The Awakening (15 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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                Raina had reasons of her own to be worried. She kept glancing toward the back door, where the guests were entering into the back yard.

              "Bradley said the boys might be late," Emily whispered to her. "They had work to get done...and Bradley says Nolan cannot leave things unfinished...he will stay until it’s done."

              Raina’s shoulders slumped. Then shrugged with indifference. "Oh, oh really? Hmm, I'd forgotten they might be coming...." she trailed off when her friend gave her a look. She couldn't lie.

              Emily laughed out loud. "Oh really? You forgot he was coming?" She threw a napkin at her. "You are the worse liar in existence!!"

              Raina laughed at herself, then, once again straightened her lovely blue sundress. She reached into the hidden pocket it had and checked her phone, no missed calls or texts. She slipped it back in and smoothed the dress, then her hair.

              "You look great," Emily assured her. She handed her a plate. "Can you help Bradley....he says the meat needs transferred to their warming stations. I have to go greet a few people."

              "Gladly," Raina agreed. She headed to her other friend, shaking her head at the apron he wore.

              "Ah, my assistant has arrived," he rejoiced. "Wonderful decision are a good motivator Rain"

              She laughed. "Oh really kind sir? How so?"

              He chuckled. "I have never seen my hard working, nose to the grindstone, Gregor work quite as hard to get work done today! And he was doing it with a goofy grin and a whistle. So, whatever you did for him...thank you!"

              "Emily told you about the call," Raina growled. She had no been able to hide the little flirtation with her friend as they shopped the night before.

              He grinned. "Yes...otherwise I would have thought my hard worker was going off his rocker!" He leaned close to her. "And I will give you time to tell Emily about the dinner...but don't make me wait long. I rarely keep juicy bits of gossip from my wife!"

              Her mouth dropped open. "He told you?"

              Bradley shrugged. "He has friends expect him to keep all your secrets?"

              She laughed and held the plate firmly. He loaded it up, and she nearly spilled it all when she saw Nolan’s entrance into the back yard. If she hadn't seen him, the sighs from a few nearby females would have been a clue.

              He did look rather breathtaking, she realized, when she found she had to suck air into her own lungs.

              He hadn't seen her yet, his silver eyes filtering the crowd, skimming over some eye batting females. The silver darkened to a smoky grey when he squinted in his search. She couldn't help biting her lip. His dark hair was a bit disheveled, as though he'd run his fingers through it absentmindedly after he'd styled it. His strong firm fingers curled into fists and he shoved them in his pockets as if frustrated.

              "He thinks you are playing hooky from the party," Bradley chuckled, watching the scene as well. He grinned at her pink cheeks "You okay?"

              She nodded, not trusting her voice.

              "There, that’s enough for now; go unload those in the warmer...more will be ready soon." He gave her a wink.

              Raina blushed, ducked her head then carefully carried out her mission. She ran into an old friend on her of her bridesmaids actually. Donna had not changed a bit. She smiled shyly at Raina.

              "You look wonderful Raina," she spoke with the same soft voice. "Emily had said you were coming. I didn't believe it, if I may be honest."

              Raina nodded. "I've given you every reason not to believe it," she whispered. "I'm sorry for that." The two of them continued together to Raina's destination. "I actually was thinking about you the other day...about a lot of the friends I pushed away after David. I...I want to make that right."

              Donna smiled, reaching for the tongs to help her distribute the meat into the warmer. "I'd like that too...I've missed you. We've missed you. We would never blame you...we all know how much you loved David. I don't think I'd do much better if I were in your shoes. I'm just glad to see you now...we have time to catch up. No rush."

              Gratefully, Raina offered a smile.

              "Come join me later...when you're not busy...or you can sneak away from the slave driver there!" She laughed and pointed to Bradley, who waved his spatula, indicating he'd need her soon.

              "I will," she promised, as Donna moved away.

              Raina turned her attention to the job at hand. She was just covering the warmer up when she heard another stir from a group of ladies. She supposed Thanatos had shown up. Lifting her eyes, she knew her answer right away.

              Unlike Nolan.... he had spotted her immediately. It also helped that Emily pointed her way.

              "Thanks Em, wrong guy ushered my way," she grumbled. She hurried back to Bradley. He looked up with relief, and then frowned at her frown.

              She blew out an exasperated sigh. "Listen, Clay is nice and all...but could you distract him...I have a feeling he’s a little more into me then I'd like."

              Bradley’s blues lit in shock.

              "He called last night and, ah, well, the conversation wasn't comfortable."

              The blues opened wider. "Both of them called you last night?"

              She blushed.

              "Okay, okay, I got it," he chuckled. "You prefer brunettes."

              Raina laughed, startling herself, but Bradley’s mischievous eyes made it impossible. "Something like that," she admitted.

              She suffered a glance at the advancing Thanatos. She did have to admit he looked good tonight...all blonde hair perfection, nice tan...those ochre eyes that were making no excuses as they ran her up and down, were devastating...and she had to swallow once...but it was purely a physical reaction. What female wouldn't feel the same when she was the object of a gentleman’s attention?

