The Cruel Twists of Love (38 page)

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Authors: kathryn morgan-parry

BOOK: The Cruel Twists of Love
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“I need to see your face” touching his face and tracing his lips with her thumb gently. Phil kisses her thumb.

“But I can’t hurt you if you can see my face and I need to cause pain. I don’t know how else to deal with this pain inside Helen” Helen passes his mask back

What do you need me to do?”

Scream for me Helen, I will not humiliate you but I will be cruel” Helen nods she thinks that she needs this too.

“Kneel for me under the rack” Helen nervously moves to the rack and kneels. She watches Phil put
ting his mask on and drops her head back down before he turns around. Praying with all her heart she can ease his pain with her suffering. Phil walks to the kitchen door.

Thanks Savannah for waiting” Helen listens to her clipping heels on the floor when she comes nearer and Helen tenses when she sees her feet. Phil pulls Helen up by the hair but she stays quiet when the tears fall from the pain. Tying Helen’s hair roughly back and pulling back hard. Phil bites Helen hard on the shoulder and he pulls harder on her hair and Helen shakes from the painful bite on her skin and Helen tries to blank out the pain.

Oh Helen blanking so soon, hands” Helen holds her hands out and stares at Savannah’s cold face. Savannah strokes her hands and walks over to the bag and watches her pull out a riding crop and flicks it in the air. Helen hears the whoosh when it comes down on her hand.

Keep your hands still and count my swipes to ten I think to start”

Protect her hands first, I don’t want marks there” Savannah nods and pulls out thick p.v.c. gloves from the bag and gives them to Helen. Helen nervously slips them on and holds her hands back out. Helen closes her eyes and braces herself for the sting.

“Turn them over palms up” Helen turns
them slowly and waits. She hears the whooshing sound and then the sting on her hands when it makes contact. One she thinks. Helen closes her hands and flexes and opens them quickly when she prepares for the second. Helen doesn’t hear any sound but she feels the sting when it makes contact. Two she thinks. Then the third when it quickly hits her and Phil biting over her shoulder and sucking her skin hard when the fourth hits her.

You are a stupid bitch Helen, start over Savannah she not counting them” Helen struggles to hold on to her tears when the crop comes down again.

One” she is shaking from the pain pulsing in her hands and her shoulders and counting out loud the painful swipes of the crop. She waits for the tenth but Savannah makes her wait longer and her tension grows. It hits her harder and Helen screams out in pain.

“Savannah too soft on
you how did you like my swipe?”

Thank you Master” Helen holds her hands to her body and cries softly.

am going to make you cum Helen” Phil bends down and attaches Helen ankles to a wide bar then Phil cuffs Helen wrists together with wide handcuffs made of soft leather.

Hold your hands above your head” Helen does as she told.

Don’t move an inch” He chains the cuffs to the rack above Helen head and she closes her eyes when she shakes.

She never been so scared in her life from the cold stare he giving her, she thinks of Jackson’s little face. Helen concentrates with all her strength on his face when she tries to blocks out her fear. This little child she only just met but the bond she felt for the child was strong.

“If the blows swings you around later you will turn quickly back to face me, no counting this time and you will not cum unless I say

“Yes Master” Helen feels a clamp opening her lips and exposing Helen‘s clitoris.

            Helen cries but keeps her eyes closed. Helen hears a buzzing noise and feels something being painfully clamped on her breasts. Phil laughs loudly and Helen jumps from the threatening sound to his laugh. She
is not going to be strong enough to endure this.

Open your mouth” Helen sobs quietly but opens her mouth. A ball is placed inside Helen mouth and tied at the back of her head. Helen feels leathery strings being stroked over her body.

am going to make you cum with this”

Thank you master” it comes out distorted because of her gag. She loved Phil but she hated this side of him.

You will look me and you will not cum until I give you permission is that clear?”

“Yes Master” the spittle making talking difficult
when she stares into his cold eyes. Savannah picks up the crop and Phil holding a whip like item but with more leather strings. Savannah swats Helen’s vibrating nipple but she doesn’t cry out from the pain.

       Helen just keeps her focus on Phil’s cold eyes. Phil whips Helen’s clitoris and she convulses from the pain but she remains
silent. The sweat is building on her skin when Phil keeps a rhythm with his torments off the whip. Helen keeping eye contact with Phil’s when her tears fall. The biting stings keep coming down on Helen’s clitoris and Helen knows he can make her cum from this horrendous pain coursing through her body.

        Savannah grabs another whip and takes it in turns with Phil to whip at Helen’s clitoris. Helen legs buckle
when she shakes uncontrollably. Helen just stares at Phil and he looks away from her in shame.

You may cum for me” Helen tenses her muscles tightly no she bloody will not, she thinks angrily.

You will cum or we will begin again” Helen stands firm she will not become his puppet no matter what he does to her. The torment begins again but Helen loses the fight over her body and cum’s when he asks her again. Helen can’t stop shaking from the pain.

           Phil removes the clamp and sucks and licks
at her throbbing clitoris. The soft contact from his tongue makes it feel like it’s on fire from the pain and Phil makes her cum again from his tongue torment.

