The Awakening (54 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              She gasped in breaths, and trembled, lying as still as she could on the ground. Her eyes focused on Richards pain ravaged face. He was coming at her again, and there would be no mercy.

              Then there was an arm around his throat, and he was flung roughly against the trunk of a tree. There was an audible plunk as his head made contact.

              Nolan! His suit was ruined...blood soaked, and was his face, his hands. But he was a beautiful sight. His eyes held her for an instant. " Raina," he shouted, and then went after Richard, who was shaking his head to clear the cobwebs. He would be fighting again soon.

              Raina gasped in fear for him. "Nolan?"

              Thanatos was kneeling at her side. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you sooner." His eyes were anxious, as he looked her over.

              "Nolan’s okay?" she sobbed.

              "Healers heal quickly," Thanatos whispered, as he lifted her into his arms.

              She bit back a cry of pain, as he shifted her in his arms.

              "How did you know to distract Richard long enough for Nolan to heal?" He carried her to the truck, and sat her gently down.

              "I didn't," Raina whimpered. "I was winging it as I went along."

              Thanatos green eyes widened. "You incredibly stupid girl," he sighed, cupping her face.

              She tried to look over his shoulder, where she heard the sound of male fighting. She gasped at the pain in her ribs. They were probably broken. “You have to help him," she cried.

              "I was told to help you."

              She struggled.

              "Stay," he growled.

              She watched as Elenora stepped in between the two men, and Richard instantly paused. He would not hurt his own flesh and blood.

              "He will die. That girl will die," Richard snarled.

              "No Daddy, no, please let’s talk." She gently set her hands to his shoulders. Her words calmed him, and Raina wondered if she was using her power over him.

              "She saved me," Raina whispered. "With one of her mind tricks! The fire?"

              Thanatos eyes gentled. "No, my sweet...I did that."

              Raina blinked up at him. "What?"

              He nodded. "Purely with my powers of persuasion."

              Her mouth fell open. "I didn't can make people feel things?"

              He shrugged. "It’s hit and miss. Usually I need my words to do the persuading. But he was so convinced you were your own sun...I was able to...make it happen."

              She smiled. "Really?"

              He nodded, grinning.

              She laughed, and then groaned.

              "If Nolan hadn't come too though...I don't know what I would have done to save you," he sighed. "I was helpless."

              She nodded. "I know the feeling!"

              Both of them looked up, as the flashing lights of a police cruiser, illuminated the yard. Raina sighed. "About time!"

              Thanatos looked at her in surprise. "How did you..."

              "Your the truck. I texted Bradley. He must have called."

              "Resourceful girl," he complimented.

              Everything happened quickly after that.

              Richard took off; the two officers took after him on foot. They'd never catch him...crazy immortal strength.

              Elenora got in her car, pulling through the yard to escape, and Nolan was there, hands on Raina’s delicate throat.

              She felt the warmth flowing through her, and the pain flowing away. All she wanted to do was touch him to be sure he was really okay. He kissed the scratches on her arms, the bruises in the shape of Richard’s hand. He knelt before her, and touched his lips to the cut on her knee...all healed nicely.

              His fingers gently prodded her ribs, which obeyed his touch. He didn't speak if it took all his concentration.

              She took advantage of his distraction, and gently ran her fingers through his hair. She felt where it was matted from the blood he shed. It made a sob well up in her throat. She could have lost him tonight!

              Nolan did not chastise her for her touch. He simply went on, wordlessly mending her....drawing her pain.

              "The officers will want a statement." Thanatos whispered.

              Raina nodded, watching as they trudged back in the yard. They both seemed astounded that the neither of them had caught him.

They would want to call an ambulance, she was afraid. She glanced at Nolan’s torn and bloodied shirt.

              Thanatos reached inside his truck, and tossed Nolan a t-shirt, and sweatpants. He kept them in his truck for the gym. "They are freshly washed," he assured him with an amused grin.

              "Thank you," Nolan whispered. "For the clothes...for helping Raina."

              Thanatos nodded quickly, "Don't mention it," he mumbled, and turned to the officers.

              Each gave their statements...each refused medical. Thanatos used his persuasion to win that argument. They left without much of a fuss.

"I'm getting really good at that," he laughed.

              Nolan chuckled, "I'm thinking Raina's influence in your life may be helping."

              Thanatos' brows lifted. "You may be right. Maybe playing for the side of right does have its benefits." He handed her his phone. "If you want any semblance of privacy better call your friends."

              "You're right," she sighed. Raina called Emily and Bradley, assuring them she was okay. She needed sleep now...she'd explain everything to them in the morning.

              Thanatos climbed in his truck, once she handed the phone back. He gave Nolan a stern glance. "I suppose you are staying here tonight?"

              Nolan tilted his head.

              Thanatos green eyes glowed in the dark. "That’s what I thought. I...I'll be up tonight...if I'm needed. Please call me."

              Nolan nodded. "You have my word."

              Thanatos mouth quirked at Raina. "No more being a hero tonight."

