The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Isreal and the Origin of Sacred Texts (58 page)

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Davies, A. I. 1988. Solomonic Stables at Megiddo After All?
Palestine Exploration Quarterly
120: 130–141.

Herr, L. G. 1988. Tripartite Pillared Buildings and the Market Place in Iron Age Palestine.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
272: 47–67.

Herzog, Z. 1973. The Storehouses. In: Aharoni, Y. (editor).
Beer-sheba I.
Tel Aviv: 23–30.

Pritchard, J. B. 1970. The Megiddo Stables: A Reassessment. In: Sanders, J. A. (editor).
Near Eastern Archaeology in the Twentieth Century.
Garden City: 268–275.

Yadin, Y. 1976. The Megiddo Stables.
Magnalia Dei: the Mighty Acts of God. Essays on the Bible and Archaeology in Memory of G.E. Wright.
Garden City: 249–252.

On the Assyrian “horse lists”:

Dalley, S. 1985. Foreign Chariotry and Cavalry in the Armies of Tiglath-pileser III and Sargon II.
47: 31–48.

On the Samaria ivories:

Crowfoot, J. W. and Crowfoot, G. M. 1938.
Early Ivories from Samaria.

On the Assyrian campaigns:

Tadmor, H. 1966. Philistia under Assyrian Rule.
Biblical Archaeologist
29: 86–102.

On the fall of Samaria:

Becking, B. 1992.
The Fall of Samaria.

Naaman, N. 1990. The Historical Background to the Conquest of Samaria (720 BC).
71: 206–225.

On the deportation of the Israelites:

Naaman, N. 1993. Population Changes in Palestine Following Assyrian Deportations.
Tel Aviv
20: 104–124.

Oded, B. 1979.
Mass Deportations and Deportees in the Neo-Assyrian Empire.

Younger, L. K. 1998. The Deportations of the Israelites.
Journal of Biblical Literature
117: 201–227.

: The Transformation of Judah

On the rise of Judah in the eighth century:

Jamieson-Drake, D. W. 1991.
Scribes and Schools in Monarchic Judah: A Socio-Archaeological Approach.

Finkelstein 1999 in the bibliography to
Chapter 6

Finkelstein, I. 2001. The Rise of Jerusalem and Judah: The Missing Link.
33: 105–115.

On Ahaz in history and in the Deuteronomistic History:

Naaman, N. 1995. The Deuteronomist and Voluntary Servitude to Foreign Powers.
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
65: 37–53.

Nelson, R. D. 1986. The Altar of Ahaz: A Revisionist View.
Hebrew Annual Review
10: 267–276.

Smelik, K. A. D. 1997. The New Altar of King Ahaz (2 Kings 16); Deuteronomistic Reinterpretation of a Cult Reform. In: Vervenne, M. and Lust, J. (editors).
Deuteronomy and Deuteronomic Literature.
Leuven: 263–278.

Tadmor, H. and Cogan, M. 1979. Ahaz and Tiglath-Pileser in the Book of Kings: Historio-graphic Considerations.
60: 491–508.

On the dating of the list of cities fortified by Rehoboam:

Naaman, N. 1986. Hezekiah’s Fortified Cities and the
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
261: 5–21

Fritz, V. 1981. The ‘List of Rehoboam’s Fortresses’ in 2 Chr. 11:5–12—A Document from the Time of Josiah.
15: 46–53.

On Iron Age II inscriptions, including seals:

Avigad, N. and Sass, B. 1997.
Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals.

McCarter, K. P. 1996.
Ancient Inscriptions: Voices from the Biblical World.

Naveh, J. 1982.
Early History of the Alphabet.

On mass production of pottery in Iron II Judah:

Studies in Iron Age Pottery
in the bibliography to
Chapter 7
: 57–178.

On the settlement history of Judah:

Ofer in the bibliography to
Chapter 5

On the similarity between Late Bronze and early Iron Age Jerusalem:

Naaman, N. 1996. The Contribution of the Amarna Letters to the Debate on Jerusalem’s Political Position in the Tenth Century
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research

On the religion of Judah:

Ackerman, S. 1992.
Under Every Green Tree: Popular Religion in Sixth Century Judah.

Albertz, R. 1994.
A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period.

