The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Isreal and the Origin of Sacred Texts (56 page)

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Introductory books on the archaeology of the Levant:

Ben-Tor, A. (editor). 1992.
The Archaeology of Ancient Israel.
New Haven.

Levy, T. E. (editor). 1995.
The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land.

Mazar, A. 1990.
Archaeology of the Land of the Bible 10,000–586 B.C.E.
New York.

Stern, E. 2001.
Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, Vol. II: The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Periods 732–332 BCE.
New York.

On the historical geography of the Land of Israel:

Aharoni, Y. 1979.
The Land of the Bible: A Historical Geography.

Translation of ancient Near Eastern texts:

Pritchard, J. B. 1969.
Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament.

On the Pentateuch:

Blenkinsopp, J. 1992.
The Pentateuch: An Introduction to the First Five Books of the Bible.
New York.

Friedman, R. E. 1987.
Who Wrote the Bible?
New York.

Gunkel, H. 1964.
The Legends of Genesis.
New York.

Noth, M. 1981.
A History of Pentateuchal Traditions.

Van Seters, J. 1999.
The Pentateuch: A Social-Science Commentary.

Wellhausen, J. 1957.
Prolegomena to the History of Ancient Israel.
New York.

Whybray, R.N. 1987.
The Making of the Pentateuch.

On the Deuteronomistic History:

I. General

McKenzie, S. L. and Graham, M. P. (editors). 1994.
The History of Israel’s Traditions: The Heritage of Martin Noth.

Knoppers, G.N. and McConville, J. G. (editors). 2000.
Reconsidering Israel and Judah: Recent Studies on the Deuteronomistic History.
Winona Lake.

Rofé, A. 1991. Ephraimite versus Deuteronomistic History. In: Garrone, D. and Felice, I. (editors).
Storia e tradizioni di Israele

II. The German (Martin Noth) School:

Noth, M. 1981.
The Deuteronomistic History.

III. The Harvard (Frank M. Cross) School:

Cross, F. M. 1973.
Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic.
Cambridge, Mass.: 274–288.

Halpern, B. and Vanderhooft, D. 1991. The Editions of Kings in the 7th-6th Centuries
Hebrew Union College Annual
62: 179–244.

McKenzie. S. L. 1991.
The Trouble with Kings: The Composition of the Book of Kings in the Deuteronomistic History.

Nelson, R. D. 1981.
The Double Redaction of the Deuteronomistic History.

On the books of Chronicles:

Japhet, S. 1993.
I & II Chronicles: A Commentary.

Noth, M. 1987.
The Chronicler’s History.

Williamson, H. G. M. 1982.
1 and 2 Chronicles.

On historiography in the Bible:

Brettler, M. Z. 1995.
The Creation of History in Ancient Israel.

Halpern, B. 1988.
The First Historians: The Hebrew Bible and History.
San Francisco.

Philips Long, V. (editor). 1999.
Israel’s Past in Present Research, Essays on Ancient Israelite Historiography.
Winona Lake.

Van Seters, J. 1983.
In Search of History: Historiography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History.
New Haven.

On biblical chronology:

Cogan, M. 1992. Chronology.
Anchor Bible Dictionary.
New York.

Galil, G. 1996.
The Chronology of the Kings of Israel and Judah.

On the history of Israel:

I. Mainstream studies:

Alt, A. 1966.
Essays on Old Testament History and Religion.

Noth, M. 1965.
The History of Israel.

Hayes, J. H. and Miller, M. J. 1977.
Israelite and Judaean History.

Miller, M. J. and Hayes, J. H. 1986.
A History of Ancient Israel and Judah.

De Vaux, R. 1978.
The Early History of Israel.

II. The Minimalist Approach:

Davies, P. 1992.
In Search of ‘Ancient Israel’.

Lemche, N. P. 1994. Is it Still Possible to Write a History of Ancient Israel?
Scandinavian Journal of Old Testament

Thompson, T. L. 1992.
Early History of the Israelite People.

Thompson, T. L. 1999.
The Mythic Past.
New York.

