The Awakening (36 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              Nolan cleared his throat, but his voice was still husky. "I'm good with you," he whispered. His teeth grazed her shoulder. He didn't want to let her go. But he knew from the ovation they got, that things were looking hot and heavy. They certainly were feeling that way. He gently disengaged her legs from his torso.

              He heard her protest, and it warmed his blood. Her legs wrapped around him again, he groaned.

              "Aelan, if you don't let go...I may make a fool out of both of us."

              She looked up at him in surprise.

              His eyes were closed. "Please?"

              Raina slid fluidly out of his arms. She paddled back a little, just to look at him. He was so beautiful, his face flushed, the smokiness of his eyes, as he opened them. The pulse at the base of his throat was jumping with the pounding of his heart. He had wanted more too. She smiled, feeling sexy for once. She had made Nolan Gregor falter.

              He pulled in a breath and blew it out slowly. He held his hands up in warning, when she neared him. "Give me a minute," he growled. He needed to calm down, before he allowed her near again...before he left the water. He chastised himself. He was usually so controlled. No control now.

              "That was..." she smiled, "I don't have any words Nolan...thank you."

              He dipped under the water, and came back up, whipping water out of his face. He blew out a breath, and offered her a smile.

              She blushed.

              He had to break the tension somehow, had to distract himself....get the just kissed look off of her face, or he'd kiss her again.

              "Just do it," she teased.

              He paused, lifting his brow. "And what is that?"

              "Make a fool out of us."

              He was speechless, and aroused at once. He growled, grabbed her about the hips and tossed her into a coming wave.

              Raina came up sputtering and laughing.

              He grinned. "Don't toy with me little girl." He deflected the spray of water she sent his way.

              Raina smiled, swimming passed him, then starting toward the shore. She glanced back over her shoulder. "You coming?"

              Nolan furrowed his brow. "In a minute...I'm going to swim for a bit longer."

              Raina didn't question him further. She continued back to shore.

              Nolan tore his eyes away from the pretty sight she made. It only served to remind him, he'd had those curves all around him, against him a moment ago. He'd swim a bit further out, and he should be right as rain. He groaned in his throat, oh no, kissing had been a bad idea. It had been nothing like the drunken kiss they'd shared, and that had been pretty good. This one was beyond that, and he had a feeling it could only get better.

              With a growl, he dove deep under the surface to clear his mind. What the hell had he unleashed?

              Half an hour later, Raina watched Nolan emerge from the water. It was a pleasing sight. It caused a bite of jealousy when she saw she was not the only one taking notice.

              He was smiling at her, this was good. No frowny face...hopefully no apology for what had just happened. She couldn't take an apology. It had been beautiful...warm...oh hell, who was she kidding? It had been hot and sexy. She calmed herself though...he'd promised her a few moments of no boundaries...she would not be greedy. She wanted to be...greedy. She had a feeling she could steal more time...his reaction had been strong, and the fact that it had taken him this long to cool down? He was right...he was good with her, and she with him. They'd be good together.

              As he approached, he ran his hands through his dark hair, and then flicked the water at her. He chuckled at her squeal when the cool water touched her skin.

              "So what are our remaining plans?" she asked gently. She cleared her throat when the words came out too husky.

              Nolan’s silver eyes squinted up at the sun, then back at her. "I think I should get you out of the sun. Despite the protection, you're pink. Not sure if that stuff was water proof.

              Raina blushed, grabbed her towel, and wrapped it about her. She didn't want to talk about the water. "You're a little pink too," she accused. She reached over, and with her index finger touched the skin of his shoulder. It went white then pink where she touched. It was a tell-tale sign of sunburn.

              "It will heal," he reminded her. "Quickly." He reached behind her and grabbed her sundress. "Put this on, more protection."

              She quickly obeyed him, feeling the rough fabric on her sensitive skin...yeah, it was sunburned. Not one hour in the gorgeous sun and she was getting fried.

              "We can go grab some dinner...then stop at the drug store and get you some aloe."

              She tinged pink in her cheeks.

              Nolan chuckled. He grabbed his own towel, stood, and made quick work drying. Raina watched him, not ashamed. Every other pair of female eyes was on him, why shouldn't she be allowed? Her eyes traveled from his feet, the well-shaped calves, to the toned torso, and the scar she wished to touch her lips to again...she bit her lip, and continued over the strong arms that flexed, as they dried the impeccable chest. He was all together breathtaking. The long strong neck, the jaw line...firm lips, fine nose and beautiful eyes that were regarding her now. She sucked in a breath and bit the inside of her cheek. She'd been caught.

                He frowned down at her, then roughed his wet hair, and threw the towel at her.              

              "Cover those feet....they're beet red," he spoke gruffly. "And stop gawking at me!"

              Raina's mouth fell open. "Gawking?" She frowned at him.

              "You can't look at me like that! I'm not a piece of meat."

              She gasped, stood, folded her chair under her arm, and started for the hotel.

              "You don't have the key, Aelan," he called gently.

              She continued, ignoring him.

              “You’re overreacting,” he growled.

              She knew when he was behind her, and heard his exasperated sigh.

              She got to the path, leading to the hotel, then growled. "My sandals!" She spun about, not realizing he'd be so close, and nearly fell on her backside when she bounced off of him. His grip on her arm prevented it, but she did drop her chair. She looked up at him, and took in a breath. How did that face have so much of an effect on her?

