The Click Trilogy (52 page)

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Authors: Lisa Becker

BOOK: The Click Trilogy
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Subject: White Flowers Mystery Solved!

So, I found out why NO WHITE FLOWERS! is in all caps on her list.  They remind her of Whitney Houston, her childhood hero.


From: Shelley Manning – August 8, 2013 – 1:35 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: White Flowers Mystery Solved!

NuttyNat be crazy indeed.  See you tomorrow, Sweetie.  Mwah! Mwah!


Chapter 6 – Insecurities

From: Renee Greene – August 11, 2013 – 11:08 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Cc: Ashley Gordon

Subject: YES!

It was great seeing you after way too long.  I'm so glad we got the chance to catch up: meaning gossip, get manicures and eat cupcakes.  Just reminds me how very much I miss you, my friend.  You know how special you are to me and I would never want to let our friendship change because of some measly miles.  I love you!  As you would say, MWAH! MWAH!


From: Ashley Gordon – August 11, 2013 – 11:09 AM

To: Renee Greene

Cc: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: YES!

Ditto from me.


From: Ashley Gordon – August 11, 2013 – 11:10 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Fwd: Re: YES!

And well (and quickly) written my friend as we sit next to each other at the airport to return home.  HA! HA!


From: Renee Greene – August 11, 2013 – 11:11 AM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: YES!

Enough of this email business.  I'm sitting right next to you.


From: Ashley Gordon – August 11, 2013 – 11:11 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: YES!



From: Shelley Manning – August 12, 2013 – 12:04 PM

To: Renee Greene

Cc: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re: YES!

It was wonderful to see you guys, too.  And I miss you, too.  Off to grab lunch with Amber.  Talk soon.  Mwah! Mwah all around!


From: Ashley Gordon – August 12, 2013 – 5:34 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Catty Comment Warning

Okay, did you notice how much Shelley was talking about Amber this weekend?  I mean, who is she in love with more - Nick or her?  Even her email back to you, after you basically poured your heart out, had to include Amber.  It's been bugging me since we got back.  Just saying.


From: Renee Greene – August 12, 2013 – 6:02 PM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re: Catty Comment Warning

Well, if I'm being perfectly honest, it would be tough not to notice the love fest Shelley feels with Amber.  I mean I get it.  She's really glamorous and beautiful and charming and all.  And she's one of only a few people Shelley knows in Seattle.  But it was a bit unsettling for me. Reconfirmed to me how I've been feeling - like she's replacing me as her best friend.


From: Ashley Gordon – August 12, 2013 – 6:04 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re:  Catty Comment Warning

Are you crying?


From: Renee Greene – August 12, 2013 – 6:05 PM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re: Catty Comment Warning

How did you know?


From: Ashley Gordon – August 12, 2013 – 6:09 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re:  Catty Comment Warning

Lucky guess.  Really, I don't think she could replace you at all.  She's just trying to fit into a new place.  Now wipe away your tears and get back to whatever you were doing.


From: Renee Greene – August 12, 2013 – 6:10 PM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re: Catty Comment Warning

Just watching Sports Center with Ethan.  And by "watching Sports Center" I mean checking my emails and playing Words with Friends.  I'll call you later.


From: Renee Greene – August 12, 2013 – 7:32 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Burger recipe

Hey, Shelley.  Hope you have recovered from our fun-filled weekend.  I totally forgot to ask: Can I get Nick's recipe for the burgers?  They were amazing.  What's his secret?


From: Renee Greene – August 13, 2013 – 9:05 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Fwd: Burger recipe

Not sure if you got my original message.


From: Renee Greene – August 14, 2013 – 8:57 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Fwd: Burger recipe


From: Shelley Manning – August 14, 2013 – 6:02 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Burger recipe

The secret ingredient is love.


From: Renee Greene – August 14, 2013 – 6:04 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Burger recipe

So sentimental for you.


From: Shelley Manning – August 14, 2013 – 7:32 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Burger recipe

Oh, and it's also 2 tablespoons of his semen warmed up in my mouth.


From: Renee Greene – August 14, 2013 – 7:35 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Burger recipe

Shelley Manning!  Even for you, that was too much.  Much much too much.


From: Shelley Manning – August 14, 2013 – 9:38 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Burger recipe

You're right.  That was too much.  You'll be pleased to know that I did NOT write that.  I left my email open and my account was hijacked by Nick.


From: Renee Greene – August 14, 2013 – 9:40 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Burger recipe

Oh my!  Nick wrote that?


From: Shelley Manning – August 14, 2013 – 9:41 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Burger recipe

Yes.  I'm a lucky girl, aren't I?


