The Cruel Twists of Love (29 page)

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Authors: kathryn morgan-parry

BOOK: The Cruel Twists of Love
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“I might never be the best husband you could have wished for but I promise I will try to give you everything you ever wanted”

“I just want you Phil” Helen blushes with the love she feels for Phil

You had me the moment I looked at you Helen” Phil spins Helen around in his arms and she feels safe. She can put up with the scary Phil if he was like this most of the time Helen thinks contented in his embrace.

“I wish I could have had the time off work Helen, but with the baby coming I need to make sure I get the best job I can”

“Would you have married me if it wasn’t for the baby?” Helen says the question that been haunting her 

Yes Helen of course I would have but maybe a little later when my training was over but the best things are unplanned Helen, that how I fell in love with you” Phil smiles warmly at Helen

“I’m sorry about the baby I took my tablets every day I just don’t know what happened”

“Helen will you stop this I am happy about our baby” Phil kisses Helen tenderly on the lips

Would you have married me if you weren’t pregnant?” Helen can see the concern in his eyes

Yes Phil, I’m crazy about you” and returning his kiss passionately

Then no more worrying, the baby sealed our love Helen, sooner rather than later that all” Phil strokes Helen face tenderly and bends and lightly kisses Helen, his kiss grows firmer on her lips and he lifts Helen off her feet

Bed Helen” he whispers close to her lips

“I can walk” Helen giggles a
t Phil when he carries her upstairs

But why change a wonderful habit Helen” Phil turns right at the junction on the stairs

Our room is on the left Phillip or have you forgotten?” she teases

. Taylor I love it when you call me Phillip, it makes me want to be mischievous with you”

That will never do Phillip” Helen laughs and Phil stops dead on top of the stairs

You called me Phillip again, now what am I going to do with you?”

“I think you know what to do” Phil laughs loudly

“Now Helen, I got something planned for you so you have to wait for your punishment”

Close your eyes Helen” he whispers and he moves towards his grandparent’s room and Helen excitedly closes her eyes in anticipation.

        She feels herself being gently lowered onto the bed

“This will stop you peeking.” Helen feels Phil slide on a mask to cover her eyes

You must have done bondage with Carol?”

Not with Carol, but yes I done some before you now shush Helen, we can talk later” Helen feels his finger on her lips.

Shush Helen” Phil removes his finger from her lips and she anticipates his touch but she hears Phil over by the door bewildered by her blindness when she hears a soft whoosh then smells a soft sent. The sent growing stronger when the sound is repeated. Helen hears a song she never heard before, but her excitement grows from the sexual music

Who is this singing?” Phil laughs loudly

Oh Helen I going to have to gag you if you keep talking. It’s Darren Hayes, Insatiable that how you make me feel Helen” Helen listens to the lyrics when she waits with bated breath for Phil touch, every sensual word has Helen needing Phil’s touch on her skin 

      Phil grabs hold of Helen hands and pulls her to her feet
, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close to his body. Slipping his right leg in-between hers and carefully removing Helen hair from her blindfold

That better Helen, I love your hair loose” she feels his nose on her neck and he holds her with both hands on her lower back, moving his one hand slowly down her back when he moves her with his body and rubbing his leg in-between hers when he leisurely moves his hand over the curve of Helen’s back lightly stroking her spine with his fingers. Helen takes a deep breath when he kisses her neck tenderly. Her senses focus all on his touch from the lack of her sight and making her tingle all over from his sensual touch

The candy sweetness scent of you,  It bathes my skin I’m stained by you. And all I have to do is hold you. There’s a racing in my heart and I am barely touching you”
Phil softly whispers the words to Helen

My love for you Insatiable. Turn me on, never stop I want to taste every drop”
Phil kisses Helen neck when he allows the words of the song to seduce her and moving his hand into Helen hair when he moves the kisses to the back of Helen ear, when he continues to dance with her. Helen can’t resist slipping his jacket from his shoulders and she feels his laugh on her neck.

No Helen, not yet” he whispers, but allows the jacket to fall to the floor when he removes his hands from her body. Helen wished that she could undo her actions when he moves away from Helen.

She jumps when she feels Phil touch her neck from behind her. Grabbing Helen’s hair and pulling her head back to him and holding her neck with his other hand when he kisses her neck passionately. Holding her neck firmly he releases his hold on her hair. Phil moves Helen arm around his neck, tracing his fingers down the length of her arm when she pulls his hair playfully with Phil lightly nibbling her earlobe.

I feel like a better man. Just being in the same room”
and whispering the words sensually in Helen ear, slowly unfastening Helen dress and allowing it to drop to the floor.

“I never wanted to fall in love with you Helen, but I couldn’t stop myself” he gently turns Helen to face him and he places her hands on
the front of his chest.

Please undress me Helen” he whispers. Helen blindly searches for his tie and kisses his neck when she removes the tie. Feeling his neckline of his shirt when she slowly starts to unbutton his shirt and kissing his exposed skin when she peels open his shirt. She breathes in his scent from his aftershave and Phil hurriedly takes his shirt off and pulls Helen to him with her hair and roughly kisses her. Helen pulls away from his lips.

