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“Okay,” He said as he opened the passenger door helping Susan into the van. 

“Thank you, Ella.”  Ron said as Ella drove off in her old station wagon.

Ella made it home just as Maria was setting the table.  The house smelled of Mexican food.

“Yummy.”  Ella said as she put her belongings in her room.  “This place smells like a Mexican restaurant.”

“I thought the boys would like some Mexican cooking tonight.”  Maria said as she put the last bowl on the table.

Maria called the men from the back door.  “Dinner is ready.  Get washed up.  I know you must be hungry.”

Ella took a look into the backyard to see her yard free of weeds. 

“Oh my, the yard looks fantastic.”  She said with a big smile.

Juan and the young men got washed up for dinner.  They all sat around the table.  Juan put his hands out and each followed suit bowing their heads.

“Carlos, thank you so much for weeding the back yard.”  Ella said.  “It looks so nice.”

“Oh, ma’am it’s the least we could do.  You have saved us from harm maybe even death.”

“I want you to be careful when you leave here.  Not only does Mexico have bad people, this country has its share.  Choose your friends wisely you.  I don’t know how you came to be at my shop but I’m glad I was there that night to help you.”  Ella told the young men.

“I heard about the secondhand store at First and Main Street being a safe haven for Mexican trying to escape the ‘Coyotes’.  After I heard them speak of taking us to a drop-house I knew we had to escape as many have.”  Carlos said.

“I know the people before you hid my people in the secondhand store.”  Carlos told her.

“Ella, you know about the secret room, don’t you?  Carlos asked.

Ella’s mouth dropped open.  “What secret room?”  She said as she gasped. “You must mean the back room.”

“That’s all I know about the secret room.  I know some of the Mexicans stayed there for days waiting for the farmer’s truck to pick them up.”  Carlos continued.

“People in Mexico think the secondhand store owners are angels.”

“Carlos, I want you to contact me when you get settled.  Let me know how you are doing.  If I don’t hear from you I will think you met with foul play.”  Ella told them

“We or at least I will contact you Ms. Ella..“  Carlos said as is spoke up.  “I will contact you, too.”

“Maria will have you both a good sack lunch to take on the truck ride.  Do you have any money?”  Ella asked.

“No, but the farmer will pay us in a few days.”  Carlos told her.

Ella dug into her overstuffed purse and brought out two fifty dollar bills.  “Here you take this and spend it wisely. This is for the hard work you did for me today. Now take it.”

“We did not work for money we worked to thank you for your help.”  Carlos said.

“We really appreciate this.  It will buy food.”  Carlos said.

Carlos and is retired to the garage for the night. 

“Juan will you take them to meet the farmer’s truck as the sun breaks the horizon tomorrow morning?”  Ella asked.

“Of course, Ms Ella it will be my gift to them.”  Juan said with a smile.















































Ella woke early from the sound of Juan’s truck hauling down the driveway.  The sunlight from the gapping drape invited the warm sun on Ella’s face.  She squinted to better see.  Slipping her feet into her slippers she shuffled her way to the bathroom.  Again the mirror gave her memories of her mother.  I’m becoming my mother, Ella though as she tried to smooth the wrinkles from her face.  Ella pulled her gown over her head tossing it in the hamper.  Then she piled her hair on top of her head.  She stretched her body to limber up as she stepped into the hot shower.  Scrubbing and thinking of the day to come.

In her mind she went over everything Carlos told her.  Unbelievable, she thought, what have I got myself into?  She had so much on her mind. Ella needs to report the men held in the drop-house.  She wondered who she could trust.  Her mind was racing.  Who does she know that could give her advice, good advice?  Dang, she thought, Frank can help me.  And I can trust him.  Franks father worked for the FBI.  He retired years ago but would surely be able to tell Frank what I should do.  I’ll call Frank today.

Ella dressed fashionable in jeans and a tan vest with black leather piping around the edges.  A shirt style blouse tucked in, to show off her small waist.  Her boots were black leather same as the belt.  When Ella finished dressing she made her way to the kitchen.

“What would you like for breakfast Ms. Ella?”  Maria asked just as little Jose started squirming in his carry seat.

“You take care of Jose and I will find something to eat.”  Ella told Maria.

“But Ms. Ella it’s my job to cook for you.” 

“Maria, you are not a servant.  You are living here and taking care of the house.  If you are busy taking care of Jose don’t worry about always being so efficient.  We are all adults, except Jose and we can take care of ourselves.  Dinner is another matter.  I would like to see dinner on the table every night unless we plan otherwise.”

“Thanks for clearing that up Ms. Ella. I sometimes don’t know if I should or shouldn’t cook breakfast.” 

“Tell you what. If I’m not planning on being here for breakfast or dinner for that matter I will let you know.  Ella assured Maria.


