The Awakening (5 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              Amusement clouded the perfect features. “I work in investments, for companies in particular. That’s how I met Bradley here.”

              Bradley chimed in, “And doing remarkably! We’re keeping him!”

              “A lot of luck,” Clay teased. “Plus I’ve been doing it a long while.”

              Raina couldn’t look away from his face. “H-how long?”

              Clay grinned. “Too long.”

              “An old soul then?” She attempted a joke, which her friends laughed at, but not a smile touched Clay’s lips. She shivered pulling the sweater she had brought over her shoulders She lifted her eyebrows in question, half to intimidate, half to have proven she had no fear of him.

              He stared back; it seemed he was daring her to elaborate

              She cleared her throat, feeling another uncomfortable chill. Her mind grasped for something, anything to change the mood.

              “Did you just get a haircut?” She blurted out.

              Bradley cut in. “Actually…when I saw him yesterday afternoon he still had a mop,” he laughed.

              Clay cleared his throat. “It was time for a change.”

              “It’s nice,” she complimented to be polite.

              The green eyes raked over her face. “Thank you, beautiful.”

              Raina blinked at the familiarity in his words.

              “So, as pleased as I’m sure you are because of our guest, Clay, this is a working dinner. Down to work.” Bradley closed his menu with authority. “Did Gregor finish those reports we needed?”

              They went on to some technical lingo, which Raina tuned out. She swirled her wine around, then took another sip. She gave a sideways glance to the man beside her. He had beautiful eyes...the color was a remarkable ochre, and very expressive. He had arrogance about him...but rightfully so. Anyone with his beauty....had that right. He was well spoken, and, she figured, could disarm about anyone with his charm.

              Raina felt her friend’s eyes on her. Emily’s brows were lifted in question, and she seemed quite pleased with herself, Raina returned her eyes to her wine, not giving her friend the benefit of an answer.

              Why was it so important that she be taken by this Clay? She didn't know him, and felt it was quite unfair that her friend would expect so much from her!

              “Well, did you bring the paperwork?” Bradley’s voice cut through her foggy thoughts. He sounded a little irritated.

              “No,” Clay said with a slight shrug. “I figured I’ll give it to you tomorrow.”

              Bradley’s mouth went stiff. He pulled back the sleeve of his jacket, and then reached in his pocket. “Gregor will still be there, he can drop them off for me.”

              Clay stiffened. “Not necessary.” His voice was cool. “I’ll give them to you first thing tomorrow.”

              Bradley shook his head, lifting the phone to his ear. “I have a presentation first thing tomorrow, I need to look at those stats tonight…..Hey, Gregor!” He grinned. “”Yeah, having a nice dinner so far, except one thing. Clay failed to bring those reports.” He paused to listen to the other gentleman. “Exactly!” He laughed.

              Raina noticed Clays fist tighten. She scooted a little away, taking her wine glass with her.

              He glared at her, and then softened his look.

              She had seen anger there though, despite his attempt to cover up. She looked back to Bradley, who chuckled again.

              “Well, would you mind bringing them to me? I’m going to a friend’s house after dinner.” He glanced up at Raina. “Are we still going to your house for wine?”

              She nodded dumbly, glancing at Emily who gave an encouraging smile. Raina racked her brain, making sure the home was presentable, also trying to remember when she agreed to this in the first place.


              She glanced back to Bradley. “What?”

              Bradley laughed…”May I give Gregor your address, so he can drop of my paperwork?”

              She gave a nod. “Certainly.”

              Bradley patted her hand, noting her nerves. “Ok, buddy. We’ll be there in about two hours. I’m sure you’re more than welcome to join us.” He glanced at Raina to be sure, and saw her approval.

              Might as well, she thought to herself. She’d already pushed her boundaries today!

              “Great, thanks Gregor, we’ll see you then!” Bradley tucked the phone back into his pocket. “Gregor to the rescue once again. You should never be without your wingman Clay…as long as you can be the face... he can be the brains!”

              Raina could feel Clay tense, she had no physical contact, but she felt it physically.

              “Hmmm, so the pet was at the office still?” He chuckled. His ochre eyes darkened to the color of seaweed, and Raina felt a shock of warning in that change.

              ‘You’d do well to follow his example!” Bradley chastised.

              Raina almost wished to speak a warning to Bradley, but in the same instant she felt Clay’s mood relax. She dared a look at him, and he smiled at her, coolly...but oh so handsomely.

              "I will keep that in mind," he murmured.

              Raina couldn't turn away from his compelling stare. She figured Emily was doing a dance in her head, thinking the connection was transpiring.

              "Next time I would hope you come prepared," Bradley spoke up again. "Gregor may be more behind the scenes, but he does flawless work!"

              Clay stood to his feet. “Pardon me; I have to use the restroom!” He gave them a curt nod, and then he stalked off.

              Raina drew in a breath of relief. She then frowned at Bradley. "I know you're the big bad boss...but I think you embarrassed him!"

              Emily nodded in agreement. “He certainly is not happy,” she whispered.

              Bradley nodded. “He’s a moody one that guy!” He was not as fazed by the brooding green eyed man.

              Raina certainly was. She still felt goose bumps all over her arms just from the look he gave her.

              Bradley picked up his menu “So, shall we order?”

              The rest of the meal was more solemn than the beginning. Raina had a feeling the wind had been blown from Clay’s sails. He seemed grumpy after Bradley’s phone call. She felt a little sorry for him. He had to be humiliated after Bradley had praised him, and then called his partner to clean up the mess he had created.

