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Susan finished with taking an order for another funeral. She wrote up a nice order but didn’t want to compare it with Alicia’s order.  Susan had the charm but didn’t have Alicia’s experience under her belt.

Ella knew Susan would someday be moving on. Her talent in merchandising didn’t need to be wasted in a small town.  She was big city material.

Ron picked up the mail at the post office. Ella fumbling through the bills spotted a nicely printed square envelope. The return address was from Mandy Harrison in Linville. Ella didn’t recognize the name. She slide her envelope opener into the opening on the corner and sliced the envelope open all the time wondering who Mandy Harrison might be. Pulling the card from the envelope Ella read. 
“Class of 1962, Twentieth Class Reunion. A Homecoming football game on Friday evening. Saturday evening a dinner dance at the Elks Hall. Ella was excited it would be fun seeing all the classmates. Her heart skipped a beat as she wondered if Phil Young and his wife would be at the reunion.  Maybe if she saw him those haunting feelings would go away. Maybe she could get on with her life and find someone to love and be loved.

It was late Friday afternoon  LuAnn had taken off early to do some errands.  A big black car pulled up in front of the shop.

“Who could that be?” Ron asked as he leaned over to see who was getting out of the car.

Agent Ben Peterson stepped from his car. Ella wondered why he would be stopping in at her shop. Although, she had a good intuition it was about the bodies.

He walked to the counter, flashed his badge and asked for Ron and Susan Mills.

“I’m Susan Mills, my husband Ron is in back, I’ll get him. Susan said as she walked to the back room.

“Ron, there’s a man from the FBI here to see us.”  Susan said wringing her hands.

“Did he say what he wanted?” Ron asked as he walked toward the front.

“No, he showed me his badge and asked to speak to us.”

Ron walked over to Agent Peterson and put his hand out to greet him. Agent Peterson shook Ron and Susan’s hand.

Agent Peterson spotted three chairs in the corner and asked Ella if she minded if they sat there. Ella nodded her head in approval and made her way to the work room.

“What’s he here for Alicia?”  Alicia whispered.

“I don’t know, he didn’t act like he knew me.”  Ella answered.

“It could be about the bodies we found?” 

“They don’t know anyone in town. I can’t imagine why he’s here talking to them.” Alicia said.

“Listen.” Alicia said as she neared the counter. Susan is sobbing. It must be bad news.

Agent Peterson stood up.

“We can release the bodies to you on Monday. The mortuary will help you with the arrangements. I’m very sorry. We are getting to close to an arrest but it will be a while. I will keep you informed. Here’s my card. If I can help please don’t hesitate to call.”  He said as he shook Ron and Susan’s hand and walked out the door. Stepped into his big black car and drove away.

Ron held Susan tight for a while. They regained their composure and made it to the workroom.

“Ella, we need to talk to you.” Ron said trying to clear the choke from his throat.

“What is it Ron?” She asked even though she already had it figured out.

“The FBI found my brother and sister-in-law.” Ella looked puzzled.

“Guess I should start at the beginning. Susan and I came here looking for my brother Paul and my sister-in-law

Nellie. They owned the secondhand store here. They disappeared and we couldn’t locate them. No phone calls, their vehicle was missing, they stopped using or paying their credit cards… We knew something was wrong. We came to Coopersville to find out what happened to them. We reported it to the local FBI but they hadn’t learned anything. Agent Peterson out of Baker located their bodies. He told us not to contact the local office.”

“I’m sorry. What can I do to help you?”

“Susan and I need to talk about what we should do.”  Ron said holding on to Susan.

“I understand, you take off the rest of the day. You need some time alone.” Ella told them.

“Thank you, Ella.”

Susan grabbed her purse and they left for home.

“I’m glad Agent Peterson didn’t tell them we found the bodies and where they were.” Alicia said.

“Me, too.”  Ella agreed.

“Who would have thought they were here trying to locate their family? I knew they didn’t belong in a small town with the experience they had under their belts but this sure surprised me.”

“Ella, do you think they will stay here? I wonder where they’re from?”  Alicia questioned.

“I heard Agent Peterson say they would release the bodies on Monday. We will probably know more then.” Ella said leaning back on the big work table.

“We need to keep the secret room closed off. I don’t want them to know the bodies were in there.” Ella said.

“You are right. We’ll keep it a secret.” Alicia said as she was packing up her tools for the day.