On her way to the shop Ella drove by the drop-house where the men were imprisoned.  The newspaper was still in the yard wet from the morning dew.  This probably meant the guards were asleep in the house.  Most men get the paper soon after they wake.  It’s a man thing to be up on the happenings in the world.  These guys would be looking for any news on what’s going on in Coopersville. 

Ella wondered how the captives were being treated.  She parked the station wagon up the road and walked back to the drop-house. She slowly walked to the back of the house hoping no one would see her.  All the shades were pulled down except for one shade in a bedroom had a slit.  Ella wanted desperately to check on the men.  Bad judgment got the best of her.  Step by step ever so slowly she closed in on the window.  Hoping to stay quiet.  Dang, she lost her footage and fell flat on her back.  Pulling herself to her feet she leaned into the house pressing her nose to the window, her hot breath fogged the window.  There lay a man drenched in blood, eyes swollen and black from flying fists and stomping boots.  His hands and feet tied like a calf to his back.  Ella gave out a gasp causing the man to look up.  He mouthed the word ‘help’.  Ella made an okay sign in hopes he could see her thumb and forefinger meet.

Suddenly the door came flying open. Slamming against the wall.  Seems to be their way of entry since the door knob was imprinted in the wall.  One of the captors, a burly Mexican with no shirt stood in the doorway.  He began cursing and kicking the helpless man.  Ella’s heart was pounding so fast she was afraid the beast would hear.  She dropped below the window easing away from the house in hopes her steps would not be heard.  When she reached the road she ran to the safety of her car.  Ella was so frightened her trembling hands had trouble turning the ignition on.  She started driving past the house the beast stepped out the door to fetch the newspaper.  Ella got a good look at him.  She would recognize him any where.  I must get to the shop and make that call to Frank.  These poor men must be rescued soon, Ella and Juan arrived at the shop at the same time.

“Was the farmer’s truck at the pick up place?”  Ella asked.

“The truck was pulling out when we pulled up.  Guess he didn’t expect Carlos and Pedro.  He had two men in the bed of the truck.  Carlos and Luis ran like rabbits, caught up with the truck and jumped in with the help of the other men.  They were smiling and waving as the truck drove out of sight. I felt happy for them.

“Juan, I’m going to call a good friend and ask for some help.  We need to report the drop-house to the authorities.”  Ella told him.

“Are you going to call Sheriff Brady?”  He asked.

“No Juan, I don’t think we can trust anyone in this town.  This town is too close knit.  I think many folks know what’s going on or at least are suspect.  Someone has control of the town folk.”  Ella told Juan.

Ella made her call to Frank.  Frank was very concerned for Ella’s safety. 

“Ella, you’re in danger. If they suspect you know anything they will do away with you. I’ll call my dad right now and see if he can direct us to the right people.

I’m going to take some time off. I’ll be there tonight.” 

“Frank, can you do that?”  Ella said fighting the tears back. 

“Yes, honey, I don’t want anything to happen to you.” 

“You can stay at my place.  I have plenty room.”  she told him.

“That’s very thoughtful of you Ella but I think I should get a hotel.  I don’t want to be seen with you.  I will pretend I’m in town on business.”

“You’re probably right, I’ll be a stranger to you.  Give me a call when you arrive in town.”  Ella said as she hung up the phone.

Ella began to think about the good times she and Frank shared.  Did she make a mistake divorcing him?  She knows Frank loves her but her undying love for Phil Young haunts her daily. 


The morning passed swiftly.  Ella and the girls talked about how they were going to run the shop.  Alicia had some very good ideas on the designing and Susan had a good command on displaying the merchandise.  Ella knew she has a good team.

“I forgot my watch, can someone tell me what time it is?”  Ella asked.

“It’s ten to twelve.”  Alicia and Susan answered in harmony.  Harmony between these two doesn’t happen often. 

“I must run I have to meet the young man that will be painting the sign on the van at twelve.”  Ella grabbed her purse and headed for the door.

“You best high tail it out here young lady.”  Alicia said.

“Ron, toss me the keys I will take the van with me and  maybe just maybe with any luck he can get right on it.”  Ella said crossing her fingers.

Ron tossed the keys to Ella.  She headed for the door catching the keys in mid air. 

The plans laying open on the counter when Ella walked through the door.

“Hello, Ms. Smith, I have a couple of drawings for you to choose from.  If these don’t suit you I can do others.”  He pushed the paper around where Ella could have a better view.

Ella took a look at the plans.  To her amazement she couldn’t believe her eyes.  The plans were meticulously drawn.  What are you doing in this small town.  You could have a career in design and do well in a larger town.”  Ella blurted out.  Ella isn’t one to keep a closed mouth when she feels strong about something. 

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