The Awakening (52 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              "Feelings?" Nolan spat suddenly. "He has no feelings to hurt."

              She touched his arm, silencing him. "You two were once good friends," she whispered gently. "For all what you've been through…”  She squeezed his arm softly.

              "That does not change the fact that I don't like him touching you.”

              "He’s unpredictable. I can’t always tell what his plans are. I trust you completely, Nolan...but I'm not scared of Thanatos...not anymore. He showed us he's not out to hurt me; maybe you...a little, “she teased, then shuddered. She saw him again, on the ground, lifeless...still, and it hurt. Her stomach literally ached at the idea of him being gone. He was too important to her now.

              "He may turn a girls head. I will admit to that."

              His teeth ground together audibly.

              "Nolan?" He turned his face to her. She smiled at him. "Enough of the alpha male," she teased. "You will win every time." She stepped close to him.

              He frowned.

              She felt the change in the air...the rate of his breathing...her own...the heart beats. It was warm and thick, and completely alive with energy...the area around them. Her eyes held his, and they both just stared for a moment. She felt her tummy take a dip, when his gaze dropped down to her mouth.

              He leaned in, drawing in a breath. "Aelan..." His lips went to her temple, teasing her hair.

"Boundaries." He drew in a breath. "You should not be tempting an immortal."

              His breath tickled her ear, warmed her neck, made goose bumps rise up on her arms. "Yes, I know," she whispered back. Her arms lifted around his neck, and her fingers curled possessively into the silken hair. His scent was so close. She couldn't resist, turning her face into his neck, to take advantage of their nearness.

              He drew in a breath, and rested his hands gently at the small of her back. He was still for one second, and then he wrapped her in a hug. His strong arms flexed, as he tightened the hug, pulling her against his chest. He set his cheek on top of her head. The warmth of her made him tremble, just a bit...and she was far too eager to allow him this.

              She thrilled at the way he held her now. She curled into him with contentment. His guard was down, and she did not feel one bit guilty for taking advantage of his momentary attitude. He had felt jealousy, hurt, and male pride. What better way to make him feel he had the upper hand? He held the object of that issue in his arms...he had won.

He nuzzled her neck. "You smell so good."

              She giggled against his neck, snuggled into it. "You smell better." She felt so giddy right now...and completely at home. She lifted her face, looking up at him.

              Nolan's arms loosened and he stepped back, letting her arms drop from around his neck. "Boundaries out the window with you. “ He straightened his jacket, unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, taking his tie down a bit. Had it suddenly gotten warmer? He decided it had.

              Her heart thudded in her chest at the look on his face. He really did look in pain. "I can't help it! I just want to touch you. I'm sorry." She moved toward the comfort of the shadows. There, maybe in the dark of the trees natural protection from the moon, he wouldn't see her wet eyes.

              He was quickly behind her, wrapping an arm securely around her shoulders. He pulled her back against his chest. His lips, touched a space below her ear, and he kissed her there. "Don't be sorry," he growled. He tried to steady his breathing. "You know it’s not that I don't want your touch, Raina. It’s that I want it too much, and I can't."

              She put a hand to each arm about her, holding him there, glad for the support that kept her from falling to the ground. “Why are you so scared to touch me?"

              "I am touching you," he growled huskily.

              Nolan struggled, she felt it in the tightened arms, and the heart beat racing and crashing against her shoulder blade. She turned about in the circle of his arms.

              He stared down on her, his features uncertain...but devastating.

              "Are you afraid you will hurt me? Because I'm not."

              His eyes darkened. "Everything I believe in is you, Raina. I can't, love, touch, or care without cost. It costs me to abstain but it would cost me more to give in. I can’t lose you. "

              "You deserve happiness Nolan," she whispered. "Even if it cannot last."

              He shook his head. "The more I'm with you the more I fear that my presence in your life will hurt you." He struggled for a moment, swallowing hard. "But I can't be without you...I'm selfish, I'm evil for that."

              Raina lifted her fingers to his lips to hush him. "How can you say you are evil?" her hands trembled. "Don't you know you are the most beautiful person I know?" She wrapped her arms around his torso and squeezed.

              He shook his head.

              "You have been my salvation from grief." She let the hands at the small of his back, travel up his spine. She lifted up on her tip toes and kissed the underside of his jaw.

              "I'm not perfect, Aelan," he growled. His voice sounded thick. "I spout off about boundaries...yet I lead you out here, knowing there was a chance I could touch you."

              She shook her head. "You didn't lead me...I decided to follow you."

              He chuckled. “You think I did not know you would?”

              Raina loved the smile now on his face. “I’ll follow you every time,” she whispered.

.                His eyes traveled to her mouth. "Why do you love to tempt me?" He let his fingers travel and curl into the hair at the nape of her neck. "I will not allow you to be hurt because of my desires!"

              "I would welcome them!" Her eyes sparked in defiance and then defeat. She dropped her gaze.

              "Aelan," he murmured.

              She wouldn't look at him.

              "Aelan," he growled again. He tugged her hair softly, so that she tilted her chin up. He lowered his mouth gently to hers. He was slow, giving her a chance to pull away if she wanted. She didn't, and his lips sampled gently. His limbs warmed at the contact and he felt an electric current coursing through him.

