The Awakening (49 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              Thanatos rolled his eyes. "You won't like it."

              "Just get on with it."

              "She suggested I spend more time with Raina...make sure the two of you remain apart."

              Nolan shook his head.

              "I'm not going to actually force Raina to stay away from you. She'd never agree to that. I would say...the two of you should really cool it. That scene I walked in on...if I'd been Elly...I don't even want to think what would have happened to Raina."

              Nolan looked down on the ground, and gave a nod. "I know I've been foolish. I have tried to keep her at arms-length, but it’s been the hardest thing I've ever had to attempt."

              Thanatos gave a nod. "I can see that. Damn jealous of it."

              Nolan meet Thanatos stare. Yes, the contempt, the hate was evident there.

              "I'd like to just give you a taste of that."

              Nolan growled. "You think I don't see the way you look at her?"

              "Yeah, I've looked...I've tried to touch..." he chuckled at the look of surprise in Nolan’s eyes. “What? She didn't tell you?" He smiled broadly. "She denied me...a tough feat...and I was turning on all of my persuasion. But not without an internal war. Raina is a very responsive woman. She connects to you...that I won't argue...but she responds to me too."

              Nolan frowned, his fingers clenched in fists. "What are you talking about?"

              "The night you went to meet Elenora...when I took her for her ID...then dinner? I thought I'd give her a proper goodbye."

              Nolan’s nostrils flared.

              "She does have the softest skin..."

              "Are you trying to bait me?"

              Thanatos shrugged. "Just stating a fact."

              Nolan tried to calm his muscles, clenching under his skin. The idea of his Aelan being touched...kissed by someone other than himself. It shook him.

              "How does it feel? The jealousy? Not so nice, is it?"

              Nolan drew in a calming breath.

              Thanatos watched the struggle with pleasure. "So, about her spending more time with me."

              "Hell no," Nolan growled in a low menacing voice.

              Thanatos laughed. "Just to keep Elly happy. There’s that charity event....the one with the kids? Susanne is heading it, and she’s asked the both of us to be there...and bring Nolan’s little Raina, she told me. Now since you aren’t supposed to be with little Raina, you can be there at a distance...still keeping your eye on would be perfect." He grinned. "Elenora is coming to it too...she meet Susanne, and charmed her way in."

              Nolan tensed.

              "She'll be safe. Raina ruffled her feathers the last time...she won't do it again...not after the headache she went through. We'll coach her. It will appease Elenora...and it will be in a safe setting. She may back off some."

              Nolan crossed his arms. "Fine. Just this once." He knew Thanatos was right about appeasing Elenora.

              "Just this once...what?" Raina walked back in the kitchen, twisting her hair into a ponytail.

              Nolan frowned, and tugged the tie. "You should leave your hair down." He smiled with pleasure as the blonde locks fell about her shoulders. He reached to capture a curl.

              Raina smacked his hand away, and took her hair tie back. "If I can't touch the can't touch the hair!"

              He grinned. "Tell me that again...the next time you get another headache."

              Raina’s smile fell. "It’s an acceptation to the rule."

              He successfully tugged her hair. He shook his head, amused, then looked to Thanatos and sobered. He cleared his throat.

              "So, what are we talking about?" She gathered her hair up again with deft fingers.

              "Charity event."


              Nolan and Thanatos looked at her with question.

              "He's throwing a guys work for him, you should know this. Its next weekend."

              "Well, this weekend, we are going to a children’s charity event. A day of art...reading, crafts. They'll have a little carnival...some rides. I'm even doing the dunk tank...great fun. They will auction the children’s work...." He paused. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

              Raina smiled. "Thanatos and children?"

              "It is work related. Nolan and I are representing the company. Susanne, you remember her, wants you there. Elenora wants me to err, keep you busy....draw you away from frowny face here."

              Nolan crossed his arms, and leaned back on the counter. "It will appease her."

              Raina frowned. "I don't want you around her."

              Thanatos rolled his eyes. "He's a big boy Raina...Elenora has not been able to seduce him in his over a hundred years...and believe me, she’s tried. And you can go one afternoon without him."

              Raina folded her arms as well. "Fine," she sighed.

              "No funny business," Thanatos promised, looking to Nolan. "You have my word."

              Nolan shrugged his broad shoulders.

              "You guys can trust me."

              Raina looked to Nolan, and he gave a slight nod. "For now," he growled.

              Thanatos smiled. "Good enough." He grabbed up his cup, and poured the remaining coffee down his throat. "I'll be in touch," he nodded in a goodbye, and then started for the door.

              "Thanatos!" Raina called to him. She regarded him, when he peaked back in. "What do you get out of this?"

              He drew in a breath. "The said that without her...I could have been something else?"

              Her mouth tipped in a smile. "Yes?"

              "I want to be something else." His green eyes twinkled, and he left without waiting for a reply.




              The day of the affair was sunny and bright... a day well appreciated. Thanatos showed up in his pick up, and whisked her away. They wouldn't be helping out with setup, but rather, working with the children for the first part of the morning. Helping with the art projects...which would be the object of the auction later in the evening. From there, Raina would assist at the dunk tank...where Thanatos would be up on the pedestal!