              She smiled. "I'll leave that up to you guys," she promised.

              He laughed, and gunned his engine, before pulling out of the drive.

              Nolan wrapped an arm around her waist, and headed into the house. They were bombarded by Turk...who had not ceased to bark the entire time. He was let out the back.

              When Nolan walked back in, Raina had to hold back a sob. She knew he was healed...but the sight of the blood torn clothes, the matted hair. "He really hurt you...didn't he?"

              He touched her face. He didn't want to give her the truth. If she knew how close he had been to death, she would fall apart. "You go take a shower. I'm going to lock everything up...then I'll shower."

              "But what if Richard comes back?" Her eyes widened with fear.

              "He won't, not tonight. And I feel he may be a little scared of you right now. Thanatos trick won't keep him back long...hopefully Elenora will do the job convincing him." He brushed her hair back and smiled sadly. "Are you all right my love?"

              Her heart quickened at the sweetness in his voice. She nodded.

              "Go clean up...take a nice hot shower."

              She nodded mutely, tears pooled in her eyes, but she turned and obeyed him without question.

              She tried to hurry through her shower, so he could clean up too, but the hot water felt so good, and drove away the remainder of her shock. She stood under the soothing flow, until her muscles felt like jelly.

              She dressed in a long night shirt, and tucked herself into her big fluffy robe. She felt encased, warm, and safe for the moment. That was a novel feeling...seeing as what had gone on tonight.

              Nolan was sitting on the bottom of the stairs when she emerged. He hadn't wanted to make a mess on her furniture. He grinned up at her, as she descended. "Better?"

              She nodded, and touched his hair...what wasn't matted or bloody. Her eyes filled again.

              "I'm okay Raina," he murmured. "Look!" He parted his hair where there should be gashes, nothing but healthy scalp. He pulled aside his ripped shirt and revealed, bloodied but not bruised arms, torso, neck. "I just look half dead."

              She bit her lip and nodded. She drew in a deep breath. "He could have killed you tonight, couldn't he have?"

              Nolan gave a nod.

              "Why didn’t he?"

              He grinned again. "You won't like my answer."

              "Elenora," she sighed.

              "Well...she’s good for that, huh?"

              Raina tried not to smile, but it was futile. "Just...that."

              He ran a finger down her cheek. "Get something to eat. You need it."

              "I'll make something for you too," she whispered.

              He nodded with appreciation. The fight and the healing had depleted him pretty badly.

              In the kitchen, she made them both sandwiches; loaded with ham, roast beef cheese...she doubled his serving. He had to be drained.

              Her fingers started shaking, when she thought of the ordeal again. She pulled in a deep breath, and decided to pour herself a glass of wine.

              "Go easy on that." Nolan took the glass from her hand and set it on the counter. He gently cupped her face, turning it this way, and that.

              "I'm okay," she sighed. She took his hands from her face and just looked up at him. "Can I check you?"

              "If it will make you feel better."

              She reached up, touching the wet blood, no cuts. His face was perfection. His arms were unmarred, all bones intact. She let her hands do the investigative work, running over him, finding he was indeed in one piece.

              "Satisfied?" he breathed, capturing her hands. Her touch was not unwanted, just too much for him. He was already in an emotional state.

              She nodded, and swallowed back tears.

              "Let’s eat," he offered. He picked up her glass of wine, and took a sip, then led her to the table.

              Turk followed them, surprisingly quiet and subdued.

              They both ate in silence. Raina watched Nolan as she ate, happy to see him fortifying himself. He was famished, and she could only imagine what energy it had taken to heal and then fight for her once more.

              She pushed aside her plate when she had enough, and reached for her wine.

              Nolan smiled at her, pushing his empty plate away. "That hit the spot."

              She grinned back. "I like being domestic with you," she teased. "Eating dinner like a normal...couple."

              His silver eyes darkened.

              "Don't," she whispered. "Don't get all heavy on me and start saying things like...we should be careful, we can't be together...look at me as a friend!" She shook her head.

              He ducked his head.

              "Nolan...losing you would be death to me."


              "It would!"

              He shook his head. "You only say that now because of your emotional state. I am not your whole life!"

              She leaned back in her chair and regarded him. "You honestly believe that?"

              Nolan shrugged.

              Raina bit her lip, and shook her head. "If you're saying I cannot be with you....I'd rather have you at least once, even if it means the death of me." Her blue eyes were sober, unblinking.

              Nolan paled.

              "I almost lost you tonight," she explained.

              He drew in a deep breath. "It’s not right. Even if I could...I wouldn't."

              She reached over, and touched his hand.

              He turned his palm over, so theirs touched. "I've taken enough liberties...far too many. I just haven't been able to help myself." His eyes lifted, and gentled on her. "I've never been so obsessed with someone...ever."

              Raina felt her tummy flutter. She'd never been more excited over another man. Even David, and that scared her. If she had been wrecked losing much more so would she be over Nolan?

              "We weren't dealt a fair hand," she whispered. "Wanting to be together...but the cost, so great."

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