She lifted her arms around his neck and sighed deeply. Her lips met soft but firm. Her fingers delved into his hair to hold him, but he pulled away, before she could really respond.

              "I cannot be weak." He groaned.

              “Please, Nolan, don't pull away," she whispered. "Kiss me."

              He closed his eyes and shook his head. A chuckle escaped him. "I just did."

              She sighed, knowing she should be happy for that one short sweet kiss. "You are such a tease Mr. Gregor!" She softened the words with a smile.

              He chuckled, and playfully cupped her chin. "We should go in."

              She nodded reluctantly.

              He took her hand, and turned to head back in.

              A dark shadowed figure blocked their way. Silently it stood...ominous, unmoving, and absolutely seething. "Nice night, isn’t it?" Thanatos' voice was gravely with anger...he was attempting to calm it, put the usual soothing back into it.

              "We were just heading back in," Nolan spoke calmly.

              "Sure didn't look like it," Thanatos growled. "Do you realize how dangerous this is?"

              "We had our moment, now we're taking it back inside."

              "Taking it back inside? Yeah, it was getting a little cozy, wasn't it?"

              Raina blushed.

              "Perfect place to get caught...out in the on your own."

              "Elenora is not coming home until tomorrow," Nolan reminded him.

              Thanatos green eyes flashed. "Who said anything about Elenora finding you? I'm talking about Richard!"

              Raina gasped. "What?"

              Nolan's shoulders stiffened. "You're kidding me right?"

              Thanatos shook his head. "If Raina hadn't been so sure I got here all ruffled just to ruin your evening, I would have told you. I got a call from Elenora before I even got dressed. Her dad is on a rampage! She called him about the fiasco from last weekend. Now he’s ready to take care of things!"

              "Why didn't you just say that?" Raina shouted.

              Thanatos was taken back at her raised voice, but recovered nicely. "I didn't expect you to go running off in private...outside, away from witnesses."

              Nolan took her hand again, and began dragging her back toward the building. "You couldn't have called me?" Nolan growled, tugging her along.

              "I just knew I had to get here...for Raina."

              "Your concern is heartwarming," Nolan murmured. "Instead of your little act on the dance floor, you could have been warning her. Really, Thanatos, your selfish cockiness has no bounds!"

              "My cockiness? I didn't woo her into the dark to steal a kiss."

              "I didn't know there was danger," Nolan growled back. He forced the door open, and ushered Raina in. " still," he coached her.

              Raina frowned at his bossiness. "I have a right to know what’s going on too," she protested.

              "I will fill you in," Nolan sighed. "Please, Raina, go sit."

              "But can’t I just..."

              "NO," they both said in unison.

              Raina gasped, and then rolled her eyes. "Fine!" She turned gracefully, and stomped away from the two of them. Let them worry over everything! There was no reason she needed to know what threatened
life...their life. She burned inside, feeling like a chastised child.

              She plopped down in her seat, flushed and irritated, receiving glances from her table companions.

              "You okay, Rain?" Emily hid her smile well.

              "I've decided I'm over men," she growled.

              Bradley laughed at this. "Sure."

              People exited the dance floor, as the announcement came that dinner was being served. The help appeared, bringing in their first course.

              Raina could not imagine eating right now. She glanced through the white coated servers to catch a glimpse of either immortal.

              A plate was set before her, and she drew in a breath.

              "Eat Raina, the boys can care for themselves," Emily ordered.

              Raina picked up her fork, and nodded.

              Thanatos did appear, sitting right beside her. She set her fork down, and turned toward him. "Where is Nolan?" she hissed.

              Thanatos smiled to the group. "Food looks delicious," he remarked, pointedly ignoring Raina. He didn't even flinch when she kicked his shin. He lifted his fork and then his brows to Raina.

              She steamed. "Did Nolan say he was coming back?"

              He shrugged. "You know Nolan; he probably got distracted by work. There are a lot of investors here."

              Bradley chuckled. "Quite good at his job he is."

              Raina rolled her eyes. She waited until the others got engrossed in their meal, and she turned back to him. "Where is he?"

              The green eyed devil smirked at her. "I'd rather not say."

              "Thanatos...I swear...”

              "I'd love to hear that," he purred. "A dirty swear word from your pretty little mouth?"

              She kicked him again. "You need to fill me in."

              "That was Nolan’s promise, not mine."

              She was at her wits end with him.

              "You are safer here," he whispered low, so only she could hear. "Richard, so Elly tells me, is waiting...for you."

              "Me?" she gasped.

              "He feels it’s easier to take care of the mortal, then to risk disapproval from his father harming the immortal that is bestowed to him."

              Raina paled. "Where is Richard?"

              "Your house."

              Raina felt her heart race. She shook her head. "And Nolan?"

              Thanatos’ green eyes hid nothing.

              "Why? Why is he doing this? How could you have let him?" Raina was no longer whispering, or using her inside voice. She didn't care. She pushed her chair back, bumping someone with a tray. The crashing sound did not deter her. She was on her feet and heading for the exit.

              Thanatos was quickly after her. He caught up to her in the foyer, grabbed her elbow, and turned her about. "And where are you going?"

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