              “I suppose I must have been too excited to meet you, that I forgot what I was coming here for,” a soft whisper brushed against her cheek. "I have heard much about I’ve said, and the second I heard you were coming, I was beside myself.”

              Raina turned to Clay, and was again taken by how green his eyes were. She drew in a breath and accomplished a soft, “Oh?”

              He leaned toward her. “I wanted to meet you from the moment I knew you existed,” he teased. “And you are just as beautiful as I had gathered. I hope your opinion of me has not been tainted?”

              Raina felt engulfed in his gaze, but fought to keep her own mind. “I do not know you well enough to have formed an opinion,” she whispered.

              His eyes lit. “Does that mean I’ll get to see you enough times for you to form an opinion?”

              Raina couldn’t help her blush. “I am making no promises.”

              He laughed a deep laugh, and shook his head, looking pleased with himself. He smiled, and the smile was disarming.

              Raina felt it unfair that a smile could be so winning, when deep down he made her shiver in fear. Feeling a need for flight, but unable to turn away...just like in her dream.

              Bradley’s phone rang, just before dessert, and he excused himself to answer it.

              Emily turned her attention to Clay. "You are coming to the BBQ, aren’t you?"

              Clay gave a nod. "Wouldn't miss it...especially if Raina here is coming?"

              Raina blushed. "I'm embarrassed to say I wasn't invited. Then again, I probably would have said no...Emily knows me well."

              Emily scowled at her, and tilted her head toward Clay, as if to along.

              "I might," Raina assented.

              Clay looked pleased.

              Bradley returned, and they finished their meal a little more lightheartedly.

              The bill came, and Clay snatched it up before Bradley could. “My treat for my mistake,” he offered.

              Bradley grinned. “No biggie Clay. Meeting a pretty girl can muddle the mind.” He winked at Raina. “Will you be joining us at Raina’s? We were going to sip some wine…maybe watch a movie?”

              Clay hesitated. “I do have responsibilities tonight, or I would.  Knowing Gregor, he’ll be waiting there already…he can fill in for me.” He turned to Raina. “As much as it pains me to leave your presence. It was an honor meeting you, Raina!” He took her hand, this time not kissing it, just squeezing.

              Raina couldn’t help but feel an excitement and apprehension... He was dangerous and at the same time, very appealing. “Maybe some other time,” she heard herself croak

              He smiled a beautiful smile...thought altering smile. "I surely hope so" And he nodded to Emily and Bradley, before taking his leave.

              They were walking to the car, when Emily looped her arm through Raina’s “So, what do you think of Clay?”

              Raina shrugged. “He’s um, different, and certainly good looking, “she offered. “It’s just….he’s no...”

              “David?” Emily squeezed her arm.

              “Not just that Em….I’m just not sure I want someone like Clay in my life. There’s something off about him,” she admitted.

              Emily gave a nod “I suppose there is. Plus he’s no David,” she teased.

              Raina nudged her. “Silly woman!”

              Bradley opened the door for his wife. “Clay’s right, more than likely Gregor will be there by the time we arrive. He’s always on time…way on time!”

              “I’ve never met Gregor,” Emily noted as they started off down the road.

              “Nice guy…a lot more quiet than Clay. Of the two partners he is the smartest. Clay has the showmanship though.”

              “Certainly can’t be as handsome as Clay,” Emily sighed, fanning herself.

              Bradley glared at her. “I don’t usually take note of that kind of thing, but from the office chatter from the ladies, both are pretty appealing.”

              Raina rolled her eyes, imagining those girls flirting with the financial duo….not because of their brilliant minds, but because of those good looks. How people could be so shallow, she would never understand.

They pulled onto the driveway to her house, and sure enough, another car sat waiting. A red Dodge Charger. A gentleman leaned against it, folders in hand.

              Bradley hurried out of the car. “Gregor! I’m so grateful!”

              Raina slowly emerged from the car. She heard Bradley arguing with the other man to stay for a glass of wine. She gave a sideways glance, as she leaned into the car to grab her purse. He was tall, this gentleman.

              Emily closed her door, and then turned to Raina. “Oh my God Raina…look at him! …wowee!!!”

              Raina purposely didn’t look in the stranger’s direction. “Em, come on now!”

              She turned to walk toward the door, fumbling in her purse for her house key. She found them, and promptly dropped them. “Darn,” she mumbled.

              She leaned down to pick it up, only to see it swept up by a long fingered hand.

              “Here you are Raina,” a gentle voice mumbled.

              Raina hesitated to raise her head at first, when that voice triggered a memory. She lifted her eyes finally and found warm, humor filled silver greys waiting on her. She started in surprise. “Silas? You can’t…be here,” her voice trailed, and she fainted without finishing her sentence.

              All three made a grab for her but Gregor caught her, drawing her up into his arms. He looked concerned at her ashen face.

              “I warned her you were handsome,” Emily teased.

              Bradley chuckled…”She’s had a busy night!” He took Emily’s arm. “This is my wife Emily…her best friend Raina…”

              He turned to Emily. “Emily, this is Nolan Gregor!”

              Nolan gave a nod, looking uncomfortable with the girl he held, but holding her with gentleness, as though she'd break.

              Emily smiled. "Nice to meet you Nolan."

              Nolan smiled a knee weakening smile. He adjusted the fainted woman in his arms, looking down at her soft features.

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