The Cruel Twists of Love (2 page)

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Authors: kathryn morgan-parry

BOOK: The Cruel Twists of Love
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Girl you got some balls, I was just shitting myself why the hell would you do that for me I will never know but I’m glad you did I could never had talked him down like that and thank god you forgot to lock the car. Beth moved into the half way house across town so she cannot come, drink up we going to get plastered as you not driving”

“So did you sleep with him?”

“Yes no, sort off”

“Not following you Helen did you or didn’t you?”

“It did not go all the way in, just his tip and then he went all soft” Helen says embarrassed

Shit Helen you clamped up on him, I said to wait for someone nice I still cannot understand why you just wanted a one night stand for your first time. God I can remember my first time with a man older than my dad. He was such a dirty bastard and rough with it, shit I was only twelve. No wait ten, I just went into the care home and he worked there. He did it to most of the girls in the home” Lynne’s eyes misting over with tears as she remembers the attack but the same beautiful smile in place protecting her damaged childhood. 

Shit Helen let’s not go in to my horrid past, so why do you want it out of the way? I would have loved to wait for someone nice and I really don’t understand this rush” Helen was not shocked at Lynne statement at being raped at a young age as they talked about it before but she still couldn’t help feeling so helpless that a child should go though rape, she also knew Lynne did not think of it as rape but as payment for something nice from him in return for sex. Lynne saved Beth from the same fate by offering herself for her friend and getting a new i-pod in the process. Lynne learnt from an early age that sex was a way of payment and got no joy in the act of lovemaking because of it. If you could call what Lynne did as that as all men used Lynne for sex or a punch bag. None wanting more than sex from Lynne until Bill came into her life.

“So tell me why you want to do this again?”

“Guys always think I want something serious when I tell them, you know. I just want some fun that all, am I still a virgin if it didn’t go all the way in?”

“Who knows? Oh and Bill slept with me last night
, I did the theatrics of coming to my room from the shower. He was asleep on the settee and I leant over and kissed him as I dropped my towel. God his face and he said I should get dressed as his daughter was older than me yada yada you get the picture, I know he thirty-nine but he been so kind sleeping on the settee to keep me safe from Harry. Oh by the way Lenny got Harry somewhere else to go so he be out of my life from next week but back to Bill well we will cut to the chase I grabbed his hands and put them on my breasts and the rest was history. I never had it so gentle; it was as if he thought I would break” Lynne says with a true smile that reaches her eyes

“God you look happy Lynne, I am glad and he not gay like you thought”

“He said he wanted me the first time he saw me but he thought the age gap was wrong. But god I am so happy he even took me to his parents today for lunch, they were a bit shocked and his brother was really rude and refused to speak to me”

, shit speaking of his brother,” Lynne hisses

“Lynny Lynny
, my brothers bit of fluff” He shouts as he walking towards them, but when he looks at Helen he starts to limp towards them

, my wooden leg playing up scoot over” rubbing the leg that was not limping and squeezing in-between Helen and Lynne and partly sitting in their laps.

Helen noticed that he was the spitting image of his brother Bill but
without the long rock hair Bill had and dirty blonde hair instead of the platinum gray hair of Bill’s. Brown eyes instead of blue, o.k. not spitting image she thinks but he was still so much like his brother, he also looked about ten years younger.

“I did say scoot Lynny
so get us a pint in?”

your own pint and my name Lynne”

Looking at Helen

“Hi, I’m Alan James, what you drinking?”

“Whisky and lemonade

someone playing grown-ups, Lynny get the drinks in for us” and passing a £20 note to Lynne.

Lynne gets up to get the drinks and Helen is relived that Alan moves a little over so he not sitting so close to her

“I’m not a mummy’s boy like my brother, still living at home with mum and dad” leaning in close so she can hear him and she wonders why he’s telling her this

“I’m glad I came to check Lynne out, you got beautiful brown eyes you know” and staring at Helen with such intense eyes, she feels like they are burning into her sole, she feels the heat on her cheek as the blush grows, she cannot look away from his eyes as he leans in
closer to Helen and she can feel his breath on her face.

Have you got a boyfriend?” she frozen in his stare like a rabbit in bright car lights and it takes all her will to slowly shake her head and she watches his eyes dance with pleasure. She so relieved when Lynne returns a few minutes later with the drinks for Helen and herself but none for Alan. Looking up at Lynne Alan says.

“Where mine?”

“You didn’t ask”

“No worries, I share your friends”
pickling up the whisky and lemonade and taking a sip

“And where my change?” holding out his hand for the money and putting it in his pocket

Alan passes the whisky to Helen and watches her closely as she takes a sip of the whiskey and places it back on the table. She did not want to drink from the glass he just used but she felt it to be rude not to, as he bought it for her.

“Nice? Such a sweet friend you got here Lynny
, who had thought a tramp like you would have good taste in friends”

iss off Alan and go home to your wife” she shouts and Alan looks up at Lynne  

Ahhhh sorry Lynny you know I’m kidding and I’m getting a divorce that why I’m back with Mum and Dad and big bro, if Bill thinks you o.k. then it fine with me who he shags. Don’t be mad Lynny or Bill will kick the shit out of me later” Alan takes another drink of the whisky and gets up

“I see you again soon Lynny” but looking at Helen instead of Lynne as he says this and gets up and leaves the pub not limping.

