor." She gathered her purse, and turned back to him.

              He set his hand gently at the small of her back and they started toward the front. His chaste touch still made her tummy perform a riot. One moment she was humming from his touch and the next....she felt her skin crawl, swearing she felt eyes on her as they made their way out.

              Nolan handed over a slip for their coats, and helped her easily into hers. His own hung over his arm...she remembered... he didn't easily get cold.

              They were nearly out the door, when a waiter stopped them, calling Nolan's name. He hurried over with a folded note.

              "Sir, this is for you."

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