The Chinese in America (74 page)

BOOK: The Chinese in America
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Organization of Chinese Americans
O’Sullivan, John L.
Overland Monthly
Pacific Mail Steamship company
Pacific Ocean crossing
Page, Horace
Panic of 1873
Paper Daughter
paper sons
“parachute” children
Passage to the Heart, A: Writings from Families with Children from China
Passaic Steam Laundry
Pearl Harbor attack
peasants and peasant life
Pei. M.
Peng, Ching
People’s Republic of China (PRC) ; American concepts of ; criticism of; cultural exchange program of; economic growth of; as global superpower; Great Leap Forward (1958); nuclear capabilities of -395
; one-child policy of ; opening of; orphanages; per capita income ; pro-democracy movement ; Taiwan and; Tiananmen Square massacre (1989); United Nations and; U.S. recognition of
People v. Hall
Peterson, William
Piche, Lloyd
Piche, Robert
Pines, David
Plessy v. Ferguson
poetry, Angel Island
Presbyterian Mission Home
Princeton University
Promontory Point (Utah)
prostitution: in China; decline in ; disease and; escapees from ; as lucrative; at mining camps ; rescue efforts; in San Francisco; trafficking in
Protect the Emperor Society Punti-Hakka feud
Puyi, Henry
Qian Long
Qing dynasty. See also Manchus/Manchuria; boycott of American goods and; corruption of ; educational exchange program of ; efforts to save; impoverishment of; overthrow of -b0; rebellions against ; repression of Han people by; slavery investigation by
Qinghua College
Qume Corporation
Quotations of Chairman Mao
race, definition of
racism, generally; denunciation of ; reasons for
racism, anti-African American
racism, anti-Asian
racism, anti-Chinese .
See also
legislation, anti-Chinese; violence against Chinese; adopted children and; in California; children and; Chinese responses to ; during cold war; decrease in; on East Coast; in education ; in employment ; in fishing industry; gold rush and; in immigration laws.
See also
exclusion laws; interracial marriages and ; in military; during 1960s, 261; police and-386
; in San Francisco; spying allegations and; in suburbia ; surveys of; transcontinental railroad and; during twenty-first century; against women
racism, anti-Native American
railroads: Chinese; southern; transcontinental. See transcontinental railroad
Rainer, Luise
Rape of Nanking
Rape of Nanking, The
(Chang) Reagan, Ronald
Redford, Edward
Red Guard Party
Red Turban rebellion (1853)
reentry, right of
Republic of China
restaurants, Chinese
Revive China Society
Rice Room, The
Rock Springs (Wyoming)
Rocky Mountains
Rohmer, Sax
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Sacramento-San Joaquin delta
Sampson, Calvin
San Francisco: architecture of; birth and citizenship records destroyed; board of health ordinances; brothels in; Chinatown. See Chinatown, San Francisco’s; Chinese theater in; Dupont Street; earthquake of 1906, 145; education in ; first Chinese in; foreign-born population; foundry industry; Geary Act and; as gold rush town; history of; immigrants’ arrival in; intellectual community in; journey to; as manufacturing center; murder rate in; numbers of Chinese in; prostitution in; racism in. See racism, anti-Chinese; restaurants, Chinese ; rule of law lacking in; vigilantism in; violence against Chinese in; violence in; women in
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Daily Alta California
San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco Focus
San Francisco Herald
San Francisco Human Rights Commission (1968)
San Francisco Human Rights Commission (1969)
San Francisco Star
San Francisco State College
Saxton, Alexander
Scheer, Robert
School Law of 1870
schools: Chinese-language; public
Schulze, Charles
Scott Act (1888)
Scribner’s Monthly
Seattle Times
Secret Order of the Knights of Saint Crispin
See, Lisa
Seeley, Jean H. segregation
Sesame Street
Sewing Woman
Shanghai Shanghai Children’s Welfare Institute Shelby, Richard
Shieh Tung-ming Shoong, Joe
Shoshone Indians sidewalk ordinance
Sierra Nevada
Sigel, Elsie
Silicon Valley
Sing Tao Daily
Sino-American relations; Boxer Rebellion (1900) and; Burlingame Treaty (1868); Chinese civil war and; during cold war; Deng-Reagan pact; diplomatic links; economic growth of China and; exclusion laws and ; Taiwan and; Tiananmen Square massacre (1989) and
Sino-Japanese War
Six Companies, Chinese
60 Minutes
Slatkin, Nora
slavery: African American; in California; Chinese; of women
Smith, Robert
Smith, William Russell
Snake River Massacre (1887)
social welfare system
Soong, Ailing
Soong, Charlie
Soong, Chingling
Soong, Meiling
Soong, T. V. sororities
South, the. See also
cities; Chinese plantation workers in; during civil rights era; grocery stores in; interracial marriage in; numbers of Chinese in ; post-Civil War; rights of Chinese in; segregation in
South America
Sowell, Thomas
spies and spying
Squire, Watson C.
