The Cruel Twists of Love (13 page)

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Authors: kathryn morgan-parry

BOOK: The Cruel Twists of Love
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           He leads her upstairs
and past a table in the curve of the stairs with dried flowers in a fan shape and again they were dull in colour but she can fix that for him. Turning left as the stairs part and going up again. The first room he passes and goes straight into the next. It was as dull in colour as the rest of the house she seen. There were plain cream bedclothes on the bed and there were no colours on the walls. It had been decorated recently because she noticed there was a little sheen on the walls. An old fashion wooden table was in the corner with a laptop on it and there were books on the shelves about medicine that were offering the only colour to the room.

You are very quiet do you just want to go home? Phil sounds disappointed

Don’t be silly I just need a bath” and trying to sound cheerful, she knows what he wants for Christmas now some colour to his house. He starts to stroke her neck and she tenses at his touch.

What wrong Helen. Don’t you like it?”  

Yes a little, but just not when I can’t breathe” she needed to be honest with him, how else would she be able to relax with him otherwise

“I would never put you in danger, I am a doctor so I know what I’m doing” he says gently

“Sorry Phillip I do trust you, but I don’t like it” she pleads. She dreaded him doing it. She was a little drunk last night and aroused about the promise of him. But in the cold light of day it was scary that he wanted to control her moans of pleasure, the bottle thing was strange enough but she did enjoyed the kinky thrill from it. 

Alright I’ll stop” and he strokes her face

You are so beautiful, you going to realize one day you could have anyone you want” she can see how scared of rejection he was, but she never wanted anyone like this. Not even Alan, she did miss him sometimes and she even shared tears for him but she never wanted to please him like she did with Phil.

Then make Love to me Phil, that all I want from you” And she kisses his hand.

Sorry we couldn’t stay longer at the hotel, they charge you extra if you stay after ten” so that explained his rush she thinks

Then please lead me towards the bathroom and I will forgive you the rush”

Your wish is my command Helen” and he picks her up and carries her out of his room.


          Phil holds Helen to his body when he washes her from behind. With her back to his body he lathers her body and rinses her clean then washing her hair gently and allowing Helen to wash him back. Hugging each other close as the hot water flows over them. Suddenly Helen screams out from the shock as the hot water goes out to be replacing by ice cold water cascading over their bodies.

Sorry Helen the tanks empty” he laughs and rushing out from the cold water and holding Helen in the flow as she continues to scream.

You pig Phil, let me out” she giggles

Then beg me Helen” he teases her

“I’m begging
. Phil it’s so cold, please” still giggling at him but getting onto her knees so he will relent and to allow her out of the cold shower. Phil is laughing at her but he turns the water off, then holding out his hand for her so she can stand.

elen” he hisses playfully at her

Then let me dry my feet first, that way it be a fair race” she grinning at him and quickly dries her feet.

Alright Helen Run” she does as she told and she hears him counting so she can have a head start. Grabbing a towel on her way out and wrapping it very quickly around her and heading towards the stairs. She runs straight across the landing and heading for one of the doors on the others side. Helen hears “ready or not” from the bathroom and her hearts starts pounding and she opens the door nearest to her that turns out to be a small cupboard. Why is it always cupboards? She thinks to herself but she crawls into a space on the floor.

          Helen waits for her pursuer to find her huddled on the floor. She hears Phil opening a door, his bedroom maybe?
Then hearing his footsteps outside and getting closer to her and her heart pumps faster. The adrenalin builds which each step as he gets nearer to her. She knows he just outside but he making her wait. Helen hears his fingers tapping on the door.

Where can you be hiding?” he plays out the wait as he continues to tap his fingers. Helen can see the door handle moving slowly. And he teases her with the wait, then slowly peeling the door open.

There you are Helen and you know I looked” grabbing the towel from her and crawling on top of her body. Helen grabs his hair passionately and she greets his kiss, desperately pulling her to him when he manures her out from the cupboard when he continues to kiss her.

My bed Helen” He whispers and he lifts her out of the cupboard and sets her back onto her feet. Kissing her with every step they take as he pushes her backwards to his bedroom. His hands on her back and face as he walks her blindly backwards. Helen hands in his hair and kissing him back. Their lips never parting each others as he manoeuvres her gracefully back.

          Helen feels the carpet at her feet as she crosses the threshold of his room. Then his bed and he lowers her down
gently onto his bed but his lips never leaving hers in the walk back. He sits up and opens his table draw and pulls out a packet of condoms and keeping his promise to her. She watches him hungrily as he starts kissing her breasts and he places her hands on his penis. Teaching her how to stroke him and rub him and he moans his pleasure from her touch. Phil hand starts softly teasing Helen between her thighs. Then his thumb starts teasing her clitoris. Such a small touch from Phil sends waves of pleasure throughout her body.

Never has she experience it so strong or so quickly. Helen feels the tightening of her muscles beginning when Phil starts kissing her breast lightly then licking her nipple then sucking when he strokes her below. Helen explodes inside and she shuts her eyes to red lids of pleasure. When Helen shakes from the waves of pleasure still coursing through her body he enters her holding on to her hips gently. Sinking deeper inside when he tilts her hips to him. The pleasure building as soon as she feels him inside her, with his skin in hers. Burying her face in the blankets and biting her fingers when she feels unable to cope from the pleasure that’s building again so quickly.

