The Chronicles of Draylon (27 page)

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Authors: Kenneth Balfour

BOOK: The Chronicles of Draylon
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Karlon and Paul awoke and started to prepare breakfast. Eggs on toast were on the menu, with tea for Paul, water for Karlon, and Monster Ripper for Draylon. When it was all prepared, all three of them sat around the coffee table enjoying their last breakfast together for some time.

“I could travel with you Son?” said Karlon, concerned for Draylon.

Draylon smiled, “I'll be fine Father, but thank you!”

“I'll stock up on energy drinks for when you come back, and the couch will remain vacant. And on your return, you may have my yellow Suzuki,” said Paul trying to lighten the mood, as he knew that he would miss his friend very much.

“Now that is something to rush back for,” said Draylon with a grin. “Just you make sure that you keep my father out of mischief.”

Karlon's eyes opened wide and he choked on a piece of toast, “Out of mischief? OK, I give up. I plan to make a lab out of Paul's front room and start my experimenting once again.”

Draylon laughed, and then his smile subsided, “I will miss you both, but I'll be back as soon as I can, hopefully with good news.”

Draylon said his goodbyes and then turned and left Paul's flat. With him he carried a stock of energy drinks and some of his favourite foods for the journey. He then focused his ability of teleportation and opened a portal to the Amazon, where the craft lie in wait. He walked through the shimmer and stepped out next to the saucer, activating his remote and removing the metallic disc from its invisible slumber. There it stood. A stunning silver flying saucer, beautifully craft, and as good as new, ready for action. He opened the doorway and walked the platform into the ship, the doorway sealed shut behind him. He powered her up and the saucer lit, reflecting off its shiny metallic surface, it was an awesome sight. The ship started its ascent slowly up and out of the mighty Amazon rain forest. It then shot off into the sky at a speed so fast the human eye could barely see. Draylon then focused his ability and boom. In a split second Draylon found himself in deep, deep space, at a midway point between Earth and Terspheriton.

Chapter Eight – The Storm

Draylon could see many large craft in the distance, he smiled to himself and cracked open one of his Monster Ripper energy drinks. After a short while he reached the saucers belonging to the pale greens. Brandlin, the leader was flying at the front, and he beamed when he saw Draylon. Draylon set his craft to auto-pilot, and using his ability of teleportation, he opened a portal into the ship that Brandlin captained.

“Hello Brandlin my friend, how are you?” said Draylon with a grin.

Brandlin almost jumped out of his skin, “You scared the life out of me!” he said using the spoken word.

Draylon wrapped his arms around his little green friend, whom stood at a slender four feet and two inches high. Brandlin was taken by surprise and his large eyes blinked rapidly, unused to such a welcome. Draylon told him everything that had happened since they last met. Brandlin sat with his two colleagues listening intently to everything that Draylon had to say, and his interest was piqued when Draylon spoke of the archangels and his new ability to teleport.

“I am sorry to hear about Adriana,” said Brandlin sympathetically.

Draylon paused for a second. “Thank you my friend.”

“The good news is that we managed to muster just shy of one thousand craft,” said Brandlin changing the subject after seeing the pain in Draylon's eyes.

“That's great news. I am so sorry to ask such a big thing of you and your race, it saddens me no end that you were dragged into all of this.”

“We would have it no other way Draylon. We are doing what we believe to be right. Our kind has always cherished humanity. You are living testimony to that with the power bestowed on you by the amulet that we created. So do not feel sad, after all, there is always hope.”

Draylon smiled and placed his hand on Brandlin's shoulder, “I hope you are right. Maybe we can avert this war, before any blood is shed.”

The two other pale greens in Brandlin's craft moved very suddenly to attend the controls of the ship. Draylon noticed the rush of fear in their eyes. Brandlin went to see what the matter was, and then he turned and looked at Draylon.

“We have maybe a few hours to prepare, and by the way they are manoeuvring, in my opinion, they are not cryogenically frozen, their blood is warm and they are heading in our direction.”

