The Cruel Twists of Love (28 page)

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Authors: kathryn morgan-parry

BOOK: The Cruel Twists of Love
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For the registry office Helen” Helen looks at Phil startled

Don’t look at me like that Helen it can affect my job prospects if we don’t”

But the tests might be wrong” Helen says faintly

But it will not hurt to register just in case” Phil strokes Helen stomach affectionately

We are only registering Helen” kissing Helen to reassure her doubts


             Helen feels like she has been run over when they wait in the registry office, she numb with the shock of being pregnant and now marriage it was all too soon. Phil pulls her hand when their names are called.

We are only registering Helen” Helen follows Phil numbly and Helen smiles uneasily at the woman, when Phil answers the questions she asks.

So when would you liked to be married?”

As soon as possible” Phil squeezes Helen hand reassuringly

It will take three weeks to register then you can marry anytime after that and you got up to a year”

Three weeks time sounds great, if we can book it at the town hall?” Helen stays quiet when the shock sinks in she be married in three weeks. Does she want to marry him? She thinks confused.

“You in luck, we got a cancelation on the Tuesday
” the woman says brightly.

“That be great, won’t it Helen?” Helen nods numbly and
Phil pays the deposit and she feels herself being led out by Phil.

We don’t want you fat when we marry Helen, so sooner is better don’t you think?” Helen nods numbly again

We go looking for a dress before I go into work”










Chapter 8


         Helen can hardly believe she was getting married today. Helen hair has been curled and pinned in a large side bun and held in place with a large crystal flower broach that Phil wanted Helen to wear. Helen mother suggested she wear it in her hair because she thought it would ruin Helen dress.

The dress Phil picked for her went back the next day without Phil’s knowledge and Helen was glad, she hated the dress but he persuaded her to have the dress. Helen was lucky that the prom season had just passed or she would have been forced to wear something plain or colourful. Helen looked at her reflection in the mirror, her dress was shorter than Helen hoped her wedding dress would be like but with the short notice she had to accept that alterations could not be made in time, it was a beautiful made Ivory lace dress that hugged at Helen curves in a classic 50s style cocktail dress. Helen picks up her yellow and cream bouquet and slips her feet into her cream shoes and she takes one last look at Miss. Evans and goes downstairs.

           Helen dad is waiting at the bottom of the stairs
for her

You are sure about this Helen? It’s not too late to change your mind” Helen smiles happily at her dad

“I do love him dad”

“I know honey, but you still so young. You can come home anytime Helen, never forget about that”

“I not going far dad”

“You look just like your mother and you make me proud to call you my daughter”

Don’t Dad only you have me in tears”

Your mum will be in tears when she sees how beautiful you look”

, you know where you going?” Helen’s dad rolls his eyes when Helen’s mum comes out of the kitchen

Yes dear, we drove the route five times already I think I’ve finally got it”

Oh my baby girl, you look wonderful” and Helen mum starts crying

Hush dear, we not losing a daughter we gaining a doctor” Helen dad says proudly

         Helen doesn’t feel nervous
when they pull up outside the grand city hall in Cardiff and Helen’s dad opens her door and starts taking photographs and getting in the way of a friend of Phil’s that was supposed to be filming the wedding.

“I will meet you inside” Helen’s mum says
quickly and rushing inside. Helen looks at the impressive clock tower when it chimed the hour. Helen can’t believe this was her wedding day and her dad takes her by the arm finally and walks her into the entrance hall and past the marble columns when her dad glides Helen up the grand oak stairway. They wait outside the Marble room and she hears the music to start playing Il Divo’s, Por Ti Sere. Helen takes a deep breath when the oak doors open.

Phil looks at her adoringly when Helen enters, Helen’s heart swells with pride from the look he giving her with his eyes. Helen dad steps aside and Helen gazes at Phil

You look beautiful Helen” Phil whispers wantonly at her, Helen is too preoccupied by Phil’s eyes to look at the impressive marble room and the art on the walls when they say their traditional vows.

Helen promised to obey Phil till death do they part

You may kiss the bride” Phil smiles and slips his arm around Helen waist and he kisses Helen deeply.

Hi, Mrs. Taylor” he whispers into Helen lips and gently kisses her again the applause from the small number of guests makes Helen blush. Phil raises Helen hand and kisses it softly

Sorry Helen, but you are just too beautiful for me to put into words” he whispers tenderly. Phil friend pausing the filming when they asked to sign the register with Phil whispering tenderly into her ear when she signs

You finally mine”

              They have a light lunch
just the two of them. And to her parents disappointment at a restaurant in town and they head to Helen’s new home after dinner.

He carries her over the threshold laughing their joy at each but Phil’s face drops when he sees Helen family.

