The Click Trilogy (57 page)

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Authors: Lisa Becker

BOOK: The Click Trilogy
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I'm so grateful to you for continuing to look out for me.  Wishing you the best as well!


From: Renee Greene – October 3, 2013 – 4:31 PM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Fwd: On your side

So, turns out that while I thought I quit, I was officially sacked.  Turns out that if HR codes it as a "dismissal" instead of a resignation, I get severance and am eligible for unemployment if needed.  But my severance is more than 4 months pay.


From: PBCupLover – October 3, 2013 – 4:56 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: On your side

It's like that Seinfeld episode where George gets six months severance and decides to have "The Summer of George."  Just don't squander it like he did. Now you have the financial cushion to start your own agency.  We'll talk about it tonight.


From: Renee Greene – October 3, 2013 – 5:02 PM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: I'm with you!

Wow!  I'm just speechless.  Sorry now that I didn't give a Jerry Maguire-style, inspiring, compelling and erratic speech upon my departure.  I'm so flattered by this, Skye.  I'm also just horrified to say that I don't have a plan in place.  I was blindsided by Neil and made a rash decision without thinking through the next steps.  I'm sorry.  So so sorry.  I'm sure if you call Neil, he'll give you your job back.  Just chalk it up to youthful idealism.  He loves that stuff.


From: [email protected] – October 3, 2013 – 5:08 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: I'm with you!

I'll be okay.  My cousin owns a temp agency and I'm sure I can just get some work until you find a job at an agency.  In fact, I'm sure he can get you some work too.  When you do get an agency job, please keep me in mind.  I would love to work with you.


From: Renee Greene – October 3, 2013 – 5:10 PM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: I'm with you!

Thanks, Skye.  I'll be in touch.  Good luck to you.


From: Renee Greene – October 3, 2013 – 5:12 PM

To: PBCupLover

Subject: Fwd: Re: I'm with you!

Oh, great.  Skinny Skye's cousin owns a temp agency and she thinks he can find me some work.  My problems are solved.


From: PBCupLover – October 3, 2013 – 5:14 PM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: I'm with you!

Calm down, Babe.  I'll be home soon and we'll figure this all out.


From: Shelley Manning – October 6, 2013 – 9:34 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: HR Question

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, Sweetie.  I'm sure you've already got a plan all figured out.  But I checked into things like you asked.


Under California's Labor Code, without an employment contract, you are considered an "at-will" employee.  This means, with a few exceptions that you don't meet, that the employer may terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause.


Even if you sued, you probably wouldn't win.  Your case is classified as a dismissal according to the agency paperwork, but any testimony will contradict that and prove you quit in protest over an assignment.


From: Renee Greene – October 6, 2013 – 9:37 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: HR Question

Thanks for looking into it.  The next stage in my seven stages of grief looks like depression.  Watch out!


From: Shelley Manning – October 6, 2013 – 9:39 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: HR Question

No need to be depressed!  Just gloss over that and move onto stage 5 – "the upward turn."  You'll enjoy it much more.


From: Renee Greene – October 6, 2013 – 9:42 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: HR Question

Since when do you know the stages of grief?  What have you been mourning?  Moving away from me – your best friend? The loss of your virginity? A missed sale on Kate Spade bags?


From: Shelley Manning – October 6, 2013 – 9:48 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: HR Question

Ha-larious, Sweetie!  I don't miss you that much (j/k), I certainly don't miss my lack of sexual experience, and I prefer Michael Kors.  But seriously, you would be surprised what you pick up when you are involved in recruiting/HR.  But I see the "upward turn" in your near future.  You've certainly still got your sense of humor.


From: Renee Greene – October 6, 2013 – 9:51 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: HR Question

A sense of humor and penchant for frosting will only take me so far in the PR world.  I may need to stay depressed for a little while.


From: Shelley Manning – October 6, 2013 – 9:52 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: HR Question

Alright.  Mourn away.  Just don't wallow for too long.


From: Renee Greene – October 7, 2013 – 1:32 AM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Are you up?

I figured you would be up right now, likely doing a feeding or something.


From: Ashley Gordon – October 7, 2013 – 1:38 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re:  Are you up?

Good guess.  Sorry to hear about your job troubles.  That really stinks.  If you want to see how the other half live, just come hang out here tomorrow.  One day at home with Siobhan and you'll be motivated to get a new job.  It's a very long day with her when it's just the two of you.  I love her, but I think I need more adult conversation.  I'm thinking of going back to work.


From: Renee Greene – October 7, 2013 – 1:41 AM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re:  Are you up?

Really?  I know it's been tough adjusting to this new lifestyle, but I thought you wanted to be home to raise her.


