The Complete Poetry of John Milton (90 page)

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Authors: John Milton

Tags: #English; Irish; Scottish; Welsh, #Poetry, #European

BOOK: The Complete Poetry of John Milton
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Th’ Apostat in his Sun-bright Chariot sate

Idol of Majestie Divine, enclos’d

With Flaming Cherubim, and golden Shields;

Then lighted from his gorgeous Throne, for now

’Twixt Host and Host but narrow space was left,


A dreadful intervall, and Front to Front

Presented stood in terrible array

Of hideous length: before the cloudie Van,

On the rough edge of battel ere it joyn’d,

with vast and haughtie strides advanc’t,


Came towring, armd in Adamant and Gold;

that sight endur’d not, where he stood

Among the mightiest, bent on highest deeds,

And thus his own undaunted heart explores.

       O Heav’nl that such resemblance of the Highest


Should yet remain, where faith and realtie

Remain not; wherfore should not strength and might

There fail where Vertue fails, or weakest prove

Where boldest; though to sight unconquerable?

His puissance, trusting in th’ Almightie’s aid,


I mean to try, whose Reason I have tri’d

Unsound and false; nor is it aught but just,

That he who in debate of Truth hath won,

Should win in Arms, in both disputes alike

Victor; though brutish that contest and foul,


When Reason hath to deal with force, yet so

Most reason
that Reason overcome.

       So pondering, and from his armed Peers

Forth stepping opposite, half way he met

His daring foe, at this prevention more


Incens’t, and thus securely him defi’d.

       Proud, art thou met? thy hope was to have reacht

The highth of thy aspiring unoppos’d,

The Throne of God unguarded, and his side

Abandond at the terror of thy Power


Or potent tongue; fool, not to think how vain

Against th’ Omnipotent to rise in Arms;

Who out of smallest things could without end

Have rais’d incessant Armies to defeat

Thy folly; or with solitarie hand


Reaching beyond all limit at one blow

Unaided could have finisht thee, and whelmd

Thy Legions under darkness; but thou seest

All are not of thy Train; there be who Faith

Prefer, and Pietie to God, though then


To thee not visible, when I alone

Seemd in thy World erroneous to dissent

From all: my Sect thou seest, now learn too late

How few somtimes may know, when thousands err.

       Whom the grand foe with scornful eye askance


Thus answerd. Ill for thee, but in wisht hour

Of my revenge, first sought for thou returnst

From flight, seditious Angel, to receave

Thy merited reward, the first assay

Of this right hand provok’t, since first that tongue


Inspir’d with contradiction durst oppose

A third part of the Gods, in Synod met

Thir Deities to assert, who while they feel

Vigour Divine within them, can allow

Omnipotence to none. But well thou comst


Before thy fellows, ambitious to win

From me som Plume, that thy success may show

Destruction to the rest: this pause between

(Unanswerd least thou boast) to let thee know;

At first I thought that Libertie and Heav’n


To heav’nly Souls had bin all one: but now

I see that most through sloth had rather serve,

Ministring Spirits, traind up in Feast and Song;

Such hast thou arm’d, the Minstrelsie
of Heav’n,

Servilitie with freedom to contend,


As both thir deeds compar’d this day shall prove.

       To whom in brief thus
stern repli’d.

Apostat, still thou errst, nor end wilt find

Of erring, from the path of truth remote:

Unjustly thou deprav’st it with the name


to serve whom God ordains,

Or Nature; God and Nature bid the same,

When he who rules is worthiest, and excells

Them whom he governs. This is servitude,

To serve th’ unwise, or him who hath rebell’d


Against his worthier, as thine now serve thee,

Thy self not free, but to thy self enthrall’d;

Yet leudly dar’st our ministring upbraid.

Reign thou in Hell thy Kingdom, let mee serve

In Heav’n God ever blest, and his Divine


Behests obey, worthiest to be obey’d,

Yet Chains in Hell, not Realms expect: mean while

From mee returnd, as erst thou saidst, from flight,

This greeting on thy impious Crest receive.

       So saying, a noble stroke he lifted high,


Which hung not, but so swift with tempest fell

On the proud Crest of
, that no sight,

Nor motion of swift thought, less could his Shield

Such ruin intercept: ten paces huge

He back recoild; the tenth on bended knee


His massie Spear upstaid; as if on Earth

Winds under ground or waters forcing way

Sidelong, had push’t a Mountain from his seat

Half sunk with all his Pines. Amazement seis’d

The Rebel Thrones, but greater rage to see


Thus foil’d thir mightiest, ours joy fill’d, and shout,

Presage of Victorie and fierce desire

Of Battel: whereat
bid sound

Th’ Arch-Angel trumpet; through the vast of Heav’n

It sounded, and the faithful Armies rung


to the Highest: nor stood at gaze

The adverse Legions, nor less hideous joyn’d

The horrid shock: now storming furie rose,

And clamour such as heard in Heav’n till now

Was never, Arms on Armour clashing bray’d


Horrible discord, and the madding Wheels

Of brazen Chariots rag’d; dire was the noise

Of conflict; over head the dismal hiss

Of fiery Darts in flaming volies flew,

And flying vaulted either Host with fire.


So under fierie Cope
together rush’d

Both Battels main, with ruinous assault

And inextinguishable rage; all Heav’n

Resounded, and had Earth bin then, all Earth

Had to her Center shook. What wonder? when


Millions of fierce encountring Angels fought

On either side, the least of whom could weild

These Elements, and arm him with the force

Of all thir Regions: how much more of Power

Armie against Armie numberless to raise


Dreadful combustion warring, and disturb,

Though not destroy, thir happie Native seat;

Had not th’ Eternal King Omnipotent

From his strong hold of Heav’n high over-rul’d

And limited thir might; though numberd such


As each divided Legion might have seemd

A numerous Host, in strength each armed hand

A Legion; led in fight, yet Leader seemd

Each Warriour single as in Chief, expert

When to advance, or stand, or turn the sway


Of Battel, open when, and when to close

The ridges
of grim Warr; no thought of flight,

None of retreat, no unbecoming deed

That argu’d fear; each on himself reli’d,

As onely in his arm the moment


Of victorie; deeds of eternal fame

Were don, but infinite: for wide was spred

That Warr and various; somtimes on firm ground

A standing fight, then soaring on main wing

Tormented all the Air; all Air seemd then


Conflicting Fire: long time in eeven scale

The Battel hung; till
, who that day

Prodigious power had shewn, and met in Armes

No equal, raunging through the dire attack

Of fighting Seraphim confus’d, at length


Saw where the Sword of
smote, and fell’d

Squadrons at once, with huge two-handed sway

Brandisht aloft the horrid edge came down

Wide wasting; such destruction to withstand

He hasted, and oppos’d the rockie Orb


Of tenfold Adamant, his ample Shield

A vast circumference: At his approach

The great Arch-Angel from his warlike toil

Surceas’d, and glad as hoping here to end

Intestine War in Heav’n, th’ arch foe subdu’d

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