The Douchebag Bible

BOOK: The Douchebag Bible
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Some of the things I wrote in my first three books seem cringe-

worthy looking back, but I don't allow myself much shame. I

wrote every word. I stand by every word, because to apologize for

something I wrote would be to apologize for a moment in time.

How can I apologize for my thoughts and feelings, now or

in the past? How can I say I was thinking the wrong thing? Or that

I said the wrong thing? There is no wrong thing. There is only the

thing that you said in the moment that you said it.

Some of what I've said in the past has been controversial.

I'm sure much of what I say in the future will be similarly

controversial. However, nothing you will read here was designed

to merely create controversy. I hope that you bear that in mind

as you read through this compilation of my three published

books—'Scumbag: Musings of a Subhuman,' 'In Defense of Evil:

Why Good is Bad and Bad is Good,' and 'Neckbeard Uprising.'

Each one has faults and failings. Each one is an imperfect

work. Scumbag is short and more written to be funny or crude

than to be enlightening (the version here is not complete. I don't

have a complete version, sadly). In Defense of Evil is distracted

from its premise early on and never really coheres. Neckbeard

Uprising is admittedly cobbled together from conversations I've

had on the internet. None of these books represent me or my true

potential. But they are the books I've written and I cannot run

from them. They may not be everything I wish they were, but they

are still my books. And I love them, flaws and all.

I hope you will too.

S C U M B A G:

musings of a subhuman


musings of a subhuman


Written and Illustrated By

The Amazing Atheist

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