The Casual Rule (28 page)

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Authors: A.C. Netzel

BOOK: The Casual Rule
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“Mom, we don’t have that kind of relationship. We’re friends.”

“Mmmhmm,” she hums, staring at me skeptically.

“You’re imagining things,
.” I say sarcastically.

“Perhaps neither of you realizes it, but there’s much more going on than either of you care to admit. Open your eyes. I see the way you look at each other when you think the other isn’t looking. There’s something special between the two of you, whether you are aware of it or not.”

“Now I know where I get my overactive imagination. Don’t wait to hear wedding bells. It’s not in the cards for us. Just friends. That’s all we are. That’s all we’ll ever be.”

“That’s what you show on the surface, but anyone who’s paying attention can see there’s more underneath,” she sighs, reaching her hand to my face and tucking a few stray strands of hair behind my ear, like she used to do when I was a little girl. “Your hair always did have a mind of its own,” she chuckles softly. “JuJu, I know your last relationship didn’t end well, you were hurt and now you’re scared. Don’t close yourself off because of one bad apple. I know you’re afraid to put yourself back out there, but if you can put aside your fear, you may find that
just maybe
your future is sitting at the kitchen table, chatting away with your dad right now. You’re a wonderful girl with so much love to give. You deserve to be loved. I just want you happy.”

“I know you do.” I hug her tight. “Look Mom, Ben is waiting for me. Thanks for everything.”

“You’re welcome, baby. Open mind, open heart. Remember that.”

“I will.”


Chapter 14

The drive to Ben’s sister’s house is long, way too long. Holiday traffic on the Garden State Parkway is painfully slow.

“How far away is Greenwich, Connecticut?” I ask.

“About two and a half hours from your parents’ house on a good day. We’ve only been in the car for a half hour. You better get comfortable. Take a nap if you’re tired. You went to bed late last night.”

Yeah, like he’d remember.

“It’s okay. I’ll keep you company while you’re driving.” I turn on the radio, once again searching for the perfect Christmas song.

“Haven’t you had your fill of Christmas music?”

“It’s impossible to get too much Christmas music. In fact, one day every summer, Allie and I celebrate Christmas in July.”

“Why does this not surprise me?”

“Because it’s something awesome, like me and Allie,” I proclaim with a big cheesy grin.

He laughs, shaking his head. “The two of you are
, all right.”

 “So, did you have a good time last night with my family?” I ask, a little fearful of what his answer might be.

He hesitates for a moment; a bewildered expression briefly crossing his face. “I did.”

“You sound surprised.”

“I guess I am, a little.”


 “The mayhem, meeting your family, the kids, the noise. But it was good. A little intimidating, but fun.”

“My parents liked you.”

“Did they?” He quickly glances at me, looking almost hopeful.

“You did give them baseball tickets.”

“A small price to pay for their approval. Thank you for inviting me.” He takes my hand and sweetly kisses the back of it.

He wants my parent’s approval. Why?

“So what are we walking into today? Tell me more about your family,” I ask.

“They’re quieter than yours.”

family is quieter than my family.”
Rock concerts are quieter than my family.

“They’re more traditional,” he states.

Traditional? That’s code for dull.

“Tell me about them.”

“My father worked a lot at his brokerage firm when I was growing up. Still does. But he takes off two weeks every year and flies the family out to our villa in Tuscany to unwind.”

“Your family owns a villa in Italy?”

“Yes. It’s an investment property, actually. It’s nice. The hills are filled with olive trees and there’s a small vineyard.” His family owns a freaking house in Tuscany?
Of course they do

“My mother stayed home to raise Elizabeth and me, though it was our nanny, Ruby, who did most of the raising. My mother was always wrapped up in her charity work, ladies’ functions and what-not.”

“That must have been hard for a kid to understand. What about your sister?”

He lights up at the mention of her. She must be someone very special. “Elizabeth is great. She’s the funny one. You’ll love her. We were inseparable when we were kids. She’s been married for six years to Stuart. He owns a chain of floral shops. It’s proven to be a very successful venture. No kids yet, but they’re very attached to their two dogs.”

“I look forward to meeting them.” I stretch and let out a huge unladylike yawn.