From: Ashley Gordon – October 7, 2013 – 1:43 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re:  Are you up?

I do want to be with her during these formative years, but at the same time, I need more.


From: Renee Greene – October 7, 2013 – 1:46 AM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re:  Are you up?

Is there some way to find an outlet for yourself that doesn't involve going back to work?  You were always complaining about how stressful it was and that nobody worked as hard as you did or appreciated your contributions.


From: Ashley Gordon – October 7, 2013 – 1:48 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re:  Are you up?

Well, motherhood is certainly stressful, I'm working hard and not feeling all that appreciated.  At least I would get paid.


From: Renee Greene – October 7, 2013 – 1:52 AM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re:  Are you up?

It's probably hard to see it now, but I'm sure that Siobhan is going to love that you were home with her, teaching her, caring for her, etc.  And I know Greg is appreciative of all you do for the family.


From: Ashley Gordon – October 7, 2013 – 1:54 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re:  Are you up?

Don't tell Shelley (or Greg) but I'm still taking the meds the doctor prescribed after Siobhan was born.


From: Renee Greene – October 7, 2013 – 1:59 AM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re:  Are you up?

There's nothing wrong with needing some help dealing with all of the massive changes going on in your life and body.  You don't need to keep secrets from Greg.  From Shelley, I understand.  But not Greg.  He's your husband.  He should know if things are hard for you.  And I'm not convinced that going back to work is the solution.  I think you need to fully embrace motherhood.


From: Ashley Gordon – October 7, 2013 – 2:02 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re:  Are you up?

I fully embrace motherhood daily…actually several times a day with the breastfeeding.


From: Renee Greene – October 7, 2013 – 2:08 AM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re:  Are you up?

Ha.  That was funny.  What I mean is that you need to accept that this is your life now.  No more complaining.  No more whining.  No more wishing it was different.  I don't mean to get all "tough love" on you, but that's what you need.  THIS IS YOUR LIFE.


And honestly, Ashley, you are damn lucky to have it.  You know I love you, but you've got to snap out of this funk and realize how good you have things.  You have a husband that loves and adores you.  You have a beautiful, healthy baby that is cute as a button and sweet as pie.  You don't
to work and endure the stress of the corporate world.  You
to stay home and mold a young mind, bond with your child, etc.


From: Ashley Gordon – October 7, 2013 – 2:11 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re:  Are you up?

If we're talking "tough love" here then you're the one who should stop complaining and whining.  All you've done for the past few days is host a pity party of one over a lost job.


From: Renee Greene – October 7, 2013 – 2:15 AM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: Re:  Are you up?

You're kidding me, right?  I'm not allowed a few days to feel sorry for myself to have been forced out of a job that I loved and that I was really good at.  You're comparing that to you not dealing with the fact that there is a little girl who needs you and loves you?


From: Ashley Gordon – October 7, 2013 – 2:17 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re:  Are you up?

Well, that little girl needs to be burped now.  So I need to go.


From: Renee Greene – October 8, 2013 – 10:08 AM

To: Ashley Gordon

Subject: I'm sorry

I know I left you a voicemail, but I wanted to say again that I'm sorry.  I was out of line yesterday.  Between the stress and the sleeplessness, I said some things I shouldn't have.  Forgive me.  Let's talk.


From: Ashley Gordon – October 8, 2013 – 11:21 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: I'm sorry

I'm sorry too.  I'll call you later.


From: Renee Greene – October 9, 2013 – 9:27 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Can we talk here?

I'm doing my best Joan Rivers impersonation.  Can we talk here?  Ashley and I got in a huge fight the other day and I'm just feeling…lost.


From: Renee Greene – October 11, 2013 – 9:48 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Where's the love?

I'm freaking out and you haven't emailed me back in two days.  Are you there?  Or are you too busy hanging out with Amber to support your best friend in her time of need?


From: Shelley Manning – October 12, 2013 – 9:02 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Where's the love?

It's only nine in the morning and I've already received 3 missed calls and 2 emails from you.  I'm going to need more coffee.


From: Renee Greene – October 12, 2013 – 9:09 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Where's the love?

Maybe you and Amber could go grab a cup, since you seem to be so fond of spending time with her these days.


From: Shelley Manning – October 12, 2013 – 9:13 AM

To: Renee Greene

Subject: Re: Where's the love?

Relax, will ya?  Jeez.  I don't email or call for two days and suddenly I'm on your shit list.


From: Renee Greene – October 12, 2013 – 9:17 AM

To: Shelley Manning

Subject: Re: Where's the love?

As you would say, "damn straight."  I'm totally lost and need you and you can't be bothered to call me back.  I suppose Amber is your new best friend now and you're too busy with her to care what happens to me.

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