“I didn't expect them so soon, talk about cutting it fine,” said Draylon, noting that his own pulse sped a little.

“I had hoped we'd have more time. You must get back to your ship Draylon, I'll assemble the troops.” Brandlin paused, “And by the way, my partner has just given birth to twins, I am a father, we have named one of them Draylon in your honour.”

Draylon wrapped his arms around Brandlin, “congratulations my friend, I am so happy for you. Draylon is a good choice,” said Draylon beaming. “Now you take care, don't do anything rash, and remember, I've got your back.”

Draylon used his ability to teleport back to his saucer. Brandlin started to gather his troops, nigh on one thousand of them. All of the craft started to assemble in one long line, Draylon manoeuvred into the middle with Brandlin. Then they sat in wait.

Hours passed very slowly, and then the greys were clearly visible with the naked eye. They started to form a line also. The pale greens hovered gently, a great long wall of metallic warriors poised for attack. And then the greys came to a halt, and just hovered, watching, waiting.

Draylon focused his telepathic ability to communicate with the leader, a grey by the name of Draun.

“Please rethink this, there is no need for war,” said Draylon.

“I have my orders, there is no turning back,” said Draun holding his ground.

“Lives will be lost, for what? Earth is not a threat, can we not just be at peace?”

“If we sit back idle whilst other life forms grow strong, then one day we'll meet our demise. The time for us is now, there can be no negotiations, prepare yourself.”

“Please rethink this?” said Draylon pleading.

“I have, now move aside or you'll meet your doom,” said Draun harshly.

Both pale greys and pale greens can communicate telepathically, therefore both sides new to prepare for an imminent strike.

Brandlin gave the signal, and they started to move, war was inevitable.

The pale greens formed up with immaculate precision, like a giant arrow penetrating the centre of the greys. The flanks of the greens arched around as if to enclose the enemy so that they could not escape. There manoeuvre resembled that of a Ram, it's nose penetrating the centre, and its mighty horns blocking its adversary. The two armies clashed and the savage onslaught began.

The pale greens had rather large craft in comparison to the greys, and thus slightly slower, but their fire power was equally as devastating. Draylon in his slightly older style, grey saucer stood out like a beacon, which worried him slightly, it was lit up like a Christmas tree in a dark room. Draylon composed himself, he was an awesome pilot and he was comforted that at least his green companions would be able to see where he was throughout the battle.

Draylon and Brandlin blasted furiously at the greys, taking out several craft instantly. Draun and his next in command Vilandar moved with phenomenal speed easily escaping the onslaught. At first the greens were enclosing the greys and all was going to plan, but the sheer speed of the enemy ships soon destroyed all Brandlin's hopes of bringing the attack to a quick end.

The battle became scattered and at times it was difficult for either side to tell one saucer from another. Ships were exploding in all directions, such devastation and such a waste of lives. Unbeknown to Draylon, about fifty of the grey craft slipped by at an extraordinary speed towards Earth, thus shattering Draylon's plan to avoid doing battle on his beloved home planet.

Draylon found himself surrounded by several greys. He tried to outmanoeuvre them, but it was hopeless. Then he had an idea. He focused his ability of teleportation and opened a portal in front of his craft, and then teleported himself behind the greys to catch them unawares. It worked a charm, and he blasted at the enemy shattering them to smithereens.

The greys came on harder, encircling some of the slower pale green craft, and blowing them to kingdom come. Brandlin noticing this, started to panic. He rallied his troops for another organised attack, this time they retreated slightly and then came back in at top speed trying to encircle the greys; it worked. Blast after ferocious blast, the greens shot frantically at the greys, tearing them to pieces. Brandlin had a quick tally up, he smiled. They were winning.

Draylon continued to teleport his craft, catching the greys off guard, they were like sitting ducks. It upset him having to take so many lives, but there was no other way. He tried to detach his feelings temporarily and continued to wipe out many, many of the grey craft, his own kind.

The battle wore on for hours, this way and that. And then the end was in sight. The greys were massively outnumbered, but they would not give up, they kept fighting and fighting until the bitter end. The greys were destroyed, well over nine hundred craft annihilated.

