The Cruel Twists of Love (8 page)

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Authors: kathryn morgan-parry

BOOK: The Cruel Twists of Love
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Who said I was treating you? I was thinking of you buying me one”
he teases her

“Miss Evans
, examining room four”

That me, wish me luck” and holding her arm up and heading over to room four. Phil stands up and follows her into the room. 

“I am a doctor Helen and it
is only an arm and don’t forget I looked” he laughs and Helen blushes at his remark and nudges him in his ribs.

Note to self, don’t trust doctors” she beams up at him. He really did make her feel a lot better.

Only half of us Helen some prefer men” he teases her as they go into room four


         Her arm is finally free of the cast and she stretches and flexes her arm. It still felt weird but it was finally free. It was still itchy and a sickly pale white but free at last.

Drink your coffee I dare you Helen” and breaking her trance of having her arm back

Yuck do I have to it really is bad I thought you were kidding” and pulling a face at him to make her point

Alright I will let you off if you go out with me Saturday night, it’s a work thing and they starting to think I’m gay here” he laughs nervously and shrugs

You don’t even know me, I might show you up with my bad manners” she teases him and playing for time. She shocked that he asked her to a works outing did she feel ready to date again? No it’s too soon she thinks.

“A good point Helen
you will have to have a test run tonight to make sure you can behave, should I pick you up or will you meet me there?” a glint in his eyes telling Helen she was tricked into going out with him tonight.

Where did you have in mind?” she gives up trying to get out of the date with him and would it be so bad? She did enjoy his company and she has not been out since that night.

Not the Blacksmiths you get party animals going there and you just got your arm back” and his eyes twinkling as he starts to stroke Helen arm.

“I’m shocked
I thought you liked playing the gallant savour of young damsels in distress.” she teases lightly but moves her arm a little so he cannot reach her arm. It was too early to let him touch her. His eyes lose their sparkle a little with the disappointment of her movement.

What about the cinema? I am still a little nervous in crowds since that night” she tries to sound excited and to try to bring back his smile. She should have let him stroke her arm, it was only her arm what harm did it do

No, I want to look at you and we can go to the cinema again. There was a small pub opposite the Blacksmiths”

O.k. what time?”

“I pick you up at seven
are you still at the same address?” Helen was shocked that he knew her address, but then he filled in her details perhaps he just could remember things easily.

Sorry Helen I checked on your details, that how I knew you be here at the hospital. I don’t blame you Run Helen, stalker alert” he whispers softly, she doesn’t feel scared but safe with Phil and she laughs at his boldness in admitting he was stalking her.


            Helen nervously dresses herself. She wanted to show she liked him but not to encourage him too much. She decides to go all out. If he was the man she thought he was he would not rush her if she was wrong then that would be it. Over before it began. Dressing in a figure hugging green silk dress with a matching belt that showed of her curves even more and with small spaghetti straps that kept dropping, she had only wore it once to her cousins wedding. But there was too much flesh on show. Her cleavage was overflowing the top of her dress o.k. too much she thinks for the first date. I wear it tomorrow night and she selects another dress from her wardrobe but before she can change she hears a car horn blare outside her house. Helen walks to her widow and looks out to see Phil’s car in her drive, shit he early it was only just past six tying her hair up in a loose ponytail and grabbing her coat, this will have to do she thinks.

         On his third blast from his horn she waits in her living room, her mother watching her as Helen waits for him to knock her front door

Put the poor boy out of his misery and give up he not getting the message Helen” she scolds her

No Mum, he is going to learn that if he takes me out he needs to treat me right he will give in and knock or not” she hopes to herself please knock. A few minutes tick by as she waits for him, then finally he knocks the door.

You going to have to learn to give and take with men, Helen I’ll let you get the door”

         Helen laughs as she opens the door to a frustrated face of annoyance from Phil

“Sorry Phil but a gentleman knocks the door for the lady” she says brightly

“I’m no gentleman remember I looked” but his mood brightens
when he sees Helen excitement at seeing him. He reaches for her hand and raises it to his lips softly kissing her fingers.


            Phil’s gaze kept wandering over Helen body. She was foolish to wear something so revealing on a first date. And he was annoyed at the way the barman stared at her when they came in. He did not say anything but he made sure no one else could see Helen in the corner. She was drinking a cream liqueur as he thought whisky was not a lady’s drink.

You did say you wanted to be treated like a lady Helen. Sorry, but you will like this as there is whisky in it” he says brightly at Helen, yes the drink was nice she scolded herself for overreacting to the drink change she asked for

So what made you become a doctor?” and trying to lighten his mood as the barman squeezes by to collect some glasses behind Helen

“I got a god complex Helen the thought of stopping someone breathing thrills me
so it was a doctor or a murderer” he laughs loudly

And I get to kill more this way so doctor is the winner” she stares at Phil. He was so bold in his teasing of her.

He leans in to her and his hand slipping around her waist as they talk and he moves nearer to her. Every time she relaxes he moves in closer again, allowing Helen to adjust to him being close to her before moving closer again. She not aware of him inching closer to her as he slowly makes his move. He talking all the time to her and distracting her from his slow pursuit and his arms tightening protectively around her. Whispering in her ear that she looked beautiful and his lips skimming her neck as he continues to whisper, how very lucky he was she was here with him. Her breath heaves as his lips brushes her ear. Phil whispering to her, that he couldn’t take his eyes away from her body. And that he couldn’t wait to touch her.