“I thought I would have you to myself” he hisses
at her

Sorry Phil but mum insisted we had to celebrate and you wouldn‘t let them come to the restaurant” Phil places Helen on her feet

Not a word about the baby Helen” Phil smiles falsely and greats Helen family warmly and Helen mother hands her a glass of Champaign and Helen takes a pretend sip conscious of Phil’s cold stare on her

“Don’t you fucking dare Helen”
Phil hisses in her ear and she hands Phil the glass and smiles to calm him down

That better Helen you finally listening to me” Phil kisses Helen cheek when he takes the glass from her hand

You are very beautiful Helen but I thought you would have done your hair better.” Phil walks away towards the food before she can respond to the hurtful remark

        Helen tries to keep the smile on her face
when she talks to her friends and grabbing the lemonade she fills up a Champaign glass.

Now I know why you married him so fast” Max whispers in her ear

Don’t tell anyone please, I’m only a few weeks and you know it bad luck” Helen implores him

“I hope you know what you doing
Helen” Max shrugs his shoulders miserably and walks over to Richard.

Don’t worry about him Helen” Helen looks uneasily up at Phil, not realizing he was in hearing distance

It our wedding day, so don’t let some poof bring you down”

Don’t call him that Phil, he been a good friend”

A good friend would be happy for you, now you go up to bed and I be up when I get rid of the unwanted guests in my home”

But we only just got here Phil”

Don’t argue with me on our wedding night Helen”

“I not
Phil but give it another hour please” Helen looks at Phil beseeching him not to be rude to her family.

On one condition Helen, you stop defying me” Phil smiles sadistically at her and bends close to Helen ear

But the dress was a better choice Helen so I’m not mad this time”   


          Phil leisurely undresses Helen, kissing her shoulders from behind and he allows the dress to drop to the floor. Taking the pins from Helen hair and allowing her hair to falls in loose curls

That better, my sweet Helen” Phil prowls around Helen and he gazes at her. He places a hand tenderly on Helen stomach and starts to unclip Helen satin Basque meticulously slow

“I love to see your exquisite body Helen” he whispers close beside her
when he peels her Basque off and drops it on the floor

If it gets too much for you, tell me please, but I want to take my time with my wife” he whispers adoringly at her and cupping her face with his hands when he tenderly kisses her lips.

Helen touches his shoulders and removes Phil’s jacket cautiously. Phil always took control in the bedroom and Helen was unsure of how he would react to her taking control. Helen watches him shyly when she starts to unbutton his shirt, kissing his bare chest when she removes his shirt affectionately. Phil softly caresses Helen hair when she kisses his nipple softly, kneeling down before him she unclips his belt but he stops her undoing his trousers

This is not what I expected Helen”

“I just wanted to show you how much I love you” Phil pulls Helen smoothly to her feet

“You married me Helen, a man takes control in a marriage not a woman so don’t ever do that again, unless I tell you to do it” Phil touches Helen face tenderly

Only whores take control like that, are you a whore?” Helen starts to cry and she looks away mortified that she has upset Phil by her actions. She just wanted him to feel loved

Hush Helen” Phil kisses Helen tears then her lips, and pushes Helen forcefully onto the bed. He removes his belt and uses it to tie Helen hands to the bed post. He prowls around her when he removes his trousers

Are you a whore?” he sneers

No Phil” Helen says gently. She needs her Phil back, she thinks horrified by the change in him

“I just wanted to show you how much I love you Phil, stop this please you scaring me” She closes her eyes in terror
when Phil comes close

Shit Helen, I’m sorry I don’t know why I behave like this towards you. You did nothing wrong Helen, it me being a shit” Phil un-straps Helen wrists and gently rubs them. He kisses Helen passionately on the lips when he pins her to the bed with his body. She fights the impulse to push him away when she feels his hand go around her throat. Helen opens her eyes in trepidation, she needed to know which Phil was with her and she always could tell by his eyes, love or hate would reflect back at her through his eyes. Thank god Helen thinks relieved when she gazes up at him.

Let start again Helen, put your clothes back on and meet me downstairs” Phil kisses Helen excitedly and walks out of the room with his clothes.

Helen takes a deep breath and shakily gets off the bed she apprehensively picks up the Basque and puts it back on. Helen touches her stomach to encourage her to go downstairs and Helen hesitantly slips her dress back on and goes downstairs.

          She hears music playing gently from the
dining room and heads in that direction. When Helen gets closer she recognizes their wedding song playing. The dining room Helen thought was stuffy so they always ate in the kitchen, she can hear Phil moving things around in the room so she knocks on the door. Phil opens the door beaming at her like a small child on Christmas

Mrs. Taylor as punctual as always, this is the wedding night your parents spoilt and I planned for you.” Phil takes Helen by the hand and guides her into the candle light room. The table that stood in the middle is gone and rose petals litter the wooden floor in creams and yellows as he pulls Helen into his arms and starts to dance slowly with her. Helen closes her eyes and feels his body tell her how to move with his

Our first dance as man and wife, Helen I wanted to make it up to you for not having a honeymoon but I was so mad at your parents I took it out on you sorry” the music soothes Helen’s fears when Phil kisses her softly on her cheek

“I just wanted to dance with my wife”

“We could have come in after?” Helen says quietly

“I was too mad, sorry” Helen hears the music starting again. Helen
strokes his face and lightly kisses his lips. Phil hands buries into her hair when he returns the kiss passionately, pulling it slightly so he can kiss her exposed neck.

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