The Chinese in America (72 page)

BOOK: The Chinese in America
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Ah Sam
Ah Sin
(Harte and Twain)
Ah Toy
Alien Land Act (1913)
American Bureau for Medical Aid to China
American 14th Air Service Group
American Friends of China
American Medical Association
Angel Island
Anglo names
Arthur, Chester
Asian American Dreams
Asian Americans.
See also specific groups:
Chinese Americans and; land ownership by; racism against
Asian Americans for Affirmative Action (4-A)
Asian American studies
Au, Yat-Pang
Autry Museum of Western Heritage
baby boom
Bancroft, Hubert H.
Bannock Indians
Barnum, Phineas T.
Barron, Milton L.
Bayard, Thomas Francis
Beijing University
Bemis, Polly and Charlie
Bertillon system
Biggers, Earl Derr
Bigler, John
bilingual education
Bing, William Der
Bliss, A. Henry
Boggs, Grace Lee
Boggs, James
Borthwick, J. D.
Boxer Rebellion (1900)
boycott of American goods by China
brokers, immigration
Brown, S. R.
Brown University
Brown v. Board of Education
Buck, Pearl
Bunker, Chang and Eng
burial rites
Burke, Lloyd
Burlingame, Anson
Burlingame, Fanny
Burlingame Treaty (1868)
Bush, George H. W
Bush, George W
Cable Act (1922)
Cai, Nengying
See also specific cities; specific counties;
Alien Land Act (1913) ; census figures; Chinese immigration to; Committee on Mines and Mining; commutation tax ; competition for jobs in; Criminal Proceeding Act; departure of Chinese from; education in ; employment of Chinese in; Fair Employment Practice Commission ; as Gold Mountain; gold rush. See gold rush and gold rushers; Great Depression and; journey to; laws, anti-Chinese ; numbers of Chinese in; Proposition ; racial quotas in; racism in.
racism, anti-Chinese; School Law of 1870; settling of; slavery in; statehood of; taxation of foreign miners by; women in
California Institute of Technology
Cameron, Donaldina
canning industry
Carter, Jimmy
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Central Pacific Railroad Corporation
Chae Chan Ping v. United States
Chan, Charlie
Chan, Ronnie
Chan Chung Wing
Chang, Cheng-Cheng
Chang, Gordon
Chang, Jung
Chang, Min-Chueh
Chang, Morris
Chang, Sam
Chang Yitang Chao, Elaine
Chao, Rosalind
Charlie Chan at the Opera
Chen, Kuan Nan “Johnny,”
Chen, Lawrence
Chen, Lilac
Chen, Pehong
Cheng, S. J. Benjamin
Chen Ke
Chen Lanbing
Chennault, Anna
Chen Wencheng
Chen Yuxi
Chern, Sing-Shen
Cheung, Katherine
Chew, Beng
Chew, Ng Poon
Chew, Thomas Foon
Chew, William Chiang, Joseph
Chiang Kai-shek
Chicago Tribune
children: American-born.
Chinese American(s) and American-born Chinese (ABCs); in China ; foreign-born, citizenship right for ; girls, adoption of; of Hong Kong immigrants; identity crises of; indoctrination of; mixed-race; one-child policy
racism against, effects of; return to Fujian province of; smuggling of ; in Taiwan; Taiwanese “parachute,” ; working
Chin, James W
Chin, Ko-lin
Chin, Lily
Chin, Vincent
Chin, Won-Loy
See also
People’s Republic of China (PRC); Republic of China;
specific cities; specific provinces:
American capital banned in; Boxer Rebellion (1900) ; boycott of American goods in; civilization of; civil service system; civil war; clothing customs; Communist Party; Communist Revolution (1949) ; concession areas; corruption of; Cultural Revolution (1966-76); culture of; decline as world power; diversity of; education in; emigration policies of; employment of American-born Chinese in; ethnic minorities; examinationsservice ; First Sino-Japanese War; food supplies; geography of; Gold Mountain families.
Gold Mountain families; government of.
See also
Qing dynasty; Hundred Days’ Reform Movement (1898); inland; isolation of; Japanese aggression toward; life expectancy in; Long March (1934); May Fourth movement (1919); merchant class in ; as meritocracy; Nationalists. See National People’s Party (Kuomintang); Northern Expedition (1926-28); opium trade in; peasant life. See peasants and peasant life; People’s Republic of. See People’s Republic of China (PRC); population of; port cities.
See also specific cities;
poverty in; prisons; professional class; prosperity in; rebellions in ; recruitment of workers in; Red Turban rebellion (1853); Republic of; ruling class ; Sino-Japanese War; study of, in American schools; travel in; United States and, relations between.
Sino-American relations; U.S. military in; wealth and upper classes in; western; Western concepts of; working class; written language of
China Daily News
Chinatown, Chicago’s
Chinatown, New York’s
Chinatown, San Francisco’s; architecture of; businesses in ; Chinese civil war and;
conditions in; earthquake of 1906 and; living conditions;
nightclubs; origins of;
prostitution in; quarantine of ; tourism in
See also specific Chinatowns
; Chinese civil war and ; decline of; East Coast; exodus from; government surveillance of; Great Depression, effect on; high rents in ; myths about; numbers of; old versus new immigrants in ; Taiwanese and; violence in
China Workers Mutual Aid Association
China World
China Youth Club
Chinese: as “black,” ; concepts of United States held by ; as sideshow curiosities; slavery of; travel by
Chinese American(s) and American-born Chinese (ABCs).
