The Battle of Midway (Pivotal Moments in American History) (78 page)

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Authors: Craig L. Symonds

Tags: #PTO, #Naval, #USN, #WWII, #Battle of Midway, #Aviation, #Japan, #USMC, #Imperial Japanese Army, #eBook

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Pensacola, Florida (naval training facility), 47, 60–61

pilots, American: training of, 60–62

characteristics of, 62–63, 124

pilots, Japanese: training of, 40–42

losses of, 174–75, 360

exhaustion of, 328

“Plan Dog,” 21–22

Plan Orange, 19, 32

(American destroyer), 172

(U.S. submarine), 13

Point Luck, 197, 212

Port Moresby, New Guinea, 97, 106

Operation MO, 108, 109, 145–46, 153

Powers, John J., 168–69

Prange, Gordon, 4, 216

Prince of Wales
(British battleship), 43, 74, 95

Purple (Japanese diplomatic code), 137

Pye, William S., 84

described, 15

and Wake relief expedition, 16–17

Quam, E. R. (Bud), 325

Rabaul, 76, 85, 143, 155

air battle near, 77–81, 97

radar, 125

described, 78

in the Coral Sea, 165–66, 169

at Midway, 313, 319

Rainbow Five (war plan), 22

Ramsey, Dewitt (Duke), 47

Ramsey, Logan C., 211, 224

(American carrier, CV-4), 45

Redman, John R., 137–38, 147, 182, 365

photo, 138

Redman, Joseph R., 138, 365

Reid, Jewell (Jack), 212–13, 214, 215n

photo, 213

Reina Mercedes
(American training ship), 46

(British battlecruiser), 43, 95

Richards, William L., 216

Richardson, Gil, 387

Richardson, Robert C., 186

Ring, Stanhope C.: characterized, 246–48

and the flight to nowhere, 248–49, 255, 258–63, 389

misses first strike against
, 331–32

attacks destroyer
, 345–47, 346n

attacks Japanese cruisers, 351–52

held back from final attack, 354

career after Midway, 364

photo, 246

Rochefort, Joseph J.: described, 135–39, 141–42

relations with Layton, 143–45

and the Coral Sea, 147–48, 159, 165, 170–71, 181–82

and Midway, 182, 185, 186–88, 186n, 214

career after Midway, 365

mentioned, 5, 387

photo, 136

Rodee, Walter: and the flight to nowhere, 255, 262–63, 390

attacks Japanese cruisers, 351, 354

mentioned, 329, 331

Roberts, Owen, 10

Robison, Samuel S., 14

Roi Island.
Kwajalein Atoll

Roosevelt, Franklin D.: and E. J. King, 10–11, 76–77

and Australia, 83

and Alaska, 199–201

and the Doolittle raid, 117, 130

and Midway, 358

orders attack on Yamamoto, 366

mentioned, 9, 17, 21, 38, 76, 83, 86, 96, 118, 359

Roosevelt, Theodore, 46, 102

Ruehlow, Stanley, 263–64

Russo-Japanese War, 89, 90

(Japanese carrier), 34n, 131

(Japanese carrier), 34, 198–99, 203

(assumed Japanese carrier), 145, 154

Safford, Laurance F., 135–36, 137

Saipan, American attack on, 366

Sakiyama Shakao, 352

Lae-Salamaua raid

Salt Lake City
(American cruiser), 82

Samoa, 65, 76, 96, 106, 108

Santa Cruz Islands, Battle of, 366

(American submarine), 23

(American carrier, CV-3): and Wake relief expedition, 15–16, 25

torpedoed, 49, 51, 59

returns to service, 358

mentioned, 18, 33n, 44, 47, 83, 114, 283, 364


Schneider, Troy, 297

Shangri-La, 131–32

Sheedy, Daniel C., 317

Sherman, Frederick C. “Ted,” 152, 166, 170, 172

Shigematsu Yasuhiro, 312–16

, 145, 154, 228

described, 162

in the Coral Sea, 162–63

photo, 164

(Japanese carrier), 34, 45, 108, 132, 357

in the Coral Sea, 153, 168–69, 174–75

kept out of Midway, 180–81

Short, Walter, 9, 193n

at Midway, 284, 305, 330

