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Frank an Ella lay on the bed for some time.  Talking about the days events. Ella was worried Alicia might talk.

“Ella, you don’t have to worry about Alicia talking.  She seems rough around the edges but that kind of lady will not talk. She’s been around and she knows opening her mouth can get her in a lot of trouble.  Frank told Ella trying to get her to stop worrying.

“You think so, Frank?”  Ella said with relief in her voice.

“She likes you and she will always be there for you.  She’s the kind of friend everyone should have.” He assured her.


















































Days passed and the flower shop continued to be busy. Ella was happy with LuAnn and she knew Alicia enjoyed working with her. They kept everyone laughing. The stories they would tell even made Ella blush and poor Susan would sometimes run to the bathroom holding her ears.  Now, they were ladies and didn’t say anything when Ron or a customer was in ear shot.

Ella invited Alicia to have lunch with her. The ladies ended up at Joe’s Coffee House. Coopersville’s most popular restaurant for the local crowd. 

“What do you have on your mind Ella?” Alicia questioned as she fiddled with the menu.

“I haven’t heard a thing from the FBI.” She whispered.

“Has anyone contacted you?”  Ella asked.

“No, Ella I wondered why everything was so hush hush.”  Alicia said a she slapped the menu on the table.

“Ma’am.” Alicia hollered as Carol neared their booth. “We working girls need to put our order in.”

Carol wasn’t in a hurry as she waltzed over to the ladies booth.

“What’s it gonna be?”  Carol asked in her usual calm attitude.

“I’ll have a hamburger, fries and bring me a big strawberry shake, I need the nourishment. This woman works my tail off over there at Ally’s Flower Shop.” Alicia giggled as she rocked on her seat pulling on her pants that had crawled up during her bout of wiggling.

“I’ll have a Caesar salad and water will be fine for me.”  Ella said as she smiled at Carol handing her the menu.

“You got it ladies.” Carol said as she flipped the page over in her order book. Pushing the order book in her apron pocket and sliding her pencil in her hair above her ear.

“Alicia, I haven’t heard from Frank since the night we found the bodies. I’m worried about him. He doesn’t answer his home phone. I called his office and they said he took a few days off work. Ella said.

“What do you think happened to him?”  Alicia said as she tried to lower her voice.

“I don’t know I’m going down to the FBI office in Baker tomorrow to see if they know anything. Alicia we haven’t heard from the FBI since they picked up the bodies. Don’t you think they would have contacted us?”

“I should think so.” Alicia said unfolding her paper napkin.

“It’s important we keep all this quiet.”  Ella told Alicia. Carol served the food and Alicia was only interested in stuffing her round face. The ladies finished their lunch and headed back to the shop.

Ella dropped Alicia off and headed for the motel. Maybe he was there. She didn’t see Frank’s car in the parking lot. Ella parked and walked up to the front desk. A nice gentleman dressed in a white shirt and brown tie offered his assistance.

My friend, Frank Smith is staying at your motel but he doesn’t answer my knock on his door. Can you tell me if he checked out?” Ella looked up at the desk clerk with a plea in her voice.

“I’m sorry ma’am we can’t give any information out on our guests. It’s a privacy thing the main office holds us to.” I hope you understand. He politely told Ella.

“I understand, can I leave a message for him?”

“Of course. I’ll get you a piece of paper?’

“That would be nice.” Ella said as the desk clerk handed her a note pad.

Ella scribbled down a note. Tore it from the pad and handed it to the desk clerk.

“I’ll put this in his box. If he is here he will get it.”  He said.

The clerk slid the note in the cubby hole behind the counter as Ella walked to the parking lot. Ella pulled from the parking space just in time to see the blue sedan on the other side of the lot. Damn stalker! She thought to herself. The stalker is around so much maybe I will pretend he’s my body guard. Ella wondered if the stalker was protecting her or was obsessed with her. She wondered if he was protecting her why didn’t he show his face?  Was there a reason he couldn’t let his presence be known?

Ella drove out of the parking lot but didn’t notice the blue sedan following her. Maybe he’s given up for the day.

Ella didn’t know how to get in touch with Franks father.  Frank helped him move to an assisted living home in Sacramento.  But she didn’t know anything about it. He wouldn’t be able to help anyway and if Frank wanted to talk with Ella he would call.  She didn’t have any information on Linda and wouldn’t want to concern her. Maybe he’s with Linda.

