The Awakening (16 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              He continued as if on a business call. "We haven't discussed that portion of the agreement yet...what are your worries?" He moved slightly from the group grinning apology. He had successfully saved her with his words.

              "I know you don't want them to either," she said softly.

              "Why is that?"

              She sighed giving him a sad smile. "Because you barely let me."

              His mouth opened for a moment, shock registered in his face. "Well, this definitely is a different way to look at things."

              "It’s the only way.”

              "There are complications is all...we'll sort them out," he said softly.

              "We will?"

              "Yes...the way I see it, there will have to be several meetings on that case, but a resolution will be found."


              "Yes...all-nighters if need be."

              Raina gasped. "Are you trying to tempt me?"

              "You know I didn't mean it that way," he chuckled.

              "Come talk to me," she whispered. "Here, home...I don't care...just don't let them touch you!"

              "So we agree then? Good! I will follow your orders to a tea!"

              "Orders?" Her blue eyes glinted, and she felt empowered.

              "You're the boss!" He grinned, running his fingers through his hair to the back of his neck, where he kneaded the muscles.

              "Why do you do that?" She lifted her brow.


              "With your fingers, your always do that!"

              "Nerves," he answered. "But I'm sure that too will be resolved in time." He rubbed his neck again.

              "Lucky neck," she pouted, and then hung up.

              He laughed.

She smiled at him and shook her head. She liked the freedom of the phone. It sure beat awkward conversations about dreams, or lack thereof, of "plans" and scary green eyed demons. It also had taken her mind off of that "green eyed demon". But now she felt them...those eyes.

              She glanced toward the grill, where he stood obediently holding the plate for his boss. His green eyes glinted, he lifted an doubt he had caught on to what the two had been doing. He didn't look happy...not one bit! She rolled her eyes at him, and then recalled that he had captured and returned one of her most prized possessions. He'd even run to her aid at the restaurant, when he thought she was in trouble. He had an edge, and she saw the warning...heeded Nolan’s words, but she couldn't believe he was completely evil.

              She grimaced, searched through her phone and found that number. Reluctantly she typed in her message.
Thank you again for returning my ring

She watched him almost drop the plate of burgers. She was sure it was from the buzz of the message he had just got.

              She peaked at Nolan, who frowned. He continued with his conversation with the mindless adorers. Raina was surprised Thanatos didn't have a group of his own...he made up for it with the, he was not being ignored.

              He balanced the plate in one hand and reached into his pocket for his phone. He grinned when he read it. He expertly replied with one hand.
Thanks for the view...YOU STILL OWE ME!

Raina sighed.
That doesn't mean i owe you!

She nearly dropped the phone when it began ringing right as she hit send. Her fingers shook as she answered. "Hello?"

              "Deal breaker."

              She heard him through the phone, and live. She started, glancing over at him. He was angry. The girls around fairly swooned at his authority.

              "What?" Raina whispered.

              "You have an agreement with me; he cannot do dealings with you. Understood?"

              Raina bit her lip and smiled. "Jealous much?"

              "Very...NO...just...I want to err, assets."

              She laughed. "Yes or no?"

              "Are you questioning me?"

              "Are you telling me who to talk to?"

              He frowned, and then looked sad. "I know we haven't known each other long..." he turned his back on those girls, and her, so she could no longer read his reaction. “I have no right to ask you to....Hell, deal with whoever you like, please, just keep me up to date!"

              "I will," she whispered. She trusted Nolan. "If you are so upset by it all...hang up the phone, and come speak to me face to face."

              "I can't,” he barked.

              "It’s say excuse me, and you walk right past them all...doe eyes, droolers and the like. They will forgive you."

              "And what appearance does that make?"

              "That you actually would rather be with me. Until you can do can't get mad at me for texting another!"

              She ended the call, and ran to find Emily. She was all sorts of confused and she needed her friend.

Instead, she found herself sidetracked when a gentleman stepped into her path.

Inwardly she groaned. He introduced a little too close, and Raina stepped back. As he spoke, he used his hands and sloshed his ice tea around. He also breathed funny...his nose actually gave a whistle when he'd laugh at something. Raina tried to grin and bear it. She smiled politely, and endured the conversation. She felt her phone vibrate and glanced down.

What’s with Captain Nose hair?

Raina giggled, stopping what’s his name, oh yes, Chad, midsentence. She smiled, waving off the text. She hated that he had made her eyed demon. She was finally able to get herself away, feigning thirst.

              She turned and Glared at Thanatos. He was grinning.

              Emily was straight ahead and Raina made her way confidentially to her, only to be thwarted again.

              "Raina, wow you look great!"

              She gave him a smile of recognition.

              The man named Chris smiled. “How are need to talk? I'm available."