From: Renee Greene – August 14, 2013 – 9:41 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Burger recipe



From: Shelley Manning – August 14, 2013 – 9:52 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Burger recipe

Hi, Renee.  It's me, Nick.  I've been told that if I don't apologize to you, I will not get to see Shelley naked again for the foreseeable future.  So I formally apologize to you if I had offended your sense of decency and decorum.


From: Renee Greene – August 14, 2013 – 9:54 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Burger recipe

You're forgiven.


From: Shelley Manning – August 14, 2013 – 9:55 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Burger recipe

And that's that.


From: Renee Greene – August 14, 2013 – 9:56 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Burger recipe

Well, you certainly know how to keep him behaving, don't you?


From: Renee Greene – August 14, 2013 – 9:57 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Burger recipe

Damn right.  Mwah! Mwah!


Chapter 7 – Assistance

From: Renee Greene – August 19, 2013 – 10:31 AM

To: PBCupLover, Ashley Gordon, Mark Finlay, Shelley Manning

Subject: Movin' on up!

Guess who is movin' on up the ol' corporate ladder?  Me!  I have been informed that I get to hire my own assistant.  We've gotten so busy that I apparently need someone to schedule meetings, do research, help me with new business proposals, etc.  I'm big time now.


From: Ashley Gordon – August 19, 2013 – 11:32 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

Oooh.  Fun.  I've always wanted to hire an assistant.  I'm sure you'll be a great boss.


From: Renee Greene – August 19, 2013 – 11:36 AM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

Me, too.  Not that I think I'm going to be a great boss, but that I've always wanted an assistant.  But more I think about it, I do think I'll be a good boss - fair, supportive, fun.


From: Ashley Gordon – August 19, 2013 – 12:22 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

Just remember that you're the boss, not a friend or a colleague.  Being fair and supportive is great, but you've also got to set expectations and be firm.


From: Renee Greene – August 19, 2013 – 12:23 PM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

Hmmm.  Maybe I'm not up for this after all.


From: Ashley Gordon – August 19, 2013 – 12:26 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

You'll be fine.  Just remember to wear something professional – not that purple sweater you seem to favor – when you do the interviews, to set the right tone.


From: Renee Greene – August 19, 2013 – 12:27 PM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

Thanks for the suggestion.


From: Renee Greene – August 19, 2013 – 12:28 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Fwd: Re: Movin' on up!

See below for an exchange between me and Ashley.  Don't say it!


From: PBCupLover – August 19, 2013 – 1:25 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

Don't let the power go to your head.


From: Renee Greene – August 19, 2013 – 1:28 PM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

Well, after dating/being engaged to you this long and acting as your personal assistant, it's nice to know there is someone to help


From: PBCupLover – August 19, 2013 – 1:30 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

What do you mean,
my assistant


From: Renee Greene – August 19, 2013 – 1:33 PM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

Who schedules everything for you and keeps track of all of your stuff? That would be me.  Let's just say the hours are long and the pay is lousy.  I hope to be a better boss to my assistant.


From: PBCupLover – August 19, 2013 – 1:34 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

Ouch!  I'll show you who's boss tonight.


From: Renee Greene – August 19, 2013 – 1:35 PM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Re: Movin' on up!

Sounds intriguing.  Can't wait.  XOXO


From: Renee Greene – August 21, 2013 – 11:32 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Boston Babe

I just interviewed a great candidate to be my assistant.  She's got a year of experience at another PR firm, wants to learn and move up the corporate ladder and went to school in Boston, which as we know is my favorite American city.  The only problem is that she's super hot – tall, leggy but thankfully not blonde.  If I don't hire her, is that discrimination?


From: Shelley Manning – August 21, 2013 – 12:45 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Boston Babe

Now that you've put it in writing, yes that is discrimination.


From: Renee Greene – August 21, 2013 – 12:50 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Boston Babe

Damn!  I think you're right.  Darn electronic footprint!  Oh well, I was going to hire her anyway.  She's the best person for the job, even if she's gorgeous and young.  And her name is Skye.


From: Shelley Manning – August 21, 2013 – 12:53 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Boston Babe

Of course her name is Skye.  I will now refer to her as Skinny Skye.  Will she have access to your email account?


From: Renee Greene – August 21, 2013 – 12:57 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Boston Babe

No, that will still be password protected – thankfully.  So we can talk about our insane jealousy of her without fear of discovery or reprisal.  So feel free to tell me something completely unfit for the workplace.  I'm all ears!


From: Shelley Manning – August 21, 2013 – 12:58 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Boston Babe

Excellent.  Wish I could dazzle you with inappropriate stories of sexual adventures but I've gotta run.  Mwah! Mwah!


From: Renee Greene – August 22, 2013 – 3:34 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Boston Babe

Skinny Skye is on board.  She starts next Monday.


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