See also
immigrants, Chinese; Taiwanese Americans and immigrants; as activists ; African Americans and; ancestry of; Asian Americans and; assimilation of ; author’s experience as ; China and, relation between ; citizenship rights of; cold war and; contributions of; credit systems of; cultural identity of ; departure from United States prevented; earliest; economic losses in China by; education of; employment opportunities .
See also specific occupations;
foreign-born and, ratio between; fragility of rights of ; Japanese Americans and ; job discrimination against ; leisure activities of; in military; mixed-race; as “model minority,” ; Native Americans and;
Chinese American(s) and American-born Chinese (ABCs) (
): new immigrants and; numbers of; other immigrants and; Pearl Harbor attack and; prosperity of; racism against. See racism, anti-Chinese; reentry, right of ; regions populated by; return to China by; role models lacking for; sex differences in upbringing; Sino-Japanese War and; social life of ; stereotypes of ; in suburbia; women.
women, Chinese American; World War II and
Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA)
Chinese Educational Mission
Chinese Empire Reform Association
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882); amendments to; circumvention of ; early efforts to pass; effects of; expiration of; subsequent acts
Chinese for Affirmative Action
Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance
Chinese Immigration and the Physiological Causes of the Decay of the Nation
Chinese Intellectuals and the West
Chinese in the Post-Civil War South
Chinese Laundry Scene
Chinese Massacre (1871)
Chinese News
Chinese Playground
Chinese Student Protection Act (1992)
Chinese War Relief Association
Chinese Young People’s Summer Conference (1949)
Chinese Youth (Wah Ching)
Chin Gan
Chin Lung
Cho Li Muwang
Chow, Paul
Chow, Rodney
Chu, David
Chu, J. Chuan
Chuck, Frank
Chuck, John
Chun Afong
“Chun Ah Chun” (London)
Chung, Connie
Chung-Hoon, Gordon P.
Chung Mun-yew
Chung Sai Yat Po
Church Federation
Cio. D.
Citizens Committee to Repeal Chinese Exclusion
citizenship, right of; for foreign-born children; for immigrants; marriage and ; military service and civil war, Chinese
Civil War, U.S.
Cixi, Empress Dowager clans
Cleveland, Grover
Cleveland (Ohio)
Cohen, Lucy cold war
Cole, Cornelius
universities and colleges, U.S.
Columbus, Christopher
Committee of One Hundred
Committee of Vigilance
Communist China.
People’s Republic of China (PRC)
Communist Party, Chinese
Communist Party, U.S.
Communist revolution (1949)
Comstock Lode
Confucianism coolies (
Cooper, Chris
Cooper, Grant B.
Cox, Christopher
Crocker, Charles
Crocker, E. B.
Cubic Air law (1870)
Cultural Revolution (1966-76)
Dana, Richard Henry
Deng Jiaxian
Deng-Reagan pact
Deng Xiaoping
Densmore, John deportation
Der, Henry
Dershowitz, Alan
Der Spiegel
Deutch, John
Donaldina Cameron House Dong Zem
Dorney P S. dotcoms
Drumwright, Everett F. due process, right of
Dunn, Robert
Durant, Thomas
East Coast.
See also specific cities
East Coast Asian Student Union
Eaton, Edith Maud
Ebens, Ronald
economic crises, Chinese
economic crises, U.S..
See also specific crises
See also
universities and colleges, U.S.: of American-born Chinese; bilingual; in California; in China; of Chinese in United States ; integration of ; in Mississippi; Qing dynasty exchange program; racial quotas in; racism in ; in San Francisco; segregation of; in Taiwan ; of women
El Dorado County
See also specific occupations:
in California; in China; of Chinese Americans ; racism in ; during World War II
Eng, Andy
Eng, Phoebe
equal protection, right of
Eu, March Fong
European immigrants
exclusion laws: Chinese Exclusion Act (1882). See Chinese Exclusion Act (1882); Geary Act (1892); repeal of; Scott Act (1888)
Expatriation Act of 1907
factories and factory workers .
See also
garment industry
Fair Employment Practice Commission, California State
Families with Children from China
family and family life .
See also
children; Gold Mountain families
Fang Lizhi
Far, Sui Sin. See Eaton, Edith Maud farming and farm workers
Fatal Hour, The
Father and Glorious Descendant
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Emergency Relief Act
Fifteenth Amendment
Fifth Academy of National Defense
Fifth Chinese Daughter
film and film industry First Sino-Japanese War
First Suburban Chinatown: The Remaking of Monterey Park, California
Flower Drum Song, The
Fong, Harold
Fong, Hiram Leong
Fong, Marian
Fong, Martha
Fong, Matt
Fong, Mickey
Fong, Timothy
Fong-Torres, Barry
Fong-Torres, Ben
Fong Yue Ting v. United States
food and food customs
Fook Soo
Forbidden City nightclub
Foreign Assets Control Regulation (1917)
foreign-born Chinese. See immigrants, Chinese
gold rush and gold rushers 4-A (Asian Americans for Affirmative Action)
Fourteenth Amendment
Fox News
Fuchs, Klaus
Fujian province
Fuller, Melville
Fu Manchu
Gai, Feng
Gan, David
Gao Liqin garment industry
Gates, Bill
Geary, John
Geary Act (1892)
GI Bill
Gibson, Otis
Ging Hawk Club
Global Alliance for Preserving the History of World War II in Asia
BOOK: The Chinese in America
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