     Helen gives a small cry and bites her fingers to silence herself. His movements are slow but so very powerful inside her body and Helen orgasms again. Helen screams out Phil’s name with Phil continuing to slowly move inside of her. Stopping as his breathing become strained. Then starting again when his breathing is calmer over and over he stops his own climax in her until she can feel the build again of pleasure.

Please Phil no more” she pleads with him but desperate for more from him.

Oh Helen, I love you baby” those three words tipping her pleasure over and convulsing her body again. Phil follows with his strong climax inside her. Shuddering she whispers out his name.

She forcefully kisses Phil’s lips and her hands go into his hair trying to get more contact from his lips. Those words she had heard before but now she knew how it really felt when your heart returned the love

“I love you
, oh Phil I love you” in-between her kisses over and over she whispers. She loved him there was no doubt in her mind as her heart ached with the joy of those three words she heard him say.

Don’t say it if you don’t mean it” the doubt in his voice tugging at her heart

Believe me please Phil, I do love you” she whispers pleading to him to believe her and Phil kissing her back, kissing her softly with love and with his hands holding her face when he gently kisses her again.

“I love you Helen” and Phil kisses Helen again
, then again with more passion.

             She curled around him
when he sleeps and listens to his heart beating. She loved the soft rhythm of the beat. His breathing usually comforted her to sleep but Helen was too hungry to sleep. She didn’t want to wake him as they had little sleep last night, but she needed food. Slipping quietly out of bed and putting his shirt over her as she creeps to the door.

Where you going?” he says sleepily. She freezes feeling like a thief that been caught red handed. But when she turns to looks at him he still fast asleep. He murmurs again and is feeling the place where she was a moment ago. She grabs a discarded pillow and slips it under his arm watching him stop the search for her. Kissing his cheek and stroking his curls of hair. She felt protective of him and wanted to keep him safe. Hearing her stomach protesting the lack of food she goes in search of the kitchen.

               Kitchen are usually are
kept at the back of a building this age so she heads out in that direction when she reaches the bottom of the stairs and starting her search by the back door. The first room she tried was a scullery filled with a washing machine and a deep old fashion freezer, cleaning products and an ironing board with worn covers. She smiled at the thought of her Nan never replacing the old covers and using a cloth to cover the hole. She opens the other door next to this one. The old door squeaks when she pushes it and stiffly moves from the swollen wood of age. And Helen steps into a large kitchen with an old white Belfast sink and a small widow above offering very little light from the closed curtains. There is a green old fashion alga cooker and rustic wooded cupboards and matching tops that surround the far walls that were yellowing from age and a fridge that rattled and hummed its age.

was horrified when she opens the fridge. It looked like a horror movie could be filmed in there. There was milk that was separated and looks like green cottage cheese and decaying vegetables she thinks? Those were in the corner of the fridge. The smell was turning her stomach of food and wanting to hurl instead. She can’t leave it like this she thinks horrified and she closes the fridge door and goes searching for some bin bags and cleaning products she seen earlier in the scullery.

          Thankful of her rubber gloves and
she strips out of his shirt and replaces it with clean blue overalls that she also found and she makes a start on this nightmare you are supposed to have food in. Binning items of fish, meat and tubs of green homemade food his Nan must have made and fighting the urged to cry or to be sick as the smell builds. Some food turning to dust the moment she touches them. One item at the time until the fridge is empty.

            Carrying the now full bag outside and putting it in the
rubbish bin. She sees Phil’s neighbour waving to her across the fence. Helen waves back at the old lady. The poor woman must have Helen confused with someone else as she rushes over to Helen with a wide smile on her face in greeting.

“It’s about time someone made a start clearing this place up” she hugs Helen warmly but
realizes her quickly when the smell hits the old lady

Yucky, you do smell bad. Do you need a hand love? She smiles kindly at Helen

No thanks, I’m almost done on the fridge”

Oh my dear girl that the fridge? And you looked so smart when you got here. I will bring you round a cup of tea” Helen laughs to herself. Always in times of trouble tea was the answer to everything in Wales as the old lady scurries off back to her house before Helen can refuse.

           She leaves the door open and hoped Phil would continue to sleep when she tried to get rid of the old lady when she came back with her tea
and Helen heads back through the house to start to clean the fridge.

             Taking out the shelves and wiping them with bleach cleaner and placing them in the dusty sink. No one
has been in the kitchen since his Nan died she thinks sadly. She did not notice the cobwebs when she first came in as the curtains were drawn but when she opened them up to allow some air into the kitchen they shrouded the room in a ghostly white. Spaying the fridge with bacterial cleaner and allowing it to soak she heads to the scullery for some dusters to remove the cobwebs.

             The old lady is sitting at the table looking sadly
around at the kitchen when Helen returns. Helen can feel the pain of memories from someone she lost in the old lady face. They must have been close friends Helen thinks sadly.

He never let me help him, why?” she says handing Helen her dark brown tea and Helen tamely drinking the strong brew. It did taste better than she thought it would and refreshing her instantly when she drinks.

“I don’t think he be too pleased with me when he finds out I’ve done this” she shrugs her apology

“Is he still here? Only I didn’t see him leave” she whispers

Yes he is asleep upstairs” and whispering back like a naughty child

“I better go then. We fell out last year when Mavis his Nan died. Over his mother, so he won’t like me in here
, Elsie Jones by the way” and hugging Helen warmly

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