Miller, P. D. 2000.
Israelite Religion and Biblical Theology.

Smith, M. 1971.
Palestinian Parties and Politics that Shaped the Old Testament.
New York.

On the expansion of Jerusalem in the eighth century:

Avigad, N. 1984.
Discovering Jerusalem.
Oxford: 31–60.

Broshi, M. 1974. The Expansion of Jerusalem in the Reigns of Hezekiah and Manasseh.
Israel Exploration Journal
24: 21–26.

On the Jerusalem Iron Age II cemeteries:

Barkay, G. and Kloner, A. 1986. Jerusalem Tombs from the Days of the First Temple.
Biblical Archaeology Review
12/2: 22–39.

Ussishkin, D. 1993.
The Village of Silwan: The Necropolis from the Period of the Judean Kingdom.

On the religious reform of Hezekiah:

Naaman, N. 1995. The Debated Historicity of Hezekiah’s Reform in the Light of Historical and Archaeological Research.
Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
107: 179–195.

Rosenbaum, J. 1979. Hezekiah’s Reform and the Deuteronomistic Tradition.
Harvard Theological Review
72: 23–43.

On the possibility of an early Deuteronomistic History in the time of Hezekiah:

Halpern and Vanderhooft in the bibliography to the introduction.

Provan, I. W. 1988.
Hezekiah and the Books of Kings: A Contribution to the Debate about the Composition of the Deuteronomistic History.

: Between War and Survival

On Hezekiah’s revolt:

Halpern, B. 1991. Jerusalem and the Lineages in the Seventh Century
Kinship and the Rise of Individual Moral Liability. In: Halpern, B. and Hobson, D. W. (editors).
Law and Ideology in Monarchic Israel.
Sheffield: 11–107.

Naaman, N. 1994. Hezekiah and the Kings of Assyria.
Tel Aviv
21: 235–254.

On the foreign relations of Judah in the Days of Hezekiah and Manasseh:

Evans, C. D. 1980. Judah’s Foreign Policy from Hezekiah to Josiah. In: Evans, C. D., Hallo, W. W. and White, J. B. (editors).
Scripture in Context: Essays on the Comparative Method.
Pittsburgh: 157–178.

Nelson, R. 1983. Realpolitik in Judah (687–609 B.C.E.). In: Hallo, W. W., Moyer, J. C. and Perdue, L. G. (editors).
Scripture in Context II: More Essays on the Comparative Method.
Winona Lake: 177–189.

On the westward expansion of Jerusalem:

See Avigad and Broshi in the bibliography to
Chapter 9

On Lachish and its conquest by Sennacherib:

Ussishkin, D. 1982.
The Conquest of Lachish by Sennacherib.
Tel Aviv.

On the LMLK storage jars and Hezekiah’s administration:

Naaman, N. 1979. Sennacherib’s Campaign to Judah and the Date of the
Vetus Testamentum
29: 61–86.

Ussishkin, D. 1977. The Destruction of Lachish by Sennacherib and the Dating of the Royal Judean Storage Jars.
Tel Aviv
4: 28–60.

Vaughn, A. G. 1999.
Theology, History, and Archaeology in the Chronicler’s Account of Hezekiah.

On the days of Manasseh:

Finkelstein, I. 1994. The Archaeology of the Days of Manasseh. In: Coogan, M. D., Exum, J. C. and Stager, L. E. (editors),
Scripture and Other Artifacts: Essays on the Bible and Archaeology in Honor of Philip J. King.
Louisville: 169–187.

On the biblical evaluation of Manasseh:

Ben-Zvi, E. 1991. The Account of the Reign of Manasseh in II Reg 21:1–18 and the Redactional History of the Book of Kings.
Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
103: 355–374.

Eynikel, E. 1997. The Portrait of Manasseh and the Deuteronomistic History. In: Vervene, M. and Lust, J. (editors).
Deuteronomy and Deuteronomic Literature.
Leuven: 233–261.

Halpern, B. 1998. Why Manasseh was Blamed for the Babylonian Exile: The Revolution of a Biblical Tradition.
Vetus Testamentum
48: 473–514.

Schniedewind, W. M. 1991. The Source Citations of Manasseh: King Manasseh in History and Homily.
Vetus Testamentum
41: 450–461.

