The Click Trilogy (55 page)

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Authors: Lisa Becker

BOOK: The Click Trilogy
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To: Mark Finlay

Subject: Re: Fwd: wonderful

Do you want my advice or are you just venting/using me as a sounding board?


From: Mark Finlay – September 16, 2013 – 1:40 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: wonderful

That's a strange question.


From: Renee Greene – September 16, 2013 – 1:45 PM

To: Mark Finlay

Subject: Re: Fwd: wonderful

Ethan and I have had this argument many times.  Apparently, I bring home all sorts of problems and talk about them.  He tries to find a solution when all I really want is for him to listen to me.  He says it's a woman thing.  Not that I'm comparing you to a woman.  But I just want to make sure I understand what you want from me.


From: Mark Finlay – September 16, 2013 – 1:46 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: wonderful

I want your advice.


From: Renee Greene – September 16, 2013 – 1:51 PM

To: Mark Finlay

Subject: Re: Fwd: wonderful

First thing, you need to not see her anymore.  Tell her that you made a mistake and that you don't want to get back together.  Second, if she has any more stuff at your place, you give it to me and I'll get it to her.  Third, you need to grieve.  I don't mean to sound harsh, but it is over.  Once you grieve, you'll be ready to move on.


From: Mark Finlay – September 16, 2013 – 1:56 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: wonderful

You're right.  All of this is right.  I will email her now.  She still has a few things at my place.  I'll give them to you and tell her.


From: Renee Greene – September 16, 2013 – 1:58 PM

To: Mark Finlay

Subject: Re: Fwd: wonderful

I know this is hard, Mark.  It's the worst.  But it's got to be done.  It's the only way.


From: Mark Finlay – September 16, 2013 – 2:00 PM

To: cassidy

Bcc: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

Last night was a mistake.


From: cassidy – September 16, 2013 – 5:02 PM

To: Mark Finlay

Bcc: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

i dont understand.  i thought we were getting back together.


From: Mark Finlay – September 16, 2013 – 5:13 PM

To: cassidy

Bcc: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

I'm sorry if I led you to believe we could pick up where we once had been.  I don’t think I should see you anymore.


From: cassidy – September 16, 2013 – 5:15 PM

To: Mark Finlay

Bcc: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

dont say that.  we are so good together.  you cant deny it.


From: Renee Greene – September 16, 2013 – 5:15 PM

To: Mark Finlay

Subject: Re: wonderful

Stay strong!


From: Mark Finlay – September 16, 2013 – 5:22 PM

To: cassidy

Bcc: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

We were good together.  But that was the past.  We don't have a future.  I'm giving the last of your stuff to Renee.  You can call her to arrange to get it.  Please don't call or email me anymore.  I'm sorry that it has to be this way, but it's for the best.  Take care of yourself, Cass.


From: cassidy – September 16, 2013 – 5:24 PM

To: Mark Finlay

Bcc: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

maybe you just need a bit of time.  i will call you next week.


From: Renee Greene – September 16, 2013 – 5:25 PM

To: Mark Finlay

Subject: Re: wonderful

Stay strong!  You're doing great!


From: Mark Finlay – September 16, 2013 – 5:27 PM

To: cassidy

Bcc: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

I don't need any time.  I just need to move on with my life.  And I can't do that if you're still around.


From: cassidy – September 16, 2013 – 5:28 PM

To: Mark Finlay

Bcc: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

dont give up on me.


From: Mark Finlay – September 16, 2013 – 5:29 PM

To: cassidy

Bcc: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

You gave up on us!


From: cassidy – September 16, 2013 – 5:30 PM

To: Mark Finlay

Bcc: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

im sorry.  is this about what your friends will think?


From: Mark Finlay – September 16, 2013 – 5:35 PM

To: cassidy

Bcc: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

This has nothing to do with what my friends or anyone else will think.  This has to do with whether I can look at myself in the mirror and not feel like a fool and look at you and not feel complete betrayal.


From: cassidy – September 16, 2013 – 5:39 PM

To: Mark Finlay

Bcc: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

im sorry.  i messed up.  it will never happen again.  why cant you forgive me?