“It’s time let’s lock up tomorrow’s another day.”  Ella said.

Ella locked up and as she was getting in her Corvette she noticed the blue sedan. Ella became brave and started walking toward the sedan. Immediately the blue sedan sped away. She didn’t get a good look at him. He definitely doesn’t want her to see him.

The drive home was calming. The sky was clear blue and the sun kissed meadows were a blanket of wild flowers as far as the eye could see. Spring was in the air. 

Ella would share the happenings of the past few weeks with Juan and Maria.

Juanita had dinner almost ready when Ella made it through the door.

“My, something smells wonderful.”  Ella said taking in a deep breath.

“Where are Juan and Maria?”  Ella asked.

Juan should be here shortly. Maria is painting a mural for the Jones. She will be late tonight. She needs to finish it for an event the Jones are having on Sunday.” Juanita informed Ella.

“That girl has made a name for herself, you must be proud of her.” Ella said.

“I’m very proud of Maria and Juan is really busy with his work, too. They are both doing well.“ Juanita said as she set the last bowl of food on the table. 

Ella could hear the truck coming up the drive.

“Sounds like Juan is home. Where’s Jose?  Ella asked.

“He’s on the floor in the living room. I’ll get him washed up for dinner. Can you tell Juan to wash up? Dinner is ready.” Juanita asked Ella.

“Dinner smells so good Juanita.” Juan said as he set down at the table.

Dinner was delicious and everyone joined in the conversation. 

Juanita said she needed to take Jose up to bed after she cleaned the kitchen.  That was good Ella thought since she wanted to talk with Juan alone.

Ella explained all the happenings taken place the past few weeks.  She told Juan Frank is missing and she feared he had been kidnapped. By the body smuggling gang. She asked Juan to keep everything to himself.

“Ron and Susan do not know the bodies were in the shop.  Its better they don’t know.” Ella told Juan.

“The local FBI is tainted. You can’t tell them anything.”

“I understand.”  Juan said.













































Ella rose early Saturday morning. She sat on the side of her bed thinking about the two bodies. Why were they killed and why for god’s sake did they make the freezer Paul and Nellie’s coffin?

Where could Frank be? She wondered if he was alive or had they killed him. Ella couldn’t think of a reason unless he knew more than Ella thought he knew.

It was another work day and Ella needed to get ready to go to the shop. The hot shower felt good to Ella. She stepped from the shower, wrapped a towel around her slim body tucked it in. She paced the floor for a while wondering how she could find Frank. She could call his dad but no she couldn’t She doesn’t know the name of the home where he lives. She has no way to contact Frank’s dad. It would probably worry him and he couldn’t do anything about it.   Ella decided to keep her mouth shut and hope someone would come forward and spill their guts.


Coopersville was quiet as Ella drove to the shop she noticed a few of the locals putting out their open signs. Other than that it was quiet. Ella thought this will probably be quiet day in the shop. She parked the Corvette on the street just as Alicia drove up. 

“Good morning, Ella.” Came Alicia’s husky loud voice.  “What a nice spring day this is. Have you heard from Ron and Susan?” 

“No, I can’t say I have. Have you heard from anyone?” 

“No, but maybe Ron and Susan will share a few things with us today.”  Alicia said.

Ella was putting the ‘
’ sign on the shop door when the painted delivery van pulled up front. Ron and Susan got out and walked to the shop.

“Good morning you two.” Ella opened the door wider for them to enter.

“Good morning Ella. We need to talk with you.”  Ron‘s eyes were swollen. He always had a smile but today was different. Ella could see they had something important to talk with her about.

Alicia put on a pot of coffee to percolate and the aroma of fresh coffee permeated the shop.

“Let’s set over here.” Ella suggested.

The three sat down. Nothing was said for a few moments.  Ron and Susan were quiet and Ella knew they needed to gain their composure before they started expressing their feelings.

Alicia carried a tray holding four cups of coffee. She was hoping they would ask her to join in on the conversation. Each took a cup of coffee and Alicia started to walk back to the work room when Ron said. “Alicia, we would like you to join us.” 

Alicia had already poured the milk in Ella’s coffee and Ella was making her usual figure eight swirl. 

“Ron what do you and Susan have to tell us?” Ella asked.

Alicia sat quiet as a mouse which is something she doesn’t do well.

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