On the Annales school:

Braudel, F. 1980.
On History.

Febvre, L. 1973.
A New Kind of History and Other Studies.
New York.

: Searching for the Patriarchs

On the book of Genesis:

See items in the Pentateuch bibliography to the Introduction.

Sarna, N. M. 1966.
Understanding Genesis.
New York.

Speiser, E. A. 1964.
Genesis: Introduction, Translation, and Notes.
Garden City.

On the J source:

See items in the Pentateuch bibliography to the Introduction.

Friedman, R. E. 1999.
The Hidden Book in the Bible.
San Francisco.

Van Seters, J. 1992.
Prologue to History: The Yahwist as Historian in Genesis.

On the E source:

Jenks, A. W. 1977.
The Elohist and North Israelite Traditions.

On the P source:

Haran, M. 1981. Behind the Scenes of History: Determining the Date of the Priestly Source.
Journal of Biblical Literature
100: 321–333.

Hurvitz, A. 1988. Dating the Priestly Source in Light of the Historical Study of Biblical Hebrew a Century after Wellhausen.
Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
100: 88–99

General reviews of the patriarchal traditions:

Dever, W. G. and Clark, M. W. 1977. The Patriarchal Traditions. In: Hayes and Miller in the bibliography to the introduction: 70–148.

Hendel, R. S. 1995. Finding Historical Memories in the Patriarchal Narratives.
Biblical Archaeology Review
21/4: 52–59, 70–71.

McCarter, P. K. 1999. The Patriarchal Age: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In: Shanks, H. (editor).
Ancient Israel: From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple.
Washington, D.C.: 1–31.

Past theories on the historicity of the patriarchal traditions:

Albright, W. F. 1961. Abraham the Hebrew: A New Archaeological Interpretation.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
163: 36–54.

Gordon, C. H. 1964. Biblical Customs and the Nuzi Tablets. In: Campbell, E. F. and Freedman, D. N. (editors).
The Biblical Archaeologist Reader.
Volume II. Garden City: 21–33.

Mazar, B. 1986.
The Early Biblical Period: Historical Studies.
Jerusalem: 49–62.

De Vaux, R. 161–287. See the bibliography to the Introduction.

Critical studies of the patriarchal traditions:

Thompson, T. L. 1974.
The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives: The Quest for the Historical Abraham.

Van Seters, J. 1975.
Abraham in History and Tradition.
New Haven.

Redford, D. B. 1970.
A Study of the Biblical Joseph Story.

On the archaeology of Transjordan:

Bienkowski, P. (editor). 1992.
Early Edom and Moab: The Beginning of the Iron Age in Southern Jordan.

McDonald, B. and Younker, R.W. (editors). 1999.
Ancient Ammon.

On the early Arabs:

Ephal, I. 1982.
The Ancient Arabs.

: Did the Exodus Happen?

On the conventional theory of Exodus in the Late Bronze Age:

Frerichs, E. S. and Lesko, L. H. (editors). 1997.
Exodus: The Egyptian Evidence.
Winona Lake.

Sarna, N. M. 1999. Israel in Egypt: The Egyptian Sojourn and the Exodus. In: Shanks, H.
Ancient Israel: From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple.
Washington: 33–54.

On Canaan in the Late Bronze Age:

Leonard, A. 1989. The Late Bronze Age.
Biblical Archaeologist
52: 4–39.

Singer, I. 1994. Egyptians, Canaanites and Philistines in the Period of the Emergence of Israel. In: Finkelstein, I. and Naaman, N. (editors).
From Nomadism to Monarchy: Archaeological and Historical Aspects of Early Israel.
Jerusalem: 282–338.

Weinstein, J. M. 1981. The Egyptian Empire In Palestine: A Reassessment.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
241: 1–28.

On the survey along the international road in northern Sinai:

Oren, E. D. 1987. The “Ways of Horus” in North Sinai. In: Rainey, A. F. (editor).
Egypt, Israel, Sinai: Archaeological and Historical Relationships in the Biblical Period.
Tel Aviv: 69–119.