Standard Oil
Stanford, Leland
Stanford University Stockton
Stout, Arthur
Stratton, David
Strobridge, James
suburbia, Chinese in
Sue, Sam
Suen Sum
Sun, Brian
Sun, Charles
Sun, David
Sung dynasty
Sun Yat-sen
Taiping Rebellion (1850)
Taiwan; author’s family in; Chinese immigration to ; education in ; emigration policies of; history of-285
; independence movement; intellectuals; Japan and ; military service in; as Nationalist Republic of China; Nationalists and ; People’s Republic of China (PRC) and; return to-354
; societal transformation of; technology industry in -354
; United Nations and; United States and, relations between; White Terror
Taiwanese Americans and immigrants ; deaths among; kidnapping of; occupations of; “parachute children” of; quota for; return to Taiwan by -354
; success of
Taiwan Experience
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC)
Takaki, Ronald
Tan, Amy
Tan Fuyuan
Tang Guoan
Tang Shaoyi
Tan Yumin
Tape, Joseph
Tape v. Jennie Hurley
Taylor, Zachary
technology industry
Terrible Kids, The
textile mills
Third World Liberation Front
Thousand Pieces of Gold
Three Obediences
Three People’s Principles
Tiananmen Square massacre (1989)
Tien, Chang-Lin
Ting, Sam
Toishan county
tongs; rebellion against Qing dynasty by; treatment of women by ; warfare between
To Save China, to Save Ourselves
(Renqui Yu)
Toy, Noel
transcontinental railroad; Chinese immigrants and; completion of ; Cornish workers; cost of ; daily life; disease among workers ; economic effects of; fatalities; Irish workers ; landslides; reasons for building ; recruitment for; strike by Chinese; wages; weather extremes
Treaty of Nanking
Treaty of Paris
Treaty of Shomonoseki
Truman, Harry Tsao,Frank
Tsen, Louis
Tseng, Kuo-fan
Tsien Hsue-shen
Tsung. C.
Tu, John
Tung Chee-hwa
Twain, Mark
Two Years Before the Mast
Tye Kim Orr
Unbound Feet
Union Pacific
See also
Chinese Hand Laundry Alliance
United Nations
United States: attractiveness to immigrants; baby boom ; Chinese concepts of ; Chinese immigration to.
immigration, Chinese; counterculture movement in; departure of Chinese from; eastern.
East Coast; eastern European immigration to ; economic crises .
See also specific crises;
European immigration to; expansionism in; founding ideals of; Great Depression.
Great Depression; infant mortality; interracial marriage in.
marriage; Irish immigration to.
Irish immigrants; isolationism of; life expectancy; Midwest, settlement of ; the North. See North, the; per capita income; population of ; poverty in; power of; racism in.
racism, anti-African American; racism, anti-Asian; racism, anti-Chinese; racism, anti-Native American; relations with China.
Sino-American relations; slavery
in. See
slavery; social inequality in; the South.
South, the; Taiwan and, relations between ; textile mills; travel across ; urban woes of; wealth in ; working conditions
United States Employment Service
United States v.Ju Toy
universities and colleges, U.S.
See also
specific institutions:
Asian American studies at; author’s family at; Chinese at ; first Chinese graduate from; growth in; Nationalist spies at; racism at; Taiwanese at
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, racial quotas
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
U.S. Constitution.
See also specific amendments
U.S. News & World Report
U.S. Supreme Court
Versailles Treaty (1919)
veterans, U.S. Civil War
Vietnam War
violence: in Chinatown neighborhoods ; against Chinese. See violence against Chinese; in San Francisco
violence against Chinese; during gold rush; during Korean War; in Los Angeles; by Nationalists; in Oregon; by police-386n; in San Francisco ; by snakeheads ; in Washington Territory; in Wyoming
Vrooman, Robert
wages and earnings; in China ; gold mining; grocery owners ; per capita income; of plantation workers; in research labs ; transcontinental railroad; of women
Wah Ching (Chinese Youth)
Wah Lee
Walsh, Richard
Wang, An
Wang, Andrew
Wang, Charles
Wang, David
Wang, Ling-chi
Wang, Yichu
Wang Libin
Wang Xiling
War Brides Act (1945)
Ward, Arthur Sarsfield
Warrior Lessons
Washington Grammar School
Washington Post
Washington Territory
Watanabe, Terri
Weimah, King
Wen, Sayling
We Served with Pride
Western Military Academy
West Point
When I Was a Boy in China
White Terror
Who’s Who in China
Wild Swans
Wing Chan
Wing Lai
Wise, John
Wolff, Edward N.
Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood in China
women: activism of; Chinese; Chinese American.
women, Chinese American; Irish immigrant; prairie life of; wages of
women, Chinese American: American-born ; on Angel Island; in California; career options of; education of; first Stanford graduate; garment industry workers; Hong Kong wives; isolation of; laundry wives; marriage of. See marriage; merchants’ wives; military roles of; numbers of; as prostitutes. See prostitution; racism against; ratio of Chinese men to; relative freedom of; in San Francisco; scarcity of ; slavery of; stereotypes of; tongs and; upbringing of; as wives; working; during World War II
Women’s Army Corps
Wong, Anna May
Wong, Cy
Wong, Delbert
Wong, Esther
Wong, Fred
Wong, George
Wong, H. K.
Wong, Jade Snow
Wong, Joel
Wong, Mark
Wong, Paul S.
Wong, Victor
Wong Ah So
Wong Kee
Wong Kim Ark
Wong Loy
Wong Shee
Wong Wai
Woo, S. B.
Workingmen’s Party of California
World Trade Organization
World War II
Wu, Chien-Shiung
Wu, David
Wu, Frank
Wu, Jian Xiong
BOOK: The Chinese in America
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