Ella drove back over to the hotel and checked the cubby hole where the desk clerk stuffed the note in the cubby hole. The note was still there. Which meant Frank had not returned to the hotel?  Ella knew she must get to the FBI office in Baker first thing tomorrow.

Ella’s night was filled with nightmares of bodies being stuffed in the freezer. Frozen over like blocks of ice. Screams of Paul and Nellie as they were being murdered. Paul helplessly looking on as every murderer had their way with Nellie. Laughing and cursing ran in Ella’s ears. How could anyone be so cruel?  Freeze them preserve them like a game hunter would his kill.

Ella woke with a start.  She set straight up in bed.  Jumping from the bed she ran to the gapping drape pulled it wide open and gazed out into the night. The night was calm and peaceful not like her mind. A cloud moved across the full moon darkening the night sky. There was peace in the night but turmoil in Ella’s mind. This is way too much to handle she thought as she unclenched her fist released the drape and set it free.

It was a cold February morning hopefully the highway to Baker would be clear. A winter storm was in the forecast but Ella had to make it to Baker and hopefully she could beat the storm home. The trees are like skeletons on the horizon.  The hillside spotted with patches of snow from the last storm. It was the dead of winter. 

Ella dropped into the valley and the buzz of the cars filled her ears. This isn’t the place she would want to live. Baker is a town with a lot of industry. Causing smog to permeate the San Joaquin Valley. Many people live here but for Ella living over the mountain in the clean air is a privilege.

She remembered how to get to the Federal building and found a place to park a distance from the high rise building. The walk was refreshing. She ran the events of the past few days through her mind as she made her way through the crowds.

The federal office was located on the tenth floor. Ella was greeted by a nice lady dressed in a blue suit with small gold wire frame glasses. 

“May I help you ma’am?”  She asked Ella.

“Yes, I need to speak with Agent Peterson.’  Ella told her.

“I need to know the nature of your business.”

Ella took a big breath and said, “It’s about a homicide.”  She said quietly.

The greeter buzzed someone and announced.  A lady needs to speak to someone about a homicide.”  The lady in blue relayed the message.

“I’ll be right out.”  The deep voice replied.

Agent Peterson opened the door.

“Ms. Smith, nice to see you again. Let’s go back to my office where we can discuss what’s on your mind.”  He said as he showed her to his office. He escorted Ella to the same leather chair she sat in when she and Frank visited the agency. Agent Peterson sat behind his desk.

“Do you have more information to tell me?” He asked as he turned his tape recorder on.

“I came to talk to you about the bodies my employee and I found frozen in a deep freeze in a secret room we found by accident in my shop.

“Wait a minute, slow down. I don’t have any knowledge of bodies in a deep freeze.”  Agent Peterson said as he set forward in his chair.

“You didn’t receive a call about the bodies?  My friend, Frank called the agency from my shop phone.  Two men wearing coverall’s with ‘FBI” on the back of the coverall’s came in a van truck and loaded the deep freeze.”  Ella told him.


“Did they show you credentials?”  Agent Peterson asked.

“I think maybe someone flashed a badge but I didn’t pay much attention. They had FBI on their coverall’s. I assumed they were your agents. One man was Hispanic the other walked with a limp.  I didn’t get a good look at either. 

Would you like a glass of water?” He asked.

“That might help, my mouth is dry.”  Ella said as Agent Peterson put a glass of water in her hand. Ella took a big drink and set the glass on the desk.

Ella, we don’t have a record of anything you have told me today.”  Agent Peterson said shaking his head.

“I don’t understand…”  Ella became quiet.

“Frank was supposed to call the FBI to report the bodies.  I can’t believe what I’m thinking. Could Frank must be in on all this murder. But he’s a nice guy.”

“Sometimes people aren’t so nice when money is involved.” 

“I’m going to call Agent Bill Harris and put him on this.  Agent Harris is working under cover in Coopersville trying to put a stop to and arrest the people involved in body smuggling in the Coopersville area.  He seems to run into a block wall every time he thinks he’s getting close to solving the case. Do you have a picture of Frank Smith?” 

“Yes, I have a small picture in my wallet. It was taken a couple years ago but he hasn’t changed much.” Ella said as she plundered through her overstuffed purse.  She located her wallet, pulled Franks picture from its home between the clear plastic and handed the picture to Agent Peterson. Ella felt like she was turning her back on a good friend. 

“Ms. Smith you must keep this to yourself.  We will start a search for the deep freeze. A deep freeze won’t be easy to hide.  Go about your business as usual.” Agent Peterson told her.

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