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Frank closed the door shutting out the night.  Leaving him with the woman he loved.

Frank and Ella talked for hours about the drop-house and all the activities that had taken place.  Frank assured Ella the FBI were in total control of the situation and for her to stop worrying about it.

“I need to go home tomorrow.”

“Oh, I thought you might be around for a few days.”  Ella said as she walked her fingers up his chest taking his chin in her hand and placed a kiss on his lips. 

“I’d like to stay longer but they are needing back at the office and…”  He suddenly stopped in mid sentence.

“And what?’  Ella asked with a puzzled look on her face.

“I’m having Thanksgiving dinner with Linda and I’ll be meeting her parents for the first time.”  Frank said looking away from the woman he was still in love with.

“That’s okay, I understand. I need to realize you’ve gone on with your life.”  Ella said as her heart melted at the thought of Frank loving someone else.

Time flew by and before they knew it the midnight hour was upon them.

“I have to get home.”  Ella said as she put her dirty clothes back on.

“I smell like a bouquet of flowers.”  She laughed rubbing her nose against the sleeve of her shirt.

Frank walked her to her station wagon.  Waving good by as she drove out of the parking lot.  Ella didn’t notice the blue sedan parked a few spaces over.  She waved to Frank and made her way across town.

The streets were dim as she drove through town.  We must get something done about this dimly lit Main Street.  If I ever get time I’m going to a city council meeting and suggest the city spend some money on brightening the place up.  Ella thought as she made her way through town into the country with her blue sedan escort not far behind.















































Saturday morning came early.  Ella wished she’d gotten more sleep but as they say, hind sight is twenty-twenty.  Ella thought as she laughed to herself.

The aroma of bacon frying in the kitchen permeated the house. 

“Hey, Maria you cooking enough for a hungry girl?” Pouring herself a cup of coffee.

“Of course, Ms. Ella there’s always plenty for you. I usually cook a little extra. I can always have leftovers for lunch.” 

Ella made her way to the kitchen to find Jose setting in his carrier on the table and Maria finishing up with  breakfast.

“Where’s Juan?”  Ella asked.

“He left early, he said there was a lot to be done at the shop.”  Maria told Ella. 

“He’s got that right.”  Ella said with a sigh.  “Once the shop is open we will be able to settle down with the construction and stocking the store.  Hard work always pays off.”  Ella told Maria as she fixed her plate taking food from the stove and carrying it to the table.  Nibbling on a piece of bacon as she set down next to Jose.

“You’re such a cutie pie, Jose. When are you gonna start crawling?”  Ella asked as if Jose could answer. 

“Oh Ms. Ella, Jose started rolling around the room last week.  I think he will be crawling soon.”  Maria told Ella lifting Jose from his carrier to show Ella how he moves around on the floor. 

“Maria Jose is so very precious to all of us.  I’m sorry  I haven’t had much time to spend with you and Jose.  My life is so busy but someday maybe we can spend a day together.”  Ella told Maria as she laughed at the way Jose was squirming on the floor.

“That’s very nice of you Ms. Ella.  I don’t mind being here just me and Jose.  I feel like a princess living in this nice home.”  

“You are a princess and darn good mother.  I notice the way you care for Jose.  He’s a lucky boy to have you for a mom.” 

“I better get outta here.  There’s so much to do at the shop.”  Ella told Maria as she backed her chair from the table, grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

“Bye bye, Buddy good-bye Maria.”  Ella said pulling the door shut with her one free hand she nibbled on a piece of bacon.

A big truck loaded with Ella’s sign was in front of the shop when Ella arrived at the shop. 

“I can’t wait to see the sign.”  Ella told the men.

“Mr. Wright, how are you going to lift the sign?”  Ella asked with a puzzled look on her face.

“Just call me Douglas, Ma’am.”  He said.

“If I’m to call you Douglas then you must call me Ella.” 

“I’d like that, Ella that’s a good name.  Ella, it’ll be.”  Douglas said in agreement.

“About lifting the sign you see the crane coming down the street?  They drove in this morning from Baker just  to life  your sign.”  Douglas said waving at the crane truck to come on down the street.

Ella noticed people gathering around.  Not just a few, there must have been a hundred or more out to watch the sign go up.

“Look Ella.”  Susan said as she came running out the shop door holding the local newspaper.  “Your sign, it’s on the front page.”  Susan said breathless from running across the street.

“Who, how did anyone know it was going up today?”  Ella wondered as she looked around at the towns people.