              Raina tried to hide her discomfort. "I...I'm really truly doing well thank you."

              Chris tilted his head. "Really?"

              Raina’s phone buzzed. She looked down.

Mr. Shoulder to cry on likes you

Raina again gave a smile to Mr., Chris. She quickly texted....
Bite me!

"I really am a good’s been a couple years now huh? You seeing anyone?"

              Raina bit her lip and looked at him oddly. "No, not really..."

I like biting

Raina felt a shiver at that response.
Not interested

              "You know we could always, meet treat."

              "Really Chris, I'm not into the whole dating thing right now." She swallowed.              

              "I know a Saturday would be fun, just friends getting a bite to eat!"

              "I don't know..."

              "Listen, you're a single girl, I'm a single guy...."

              She tuned him out, looked down on her phone a typed a plea.
Save me!

"I really appreciate the offer, but I can't. Not...not Saturday...not...I'm just..."

              Chris looked crest fallen. "Why not? How about Friday night?"

              "No, that won't work..."


              "She has plans."

              Raina smiled up into silver eyes. "Hey."

              "Hey," he grinned back.

              Chris took one look at Nolan and sighed. He knew defeat when he saw it. "It was great to see you Raina...keep in touch." He wandered away, shoulders drooped.

              "Thank you," she sighed. "I didn't know how I was going to get out of that one!"

              Nolan smiled. "I got your text and looked for my partner, to see what trouble he was getting you into. How sad is that?"

              She giggled..."oh he was finding it hilarious!" She held up her phone to show the texts.

              "Thank you for not giving into his offer...I see from the conversation thread you still "owe" him?" Nolan looked angry at this. “Good thing you didn't give him more ammo by allowing him to rescue you."

              She grinned up at him. "I've only really needed saving one other time...that I know of in my life...and he was the one I was being rescued from. I knew who to call."

              Nolan nodded. "Good choice."

              She looked up at him again and was floored by the stark contrast he had with every other man she had ever met. She blinked. And there it was...the memory of the dreams....or nonexistent dreams. The power that radiated from him... he was very different. She felt a chill up her spine, but it wasn't of fear. It was a thrill of excitement. He was mysterious, and something altogether unworldly...and so was Thanatos. She knew nothing about them, except that everything about them was other worldly.

              "Should we get something to eat?" she offered. "Sit down? I think you coming and claiming me has stirred the waters." She smiled up at him, her blue eyes twinkling.

              They made it to the table without spilling the heaping plates of food. Raina didn't feel much like eating, it was for show.

              Nolan glanced over her and gave her the once over. He grinned in appreciation. "That color is lovely on you."

              She blushed.

              "I like it."

              "I knew you would," she whispered softly.

              Nolan looked startled. He drew in a breath.

              Raina blushed. "I'm sorry," she said softly. "I suppose you think I'm just a big flirt?" She drew in a breath. "I'm just, nervous." She turned her eyes to Thanatos. He was still watching her, carefully. She was surprised to see no one else noticed this. He was so blatant.

              "You think I'm foolish, don't you?"

              He shook his head.

              She stirred her pasta salad, not wanting to look directly at him. "I'm usually not so forward. It’s just very easy with you. Then there’s the whole mystery thing that draws me... it surrounds the both of you. It scares me how intrigued I am."

              He studied her down turned face and sighed with resignation. "About that...Raina, we have to talk. I don't want you thinking I'm...that I'm expecting anything of you. I don't want you expecting the same from me! I've been foolish teasing...flirting, and loving every minute of it. But it has distracted me from my real reason for being around you. I can't let that happen you know what I'm saying?"

              Raina felt her stomach plummet. She nodded. "I know where you are going with this." She gave a shrug. "You just want to be friends?"

              Nolan looked down on his food. "I wouldn't say it’s what I want per say," he allowed her that much of her pride. “But I do think its best."

              She blushed. "I have made such a fool out of myself," she whispered.

              "No, I have... it’s just getting too far..."

              "I’ve gone too far," she sighed. She felt foolish.

              Nolan shook his head. "You're getting this wrong Raina.”

              She looked up with sad blue eyes. "Because it wasn't part of the plan?"

              He nodded. "And so much more. This isn't the setting to reveal that though...we will really talk...have those meetings."


              His eyes darkened, liking the sound of that from her lips. He calmed himself and met her gaze. He saw the teasing glint in her eye and chuckled. "Don't tempt me!"

              She was so good at setting him at ease...too good. He wanted to tease her further, but bit his tongue.

              "It's been fun though...our little trysts," she whispered.

              He nodded, biting into his burger. How did he accomplish to make that look good? He even looked hot with the ketchup on the side of his mouth.

              She giggled.

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