, 342, 344–47

attacks Japanese cruisers, 352–53

Showers, Donald (Mac), 141, 387

Shumway, DeWitt (Dave): attacks
, 332–35

, 344–47

attacks Japanese cruisers, 353–54

(American escort carrier, CVE-112), 364

(American escort carrier, CVE-118), 365

Simard, Cyril T., 212, 225, 234, 258, 335n, 342

(American destroyer), 158, 160

Singapore, 43, 82, 88

Sitka, Alaska, 199

Slonim, Gil, 275

Smiley, Curtis, 67

Smith, Joseph, 167

Soji Akira, 342, 352

Solomon Islands, 83

Solomon Islands campaign, 360–61

Sommerville, Sir James, 93–96, 247

sonar, 290–91

(Japanese carrier): described, 162

attacked by torpedo planes, 271–72

attacked by dive bombers, 305–8

death throes, 309

mentioned, 16, 45, 240, 270

Spruance, Raymond A.: as escort commander, 82

characterized, 189–91

at Midway, 225, 229–31, 275

relations with Miles Browning, 229–31, 274, 330, 344–45

orders afternoon attack on 4 June, 329–30, 331–32

turns TF 16 eastward on night of 4 June, 335–36

orders attack on
, 342–45

overrules Browning, 344–45

turns on the lights, 347

orders attack on cruisers, 351–53

ends battle, 355–56, 358

battle report, 389

career after Midway, 362

photo, 190

squadrons, organization of, 54.
See also individual squadron designations
(VB-2, VB-3, etc.)

Stalin, Josef, 358

Stark, Harold, 11–12, 15–16

and Pacific strategy, 20–22

photo, 20

Stearman (American biplane, N3N), 61

Stebbins, Edgar, 332, 335

Stimson, Henry L., 9

and code breaking, 134–35

strategy (American), 20–22

after Midway, 358, 361

strategy (Japanese), 88–93, 96–97, 106

after Midway, 358

map, 98

Straub, Walter, 159–60

submarines (American), 13–14, 22

at Midway, 288–95, 326–28, 340–41

submarines (Japanese), 32, 209–10

at Midway, 288, 347–48, 349–50

(Japanese cruiser), 341–42

Swanson, Claude, 50

Sweeny, Walter, 214–15, 215n

Takagi Takeo, 153, 154–55, 173

Talbot, John, 265

Tanabe Yahachi, 347–49

Tanaka Raizō, 214–15, 224

(Japanese destroyer), 344, 345–47

Tappan, Ben, 255, 260, 390

(American submarine, SS-198), 340–41

Taranto (Italian Naval Base), 93

Task Force 8: under Halsey
, 47, 65, 69–75

under Theobald (cruiser force), 201

Task Force 14
, 49

Task Force 16
, 81–82, 124

attackon Wake Island, 82

and Doolittle raid, 124

at Midway, 193, 196–97, 225, 231, 315, 323

launch procedures at Midway, 245–46

attack on Kidō Butai, 295–305

attack on Japanese cruisers, 350–56.
See also Enterprise; Hornet

Task Force 16.2
, 124

Task Force 17
), 49, 65

attack on Marshall Islands, 65–69, 75 in the Coral Sea, 152–75 at Midway, 281–84, 305–8.
See also Yorktown

Taylor, Joseph, 164–65, 169


Thach, James, 282

Thach, John S. (Jimmy), 58, 193n

in air battle off Rabaul, 77–78, 81

in attackon Kidō Butai, 282–87, 301

helps defend
, 313, 319, 323–24

talks with Spruance, 332

career after Midway, 364–65

photos, 80, 284

Thach weave, 283, 285–86

Theobald, Robert A., 201–3, 204–5, 357–58

photo, 202

(American submarine tender), 210

(American oiler), 154–55, 158

Tōjō Hideki, 31, 92, 106

Tolstoy, Leo, 4

Tomonaga Joichi: in attack on Midway, 220, 225, 231–32

in attackon
, 319, 321–24

photo, 220

(Japanese cruiser), 224, 269

search plane from, 238–39, 275

Tootle, Milton IV, 323

Toroa Island, American raid on, 71–73

torpedo data computer (TDC), 293, 293n

torpedo squadrons.
See individual squadron designations
(VT-3, VT-6, etc.)