From: Mark Finlay – September 16, 2013 – 5:42 PM

To: cassidy

Bcc: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

I just can't.  Goodbye, Cass.


From: Renee Greene – September 16, 2013 – 5:45 PM

To: Mark Finlay

Subject: Re: wonderful

I know how hard that must have been.  We are all here for you.  Let us know what we can do for you.


From: Mark Finlay – September 16, 2013 – 5:46 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: wonderful

Thanks.  I'll call you later this week.


From: cassidy – September 16, 2013 – 8:02 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: your help

renee, i know you probably dont want to talk to me or help me but im asking for it anyway.  i think mark wants to get back together with me but is worried about what you and shelley will think.  i know i hurt him and im sorry for that.  it wont happen again.  can you talk to him for me.  maybe you can convince him to give me another chance.


From: Renee Greene – September 16, 2013 – 9:04 PM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Fwd: your help

Ay yay yay!  See below.  So Mark and Cassidy hooked up last night.  She went there to get some stuff and before he knew it, they fell back into old patterns and back into bed.  He thinks he still loves her but knows he can't trust her or be with her.


He bcc'd me on his "it's over" emails while I secretly gave him encouragement to break it off with her for good.  Now she's emailing me asking for
help to get them back together.  As I said, ay yay yay!


From: Shelley Manning – September 17, 2013 – 8:22 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

I thought I told her to leave us all alone!  Well, you're right.  She can't be trusted and he has to stay broken up with her.  I know Finlay's a nice guy and probably doesn't want to hurt her even though she doesn't deserve any mercy.


But I'm kind of surprised that he would shift the blame onto us; that the reason he won't take her back is because of what
would think.  He needs to grow a pair and tell her the reason he won't take her back is because she's a lying, cheating whore.


From: Renee Greene – September 17, 2013 – 9:12 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

Get this.  He never said that to her.  In fact, she suggested that we were the ones holding him back from getting back together with her.


From: Shelley Manning – September 17, 2013 – 10:31 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

That conniving bitch.  She's trying to manipulate you into being her advocate.


From: Renee Greene – September 17, 2013 – 10:37 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

I was so caught up in the awkwardness of her asking for my help when I'm helping Mark, I didn't even see that.  She's a lot smarter than I had given her credit for.  If Mark hadn't copied me on those emails, I might have believed that was true.  I see how hard he's aching and wants to get to a happy place.


From: Shelley Manning – September 17, 2013 – 10:41 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

Well he's not getting back together with her if I have anything to say about it.  The little respect I have for Finlay would be gone if he went back to that tramp.


From: Renee Greene – September 17, 2013 – 10:44 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

I must say I would be disappointed too if he got back together with her.  He deserves to be with someone who loves him and cherishes him.


From: Shelley Manning – September 17, 2013 – 10:47 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

He deserves someone who doesn’t fuck someone behind his back and then gets caught on camera for the world to see.  How humiliating.



From: Renee Greene – September 17, 2013 – 10:49 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

Agreed!  Now I just need to think of a response to her.


From: Shelley Manning – September 17, 2013 – 10:50 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

I'll gladly handle it.


From: Renee Greene – September 17, 2013 – 10:51 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

No!  I will respond.  I just need some time to craft the right message.


From: Shelley Manning – September 17, 2013 – 10:52 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

Don't forget to bcc me!


From: Renee Greene – September 17, 2013 – 10:53 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

Oh, you know I won't.


From: Shelley Manning – September 17, 2013 – 10:54 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

You won't bcc me or you won't forget?



From: Renee Greene – September 17, 2013 – 10:54 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

I won't forget!


From: Shelley Manning – September 17, 2013 – 10:54 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: your help

Good girl.  Mwah! Mwah!


From: Renee Greene – September 17, 2013 – 12:43 PM

To: cassidy

Bcc: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: your help

Cassidy:  I can appreciate that you still care for Mark and want a chance to make amends. But I can't help you.


I don't like you.  I don't like how you betrayed the trust of my dear, dear friend and broke his heart.  And I don't like how you tried to manipulate me into helping you by making it sound like I was the reason he didn't want to get back together with you.  (Mark bcc'd me on his email exchange with you.  So I know what you said and I know what he said.)

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