“Julia, we have at least two hours, probably more with the traffic. Why don’t you take a nap?”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, sleep. I want you to have some energy for later. I’ve been with you for two days now. I want you in my bed tonight.”

“I would like that.”

“I’ll make sure you do.” He reaches his hand over the console between us and squeezes my leg, slowly inching his hand up the inside of my thigh, his fingers gently skimming over the lace top of my thigh highs. I feel that familiar tingle throughout my body. I miss his touch.

“Ben, you are a very naughty boy. Santa will leave you coal in your stocking if you keep this up,” I warn, shifting in my seat.

“I’m willing to take that chance.”

“Focus on the road now, you can focus on me later.” I grab his hand to stop his playful assault.

“Julia, I’m going to focus the hell out of you later.” He places his hand back on the steering wheel.

“I look forward to it.” I recline my seat and close my eyes.


“Hey, we’re here sleepyhead. Wake up.” Ben gently nudges me.

“I’m up, I’m up.” I instinctively wipe the corners of my mouth with the back of my hand, making sure I didn’t drool in my sleep. I spring my seat up from the reclining position and look in awe at the property in front of us. This is not a house. My parents live in a house…this is a mansion. It’s stunning…and tremendous. Why would two people need to live in a place so large?

The front of the house is a beautiful gray fieldstone with a white pillar porch front. The grounds are like a park; I bet it’s breathtaking here in the summer when the flowers are in bloom. The outside of the house is decorated for Christmas beautifully. These people have money. Serious money. Thick green pine garland and slow twinkling white lights surround the doorway. There’s a huge pine wreath on the door with silver and purple balls. A tall lantern is sitting on either side of each step leading up to the front door. The bushes and trees in the front are adorned in white lights.

“Are you ready?” he asks.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

We walk up to the front door. Ben is holding a bag with gifts for his family with one hand as he rings the doorbell with the other.

“Do I look okay?” I ask warily.

“Julia, you look beautiful. You always look beautiful.”

I smile shyly. I know he told me I’m beautiful last night while he was feeling the effects of the booze and late hour, and he’s told me as a prelude to sex often enough. But it means more coming from him sober and not as an element of foreplay.

He really thinks I’m beautiful.

The front door opens. We’re greeted by a stocky, balding man. I’d guess he’s in his late thirties. He’s wearing a lavender button down shirt with a dark purple crushed velvet bow tie and plaid pants. He looks like a mix between a golfer and an eggplant. Interesting fashion sense.

“Ben, you made it. We were about to call out the cavalry to look for you.”

“Sorry Stuart, traffic was a nightmare.” We walk into the foyer. Wow, what a place.

“And who is this lovely creature?” Stuart asks, eyeing me up and down.

“Stuart, this is my friend Julia. Julia, Stuart.”

“Nice to meet you Stuart.” I extend my hand to shake his.

“Julia, aren’t you just adorable. Come in.” He heartily shakes my hand. “Everyone is waiting. Shoes over there.” He points to a small mat on the side of the door.

Ben walks over to the side of the front door and kicks off his shoes. “They have a no shoes policy here. Don’t want to mark up their wood floors.”

Seriously? Even for guests? I’m about to kick off my heels when I remember the hole I have in the left toe of my black stockings. Shit. I thought I was in the clear when my shoe covered it. The first and probably only time I’ll meet Ben’s family and I’m going to have my big toe sticking out like a sore thumb. Shit.

I walk over to the mat, like a criminal facing the firing squad and kick off my shoes. My big toe is proudly sticking out. This is mortifying. Mortifying. All I need is a spotlight directed on my toe to highlight my embarrassment.

Ben glances down at my feet, clearly amused at my toe predicament. “Nice look,” he taunts with a smirk I’d love to wipe off his face.

“Shut up,” I growl through my teeth, nudging his arm with my shoulder.

“Come, come darlings.” Stuart waves us to follow him into another room.

“Stuart seems interesting,” I whisper in Ben’s ear.

“He’s a bit quirky but a good guy.”

We walk into the living room. It’s a lovely room, although a bit old fashioned for a couple in their thirties. There’s a Queen Anne couch, loveseat and arm chair with floral upholstery that I swear my grandmother had as drapes when I was a kid. There’s a huge area rug, probably Persian, over a gorgeous mahogany hardwood floor.  The walls are a neutral beige color with a huge oil painting of Victorian women sipping tea over the fieldstone fireplace.