     Phil un-cuffs her hands and she drops to the floor. Crying and curling up into herself
and she hugs her restrained legs, Phil arms go around her and lifts her roughly onto the worktable. Turning Helen over onto her front and cuffing her hands to the legs. Pulling her down and pushing inside her. He moves violently inside her but she stays quiet. She knows he is building and times her movement from him but he holds her tight and climaxes inside her protesting body. She didn’t want him inside her and she starts to scream from the frustration of not being able to stop him, squeezing her hips when he empties himself into her and he groans out his pleasure. He kisses Helen back gently when he stills inside her.

“Helen you wanted this not me
, remember that” she knew that but she didn’t have to pretend to like this she thinks. He unties Helen gag and Phil holds her tightly in his arms and gently strokes her back.

“Your last punishment Helen, are you ready?”
Helen nods this is the one she asked for and would give him his release when she allows her screams to come for him.

       He ropes Helen
cuffs and ties them to the rack. Pulling the rope until Helen is lifted off her feet. She hangs there waiting when they select their weapons. They show Helen all the whips and canes when they line them up on the kitchen counters. He removes the bar between her ankles but not the cuffs. Helen mouth is dry with the dread of what she agreed and wanted to do for him.

Wait a minute Phil I want to add something before we start” Helen watches Savannah getting something pink that looks like a chastity belt out of the bag and she walks back to Helen and putting a condom on it. Slipping Helen legs into the pink straps and pulling up slowly. Savannah opens up Helen legs and slips something inside her. Tightening the straps and the long item goes deeper in Helen’s body. Switching a switch on a hand held device Helen can feel vibrations starting inside her and around her clitoris. Helen closes her eyes to the wondrous sensation inside and builds quickly as she moans.

And that only set on one Phil, has she never played with toys?” Savannah giggles

Oh Helen, we going to have some fun later with you” Savannah stands and grabs her face and she kisses her passionately. Helen returns the kiss and their tongues meet briefly. Savannah bends close and turns up the vibrations on the breast clamps. Helen can feel Savannah’s breath on her neck.

They will help you cope, just concentrate on the vibrations Helen” Helen has to strain to hear her, but nods that she had heard her. Savannah pulls her hair hard

Yes what?”

Yes Mistress, thank you for the gift” Savannah looks at her and she sees the concern in Savannah’s face

Don’t let him see your fear or he will not stop, he a sadist not a dominant Helen” Helen is struggling to concentrate on what she saying with the vibrations in her body distracting her.

Keep it on one I don’t want her phasing out too soon” Savannah nods and walks backs to Phil. Phil shows Savannah something in the bag and she laughs loudly

“Are you sure Phil?” Phil nods and passes the object to Helen but Helen can’t make out what it is

“Head down” Phil commands her and she does it instantly when she hears Savannah clipping her heels coming nearer. Helen watches them kissing and he turns Helen face to his when Savannah goes round her and out of sight. Phil holds her legs and Savannah opens the cheeks of her buttocks and presses something firm into her anus, teasing her open and pushing firmer. Helen tenses and tries to stop the object going in by will alone but Phil lifts her legs up, Phil kissing her when Savannah keeps pushing the tip painfully in and out off her anus. Phil drops her legs and goes round to Savannah

“This is how you fucking do it Savannah” Helen screams when the large object is pushed fully into her anus biting her arm and crying softly shaking from the painful intrusion in her body. Phil walks back to the whips without a backwards glace at Helen and
holds out a long whip with a thin end for Savannah.

This will break the skin Phil you sure you want to risk permanent scarring?” Phil looks at Helen and shakes his head

Sorry it my favourite one and was sure to make any masochistic slave scream but you right I don‘t want any scarring…” Savannah offers her bag.

Choose one of mine, they will mark the skin nicely but will not break it unless you misuse them” Phil chooses a wider whip and flicks it in the air.

That too light for me” Savannah takes it from him

That a good one for me and great marks on the skin”

“I don’t like the risk of using yours, we will have to use mine and risk
it. I have been buying new ones since I met Helen”

Mine are clean, if they ever draw blood I get rid of them that day and I know how to handle this one”

           Helen sweating
when they discuss what to use on her with the vibrations making her climax loudly. She can feel her wetness running down her legs when the torment continues. Phil laughs.

You sure that’s on one?”

Yes look one, watch” Helen cries out as the vibration increase in speed. Faster and then pulsing and Helen climaxes again. Savannah laughs

You have a go and I will choose for you” Helen is tormented when the speed slows and quickly speeds back up when he plays with the remote and Helen screaming out when she climaxes again.

You making a nice puddle Helen do you like this old thing?”

Yes Mmm Master, thank you” Helen convulses as it starts to pulse inside her. Shaking as another orgasm hits her

“I wonder how many can you have before you beg me to stop? How many have you had

F f four Ma ster.”

You are stuttering Helen but well done for counting”

Did I give you permission?” shit Helen thinks as another one hits her.

“I don’t think I did and there goes your six one” Helen
is dizzy from the torment inside as she tries to stop the orgasms. The vibrations stop suddenly and Helen drops her head from her exhaustion.

“Savannah I think we got another punishment to think of after any ideas?”

“Playing with toys until she passes out?”

A fitting punishment because it was toys that made her break the rules” Savannah hands Phil a whip from his bag.

That was one of my first ones, a good weight and a nasty bite but I will need another one for later” Phil starts to make room and moves around Helen and swats Helen on her back. The crack sounds loud before it strikes her skin. Helen screams and thrusts her head back. Five fast strikes follows and Helen screams grow louder.

Yes I think this one will do, your turn and I will use this one next I think”

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