              She could not wait to try her own hand at it.

              After, they'd watch the auction...and their deed would be done!

              Maybe she wouldn't even see Nolan and the she-devil! That was the plan...keep herself so busy she wouldn't even think of Nolan Gregor. She could do it...couldn't she?

              Fat chance of that! When just thinking of not thinking of him made her stop and really think of him, she knew she was doomed.

              Raina settled in at a table with a bunch of five and six year olds...close to the age she use to preside over. She found it easy, melding in with them, knew their language. Thanatos himself joined a group...also looking at ease. It just seemed a contradiction.

              Raina watched him for a while, and sure enough, the children accepted him. Maybe that was just his powers of persuasion...whatever, it worked!

              A little hand in hers brought her back to the present.

              "Do you like it?"

              Raina smiled down at the little face below her. The little girl’s warm brown eyes smiled up. She was very pretty, her hair dark, her skin brown. She was Polynesian...Raina recognized this from her visit with her parents so long ago. "Do I like what sweetie?"


              Raina blinked. "What did you call me?"

              The little girl giggled. "Nothing!" Her eyes even laughed at Raina. She held up the picture she had been working on. "Aelan."

              Raina felt silly tears; looking at the child’s was a flower. "And what is Aelan?"

              "Flower," she said matter of factly.

              "And where did you learn that?"

              "My mommy and daddy. Flower is daddy says so."

              "Well it’s very beautiful," Raina agreed. Her heart skipped. So, aelan meant flower? Why had Nolan decided to give her that name?

              "Hawaiian," the girl continued with her coloring. "That’s what daddy says it is."

              Raina smiled. "Well, thank you for teaching me," she said softly.

              "Me? I taught you?"

              Raina laughed. "Yes you certainly did!" She bit her lip, and her cheeks warmed. She looked over at Thanatos, who, with his crazy immortal hearing had obviously picked up on the conversation. He gave her a wink.

              "He's a sap," he mouthed at her.

              Raina rolled her eyes, and went back to attending to the children. She now, more than ever wanted to see Nolan!

              By the end of the art portion, Raina was contented...loving the simple chatter of the little ones around her. She was sad when parents showed up, gathering their little ones. It would be on to the carnival...a small picnic, then the auction.

              She turned to Thanatos, and laughed outright. He had stripped to his white tank in the course of the painting, and had obviously allowed himself to be a pallet.

              "Might fetch a pretty penny from the Moms, auctioning you off," she teased.

              He grinned, and shrugged. "I figured I'd let them have their fun! I'm going in the dunk tank anyway."

              She picked up a paper towel, and wiped a goop of yellow paint from his nose. "Well that was very kind of you."

              He chuckled. "I'm turning a new leaf Raina...I told you that!"

              She cocked her head. "Sure, Thanatos."

              He frowned. "We really have to figure a new name for you to call me!"

              She nodded. "We'll figure it out!” She rubbed the paper towel into his face, smearing the paint more.

              "Well...don't you two look cute?"

              Raina didn't even want to look toward the voice. The last person she wanted to see was Elenora. She drew in a breath. Thanatos had warned her to be nice, or suffer at her own hands.

              "Hello Elenora," Thanatos sighed. "Nolan."

              Raina’s eyes did rise for him, though she snatched her glance away quickly, or reveal too much. "Hello," she managed, giving Elenora a short nod.

              "I hope we see you all around. Nolan and I...we're just going to stroll through later on...see how the dunk tank is going. Will Raina be on the pedestal?"

              Raina frowned at the gleam in her eye.

              "No, me, “Thanatos said with a shrug.

              Elenora’s dark eyes ran over Raina. "Pity...I may have actually put my money toward drowning her," she purred.

              Thanatos shook his head. "You have terrible aim," he cut back. "She'd have remained dry."

              Raina stifled a smile.

              Elenora glared at him.

              "I don't think that warrants a headache," Raina said softly. "He is here after all to help the children, not nurse his head." Her voice was soft, and sweet, as she looked Elenora full in the eye.

              Elenora looked tempted to do harm.

              Nolan tugged her arm. "Come, let’s walk Elly."

              Raina bristled at the nick name. She made a face at Nolan, as he glanced over his shoulder at her. He gave her a shake of his head, and his frowny face appeared.

              Raina smiled innocently, and gave a “what did I do?” look.

              Thanatos clipped her chin with his knuckles, gently. Just enough that she had to look at him. "Raina, you need to behave."

              She sighed. "I've never hated anyone! I think I hate her. I can't help it."

              He chuckled. "Work on it. She's sure to try to push your buttons more than once today."

              Raina sighed, and gave a nod.

              "You probably just saved me from a headache, so thank you!" He glanced away as though a simple thank you cost him greatly.

              She looked pleased, as he led the way to their next job.

              The dunk tank loomed, as Thanatos gave her a smirk. "You sure you don't want to take my place?"

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