The Cruel Twists of Love

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Authors: kathryn morgan-parry

BOOK: The Cruel Twists of Love
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The Cruel Twists
of Love




Kathryn Morgan-Parry











Table of contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12








Chapter 1


         Helen Evans was nineteen when she picked her first man to have sex with but when he knew she was a virgin he went limp and that was it, her first time if it counted as he never went into her completely
she just wanted to get this over with.

          It was a painful experience but she knew it was going to be a one-night stand so why did he look so guilty. Helen did not want to know his name, as he was just a tool to get it over with.

“God sorry, this never happened before are you O.K? Hell why didn’t you say something?” he says looking anywhere but at Helen face

Helen gave an apologetic shrug
. She was sore from the attempt and could feel a wet stinging feeling below.

“God you
are bleeding, are you o.k.?” and kissing her head like a small child.

od, I’m sorry you know I’m married?”

She didn’t and felt guilty that she let a stranger from a bar pick her up but he looked kind and she thought she just needed to get this out of
the way and over with. They were lying on the floor of her sitting room floor after him asking her if he could come home with her. Helen thought why not he looked as if he knew what he was doing and her parents were away on holiday.

, Lynne?” doing up his jeans and putting the used Condom in his jeans pocket and kissing her head again. She couldn’t be bothered to correct him on her name.

Sorry, it’s Helen right?”

sorry” she squeaked. Why was she the one apologizing, she was not the married one he was, shit this was bad.

did you let me? You don’t even know me, shit Helen how old are you? God I knew you were young but shit a virgin”

Why is he so mad? It wasn’t that she didn’t’ know what would happen when he got here, she thinks

“How old are you?” but now with concern in his voice

, why?” she says quietly. Why is he making her feel like a child?

“Thank god for that
shit Helen” kissing her head again. She wished he stop doing that, her dad always did that and it made this feel wrong it was only sex for her too

, why god did you let me? You are a beautiful girl why not someone you know? ”

Helen gives a small shrug
who would want a plain Jane like her if it wasn’t for the fact that he was after her best friend he would not be here now she thought sadly, he even called her Lynne so she knew he wanted her friend.

you are beautiful and so sweet” kissing her head again and lying down next to her and pulling her towards him so her head can rest on his bare chest.

“So sweet” he says stroking her long curls of brown hair down her bare back.

“I going to burn for this, god I’m sorry Helen I would never had if I knew. I am a real shit Helen sorry but I got to go. I am really sorry Helen” he says still stroking her hair softly.

“Sorry, Helen you are o.k.?”

“Yes, sorry I should have said”

It’s alright Helen, it was just a bit of a shock” still stroking her hair gently. He tilts her head back with his finger tips and kisses her softly on her lips kissing her with such care, like she would break if he put any pressure in the kiss and moving the soft kisses to her chin and then her neck he whispers in her ear.

“Sorry” and he stands picking up his shirt and walks out

       How long Helen lay there, feeling like a slut she did not know but slowly Helen get’s up goes and has a shower. She was shocked how much blood was on her from a split in her opening as he tried to force himself into her. Her skin was bruised and sore from when he was pushing himself into her but he failed and went limp on his third try. Was she still a virgin if it didn’t go all the way in
? God was all that for nothing? Shit.



Helen enters the Dragon’s Arms a small pub just outside Cardiff in South Wales early on Friday evening searching the crowd for her friend Lynne and hears her name being called out from a table in the corner of the packed pub.

over here babes, I got yours in” Lynne says smiling her Hollywood smile that Helen knew was fake and a defence mechanism of Lynne’s she really was beautiful, blonde hair and sparkling blue eye’s so full of life. Lynne was a year younger than Helen was but they shared the same month of April making them both Aries. It still surprised Helen that she hated Lynne when she first met her over a year ago but now she was her best friend and the only one she confided in.

      Helen had been working part time in the local bargain store since she was just seventeen.
She had started working with a government youth training scheme at the beginning, then her joy when they asked her to stay on part time. Her sixteen-year-old friend Beth, fresh from school was from a care home and was now in the government scheme she had just left.

lease, please. Helen she just turned seventeen and we can celebrate your eighteenth as well pretty please Helen and you love her and I haven’t been able to see her since she gone in to the half way house”

O.k., I give in but I’m just the taxi again aren’t I?”

but you love her, she like a sister to me and she kept me safe”


         On the winding lane up to pick up Lynne she parks in a large driveway and sees a huge stone house with a department block behind and a flat roofed building at the back of the car park, and spoiling the beautiful view. Beth jumping with glee on her seat has Helen distracting her thoughts from the view.

thanks Helen come on you love her”

running up to the large double doors and buzzing the intercom…

it Beth for Lynne”

The door buzzes and unlocks from the inside as they walk into the large house and into a large entrance room. Stairs
were winding up into a grand staircase and doors everywhere leading off the hallways. A large African man in a wheelchair greeted them, with a booming voice

Beth baby come and sit on your uncle’s lap and give me a kiss”

“You not my uncle you the dirty old man that runs this place”
Beth giggles

you better watch yourself, he not nice” 

“Aren’t you a pretty thing
, Helen will you sit on a dirty old man knee and gives us a jiggle?”

