The Battle of Midway (Pivotal Moments in American History) (79 page)

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Authors: Craig L. Symonds

Tags: #PTO, #Naval, #USN, #WWII, #Battle of Midway, #Aviation, #Japan, #USMC, #Imperial Japanese Army, #eBook

BOOK: The Battle of Midway (Pivotal Moments in American History)
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map, 68

Wright, Richard, 165

Wright, Wesley, 188

Yamaguchi Tamon, 99

urges early strike, 241–42, 243–44

launches attack, 311, 321

offers advice to Nagumo, 311

plans one last attack, 328

orders abandon ship, 338–39

photo, 310

Yamamoto Isoroku: described, 25–26

characterized, 27, 105–6

strategic views of, 30–33, 35, 89, 89n, 90

and Pearl Harbor, 36–37, 91

and the Coral Sea, 174–75, 180

planning for Midway, 97–101, 102–6, 107–8, 153, 178–79

and Midway, 205, 216, 310

intervenes in Midway battle, 321, 337–38

calls off the fight, 339

orders sinking of
, 343–44

career after Midway, 365–66

death of, 366

mentioned, 5, 96

photo, 26

(Japanese battleship), 30, 103, 105, 153, 176–79

at Midway, 337

Yanagimoto Ryūsaku, 306, 309

Yardley, Herbert, 134–35

Yatsushiro Sukeyoshi, 73

YE-ZB homing system, 262–63, 264, 286

York, Edward, 130, 130n

(American carrier, CV-5): in attack on Marshall Islands, 65–69, 75

in Lae-Salamaua raid, 85–86

in the Coral Sea, 152–75

repair of, 183–84, 191–93, 196

at Midway, 281–85, 287

attacked by dive bombers, 313–15

attacked by torpedo planes, 319–24 (map, 322)

damage and damage control, 316–19, 324–25

abandoned, 325–26

salvage efforts, 348–49

sinks, 350

mentioned, 19, 23, 45, 49, 51, 52, 146, 194, 360

photos, 192, 326.

See also
Task Force 17;

individual squadrons
(VB-3, VB-5, etc.)

(American carrier, CV-10), 360

Yonai Mitsumasa, 30–31

Young, Howard, 70, 72

Zeke (Japanese fighter).

Zero (Japanese fighter): characteristics, 40, 58, 203n, 252, 279

in Coral Sea, 163

at Midway, 234–35, 240, 242, 269–70, 279–81, 304, 311n

tactics at Midway, 285–86

losses at Midway, 313

(Japanese carrier), 104

(Japanese carrier), 34, 45, 108, 132, 357

in the Coral Sea, 153, 168–69, 173, 174–75

kept out of Midway 181, 199

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