           This is too soon she thinks but she cannot help the trill she feels with him as he lightly kisses her neck and she closes her eyes as he tightens his hold on her. She softly pushes him away. It’s too soon she screams at herself and she pleading with her eyes for him to slow down, but he kisses her on her lips. She responds to his mouth with hers, but pushes him with her hands she so confused by him. She wants him but it’s just too soon, her heart still ached for Alan. He presses into Helen
when he stops kissing her. His body is close to hers and Phil is looking down into her eyes. He so close to her she feels she can’t breathe.

Breathe Helen or I will kiss you again” he teases her and he backs away from her. He still leaning over her as he talks away her nerves and she relaxes in his stare. He makes her feel so protected.

          As they leave the pub she reaches out for his hand. She had a good time with Phil and there was no more contact from him that made her feel nervous from his touch. She wanted him to know she appreciated him backing off from her. But he must have misread the message of her hand in his, as he drags her into the ally. Grabbing and kissing her as he pulls her deeper into the darkness. She bites his lip hard and she can taste the blood as she pulls away from his

Sorry Helen you are just too beautiful with all these men after you, I lost control of myself please forgive me” and letting her go as he wipes the blood from his lips. She storms back up the ally. What was wrong with her? Was it her fault that she attracted the wrong sort of men?

Wait up Helen, I’m sworry” and holding his lip out as he says the sorry part and turning her around as she turns back towards the pub they just left.

The car the other way Helen, ouch you got sharp teeth Helen” and rubbing his bleeding lip with his tongue.

You better remember that Phillip and I can scram too” holding her hands up so he can see her long nails

“I just wanted a kiss Helen
I am sorry, please I will behave myself from now on” and he slips his hand in hers…

Sorry” and he kisses her hand gently and she melts as his lips make contact with her hand and she no longer mad. He did let her go as soon as she started to struggle. She allows him to put his arm around her waist and the walk back to the car.

              As he drives her home he talks about his dreams of
becoming a general surgeon and asking her about her dreams and teasing her about having no drive to become something else than a shop worker. Yes she knew she had no aspirations of being great at something she just wanted to work in a shop, so what you do need the Indians as well as the Chief she thinks sourly.

            Helen done well in school and she met no one who could match her skills in
math, so she knew she was not stupid. It was just her spelling that let her down…what did the teacher call her? “Stupid or lazy” but she read somewhere that it was called Dyslexia.

Sorry Helen I shouldn’t tease you” he says disturbing her thoughts of the hell she went through in school.

Will you still let me take you tomorrow? Only I was bragging all day of the beautiful woman who coming with me” and he smiles shyly at Helen. He was really handsome when he smiled, Helen thought to herself

Yes but be warned I bite”

“I know I got the lip to prove it”
and he laughs and Phil pouts out his swollen lip out to her.

         Phil had no relatives in his life, as his grandmother who raised him died last year from cancer. His mother having a new man in her
life had abandoned him when he was just five years old and his grandparents taking over a small child’s upbringing. He went on to become a doctor like his grandfather. She never realized how lucky she was to have parents who loved her. Wasn’t it something all parents felt, the love for their own child? He looked very vulnerable as he talked. There were no bitterness in his words but his face told a different story of a child confusion of their mother not loving them back. Think of something Helen, to soothe the way his mind is going she thinks desperately. She moves a little in her seat and her dress moves a little up her body showing a little lace from her stocking tops she always wore when she went out as she hated tights. She wants him to think it’s by accident as she crosses her legs showing him more of her leg. He stops talking and allows a small look at Helen legs. She can see the concentration on his face as he turns the car down the lane they were passing

Can I touch you?” he whispers

Yes but only my legs” she feels breathless, what was she doing teasing him like this? And his hand slides up her leg, pulling her one leg and parting them slightly. He parks the car out of sight of the road and his hand gently stroking her legs. He unclips his seat belt and leans in to kiss Helen’s legs, she feels her seat tilting as he adjusts it with his hand so her hips come forward in her seat. He unclips her seat belt and he lifts her dress up as he starts to kiss her stocking tops. Phil fingers lightly stroking her legs and making her shiver and slipping her shoes off. Lifting her one leg onto the dashboard he parts her legs open. She tingling all over as he continues to strokes her legs and only her legs.

“I love the way you distract me Helen” he whispers and she feels his breath on her bare flesh above her stockings tops.

“I going to stop now Helen or I will not be able to control myself” he whispers as he sits back up and kissing Helen softly on her lips

Thanks Helen for the distraction but I have promised to behave myself” he laughs at Helen frustration

“I think that teasing has backfired on you Helen” he teases her and he lowers her dress back down. Kissing her on her lips again and deepening the kiss and she feels his excitement for her. His hands go into her hair
and pushing her back in her seat. Her hands in his hair as she slips her tongue into his mouth. Helen is breathless for him, but she feels him pull back from her and she pulls him back to her lips. She wants him and she needs him. Helen kisses him with the hunger inside of her body

No Helen not yet” he pulls firmly away from her and sits back in his seat

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