No” she shrieks shocked by his remark

Wife, make this pretty girl a cup of tea” he shouts

A small woman with cropped red hair comes out of one of the rooms

“I don’t do tea Lenny and it the first thing I ever said to you honey so will you stop asking me” and turning to Beth

Beth hi Honey Lynne in the gym” kissing Beth cheek and giving her a hug then turning to Helen with her hand out.

“Jill Andrews and the mad woman who puts up with Lenny
, you might as well have a cup Lynne going to take ages” and leading Helen back through the door that she came out.

          Helen watches Jill making the tea in the Hotel size kitchen that looks huge and
Beth goes looking for Lynne. Jill is explaining how she met Lenny when he broke his back and she became his nurse. Lenny having been a boxer when he was younger and found out it kept him off the streets and out of trouble. When he broke his back in a fight gone wrong and was confused at what to do with his life, Jill had encouraged him to start up the gym here to take the frustration out of the men fresh from prison. They had helped some to stop re-offending and helped Lenny move on with his life. The hardest part for Lenny was his wife leaving him four months after the fight. But then Jill came into his life as his nurse and homecare help. She sadly lost her job when she fell in love with Lenny and married him a year later. She proudly showed Helen her wedding ring that was two diamond boxing gloves hitting each other.

Helen is surprised that there are only three girls living in the house and that there were over one hundred residents living in the three buildings and all from probation scheme backgrounds. Lynne was the only person from a care home, the half way house being full asked them to take her in when she reached seventeen and she was no longer able to stay in the care home. Because of Lynne having a brother living at the recreation home, it was a way the care home could give Lynne back a family link   

“You know Lenny gives the best
sex ever” practically shouting the sex part out Jill says with a look of glee on her face and laughs at the look of surprise on Helen face

dear you too nice for this place, you not going to be safe here with all the cons” she laughs at her.

       Jill has a point about her not being safe Helen thinks as she is enjoying
her tea. The men are taking it in turns coming into the kitchen, puffing out their chests and joking with Helen and Jill is quickly shooing them back out, with them protesting that it was their kitchen, and Jill swiping at them with a tea towel.

Out go on Out, shoo”

        Nearly two hours later and Helen is still waiting for Lynne to get ready. Helen was beyond mad now, first Lynne’s workout in the gym then the show and tell shower. Lynne
was laughing clutching a tiny towel around her naked wet body and walking back into her room where Helen and Beth were waiting.

“What I’m I like? Shampoo” and giggling falsely
and off she goes again to the shower. Helen thinks this is going to take all night and I cannot even get drunk when we do go out.

         Finally, they were going to the pub, at last Helen thinks as they head towards her car. Three hours to get ready. God how long does it take one person to put make-up on

         As they head towards her car a twenty-year-old man she met earlier in the kitchen is walking towards them.

“Lynne” he shouts

et the fuck lost Harry” His hand is scrunched at his waist and he marching towards them looking furious.

hat the fuck Lynne? You not going out” his voice getting louder as he shouts

e finished, so fuck off Harry…”

Helen still does not know what possessed her to stand in-between them, was it Lynne fear in her face

“Hey Harry,” she says sweetly

“Are you o.k.?”

“What?” he tries to side step Helen but Helen follows blocking him from Lynne

“Out of my way this has nothing to do with you” shouting and he tries to side step Helen again but she follows blocking him again.

“My name Helen” the same sweet voice as before like if she talking to a scared child.

“It’s Lynne birthday and we going for a drink” stepping forward and slowly moving towards the car with Lynne and Beth close behind her.

“No she not
, she mine and she do as she told” At lease he not shouting no more Helen thinks and moving again towards the car

, you no longer her boyfriend let it be let her go”

“Sorry Lynne
, I love you, please give me another chance? Will you get the fuck out the way” and side stepping again and Helen following like a dance and putting the car behind them.

iss of Harry, do you think for one minute I let a shit like you beat me black and blue I told you before we through” and with that Lynne gets into Helen’s car and locking her door behind her.


“Earth to Helen” Lynne shouts

“Sorry miles away
I was just thinking of the day we met”

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