The Baldari (Book 3) (71 page)

BOOK: The Baldari (Book 3)
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This book is a work of fiction.  Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.





2014 by Robert Blink

All rights reserved.  Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.









Proof Release:                                          May 2014

First Release:
                                          July 2014

Kindle release:
                                          July 2014









This book is for my wife, Evelina Blink.


Other books by the Author:



The Second Compound

Wizard's Blood [Part One]

Wizard's Blood [Part Two]


Split Creek



Ancient Magic

Dirty Money

Into The Ruins





A number of people have made major contributions to the completion of each of the books I've written.  The review and editing is a larger task than I would have believed when I first sat down to try and write something.  Inputs include ideas, technical knowledge, criticism, checking for consistency and general story flow, grammar and spelling review, plus insightful observations.  Each person contributes different skills, but each task is essential to getting a completed product out with a minimum of errors.  Normally I address the contributors in a somewhat chronological order, but I've started to wonder if that is the best way. 

This time around, I've decided to thank all of the participants as a group, recognizing that without each of their inputs I would have a horribly flawed product.  I've listed the names in alphabetical order.  These people all spent a significant amount of their time helping this book come about.  My sincere thanks to Doug Burr, Bob Fahey, Connie Goshgarian, Monika Gutridge, Dianna Hunter, Bill Maggiora, Jim Spiva, and Jean Wilson. 




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