              Nolan’s gorgeous frowny face appeared, and he tossed his chair along with hers. With a growl, he caught her up, and kissed her hard. His fingers gripped her hair to keep her from moving, and he tenderly assaulted her mouth with his own.

              Raina let out a happy sigh, and wove her fingers deep in his hair. She felt his long fingers skim down her sides and grip her hips to stay them. She hadn't realized she'd been moving them. He was stealing every thought from her head.

              His assault slowed, until he was only caressing her mouth with his own, coaxing her with infinite softness. She followed his lead, and the tender play was turning her mind to a haze more so then their passion in the water.

              This was her Nolan...sweet, gentle, strong Nolan. She never wanted it to stop, but knew it had to. He took one last pull at her lips, then lifted his head just a fraction...a breath away. The warm air touched her face, as he drew deep, and let the air out slowly.

              "I could kiss you for hours," he murmured. "God Raina, you don't know what you do to me. I've opened a Pandora’s box."

              Raina shivered. His voice was pure seduction.

              "We have to wind it in though, Aelan. I can't have you near me, and entertain these thoughts. You have to tell me no...ask me never to kiss you, to touch you, and I will have to obey. It’s in my nature...I'm hardwired for it. Please just tell me no."

              Raina blinked up at him in disbelief. "How can I do that?"

              He smiled and brushed his nose against hers.

              "How about to anymore kisses...touches....for now. I will never say never to you Nolan...I'm hardwired for it."

              He laughed softly, and released her. "Good enough." He reached over and easily lifted the discarded chairs. "Let’s go get some dinner...enjoy our trip a little."

              Raina smiled back...liking that the frowny face had disappeared. She shyly picked up their towels, the sandals he had rescued, and his shirt. Then she followed him willingly.

              Later that night, with a full tummy, and fresh aloe on her shoulders, Raina snuggled in Nolan’s big t-shirt...anything else would chafe her burn. She crawled into the big King sized bed, and giggled, as he tossed a sheet over her...her warm skin didn't need the comforter.

              "Good night, Aelan," he said gently.

              She smiled at him, as he turned out the light. She listened to hear his bare feet pad cross the carpet, down the hall to where he'd made up the sofa bed. She had tried to get him to take the king, since he was so much larger, and she didn't need as much space. He'd only frowned for his answer. She smiled again, and stretched her limbs, then grimaced at the pain from the sunburn. It definitely hadn't hurt when he applied the aloe. It was almost as if his fingers were a Novocain of sorts. She hoped she'd be fully functional tomorrow!

              Her mind quickly turned to the visit they must have tomorrow morning. All other thoughts from this day fled at that Nolan in the water, Nolan with his hands in her hair, lips to, that was fleeting. She shivered partly from the sunburn, partly from fear of the unknown. She tried to imagine what this Joseph would look like? He was a grandfather, so older...would his eyes be as startling as the others? He was a changer...what did that all entail?

              Would he be fair? Would he side with Elenora, and Raina would lose Nolan? Her heart slammed against her ribs, and she bit back a small cry. The last thing she needed was the crazy hearing of Nolan to alert him to her woes. She had a feeling he sensed it anyway, but after today’s happenings, he would keep his distance. Tears pricked her eyes. The idea of being without him was insufferable.

              Pictures of a distorted immortal with ice blue eyes, scraggily white hair, and breath like sulfur entered her imagination. She trembled. Could this be Joseph? Her mind fought that fear. Why should he be that much different from the others? No, it was her too big imagination just playing around with her.

              She closed her eyes tightly, and eventually did manage to drop off to sleep. Not a peaceful sleep...not what so ever. Dreams assaulted her...dreams with Elenora. A no faced Joseph.......Thanatos, and worse, a hurt Nolan. It overwhelmed her, and pushed her out of sleep...awake, and in a cold sweat. She reached for Turks fur, and then remembered he was miles away.

              She set a hand to her forehead...cold and clammy. Maybe the fever from her burn had broken...maybe too much sun was the cause of her dreams? She sat up, and drew in a deep breath. Light came in from the windows, but the shadows in the room were too ominous, and she felt her fear spike again. She tumbled off the bed, and with no other option that would make her happier...bring her some sort of peace...of wellbeing...she hurried down the hall, and stood beside Nolan’s bed.

              He was on his side, facing toward her. His eyelashes lay gently against his cheeks, his mouth slack in sleep, as he dreamed. The light from the window played with the contours of his chiseled features. Immediately at the sight of him, her fears lifted. Raina hesitated only a few seconds, then went to the bottom of the bed, and crawled up onto the other side.

              She paused, as he stirred, but he did not wake. She traveled up, and then lay down, turning her back to his. The contact instantly stole her fear, and surprisingly the pain of her burn. Was that possible? Her mind played with the thought for a moment, and then it simply did not care. Her body relaxed, the warmth from his back soothed her, and she sighed, dropping easily into a restful sleep.














Chapter 13 Joseph



Nolan liked his dream. He was warm, and comfortable. He could smell Raina's shampoo, and that did things to his senses. If he turned his head just so he swore he could, yes, silky tresses of her hair touched his cheek. He felt the weight in his arms, the shoulder blades against his chest. That kiss had done something to him; even his dreams were getting a lot more vivid. He inhaled deeper, nuzzling into the softness. His arms tightened...he swore he could feel her intake of breath, and she fit so perfectly against him. His hand was at her hip, he squeezed, felt the edge of her t-shirt there, gently his fingers went under, his heart thudded. This he would never dare in the light of day, but here, in the safety of his dreams, he could.

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