torpedoes, American, 22–23

Mark 13 aerial torpedo, 54–57, 204, 216, 255

Mark 14 submarine torpedo, 22–23, 54, 55, 289, 293, 327

torpedoes, Japanese, 39–40, 221

Type 91 loading process, 237–38, 244

Type 93 “Long Lance,” 319, 339, 342

Type 95 submarine torpedoes, 349

Faction (in Japanese Army), 28–29

Trafalgar, Battle of, 358

traffic analysis (in code breaking), 137

Tremblay, William, 387

Trincomalee, Ceylon, 95–96, 109

Tripartite Pact, 31, 90

Truk Island, 96

(Japanese sub tender), 162

Tucker, Abbie, 346

Tucker, Alfred B., 263

Tulagi, American attack on, 155–56

Tully, Anthony, 104, 181, 302

Turner, Richmond K., 185, 361

Tyler, Marshall, 342

Ueno, Toshitake, 209–10

Ugaki Matome, 36, 42, 180, 197, 337

planning for Midway, 100, 102–6, 176–78

Umnak Island, 200 (map), 201

Unalaska Island, 198

Underwood, Robert, 241–42

(American target vessel), 6

Val (Japanese dive bomber), 38–39, 96, 373

at Midway, 218, 312–16

VB-2 (Bombing Two), 54, 163

VB-3 (Bombing Three), 193n, 281, 282, 298, 328

, 305–8

helps defend
, 313

, 32–35, 345–47

VB-5 (Bombing Five), 59, 193n, 281

VB-6 (Bombing Six), 72, 73, 329

attacks Kidō Butai, 274–75, 295–301, 302

, 332–35

VB-8 (Bombing Eight): and the flight to nowhere, 255, 262, 263, 265

returns from Midway, 331

, 342

attacks cruisers, 351–52

VF-3 (Fighting Three), 59–60, 193n

in air battle near Rabaul, 77–81

at Midway 282–87, 319

VF-5 (Fighting Five), 59

VF-6 (Fighting Six), 59

at Midway, 274–76

VF-8 (Fighting Eight), 250–51, 254–56, 260–61, 263–65

VF-42 (from
, 193n

(American cruiser), 323

Vindicator (American bomber, SB2U), 242

Vinson-Trammel Act, 19

(American tug-minesweeper), 348, 350

Vladivostok, Soviet Union, 117

VMF-221 (Marine Fighting Squadron), 226–28, 231

VS-2 (Scouting Two), 54, 162

VS-5 (Scouting Five), 59, 163, 281, 305, 330

, 342, 345–47

VS-6 (Scouting Six), 72

at Midway, 274–75, 295–301, 312, 329

helps defend
, 313

, 332–35

VS-8 (Scouting Eight), 255, 262, 328

attacks Japanese cruisers, 351–52

VT-3 (Torpedo Three), 193n, 267, 282

attacks Kidō Butai, 284–85, 286–87

VT-5 (Torpedo Five), 59

VT-6 (Torpedo Six), 72, 267, 274

attacks Kidō Butai, 273–81 (map, 277)

photo, 273

VT-8 (Torpedo Eight), 255, 261–62, 276

course to target, 257 (map), 267–68

attacks Kidō Butai, 269–72

photo, 267

Wake Island: American relief expedition, 8, 15–17, 16n, 25

American attacks on, 65–66, 77, 81–82, 99

mentioned, 90, 352, 355

photo, 56

Waldron, John C., 261–62

characterized, 252

argues with Mitscher, 252–54, 259–60

disobeys Ring, 260, 266

attacks Kidō Butai, 267–68, 269–71, 276, 296

quoted, 271

photo, 251

Wall, Robert W., 128

Wallace, Henry, 8

Ware, Charles, 312

Washington Naval Arms Limitation Treaty (1922), 29–30, 33–34, 44

and code breaking, 134–35

(American carrier, CV-7), 45, 109, 358

Watanabe Yasumasa, 291–95, 297, 320

Watanabe Yasuji, 131, 196, 210, 339

argues for Midway plan, 106–8, 124

Waters O. D. (Muddy), 7

Weber, Frederick, 301, 333

Weisheit, Bowen, 389–90

West Virginia
(American battleship), 143

Widhelm, Gus, 248

Wildcat fighter planes, 123

F4F-3 (dash 3), 57

F4F-4 (dash 4), 57–58, 58n, 252–53, 315

fuel use characteristics, 255–56, 264, 278–79

in Marshalls raid, 66, 70–71

in Coral Sea, 163, 165–66, 169

at Midway, 224, 226, 226n, 274, 278–79, 313–15, 323–24

photo, 80.

See also individual fighter squadrons

Wilkes, Charles, 66

Williams, Lew, 348–49

Willmott, H. P., 108

Wilson, J. Woodrow, 81

Winchell, Albert W., 280

Wiseman, Osbourne B., 125

Woodside, Darrel, 234

Wotje Atoll: American raid on, 69–71

as Japanese seaplane base, 207

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