Brandlin assembled his troops, and was distraught to realise that only one hundred and fifty two of his military craft remained. There were three occupants in each and every craft. Brandlin was upset beyond belief, such a waste of so many lives.

Draylon brought his saucer to a hover and then teleported himself into Brandlin's ship. He wrapped his arms around Brandlin, glad to see his friend alive.

“I am glad to see you my friend,” he paused, “So many lives lost, why did it have to come to this?” said Draylon saddened by the savage destruction of war.

“That is not the worst of it, some of my men report approximately forty or fifty craft slipped by. They are headed for Earth.”

Draylon's mind flooded with fear. Teleportation wouldn't work because he didn't know where they were. He would have to confront them in one year from now, on Earth.

“I can't ask any more of you Brandlin, let me try and handle this, you go home to your family,” said Draylon.

Brandlin smiled, and placed his hand on Draylon's shoulder. “I am with you until the end.”

“Thank you, you are very kind. Maybe we can still reason with them one year from now. If we destroy them, they'll just send more. We need to convince them to leave Earth be.”

“I am with you Draylon, but I believe that would take a miracle.”

“Maybe we'll get one,” said Draylon, although he doubted his own words.

Draylon managed to convince Brandlin to let him send home most of his troops via teleportation. Brandlin kept back fifty craft, and Draylon opened a separate portal to Earth. Before they passed through the portal Draylon had them all set their saucers to stealth, so that they would go unnoticed by Earth's military. They started to pass through the portal one by one; Draylon was the last to go through, closing the portal behind him.

Chapter Nine – Pale Greens

The portal led them all above the Amazon rainforest, where they all grounded themselves into the deepest jungle with no human inhabitants nearby. Draylon thought it a good place to lie low, as there were plenty of food sources to feed Brandlin's small contingent. They all activated the invisibility mode on the ships, so that no plane or helicopter flying overhead would see the shiny metallic surfaces of their craft.

All one hundred and forty nine pale greens, Brandlin and Draylon assembled in the jungle. They were all in complete awe of the mighty forest. Draylon smiled at the wonder in all of their faces, and he hoped that they would all enjoy the beautiful place, before war once again starts in one year from the day.

Weeks went by and they had all built temporary accommodations within the jungle, using the forest itself for building materials. They had started to gather food and perform work on their saucers, and the atmosphere was a pleasant one. Draylon made trips to the supermarket and they all got to try many varieties of food of which none of them had ever tasted before. He even treated them to the sweet nectar of his favourite energy drink, Monster Ripper, in which made them all hyper active much to Brandlin and Draylon's amusement. Of an evening they would all sit around a campfire and tell stories. All of them using their advanced technology had uploaded the English language, and they all went quiet when Draylon told them of the many adventures that himself and Paul had been on. They very much enjoyed the story of the archangels, and it caused much conversation within the camp, as most of them were aliens of science. Draylon promised that they would all get to meet his friend Paul.

It was Monday the 6th of October 2014. Draylon awoke early and decided that today would be the day that Paul and Karlon get to meet the pale greens. He focused his ability of teleportation, in which he was getting very good at now, and created a portal. The space in front of him started to shimmer. He stepped through into Paul's apartment and wasn't surprised to find that Paul and Karlon were still asleep. Draylon Put the kettle on to make a cup of tea for Paul, and poured a glass of water for Karlon. He looked around Paul's apartment and could see Karlon's mischief everywhere. He noticed that the television had its back removed, and wondered what his crafty father had been up to.

He finished making Paul's tea and went in to wake him. Paul almost jumped out of his bed with fright, and Draylon laughed loudly that caused Karlon to stir. When Paul had caught his breath and finished wiping the sleepy dust from his eyes he became ecstatic that Draylon had returned, not that he doubted he would.

“It's great to see you. How did it go?” asked Paul taking the cup of tea and taking a big slurp.

“I'll tell you all about it in a minute. It's good to see you my friend. Has my father been behaving himself?” said Draylon.

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