Not so patien
when you not in control” Helen teases him.

have never been in control around you Helen, that why I know I love you” Phil picks Helen up and roughly throws her onto the bed. He pins Helen hands to the bed with his one hand when the other gently goes around her neck. Phil bites her lower lip gently when he kisses her and Helen notices the song has changed. Phil slows down his kissing with the song tempo and Westlife, Unbreakable gently replacing the other song.

in my arms, that where you belong”
he whispers when he tenderly strokes Helen’s leg and rolling down Helen stocking and slipping Helen shoe off when he removes the stocking and tying her wrist together with it. Removing the other stocking and he gently parts her legs, kissing her gently over her neck when he strokes her body. She melting inside from the words mixed with his soft touch on her body.

          Helen holds her breath
when the next song starts and prickling the hairs on her back when a darker tone dominates her senses.

I put a spell on you because you mine”
Phil kisses growing more urgent when he removes her mask

Turn over” Helen notices the darkness to his eyes, he no longer her Phil so she turns quickly. Pulling down Helen satin briefs slowly and he slips them off. He gently slips Helen shoes on, but not her wedding shoes and he wraps the red ribbon around Helen’s legs and ties her left leg to the bed with the ribbon and he spreads Helen’s legs and ties her other leg to other side and wrapping the other stocking around her mouth.

Do you know how beautiful you are?” Phil softly moves her hair aside and gently kisses her lips. Helen looks at him bewildered she never understood what he saw in her.

“Helen you take my breath away with your beauty” Phil
lies down on top of her back and pulls her head back. 

You got so much trust in me its breathtaking Helen” and he bites the back of Helen neck. Helen softly moans her pleasure.

Shush Helen” he whispers when he slowly starts unlacing the Basque from behind and he kisses Helen back tenderly. Removing the stocking from Helen mouth and wrapping it loosely around Helen neck. Phil rises of the bed and walks out of sight and returning with a large pillow, gesturing for Helen to get up off the bed with his hands. Helen quickly sits back on her restrained ankles and he lays the pillow on the bed and bends Helen over the hard pillow. Helen heart leaps with excitement when the song comes to an end and anticipating the next song. A mournful love song starts playing.

There be no sunlight if I lose you baby,
that how I feel about you Helen” Phil whispers so soft that the hairs on the back of Helen’s neck stands on edge with the quiet threat that was not spoken and tenderly kissing Helen lips when he pulls on her hair. She braves a look at his eyes, the green flecks from his brown eyes sparkle from love for her. She lost in his stare and her need for him overcomes her and she softly bites his lower lip. A moan of pleasure escapes from Phil and he loses his control and wraps Helen in his arms and he kisses her ferociously.

Untie me Phillip and let me make love to you” a quiet plea escapes from Helen.

We are making love Helen” Helen can see the confusion in his eyes

No Phillip you are, but let me show you how it feels. To make love together please”

A true man takes control” she can see the fear of allowing the control to pass to her

But a wife must make love to her husband, it a bonding of love Phillip” she looks down and away from Phil and trying to look unthreatening and quieting his fears.

Teach me Helen” Phil gently unbinds her wrists then her feet and Helen slips her shoes off. Helen kisses his chin and moving the kisses slowly to his throat and she feels the quiet groan under her lips. She softly bites his neck and he pushes her down on the bed and she giggles when he goes to kiss her.

You got a dirty laugh Helen”

And you not very good at allowing me to love you. I’m going to have to tie you down Phillip until you get the hang of this” he shakes his head like a small child

Trust me, like I trust you” Helen firmly pushes Phil on the bed. She strokes his arm and gently moves it up above his head. Wrapping the stocking around his wrist and firmly tying him to the bed. She can feel his reluctance from his tightened muscles when she ties the other wrist to the other side of the bedpost.

Do you remember our safe word Phillip?” Helen raises her eyebrows suggestively at him.

“I better not need it Helen, go easy on me this is my first time”

“Like you did with me on the balcony?” Helen laughs at his shocked expression

Pizza, it pizza Helen”

There a good boy” Helen deepens her voice throatily

We are supposed to be making love?” Phil says with a nervous laugh

“If you a good boy we will
later” Helen feels empowered by this game but warns herself not to go too far with him. Helen sits astride him and she traces her fingers over his muscles on his shoulders. Leaning over him and allowing her hair to fall over his body and she kisses the base of his neck gently. She feels the bed rattle when Phil pulls on his restraints, listening to his breathing when she continues to gently move the kisses up his neck.

“I need to touch you Helen”

“Hush now Phillip, you will but I need to show you how you make me feel” Helen pulls his hair gently and she kisses his lips, she can feel his need for her in his urgent kissing and pulling his hair back to expose his neck. Kissing below his ear and licking his neck and tasting the nervous sweat on his skin, Helen moving her soft kisses down his chest and licking his nipple.

“I’m a man Helen
so there no need to do that” She giggles and she playfully bites the nipple and hears Phil moan his pleasure and pulling on his restraints.

Now Phillip if you keep on struggling you going to pull free and then you will have to be punished” kissing his stomach and she removes his belt and places it on the bed next to her. Undoing his trousers and kissing his lower stomach when she pulls down. Slipping his shoes and socks off and pulling his trousers and boxers shorts down and off his body. Slow down Helen she scolds herself, he not going to handle this if you rush him she thinks nervously. Helen walks over to his i-pod and selects some of his music to play on the computer it was playing from. Nina Simone to start with she thinks and she chooses repeat on the mix. She turns and she sees Phil watching her with a hunger she never seen in his eyes before. Feeling the rhythm of the song she prowls closer to Phil.

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