Standing over to the side she noticed Ray Brandon leaning on a post smoking a cigar. He rolled the cigar between his thin lips as Ella approached him. 

“Well, good morning Ella.”  He said with a grin tipping his hat.

“Are you responsible for this front page article?”  Ella asked with a grin shaking her head.

“Let’s just say the people need to know you are opening soon.  What better way to let them know than to have them here for the raising of the sign?”  He said taking Ella’s arm walking her across the street.

“Thanks, that was very nice of you.” 

The worker’s attached the cables and were ready for the raising of the sign.  They raised the sign, bolted it down, plugged it in to the already electrical connections and removed the paper covering the lettering.  The crowd roared and applauded with much enthusiasm.

“Where did the name come from?  I thought it would be Coopersville Flower Shoppe.”  Susan said with a puzzled look on her face.  “It will be easier for me to answer the phone with Ally’s Flower Shoppe rather than Coopersville Flower Shoppe.”  Susan said.

“It’s perfect Ella told the Wrights.  I love it, I absolutely couldn’t be more pleased.”  She told them.

A father and son team working well together. They were responsible for Ella’s enthusiasm. 

“It’s on a timer.  The light will come on at dusk and go off at daybreak.”  Douglas told Ella as he was looking at his masterpiece.  “The timer is inside the front door.  You can adjust it as daylight hours change.”

“Everyone listen.”  Ella yelled.  The “Grand Opening’ is next Friday night and everyone is welcome.  Please come and let us meet you.  There will be plenty food.”  Ella always had a way with people.  You can bet most in the street will be at the Grand Opening.

The crown scattered as Ella and the crew started with all the finishing touches on the shop.  Ron cleaned the front windows.  They were so clean they sparkled.

Ella noticed Susan going from one plant to another.  She had wrapped all the plants with a rainbow of ribbon and was attaching a big matching bow to each plant. 

“Where did all these beautiful bows come from Susan?”  Ella asked.

“I made them last night.  Alicia said it would be easy after I got the hang of it.  After dropping the ribbon many times I caught on and here they are.”  Susan said as she pushed a wire into the soil securing another bow to a plant.

“You didn’t have to work at home.”  Ella told her.

“There’s a lot to do here at the shop.  I just wanted to get a head start on today.”

  Susan said as she was putting the last plant on a table near the display case.

Alicia was busy making another beautiful arrangement.  As she finished with her masterpiece Susan carried it to the free standing cooler box on the sales floor. Everyone work efficiently together. Ella was proud of her crew but she knew Ron and Susan wouldn’t be with her for long.  They were just passing through.  When they learn the where bouts of Ron’s brother and sister-in-law they would be going back home.  At least that’s what Ella thinks they will do.

Ella walked into the service cooler room and called to Alicia.  Alicia we are running low on fresh flowers.  I think that should be the last arrangement for the day.”

“That doesn’t hurt my feelings.  My fingers are tired and if I have to think of another design might have a brain blow out.”  Alicia said as she closed her designing knife and slipped it in her tool case. 

“Heads up everyone.  See this little box.  It’s mine and the tools in it are mine. Don’t let me see my tools in your hands.”  Alicia said as she flipped the lid shut. Everyone looked at each other and giggled.

Ella pulled a sign from under the front counter and showed it to the crew.  As she flipped the sign around it read
and the other side read
.  She walked to the door and hung the sign face out reading
on the hook of the front glass door.

“It’s official, we are a business.”  Ella said as the sign rocked like a pendulum.

“I think we have everything in order for Monday’s opening.  You guys have a good Sunday.  Monday we will open at eight and close at five.  Lunch for Ron and Susan will be from twelve thirty to one thirty.  Alicia your lunch will be at eleven thirty to twelve thirty.”  Ella informed them of their work schedule.

“What about Juan doesn’t he get to take a lunch?”  Alicia asked.

“Juan doesn’t work at the shop.  He takes  care of my handyman needs at the shop and at home.  Juan has months of work ahead of him refurbishing my home.”  Ella wanted everyone to know he paid his way. 

Ella took a stack of envelopes from her money box.  She called everyone by name handing each a sealed envelope. 

“This is my thank you for the many hours you’ve worked diligently helping me put this shop together. I want you to know how very much I appreciate all of you.”  Ella said as she choked up. “I couldn’t have done it with out you.  Let’s go home and get some rest.”

Everyone thanked Ella, as they accepted her generosity. 

“Hey kids, hop in the old  sedan with me.  I’ll  give you a lift home.”  Alicia hollered to Ron and Susan a she made her way out the door.  Juan made his way out the door behind the others.

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