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“My dad owns the shop here and I plan to work with him.  He would be disappointed if I left for the city.  Anyway, I’ve lived here all my life and I know everyone.  It would be hard for me to move away.”  He told Ella.

“You know almost everyone in town, do you?”  Ella asked with her mind thinking I need to earn his confidence and maybe…her head was full of thoughts…

“Just about, except for the people that are new here, such as you but I soon get to know them.” 

“I absolutely love the plans for the van sign.  I don’t know which one to choose.  Which one do you like best?”

“I prefer the one with the rose petals unfolding, but it’s up to you.” 

“So be it.”  When can you get on it?”

“How about this afternoon?”


“Yes, really.  We don’t have much work with the storefront signs because of the mayor.  He pretty much holds up the paperwork for approval of the signs.  That’s why we were shocked when you said you had the stamped and signed plans.”

“That right?”  

“Yep! He keeps control of this town.”

“My dad will work on your store front sign and I will be painting on your van.” 

“What day will the van be ready?”  Ella inquired hoping it wouldn’t take too long.

“It will be ready on Sunday but I don’t want you to pick up the van before Monday.  It needs to fully dry in a closed dry environment.”

“That’s fine.  The shop opens on Monday but I don’t think we will have any floral deliveries the first day.”

“May I use your phone to call for someone to pick me up?” 

“Of course, but I would be happy to take you home or  to the shop.” 

“That’s nice of you.  If you could take  me to the shop my car is there.”  Ella said.  She gathered a copy of her plan, grabbed her purse, pulled out her checkbook an asked. 

“How much is the deposit?”

He gave her a price and Ella wrote a check. 

She grabbed her purse they headed to the shop.

“Dad,” the young man called to the backroom.  “I’m taking Ms. Smith to her shop.  I’ll be right back.”

“How about picking up some soda’s on your way back?”

“You got it.”

These two seem to have a good relationship.  This made Ella think of the days she shared with her parents.  The trips, the dinners in San Francisco, enjoying the fireplace with the aroma of popcorn lingering throughout the house.  Those days are past, now she is carving out a new life in Coopersville.

The young man opened Ella’s door and helped her into his jacked up truck.  He turned and waked around the truck literally jumping. 

“I’m sorry .”  Ella said, “but I don’t know your name.”

“It’s Doug, my dads is Douglas Wright.”  He put his hand across the cab. “Good to meet you.”  he said.

When Doug drove up in front of the shop.  He quickly threw his truck in park leaned over the steering wheel turning toward Ella.

“Ella, you be careful.  Everyone in town is talking about you.  Wondering why you came to this town.  It’s none of my business but you also need to know not everyone is to be trusted. Just be careful.”  He warned her. 

As quick as he jumped in the truck he jumped out, ran around the and opened her door.  Helping her to the ground.

“Thanks so much for the advice and the ride.”  Ella said pulling her overstuffed purse from the truck and straightened her clothes.

“If I can ever be of any help, don’t hesitate to call.” 

“Thanks, I will.”  She said with a smile and a wave as he drove off.



















































Frank rolled into Coopersville in his sports car late.  He checked in at the local Coopersville Inn.  He Made a call to Ella hoping she would be able to meet him at the hotel.  They needed to go over the information he received from his dad.  Frank also had other plans for the evening.

At the close of day, Ella locked the doors and bid farewell to her crew.

“Oh Juan, tell Maria I won’t be home for dinner.  I have plans for the evening.”  She told him as drove off toward the Inn. 

“Okay, Ms Ella, you’re not going to do anything stupid are you?”  Juan questioned shaking his head.

“Nothing like that.”  She smiled.

Alicia was already at her car when everyone else made it outside.  Alicia slammed her door and yelled.  “See you all tomorrow.” 

Everyone waved and grinned at Alicia’s boisterous personality.

“Alicia will certainly keep the shop from becoming too boring. Hey, you two, hop in and I’ll give you a lift home.”  Ella told Ron and Susan.

“That’s okay Ella, it’s out of your way.”  Ron remarked.  Although inside he was thinking a ride would be nice.

“Nonsense,”  she said as she leaned across the seat unlocking the passenger door.

Ron and Susan hopped in the car. 


“Monday we will have the van. You can drive it home in the evenings.  I don’t mind you driving it around town to run errands and do your ministry.  With the exception of the local bars.”  Ella laughed.

“Not a problem there.”  Ron laughed.

