The Biker's Protection - Book 3 (Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club) (4 page)

BOOK: The Biker's Protection - Book 3 (Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club)
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“No that was a long shot. We’ll keep at it,” said the sheriff.

The meeting broke and Foley and Savannah left together. As they headed out, the bright blue sky blasted them. Even though Savannah was steamed, she was grateful for the stunning weather. It was healing. 

“I’m sorry I lost it in there,” said Savannah. 

Foley laughed softly. 

“What?” she asked.

“Baby, if that’s losing it, well,” he paused. 

“What?” she asked again.

“Nothing. You’re adorable,” he said.

“Okay, okay. I am adorable, and you’re delicious,” she laughed. 

Just that little laugh broke the stress of the meeting. It had been a long time since Savannah knew those harsh, negative feelings.

“My goodness, though,” she said. “I hope I don’t have to see her again for a long time. I think about how she duped my father, and it pisses me off. Yes, we caught it, and she didn’t get anything, but my poor dad had his heart ripped from his chest.”

“What a bitch,” he said.

“I want to fucking rip her head off!”

“I have an idea. How about we go home, cool off? Put on some nice clothes. I’ll cover up my tattoos,” he winked. “Let me take you to dinner at the Ranch Steakhouse.”

Savannah smiled. She had not been out on a date in forever. But just to make sure that was what his invitation was for, she asked him.

“Are you asking me out for a date, Mr. Graham?” she asked.

“I am,” he smiled. “I think we’ve gotten this thing a little backward, not that I am complaining entirely. But I figure since I’ve slept at your house and made out with you, I ought to at least buy you dinner. I fucking owe you that.”

“Yes, you fucking do,” she said unable to keep from gushing. “I would like that.”

“Okay good,” he replied warmly. 

He adjusted her helmet after she put it on. She was more than capable, but she didn’t mind that he liked doing it. 

The early fall weather was perfect for riding on the back of Foley’s bike, which was fast becoming Savannah’s favorite thing to do. She had never ridden on a bike before Foley, and in the couple of days since meeting him, she had done it enough to completely fall in love with it. 

It didn’t hurt that she got to hold on to a gorgeous man while she was doing it. The thought of buying her own bike crossed her mind. But while she had the repeated opportunity to put her arms and legs around the fine body of Foley Graham, there was no way she was going shopping for a bike soon. At least she hoped not. She was like holding on to a mountain. Savannah had a major crush on Foley already.

They wound their way down her driveway. The lake was crystal behind her home. Despite some negative aspects of her life, the day was absolutely perfect. The beauty of Devil’s Lake and the North Dakota scenery just filled her up. They parked the bike and as they walked into her home, the glass now repaired around the door, their bodies grazed one another. The sensual tension between them building. Foley was just going to stay a little while and do a security check around the property, and then he was going to go home to go get ready.

Savannah opted to run a bath. The water was so lazy and warm. It washed her stress away completely. She lingered, floating, letting the sensuality of the moment literally bathe her. Foley filled her mind. She closed her eyes and saw his wonderfully handsome face, always in some stage of a smile, it seemed. She let the water lapped and worked her body. He stirred wicked feelings within her. Savannah was completely aroused for him. 

She let her body float, pretending luscious biker; her beautiful bad boy was there with her. Above her naked body. She was impatient for him. And yet she had to wait. She rinsed her body and wrapped herself in a generous sheet towel. She padded out to her bedroom and strange as it was, despite thinking of Foley nonstop. 

Her dreams were blurring her reality, though it was nice that they were becoming one and the same. Savannah walked smack dab into him. The look his face was so animal, so seductive. Her reaction came from so deep within. 

“Do you have any idea how fucking gorgeous you are?” he said finally.

“I’m staring at fucking gorgeous right now,” she barely managed.

The flow of magnetism was so potent; Savannah could hardly think straight. For the moment, her entire world was just the two of them. Foley traced the edge of her towel as it firmly pressed into the flesh of her chest. His fingertips tickled, and his touch released wires of arousal twining to her core. Savannah’s center drew up tight. She was so aching and empty. She was this close to throwing herself at him.

Savannah’s next thought, after once again noting that Foley was extraordinarily handsome, was that she was a grown woman. She had no one to answer to and if the moment were right, whether it was five days or five years from the moment she met him, she would indeed sleep with him. She couldn’t waste this precious opportunity. So maybe this was a one night stand. Maybe he would leave after this and never look back, then oh well. At least she would experience sex with this mind-blowing man. She hadn’t had sex in forever. Savannah just wanted to be held in somebody’s arms, if just for a short, brief period. She just needed that connection. It had been so damn long.

She had half a mind to throw off her towel, stand before him buck naked, and offer herself up to him. At the moment, she cared nothing about her heart, only the lust she was feeling. Every part of her craved every part of him, which she was certain was magnificent.

Foley took her face into his hands and gave Savannah a slow and sensual kiss. Devouring her by degrees, tasting her, pleasuring her. She was liquid fire.

Savannah was never one to not gobble a chocolate bar but this time, just like he said, she was going to go slow. Endure the wondrous torture even though it would be so easy to orchestrate it. She was not going to manipulate; she was going to let it happen naturally.

Her pent up attraction inspired her choice in outfits. She picked out something that thought was sexy but understated. She rolled her hair with the hair dryer, so it flowed around her. She selected a crisp white shirt and boyfriend jeans. She wanted to dress so that she could ride on the bike. With jewelry, she was set. She dabbed behind her ears and wrists with a bottle of real perfume that her dad brought back from Paris for her. It smelled amazing. So soft and delicate but so beautiful. She slipped on pumps that she thought would be okay on the bike. She went out to the living room to wait for him. 