Ben’s family stands as we enter the room.

“Ben, Darling. So good to see you.” An impeccably dressed woman reaches her hand out toward him. She’s tall and rail thin. She’d probably snap in half if the wind blew a little too hard. Her hair is gleaming silver, perfectly coiffed into a retro bob.  Her dark navy knee-length ziberline dress is reminiscent of Jackie Kennedy, circa 1963.

I bet she has white gloves to complete the outfit in her purse.

“Mother.” Ben leans in to kiss her; she quickly turns her head to the side and offers him her cheek.
“This is my friend Julia. Julia, this is my mother, Beverly.”

“Mrs. Martin, it’s very nice to meet you.” I extend my hand as I try to hide my exposed toe behind my foot.

“Lovely to meet you, Julia.” She politely shakes my hand, her eyes skimming down toward the floor, as she looks me over, briefly stopping at my feet.
Yeah, didn’t think I’d get away with it

“Ben!” A woman exclaims with a shrill that could set off a three-day migraine. She’s very pretty, with long brown hair up in a high pony-tail, dark brown eyes, and pale skin. She’s dressed like she’s ready to go to a Fifties Sock Hop, wearing a flared out green skirt and tight red sweater. All she’s missing is a poodle on her skirt. She’s even wearing a strand of pearls. I bet there’s a pair of saddle shoes on the mat by the front door.

Did I just enter a time warp? I feel like the universe has just pulled a hell of a practical joke on me.

“Hey sis.” Ben and his sister politely hug.

“Elizabeth, this is Julia. Julia, this is my sister Elizabeth.”

“Julia, it’s so good to meet you. Ben doesn’t let us in on much of his private life. I’ll have to pull you aside later and get the dirt.” She extends her hand and we politely shake.

Looking forward to that Lizzy!

Ben walks over to a tall man in what has to be the all time winner in an ugly Christmas sweater contest. I can tell right away it’s Ben’s dad. Other than the questionable fashion sense, Ben looks just like him, minus the gray hair.

“Dad. Good to see you.”

“Ben.” He nods as he pats his shoulder.

Isn’t this a warm and cuddly family?

Ben hooks his arm around my waist, guiding me in front of his father. “Julia, this is my dad, Richard.”

“Mr. Martin, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Julia, and please, call me Dick.” We politely shake hands.

Oh God, there’s not a chance in hell I’m going to get through this with a straight face.

“Nice to meet you… Dick.” I nod subtly.

Dick, Dick, Dick. Gah! I’m so immature.

Finally, he introduces me to an absolutely adorable elderly woman sitting on one of the Queen Anne chairs. There’s something about her that warms you up immediately. I know instantly it’s Ben’s grandmother, as there’s a walker placed next to her chair. I also notice she gets to wear her shoes.

“Grandmother, this is my friend Julia. Julia, this is my grandmother, Kitty Martin.”
Kitty and Dick…does anyone else see a pattern here?

“Mrs. Martin, it’s very nice to meet you.” I hold out my hand to shake hers.

She takes my hand and holds it. “Oh Leonard, she’s such a lovely girl,” she says, her voice soft and sweet.

Leonard? Who the hell is Leonard?

“Yes she is, Grandmother. Come on, Julia. Let’s have a seat.” He redirects me to the couch.

“Leonard?” I whisper in his ear.

“My full name is Leonard Benjamin Martin. My grandmother is the only one who calls me Leonard. It was my grandfather’s name,” he whispers.

“Oh, I see.” I nod.

Leonard? I’m having the best sex I’ve ever had with a neat freak coin collector named Leonard?  Seriously? I think I’ve entered Bizzaro world.

 I sit next to Ben on one of the old lady couches, still trying to hide my exposed toe and listen to the Martin family converse. It’s so civilized and dull as ditchwater. His mother is droning on and on about this one and that one at “The Club”. She sure likes to say “The Club” a lot. I’ve figured out that “The Club” is in the Hamptons, their summer home away from home. I wonder if she knows that
probably poked his pecker in most of her friends at “The Club”.

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