On the Delta of the Nile, the “Period of the Hyksos” and the Exodus:

Bietak, M. 1996.
Avaris the Capital of the Hyksos: Recent Excavations at Tell el-Daba.

Redford, D. B. 1987. An Egyptological Perspective on the Exodus Narrative. In: Rainey, A. F. (editor).
Egypt, Israel, Sinai: Archaeological and Historical Relationships in the Biblical Period.
Tel Aviv: 137–161.

Redford, D. B. 1992.
Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times.
Princeton: 98–122.

On the Delta in the Saite Period and the Exodus tradition:

See Redford, above: 408–469.

Commentaries on Exodus:

Propp, W. H. C. 1999.
Exodus 1–18.
New York.

Sarna, N. M. 1986.
Exploring Exodus.
New York

: The Conquest of Canaan

On the military conquest theory:

Albright, W. F. 1939. The Israelite Conquest of Canaan in the Light of Archaeology.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
74: 11–23.

Kaufman, Y. 1953.
The Biblical Account of the Conquest of Palestine.

Malamat, A. 1976. Conquest of Canaan: Israelite Conduct of War according to Biblical Tradition.
Encyclopedia Judaica Year Book
1975/6: 166–182.

Wright, G. E. 1940. Epic of Conquest.
Biblical Archaeologist
3: 25–40.

Yadin, Y. 1979. The Transition from a Semi-Nomadic to a Sedentary Society in the Twelfth Century BCE. In: Cross, F.M. (editor).
Symposia Celebrating the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Foundation of the American Schools of Oriental Research (1900–1975).
Cambridge: 57–68.

Yadin, Y. 1982. Is the Biblical Account of the Israelite Conquest of Canaan Historically Reliable?
Biblical Archaeology Review
8: 16–23.

On the current excavations of Hazor:

Ben-Tor, A. 1998. The Fall of Canaanite Hazor—the “Who” and “When” Questions. In: Gitin, S., Mazar, A. and Stern, E. 1998.
Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries BCE.
Jerusalem: 456–467.

Critique of the military conquest theory:

Finkelstein, I. 1988.
The Archaeology of the Israelite Settlement.
Jerusalem: 295–302.

On etiological stories in Joshua:

Noth, M. 1935. Bethel und Ai.
31: 7–29.

Noth, M. 1937. Die fünf Könige in der Höhle von Makkeda.
33: 22–36.

Rationalization of the negative evidence regarding the Conquest of Canaan:

Albright, above: 16.

Glueck, N. 1959.
Rivers in the Desert.
New York: 114

On the biblical narrative of the Conquest:

Nelson, R. D. 1997.
Joshua: A Commentary.

Nelson, R. D. 1981. Josiah in the Book of Joshua.
Journal of Biblical Literature
100: 531–540.

On the Sea Peoples:

Dothan, T. 1982.
The Philistines and Their Material Culture.

Dothan, T. and Dothan, M. 1992.
People of the Sea.
New York.

Oren, E. D. (editor). 2000.
The Sea Peoples and Their World: A Reassessment.

Singer, in the bibliography to
Chapter 2

Stager, L. E. 1995. The Impact of the Sea Peoples (1185–1050 BCE). In: Levy, T. E.
The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land.
London: 332–348.

On the date of the end of the Late Bronze Age:

Ussishkin, D. 1985. Levels VII and VI at Tel Lachish and the End of the Late Bronze Age in Canaan. In: Tubb, J. N. (editor).
Palestine in the Bronze and Iron Ages: Papers in Honour of Olga Tufnell.
London: 213–228.

Ussishkin, D. 1995. The Destruction of Megiddo at the End of the Late Bronze Age and Its Historical Significance.
Tel Aviv
22: 240–267.

On the crisis years at the end of the Late Bronze Age:

Gitin, S., Mazar, A. and Stern, E. 1998.
Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries BCE.

Ward, W. A. and Sharp Joukowsky, M. (editors). 1992.
The Crisis Years: The 12th Century B.C. From Beyond the Danube to the Tigris.

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