As she meandered through her hall, she felt his warm presence up behind her. So tall. He smelled fresh from his own shower. He wrapped his arms around her waist and nibbled the base of her neck.

“You smell wonderful,” he said.

“Thank you.”

He made small talk, but Savannah could hardly speak; the effect of his mouth on her very sensitive neck was so electric. Her nipples were hard and pressing through the starched fabric of her shirt. 

“Let’s go get dinner,” he whispered. “So we can come back and fuck.”

She laughed. “How will I ever get through a meal when that’s all I’ll be thinking about?”

“Tell me about it.”

They laughed.  

“Are we taking the bike or your car?” he murmured. “Better get a jacket if we’re taking the bike.”

“Oh, we are definitely taking the bike,” she said. “I think I’m addicted.”

He chuckled. “It happens to the best of us.”

Savannah slipped on a short-waisted, buff-colored leather jacket that matched her shoes perfectly.

It was a chore to get to the restaurant. Sitting on the bike behind him stunned them. When they were at a light, Foley gazed at Savannah through the rear-view mirror. All she could see were his eyes, but they connected. And once they were parked in the parking lot of the steakhouse, and their helmets were off, Foley took her into his arms and kissed her like she was the love of his life. 

“Where did you come from?” he murmured. “How could I have possibly missed you?”

“I was thinking the same thing,” she answered dreamily.

Foley reserved a beautiful table that overlooked the lake. Savannah scanned the menu. She realized she had not eaten since breakfast. Her appetite was perfect for dinner.

“Want to get some walleye fingers?” he asked.

“Oooh, lets,” she said. “And fried tomatoes.”

He winked. “Is she just a little bit hungry?”

“Just a little,” she said.

Unfortunately, no sooner had they ordered drinks and starters than did Foley get a text. Savannah watched as face transformed.

“What?” she asked with concern.

“All hands on deck,” he replied. “A major fire.”

“Oh,” said Savannah, sort of surprised.

“Fuck! I gotta go.”

“It’s okay. Duty calls.”

It was a fire which meant that someone somewhere was having a worse moment than she was. She had no business feeling bad about having their date cut short. They already shared an amazing kiss.

“Shit. I’m so sorry about this,” he said. “You stay and have dinner, and I’m going to have Danny or Trenton come and give you a ride home. I don’t have time to take you myself.”

“Of course. I understand it’s an emergency.”

Foley was already on the phone calling.

“Done,” he said. “Trenton’s is famished. He’ll be over in a few, and you can have dinner together.”

“But he has a girlfriend. She’ll get pissed.”

“Nope. She gets it.”

Foley leaned down and kissed her.

“Sorry,” he whispered. “I’ll call you as soon as I can.”

“Be safe,” she said.



Chapter 7


Dinner was pleasant with Trenton.  It worked out well after all that they connected since he had plans to sleep in the guest house which was now cleaned up.

“I might rent from you,” he said. “It has a spectacular view.”

“You are welcome any time,” said Savannah. “What about your girlfriend?  The way Foley talks, it’s serious.”

“It is, and I am,” said Trenton. “She has some great kids. I couldn’t be happier.”

Savannah rode on the back of his bike home. Trenton wheeled his bike into the garage next to Savannah’s car.

She slipped off her high heels and put on her tennis shoes. She put Beau on a leash and took him out for a walk. All the built up sexual energy on top of a crazy couple of days, she needed to get out and connect with her dog. Just as it happened the other night, the sound of a motorcycle cut the air. Savannah’s first thought was Foley. But that made no sense. If it was a major fire like he said, would he be back so soon?

And it wasn’t just one motorcycle. It was a pack of bikers. Riggers. She moved to the side of the road and did her best to control the dog that was freaking out from all the noise. She thought she would just wait until they passed, but then they raced and made circles. They weren’t driving on.

She knew she must be the target.


Finally, they were coming for her, rushing all around her. Savannah was petrified. Beau was trying to run away. He reared and barked as the bikers antagonized them. Finally, Savannah and Beau darted across the prairie grass toward her lot. The bikers chased them, herded them toward the lake. 

Savannah hollered for Trenton. She hoped and prayed he was awake. Or still there. The shore of the lake was fast approaching. In late September, the water of Devil’s Lake was going to be cold.

“What the fuck do you want?” she shouted.

One of the men got off his bike and started to walk toward her.

He had a mask like he was an assassin. And that’s what really triggered her panic. Were they plotting her murder? As she went to run, he wrapped strong arms around her waist and dragged her into the water. She thrashed and flailed, but he was rough and controlled her easily. He put her head under the water and held it there, then lifted it up so she could breath.


She watched as they put Beau underwater.

“Don’t kill my dog!” she shouted.

“I’ve got a message for you,” the man said. “Get the fuck out of town!”

“Who wants me to leave?”

“Just know this, bitch! We will break your spirit until you leave. And if that means killing your animals and destroying your property, then that’s what we will do.” 

He dunked her underneath the water again.

Just as she and the dog came up for another breath, Trenton came out onto the dock with a gun. A shot cracked the air, and quickly the bikers retreated. 

Savannah waded out of the water as quickly as she could, furious. She hugged Beau. He was fine. Just a little shaken up. Anger flooded over her. She and the dog walked to her back door; Trenton called after her as he tried to catch up. She felt for the house key she kept underneath the pillows on the chaise on the back porch of the house. 

“Hey,” he said. “I’m calling the sheriff. They tried to fucking drown you!”

“They weren’t trying to kill me. It was a warning that I should leave town.”

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