The Everything Toddler Activities Book (31 page)

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Penguin Walk, 250

Personal Placemats, 18

Picnic Ants, 154

Pinecone Bird Feeder, 155

Pirate’s Treasure, 82

Plate Puppets, 129

Play Phone, 168

Playdough Cooking, 88

Playdough Textures, 89

Pond life activities, 216–18

Popping Ball, 116

Pot Banger activity, 260

Pot-of-Gold Hunt, 264

Pressed Flowers, 147

Pretend places, 41

Pretend play, 117–30

Princess Theme Party, 281

Problem-solving skills, 25

Projects, group craft, 285–87

Prop use activities, 113–15

Pumping Cardboard, 109

Punchinello activity, 112

Puppets, 56, 128–30, 199, 249

Purim Graggers, 265

Put Those Paintbrushes Away activity, 69

Puzzle Hunt, 43

Rain Painting, 151

Rain Sticks, 31

Rainbow Discs, 225

Rainbow Melt, 248

Rainbow Toast, 19

Rainbow’s End activity, 263

Rainy day, activities for, 27–43

Real Finger Puppets, 56

Recycled Critters, 266

Rescue activity, 106

Restaurant Themes, 118

Reverse Finger Painting, 69

Rhyme Time, 167

Rice Collage, 74

Riddle Me This activity, 178

On the Road activity, 48

Roadway activity, 83

Rock Painting, 87

Roll Over activity, 194

Roll Up activity, 16

Rolling activity, 208

Rough Art, 66

Row the Boat, 195

Rubber Fingers Puppets, 128

Runny Pictures, 32

Sail Away activity, 219

Sand Squiggles, 83

Sardines, 138

Scary things, 242–45

Scent Safari, 93

Scrapbooks, 171

Sculpting, 71–73

Seasonal activities, 237–55

Self awareness, child’s, 173–88

Self-Portrait activity, 180

Sensory activities, 81–100

Sensory disability activities, 190–91

Shadow Dancing, 29

Shadow Tag, 139

Shake Out Your Sillies activities, 28–30

Shapes activities, 222–24

Shaving-Cream Finger Painting, 93

Shine a Flashlight activity, 100

Shoebox Golf, 39

Shopping Bag/Purse, 120

Shrinking Island, 135

Shrinky Things, 79

Side by Side activity, 23

Sign Language, 200

Silhouette activity, 191

Silly Glasses, 122

Silly Says activity, 290

Skills/readiness activities, 160–62

Sleeping Lions, 289

Smelly Tacky Paintings, 185

Snow Castles, 247

Snowy Pictures, 246

Soap Crayons, 13

Sock Hop, 104

Sock Sort, 22

Soufflé Flowers, 252

Sparkle Germs, 188

Sparkly Pictures, 64

Spatial concepts, 233–36

Special Delivery activity, 206

Spider Webs, 245

Spin Art, 77

Springtime activities, 251–53

Sprout in a Bag, 147

Squish and Mix activity, 226

Squishy Bags, 94

St. Patrick’s Day, 262–64

Stick Horse, 114

Sticker Surprise, 68

Sticky Balls, 110

Storm Shelter, 33

Storm Sounds, 31

Story Board, 169

Story in a Bag, 165

Story Songs, 164

Storytelling, 165–66

Stuffed Blocks, 125

Stuffed Snake, 203

Summer activities, 253–55

Sun Catchers activity, 79

Sun on a Stick activity, 254

Sunflower activity, 254

Suspense, sense of, 12

Table Centerpieces, 291

Tape Pictures, 65

Tape Pulling, 57

Tea Party, 42

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear activity, 193

Teddy Bear’s Picnic Theme Party, 280

Texture Book, 171

Thanksgiving, 271–72

Theme parties, 280–81

There’s a “B” in My Soup activity, 231

Thin Line activity, 114

This Is the Way activity, 21

Three Little Kittens, 228

Three-Dimensional Sculpture, 72

Tiptoe activity, 12

Tissue-Paper Ghosts, 243

Tissue-Paper Sculpture, 72

Toddler Twister activity, 29

Toddlers, 1–8

activity guidelines for, 7–8

appropriate activities for, 6–7

attention span of, 7

desire for control/power and, 3

emotions of, 2

hands-on experiences and, 4

independence, 2–3

inquisitiveness, 3–4

limitations, 3

modes of learning and, 4–5

play activities and, 5–6

sensory/movement experiences and, 4

toddlerhood and, 2

transition period and, 2

Toe Wrestling, 139

Touch, intensity of, 11

Touch Blue activity, 47

Touchy Touchy activity, 179

Toy Airplanes, 209

Track and Field activity, 109

Traditional games, 132–33

Traffic Light activity, 103

Transition times activities, 20–21

Transportation activities, 207–09

Trash Sort activity, 267

Treasure Chest, 37

Treasure Hunt, 26

Tube Menorah, 274

Turkey Trap activity, 271

Up and Down activity, 116

Using books activities, 163–64

Valentine’s Day, 260–62

Verbal games, 167–68

Vocabulary development, 52

Waiting time activities, 52–53

Wake Up Tickles activity, 11

Walking Finger Puppets, 199

Washing Fun, 23

Water Paint, 25

Water-Play Accessories, 85

Way Up in the Sky activity, 215

Weather activities, 151–52

Wet Chalk Pastels, 68

What Comes Next? activity, 233

What Did You Say? activity, 162

What Is Happening? activity, 62

What Is Hiding? activity, 50

What Is That Smell? activity, 185

What’s Playing activity, 96

Wheels on the Bus, 209

When Bad Weather Threatens activities, 30–31

Where Is My Pair? activity, 25

Which Is the Best? activity, 219

Who Am I? activity, 47

Who Said That? activity, 162

Wind Socks, 251

Window Clings activity, 26

Winter activities, 245–48

Wizard of Oz activity, 144

Wooden Star of David, 273

Worm Tracks activity, 149

Yarn Sculpture, 71

Yarn Squiggles, 50

Your Turn, My Turn activity, 197

Zoo activities, 59–60

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Published by Adams Media, a division of F+W Media, Inc.
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ISBN 10: 1-4405-2978-7
ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-2978-8
eISBN 10: 1-4405-3049-1
eISBN 13: 978-1-4405-3049-4

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