              "Raina, lovely to see you," he greeted. "The dress is great," he breathed. His eyes slid down her exposed legs, then back up to her face.

              "Thank you," she breathed.

              "Clay, here, you take over for Rain...she shouldn't be doing manual labor," Bradley cut in. He took the plate from her and handed it to him.

              Thanatos took the plate and smiled. "No she shouldn't I'd love to help...her."

              "Raina!" Emily shouted across the yard. She was motioning her over.

              "Thanks," Raina spoke to Thanatos, she gave him a glare.

              He took her arm behind Bradley’s turned back and drew her nearer. "The dress is great but the sweat shirt was better."

              She took her arm back, blushing, and then turned her back on him. She headed to her still calling friend.

              Emily was with a group of old friends, including Donna and they had insisted on saying hello. She was touched how warm they all were, and so excited to see her. She smiled politely and answered their inquiries, but she was distracted. What she really wanted to do was look for HIM.

              Hmm, but that was wrong. She tried to shake off the desire to search for him. Wasn't it important that she reconnect with her old friends?? The want to outweighed any other importance.

              As if in answer, her phone buzzed with a text.

Hello Aelan read

              Her heart fluttered at the endearment.
Hi back
...she wrote. Her eyes lifted and searched, not having to search long. The beautiful man was trapped by a gaggle of females...go figure. From the looks of it, they knew him. Of course he would have a following! But he was texting her!


She studied the girls fawning over him.
Maybe I should ask you that!

              He frowned at her response.
Why would you have to ask?

Nice entourage
...she texted, lifting her eyebrow to him.

              He slyly read it, still able to answer one of the flighty girl’s questions. His silver grey eyes settled back on Raina and he shook his head.

              She watched him absently pressing his response into his phone.

Nice dress

              She blushed....
thanks…you look occupied

              He frowned, paused to listen to another helplessly in love female’s prattle. Raina didn't even see him look at his phone, but her phone buzzed. She gaped at the response.

Jealous much?

Her blue eyes widened and she felt a bit of anger. She moved to sit in a chair in the shade, out of his view. Donna took the seat next to her, but didn't try to interrupt the texting session.

              Raina read his text again and scowled. She wanted to be mean, flippant, but the truth was...she was jealous as hell! She bit her lip and hit send.


She held her breath and waited for his response. It came quickly.

Don't be. I can’t keep my eyes off of you

Raina felt warmed from head to foot. So he had noticed her! She wanted to hug herself. She smiled and read the text again before she replied.

his response made her giggle.

I hope they noticed
she bit her lip, sending....


She giggled at the capital letters.....
Your admirers!


She wished she could see his face now.
Because I'm jealous!

Emily was at her elbow now. "You're here at a party, and you're texting?" she reprimanded. “Do you have a new best friend? Should I be jealous?"

              "Who are you texting Rain?"

              Raina blushed.

              Emily folded her arms. "I asked a question young lady!"

              Raina tilted her chin in Nolan’s general direction. “He started it. I think he’s trapped, and can't get away." She blushed

              Donna's mouth dropped open. "How did I miss him?"

              Emily glanced over and nodded "Yes... he has quite the group now. Maybe you should save poor Nolan, instead of tease him."

              Raina pouted. "If he wanted to see me, he'd forget them and come see me...instead he texts!"

              Donna was enjoying the exchange. "I have to agree with her Emily."

              "Thank you Donna!" Raina stuck out her lip in a pout.

              Emily’s mouth fell open. "You are jealous!"

              "Of course I am! We had a great call last night! And...and..." She bit her lip. "Don't kill me Em."

              Emily’s dark brows rose and she crossed her arms again. "What haven't you told me?"

              "Dinner," Raina said meekly.

              "You had dinner with him...a DATE? And you didn’t tell ME?"

              The look on Emily's face was comical. Raina giggled and got a glare. "I'm sorry Emmy."

              "I can't believe you! I should strangle you!"

              "I suspected it may come to that."

              Raina's response made Donna laugh.

              Emily frowned. "So now, after dinner...texts and phone calls... you expected him to trip over himself to get to you huh?"

              Raina shrugged and grinned. "Nolan has to fall over no one...." She stood then and glanced over. She saw a slender hand on his arm, it squeezed and remained. She saw red in an instant! In a flash her phone was up, she hit a button and his ring was clearly heard.

              Emily laughed out loud, and shook her head. "Get it girl," she teased. She grabbed Donna's hand and they left her to it.

              Raina saw his shock, then his grin when he looked down and he saw who it was. He held his hand up to the group and mouthed, "Excuse me."

              There were pouts and moans.

              "Gregor," he spoke into the phone.

              "I know I shouldn't have a say...but I don't want them touching you!" She had shouted this. To her horror, some of the said females glanced over at her.

              A peal of laughter from Emily and Donna didn't help either.

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