Van Keulen, P. 1996.
Manasseh through the Eyes of the Deuteronomists.

On the prosperity in the south in the seventh century:

Finkelstein, I. 1992. Horvat Qitmit and the Southern Trade in the Late Iron Age II.
Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins
108: 156–170.

Bienkowski, in the bibliography to
Chapter 1
, various articles.

On the Tel Miqne oil production:

Eitam, D. and Shomroni, A. 1987. Research of the Oil Industry during the Iron Age at Tel Miqne. In: Heltzer, M. and Eitam, D. (editors).
Olive Oil in Antiquity.
Haifa: 37–56.

Gitin, S. 1987. Tel Miqne-Ekron in the 7th
: City Plan, Development and the Oil Industry. In: Heltzer, M. and Eitam, D. (editors).
Olive Oil in Antiquity.
Haifa: 81–97.

On the evaluation of the kings of Judah in late-monarchic times:

Naaman 1994 above.

Schniedewind, W. 1999.
Society and the Promise to David.

: In the Days of King Josiah

On Josiah and his reform in the Deuteronomistic History:

Eynikel, E. 1996.
The Reform of King Josiah and the Composition of the Deuteronomistic History.

Laato, A. 1992.
Josiah and David Redivivus: The Historical Josiah and the Messianic Expectations of Exilic and Postexilic Times.

Lohfink, N. 1987. The Cult Reform of Josiah: 2 Kings 22–23 as a Source for the History of Israelite Religion. In: Miller, P. D., Hanson, P. D. and McBride, S. D. (editors).
Ancient Israelite Religion.
Philadelphia: 459–475.

Naaman, N. 1991. The Kingdom of Judah under Josiah.
Tel Aviv

Talshir, Z. 1996. The Three Deaths of Josiah and the Strata of Biblical Historiography (2 Kings XXIII 29–30; 2 Chronicles XXXV 20–5; 1 Esdras I 23–31).
Vetus Testamentum
46: 213–236.

On the book of Deuteronomy:

Tigay, J. 1996.

Von Rad in the bibliography to the Introduction.

Von Rad, G. 1966.
Deuteronomy: A Commentary.

Weinfeld, M. 1972.
Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomic School.

On the international scene in the last decades of the history of Judah:

Malamat, A. 1973. Josiah’s Bid for Armageddon.
Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society
5: 267–279.

Malamat, A. 1988. The Kingdom of Judah between Egypt and Babylon: A Small State within a Great Power Confrontation. In: Classen, W. (editor).
Text and Context.
Sheffield: 117–129.

On Egypt and the Levant in the days of the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty:

Egypt and Canaan,
in the bibliography to
Chapter 2

On Dtr

See bibliography to the Introduction.

On iconism and aniconism in ancient Israel:

Keel, O. and Uehlinger, C. 1998.
Gods, Goddesses, and Images of God in Ancient Israel.

Mettinger, T. 1995.
No Graven Image? Israelite Aniconism in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context.

: Exile and Return

On Dtr

See bibliography on the Deuteronomistic History (the Harvard School) in the introduction, especially Halpern and Vanderhooft.

See the items on King Manasseh in the bibliography to
Chapter 10

On the Babylonian period:

Lipschits, O. Forthcoming.
The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem.

Vanderhooft, D. S. 1999.
The Neo-Babylonian Empire and Babylon in the Latter Prophets.

On the last four verses in the book of Kings (the release of Jehoiachin from jail):

Becking, B. 1990. Jehoiachin’s Amnesty, Salvation for Israel? Notes on 2 Kings 25, 27–30. In:
Brekelmans, C. and Lust, J. (editors).
Pentateuchal and Deuteronomistic Studies.
Leuven: 283–293.

Levenson, J. D. 1984. The Last Four Verses in Kings.
Journal of Biblical Literature.
103: 353–361.

Von Rad in the bibliography to the introduction.

On the myth of the empty land and the settlement and demography of Yehud:

Barstad, H. M. 1996.
The Myth of the Empty Land.

Carter, C. E. 1999.
The Emergence of Yehud in the Persian Period.

On the province of Yehud and the emergence of Second Temple Judaism:

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