       A week later, they are at a pub across the road from their local, which has started doing Karaoke and a new craze to start back up in the local pubs. Helen is enjoying herself pretending to sing with Lynne and Lynne doing more of the singing, but at lease, Lynne can sing not that she would admit it Helen thinks to herself. As they finish their song Helen feels an uneasy feeling like she being watched, stupid she thinks of course we being watched we are on stage, but she looks around all the same and spots Alan staring at her, he not taking his eyes of her as she steps down from the stage and slowly walking towards her with his made-up limp and she cannot help but laugh as the limp moves from one leg to the other…

Are you laughing at a cripple Helen?” handing Helen his glass with a golden drink in it.

He knows my
name, but I never told him last week she thinks and taking a sip from the whisky

Sorry I asked Lynny all about you; I know all your darkest secrets now” Alan laughing and staring at Helen with such interest. Helen could feel the blush creeping over her.

Sorry I’m teasing you Lynne would not speak about you only to tell me your name, so no need to blush your secrets are safe for now”  and he bends down and kisses her softly on her lips, Helen in her surprise opens her mouth and his tongue gentle enters her mouth. He pulls back and laughs.

Ummm who had thought I like the taste of whisky” 

, leave Helen alone she too nice for you and my name LYNNE”

“Lynny I know
but I can’t help myself she so sweet” softly brushing a lock of hair from Helen face and tucking it behind her ear

“Lynne I’m not a child you know” and blushing from his touch

“No but you’re my best friend and you do act like one sometimes and Alan a shit Helen, but I can see you made up your mind so I go get myself a drink I’ll be at the bar if you need me” and Lynne walks away in a huff.  

Sorry I better go” Helen says

Alan inches closer and Helen steps back and
can feel the wall behind her, why did he scare her she thinks. Alan places one hand on the wall blocking her exit.

Sweet Helen, are you scared of me?” his eyes alight with excitement

NO, why would I be” she lied

Because I’m a bad boy and you know it” placing his other hand on her waist and making Helen jump and dropping the glass

Oh, Helen what am I going to do with a scared Rabbit like you” moving his hand from the wall and placing it on her side of her head and he leans over and kisses her, the thrill when his tongue enters her mouth, teasing her tongue with his, she feels lost when he stops and then slowly starts kissing her again, increasing the pressure on her lips. She never been kissed with such passion, but she surprises herself by matching his passion with her tongue and places her hand on his lower back but he pulls away from her, stepping back and laughing silently.

All in good time Helen there no rush to grow-up and I will see you in here tomorrow about seven” and he kisses Helen quickly on the lips and leaves before she can say no. And Helen goes looking for Lynne at the bar

God Helen, please don’t meet him he’s bad news and he was always cheating on Ali his wife, that why she chucked him out”

But he exciting Lynne and I never felt like that before”

He will use you and spit you out. I know you want this virgin shit out of the way, but don’t let it be with him, you not listening are you? Shit Helen there a wild side to you that should stay hidden for your own safety”

      Helen is standing outside the pub she was in last night, she frozen to the spot, she should just go home. She still cannot understand how she came to be here. All day in work she said she was not coming, but when she got home she showered and put her best dress on, a strapless red cocktail dress that hugged her in all the right places, matched with red high heels and her hair cascading soft brown curls down her back, her hair looked good she thinks
to herself. It was like she worked hard styling it but the truth was she just had let it dry naturally. She had even put some lipstick on. Helen move she implored herself, come on move one leg even if it back to the bus station.

What you doing?” a voice from behind her and making her jump, Helen turns and Alan is gazing down on her. And smiling a manic grin, Helen is speechless as Alan looks amazing in a grey suit with an ivory shirt; it also looks expensive and handmade.

How long have you been standing behind me?”

Oh Helen since you got here baby, I was following you from the bus stop to here. You look hot by the way It was very difficult for me not to drag you in to the nearest bush and have my way with you but that be a shame to ruin your lovely dress” and tracing the top of her dress with his fingers.

Come on, I booked a table at the local Italian restaurant in town and after we eaten we going to make love at my flat I got last week o.k. maybe not by the look of your face but we will see” dropping his hand and grabbing her hand and pulling her back the way she came.

       They walked slowly back to his car parked opposite the bus station, hand in hand not speaking, Helen nervously looking at Alan. She hesitates when Alan opens the passenger door for her, but he gently puts his hand on her lower back, pushing her to get in.

“Get in Helen come on there a good girl, I don’t want to be late for our table and I will not touch you till after dinner you are such a baby, come on in” pushing her with more force, Helen does what she told and sits down on the seat, as soon as her feet are safely tucked into the car he slams the door, locking it with his key fob, before rushing around to the driver side and unlocking the car and climbing in beside Helen. Locking the car the moment he gets in, shit he scaring me to death Helen thinks to herself. I should not have come. Alan reaches over Helen staring into her eyes, and watching her fear grow and smiling he reaches for the belt and clips it in place, gently pulling the strap tighter so Helen cannot move.

There you go, don’t want you running out on me early” with a manic gleam in his eyes. Shit, shit I need to get out of here Helen screams in her head. Alan starts the car and pulls out of the car park and Helen is trapped inside.

       The mood lightens in the car, with the help from a little music, as they drive to the restaurant, Helen is surprise when he drives past and turns down a lane next to it and around the back
and driving past again from the back and parking about four buildings from the restaurant.

“It o.k. it just a short walk from here
, it my flat by the way”   

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