After Ella dropped her riders off at their apartment.  She headed for the local Chinese take-out to pick up a take out order she called in before she left the shop.  With order in hand she headed back to the car.  Loaded the bags filled with little boxes of food in the passenger side and turned the car toward Coopersville Inn.

The sun was disappearing behind the mountain ridge as she entered the hotel parking lot.  Ella noticed the majestic mountains silhouette against the setting sun. Her father had crash into a mountain like the one she was admiring.  She shrugged her shoulders and shivered at the thought of loosing her dad when she was so young.  Ella stepped out of the car, walked around to the passenger side taking two bags of food in hand she made her way to room 108.  With both hands full she bumped her hip against the door.  Frank opened the door as Ella handed Frank the bags of food she turned to close the door just as the blue sedan drove past.  Her heart made flip flops and jumped in her throat but soon settled down.

“Is there something wrong?”  Frank questioned.

“Oh no, just looking at the sun setting against the mountain.”  She fibbed to him. 

Ella wondered why the blue sedan seemed to always be lurking  around.  She shrugged it off and turned to see Frank at her side.

Frank carried the food to the table, started opening the carton’s. 

Ella smelled each box as she opened them.

“I remembered how much you love Chinese food and I know we can’t be seen out together.”  Ella tossed Frank a paper plate.

Frank pulled chopsticks from the brown bag. “Would you look at that they even put chop sticks in our order.” 

“Do you remember you getting chow mien all down your shirt trying to flip it on me cause I could handle the chop sticks better than you?”

“Yeah, we’ve had some good times.” 

“How about we enjoy dinner and then talk.”  Ella mumbled with a pot sticker sticking out one side of her mouth.

“I’ll go for that, food is about all I have on my mind right now.”  Frank laughed as he took a sip of hot tea. ”Dang, that was hot!”  He set the paper cup on the table.

Frank and Ella enjoyed a nice dinner, cleaned up the mess and put the leftovers in the little frig the hotel provides for their guests convenience.  Most guests fill the frig with leftovers and forget to take it with them when they check out.

“Ella, would you like to put on something more comfortable?”  Frank asked sheepishly. 

“That would be nice, these pants are cutting into my tummy after that big meal.”   She said pushing her belly forward to show the bulge.

“Do you have a tee shirt I could wear.”

Frank opened the chest drawer and took from it Ella’s old night shirt she wore around the house when they were married, holding it up for her to see.  “What about this?” 

“Oh my God, you still have my night shirt.  You’ve got to be kidding.”  She said grabbing the shirt from his grip.  Immediately Ella removed her vest and started to unbutton her blouse.

“Let me help you with that.” 

“Well, Frank Smith if I didn’t know better I would think you had this planned all along.”  Ella said with a grin.

Frank finished unbuttoning Ella’s shirt and spun her around wrapping his arms around her, he unhooked her bra letting the straps slide down her arms he gently squeezed her naked  breasts.  Ella laid her head back on his chest looking up at him as he turned her around. 

“You are so beautiful.”  He whispered in her ear as he pushed her hair to the side with his forefinger gently running his fingers through her hair.  Frank unbuttoned Ella’s jeans and ran his hands around her waist to her back slid her jeans off her ass as he gently squeezed her butt cheeks.  Frank picked her up and laid her on the bed sliding her jeans off.  Ella pulled Frank to the edge of the bed unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them to his knees.  He stepped out of his jeans one leg at a time.  Frank crawled on top of Ella his hands pressing down on each side of her shoulders leaving a hand imprint in the soft bed.

They lay side by side neither saying a word.  Enjoying the moment with total abandon.


Ella made her way to the bathroom turning the shower water on as she pulled her hair on top her head fastening it with a clip, to keep it from getting wet in the shower.  She lathered up and just as quickly rinsed off.  Frank followed her lead.  She wrapped a towel around her slim body and patted herself dry.  She caught a whiff of her fragrance on the night shirt as she pulled it across her face.  Smiling she thought he hasn’t washed this shirt since I left.

Ella admired Franks masculine physique from across the room.  He took care of his body with his daily exercise routine. 

Frank put on pajama bottoms and they began to discuss the situation she was in.

Frank began, “I talked with my dad and he told me to call FBI headquarters in LA.  Dad said they would direct us to the agent in charge of the Coopersville area.”  he told Ella. 

“Okay, I understand.”  Setting Indian style she pulled a pillow up to her chest.

“I called the FBI in Los Angeles they put me in touch with Agent Parker.  He’s been with the agency for over twenty years.” 

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